MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 8 About the fact that my sister is prettier than me

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"What's wrong? What's on my face?"

The handsome sister looked at Guan Dounan with a puzzled look, and reached out to touch her face and straightened her temples.

She has short hair, but it is not a bob head with noodles in clear soup, but a style close to that of Zhuge Dali. Although her face is nine points similar to Guan Dounan, the remaining point just softens the lines of her face, making her at most considered a "handsome sister" rather than a woman dressed as a man.

Are twins? Although fraternal twins should not strictly look the same, but after all, they are both parents, and the similarity rate of DNA composition is so high that there is nothing wrong with them. And isn't there a saying that most beautiful people are the same, but ugly B have their own advantages.

But this older sister seems to be more handsome than her male self... well, let's ignore that for now. Thinking according to normal thinking logic, the reaction of "Guan Dounan" in this situation is...

"It's nothing, I'm a little tired."

"I think so too. Usually you have already wrapped yourself in the quilt." Sister Shuai stood up and took the plastic bag next to her, "Have you eaten yet?"


"Let's have a bento, then, I just bought two, although I was planning to eat two for one person as an extravagant one."

After subconsciously answering, Guan Dounan watched as she took out two boxes of bento from the plastic bag on the table—should be the ones on the supermarket's evening specials, with a 30% off label on it—reloaded into the ceramic bowl, and put them in. Heat in the microwave.

After a little distance, Guan Dounan could see the whole body of this sister: well-proportioned, slightly shorter than him, but it should also be about 1.7 meters. Under the loose gray cashmere sweater, the secondary sexual characteristics of women can still be seen. The legs wrapped in black jeans are slender and straight, but they wear a pair of strawberry bear socks with a sudden change of style...

Just, a little drama.

Guan Dounan's sister, what is her name, Guan Doubei? Not like a personal name. But since they are twins, they should be in the same grade. Why does my sister seem more social and drop out of school? work to earn a living? Or some other reason?

"Okay, let's eat."

A very ordinary pork chop rice was put in a big bowl and placed in front of Guan Dounan. He watched his sister put a serving for him, picked up his chopsticks, and ate it unceremoniously. His style was very resolute.

Isn't there supposed to be some "dozens of kimas"? Forget it, no, no, just save trouble. If she makes an omelette with those animations, she will use the sauce to write love and cast a magic trick to make it delicious... It's too scary to think about it.

How should it behave at this time? Indulge in a feast? keep silent? Still with a look of disgust... According to his gloomy personality, he should choose to keep silent. It's not difficult.

In order to keep his personality from collapsing, Guan Dounan has been thinking about how to behave in order to meet the "normal" reaction. This is not difficult for him. Before crossing the road, he had to put on a smile and bow his head when facing the paratrooper boss, showing his enthusiasm for his work; he had to express his dissatisfaction with his work from time to time when getting along with his colleagues, but it should not be so obvious that he could be dismissed. The extent to which a colleague goes out.

To get along with your girlfriend, you must learn to act as a "warm man" and pay attention to what she shares on various social platforms. Emotions such as "happy", "surprised" and "concerned" all need to be put into play. Before breaking up, I thought that the relationship was very close to a certain extent, so I didn't play it. As a result, the factors that led to the collapse of the personality were.

Thinking like this, Guan Dounan picked up his chopsticks and prepared to destroy the pork chop rice in front of him. The appearance and taste of this pork chop rice can only be said to be average. After all, you can't expect the 30% discounted lunch box at the convenience store to be delicious. It's just to satisfy your hunger.

When eating, Guan Dounan observed by the way. Sister Shuai’s habit of eating is to save the relatively delicious food for later. For example, eat most of the rice with the sauce and vegetables, and then deal with the leftovers at one time. Most of the pork chops under. Although there is no exaggerated satisfied expression on his face that is often seen in animation, it is definitely delicious.

It's very similar to his habits, but I don't know what Guan Dounan was like before. Since they are sisters and brothers, they probably have the same habits... It shouldn't be revealed.

Guan Dounan was careful in every move at this time, trying his best to act as a complete stranger, and to keep his secrets in front of his acquaintances.

This reminded him of a variety show he had seen before. After calling the actors to change their clothes, they threw them directly to the show without the script, and it all depended on the free play of how they acted.

"Have you finished reading the book I gave you last time?" my sister suddenly asked.

"No..." He didn't even know what book it was.

"Then don't read it for now. The unified exam will be in a few days. It's better to review the content of the exam first. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't get the chance to take the on-campus exam at Dongda University."

"Um..." What is the unified entrance examination in school, is the Neon college entrance examination system like this? I didn't understand it at all, and is this Dongda that Dongda? Is Guan Dounan's grades so good? Or sister's unrealistic expectations? If I were to take the test, I would be afraid to pull my hips... Guan Dounan hummed with a guilty conscience.

Before, I thought that crossing over was to help the poor children change their lives against the sky, but now I see, if we follow the normal life trajectory, high school student Guan Dounan will be much smoother than himself, with good looks and achievements. You thought he was Lu Mingfei, but he was actually Chu Zihang. Moreover, Lu Mingfei was only because the contrast between the people around him was too strong, so he made a handsome guy who was capable of taking a test to be rotten and cowardly.

However, how could a self-condition like Guan Dounan be reduced to that in the school? The school spirit of Tedan High School should be good, and it seems that there is still a rich and handsome Suzuki Mariko, even if he eats soft rice... This is unreasonable, there must be something wrong.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Guan Dounan guessed all kinds of possibilities in his heart, but he rejected them one by one.

"Speaking of which..." My sister swallowed the last piece of pork chop and looked at Guan Dounan's face, "Are you finally willing to show your face?"

Finally willing to show his face... This guy also has those iron bangs at home? Is there really nothing wrong with him mentally... Guan Dounan once again expressed doubts about the original psychological state.

"Well, I think it's a little more comfortable."

"It's rare." My sister seemed very relieved, took the canvas bag hanging on the back of the chair, took out the wallet, squeezed out two 10,000 yen bills, and handed them to Guan Dounan, "If you have time, It's time to go for the exam with a handsome hairstyle."

Do you need 20,000 for a hairstyle? Are your faders made of gold or scissors made of gold...

"it is good."

"Remember not to let the hairdresser cut it too hard. It seems to be popular now to make hair like a cowherd. Several of my classmates have cut hair like that. It's ugly." Packing up, he said.

"…it is good."

It doesn't seem to be revealing.

After washing the dishes and chopsticks, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. My sister tidied up the table top, took out books and notebooks from the canvas bag, and seemed to need to read books. Guan Dounan glanced at it and saw the writing on the notebook.

[Guan Shanyue, the spelling should be Seki Sangetsu, Faculty of Law, Todo University]

I don't know whether to start complaining from the name full of discord or from the Law Department of Dongda University, which even he knew about the difficulty of the exam. Guan Dounan's throat moved, and he forcibly resisted the urge to complain.

"I'm going to bed first."

"Yeah." Guan Shanyue nodded, her eyes still focused on the book, and the ballpoint pen in her hand was spinning between her fingers, very fancy.

I walked into the bathroom, took some time to wash myself, and only wore a short-sleeved shirt and trousers to open the bedroom that belonged to me - it's still quite distinguishable, there are several hooks on the bamboo hollow screen that acts as the bedroom door , where his student bag is hanging. It also avoids the occurrence of the boring lucky satyr incident.

Pull up the screen, the lighting inside is still good. With the light coming in from the living room and the side windows, Guan Dounan carefully looked at the bedroom that would probably belong to him in the future.

Small, very small. After putting down a single bed and a standing cabinet, there is only room for two feet. If you want to get something from the cabinet, you have to climb onto the bed. My sister's room is probably the same structure, so it's no wonder she has to read at the dining table.

Above the stand is a bookcase, and there is nothing else but a book that is a book.

"Rashomon, The Outsider, The Tale of Genji, The First Love, The Last Ritual, The Accuracy of Death, Kafka on the Shore, The Forest of Norway... oh, the classic Disqualification on Earth, Guan Dounan Still a young man."

""Alive"? Is it Yu Hua's "Alive"... Really, the pure Chinese version, can he understand it? "Lu Xun's Novels", there is actually this. "Mountain Moon"... His sister's name is based on this Did you come to get it?"

Judging from the books owned by high school student Guan Dounan, he should be a typical literary youth. He has a lot of books and a variety of genres, but he can read the original Chinese books.

But most of the books read by high school student Guan Dounan are well-known must-have books for young people who have not read books for ten years. It's hard not to think about this guy's awkwardness. The characters are influenced by this to a certain extent.

Below the bookcase is a push-pull cabinet. After a little look, there should be clothes and bedding in it.

"It is nothing special."

After laying down the quilt, Guan Dounan stared at the blank ceiling, his thoughts were chaotic, the scenes he had experienced during the day, the pieces of information he obtained flashed like a montage, and were quickly replaced by the next one.

He closed his eyes, felt the inspiration in his heart, and silently called out his stand-in Xiao Hei.

He wanted to verify his guesses.