MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 7 Auto pathfinding is a good setting

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Who am I, where did I come from, where am I going. This is the classic three questions in philosophy. Although Guan Dounan usually uses fragmented time to look at plausible philosophical science popularization, it is clear that the "where am I going" he is facing now has not risen to such a high level.

"Let's investigate outside again? Go investigate Ryota Sakagami or Masato Sansei? Or go home? Hey, why do you feel like you're playing an RPG game." Guan Dounan took out his student ID, which was also on the student ID of Tedan High School. He wrote down his home address very intimately. As long as the address is correct, Guan Dounan at least knows where "his" home is.

Looking back, it was already dark.

"I think about it, according to the routine of those horror books, I am currently lacking in physical strength. In case of triggering the battle round, it is easy to directly GG. The best choice is to go home and investigate Guan Dounan's own relevant information."

"...However, even if I play as a script, I'm almost done playing, I want to rest..."

After thinking for a while, Guan Dounan finally chose to go home obediently, but it was a completely unfamiliar environment for him, and even had completely unfamiliar family members. In the absence of inheriting the memory of the original body, this is equivalent to forcing him to become another person. And it has been nearly four hours since he became "Guan Dounan", and he was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Although the script killing and escape room also have the kind of six or seven hours at every turn, I heard that there is a book that is played for a few days and nights, but Guan Dounan just wants to call the NPC to take him away, and he doesn't want to play anymore.

"No. 11, 1-chome, Mikacho, what a bad address, how should I go to this place..."

Just thinking about whether to find a street sign or a map or something, Guan Dounan suddenly had the inspiration that he might be able to use the stand-in ability.

"This is fine... Then, the substitute ability, activate."

Xiao Hei appeared again, rammed into Guan Dounan, and melted into his body.

"Interesting, although I still don't know where No. 11, 1-chome, Mikancho, I know where to go. It's like I'm still in the same block, choosing a road I haven't traveled yet, but it's back in the end. Knowing the approximate location doesn't feel like running too far. It's a bit like automatic pathfinding in online games, this stand-in ability can still be used like this. Then..."

"The way out of this game, where to go."


There is no inspiration, the stand-in Xiao Hei is unresponsive, and nothing happens. There were no ghosts and ghosts that appeared with the "Jie Jie" weird smile, nor a transparent screen that appeared with a "ding" sound, and no NPC suddenly appeared from the grass next to him and said, "Are you sure? Do you want to quit? The money will not be refunded," he had said many times.

"I know."

Guan Dounan shook his head, tightened his scarf, put his hands in his pockets, and slowly walked forward following the guidance in his head, his figure blending into the night.

In a nearby tall building, a hand painted with black nail polish lit a lady's cigarette, reflecting a beautiful and bright face that seemed mysterious and dangerous in the dark at this time.

"No. 11, 1-chome, is this address correct?"

No. 11, Beikacho 1-chome is not a single-family building, but is connected to No. 12 next to it. The whole is a bit like the Maori detective office, but it has only two floors. The first floor looked like it was supposed to be a shop, but at this time the door was closed, it was pitch black, and it didn't look like someone was there. The same goes for the second floor, there is no light behind the balcony windows.

Tried it on the padlock hanging on the door of the shop, but couldn't open it. Guan Dounan set his sights on the second floor—the stairs at No. 11 are built on the side, so you can reach the second floor without entering the first floor.

Walking up the stairs slowly, there is a very ordinary wooden door in front of the door, and there is a very ordinary welcome mat in front of the door. There is no other debris on the entrance, but it is quite clean... Because there are street lights next to it, so even at night there is enough lighting.

"..." Guan Dounan hesitated for a while, but tried the only key on the wooden door, and with a "click", he opened the door very smoothly.

Every room will always have its own smell, which may come from the food in this room, the cleaning agent that the owner of the house is accustomed to use, the aromatherapy that has been ordered, and even the smell that comes from disrepair and disrepair. A musty smell is possible.

Guan Dounan's nose is not bad, so he has developed the habit of smelling wherever he goes, and this time is no exception.

But he didn't smell anything, his nose was blocked. This made him lose a little sense of being himself again.

"I was drowned by someone pressing my head in cold water in the winter. If you are alive, you will catch a cold... Well, this groove is good." Guan Dounan praised himself, stretched out his hand and fumbled around the wall, and finally found the switch and turned on the light. , this home belonging to "Guan Dounan" can be seen at a glance.

It's small, but neat, with no clutter of food or clothes. This is Guan Dounan's first impression. This room alone is definitely not big, it is about 20 square meters, there is a dining table, two chairs, a small and exquisite open kitchen, in addition to the stove, there is a refrigerator and a microwave oven. . The side of the room is separated by a bamboo hollow screen to separate two small spaces that should be bedrooms. There is a white door in the corner, which is probably a toilet.

After listening carefully, there was no one in the room. Looking down, as shown in Japanese dramas and animations, Guan Dounan's home is also paved with wooden floors. He needs to change his shoes at the entrance, and there are two pairs of household slippers next to him. Guan Dounan sat on the floor and opened the only shoe cabinet next to him.

Sherlock Holmes once said that observing a woman's shoes can often reflect the person's age, economic status and certain attitude towards life. The same theory holds true for men, and a shoe closet in a home can help understand the overall state of the family.

"Men's shoes only have sports shoes and casual shoes, not business shoes. The size is the same, the brand is unknown, and the style is mostly solid color, without fancy uppers. The shoes are clean and slightly worn."

"Besides, there are women's high heels, most flat bottoms, most thick heels. The size is the same, the brand is still unknown, most of them are simple in style, not that kind of particularly coquettish type. Some are older, some are older. Just a little newer."

"There's nothing unusual... Alas, I'm about to stop playing."

"There is no TV or computer, and the house is relatively small and not rich. There are two bedrooms, shoes for two people, and another woman lives here. Judging from the performance of this guy, it should not be a girlfriend, a relative? Or a shared lease roommate?"

Guan Dounan shook his head, supported his forehead with his hand, and dragged his tired body into the room. When I was in school, I didn't feel much. After returning here, I felt that my head became heavier and my thinking ability gradually decreased. It was probably because the cold wind was blowing on the road and the stamina of being drizzled with cold water came up.

"...No wonder these people have bad teeth, so let's rest." After looking around, he found that there seemed to be no such thing as a kettle in the house, and then I remembered that the Neon people seem to drink ice water in winter and summer. In desperation, Guan Dounan had to open the refrigerator, pick a box of juice from it, pour it into a glass, and drink it slowly.

It's still cold, but let the juice buffer a little in the mouth and absorb a little bit of the temperature of the mouth, so that it won't be so irritating when you eat. This self-deceiving way of drinking cold water was summed up by Guan Dounan himself. He also knew that it was probably useless, but it was a psychological comfort.

"...Anyway, there is a place to sit. More than once, someone has complained that the escape room in the store has to stand or run for three hours, and there is not even a place to sit."

"When you see others swarming to do room escape, follow the trend and do it, and watch others swarm to do script kills, then do script kills. If you don't look at your conditions, just learn from others... As a result, ten waves of people don't come in a week, In the end, even the board game store is about to become a billiard hall.”

"As a result, I can't get paid, and now it's hard to find a job... My parents are urging marriage again, and they haven't told them about breaking up. Mom's birthday is coming soon..."

"I really hope I can go back when I wake up..."

People are most likely to think wildly when they are sick, and they tend to think badly. Guan Dounan is like this at the moment, although he was still using the situational method to hypnotize himself to temporarily forget some things, but people can't always live in a falsehood, and always have to face the reality:

He became a completely ignorant person, came to a strange and dangerous world, and should never go back.

"Dou brother, Dou brother, wake up..."


Realizing that his arm seems to be being gently pushed by someone, plus the sound coming from his ear. Guan Dounan raised his head with some difficulty, but it was still difficult to open his eyes. Coupled with the influence of the light, he could only barely see the person in front of him and spoke Japanese that he could understand for some reason.

Sure enough, he still didn't go back... Guan Dounan's heart sank slightly, and then he reorganized his emotions and let himself continue to play the role he is now. Since I can't go back for the time being, I can't at least have any accidents with my current body. Hmm... The posture is wrong, so the numb arm should not be counted.

"Don't sleep here, it's easy to catch a cold. Have you had dinner yet?"

Is that the woman who lives with Guan Dounan? Since it is "Doudi", then it is sister. By the way, why is this name so flawed...

What caught my eye was a worried face. As a woman, in a general social sense, this face would be more appropriate to describe it as "handsome" rather than "beautiful".

After Guan Dounan saw this face clearly, the desire to complain instantly exploded in his heart, but he was still held back.

This is a face that is 90% similar to his current appearance.