MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 68 Changes and Retention of Worldlines

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And after meeting with this "Hua Jing Yuan Dian Ming" and having a simple conversation, Guan Dounan was even more convinced of his guess.

In addition to bangs and hair color, this Huajingyuan Dianming also has very individual cherry earrings. No matter how you look at it, it is Kayin himself. In Guan Dounan's questioning, he also said that he had never been to Egypt, and he had never met anyone with the surname Kongtiao or a vampire dressed as a sassy bag.

His life trajectory was unremarkable. After awakening as a stand-in in the early years, he was always regarded as an outlier among his classmates. Until later, he opened himself up and changed his mentality. After graduating from high school in 1988, he did not go to college, and began to travel around the world and collect various video games. Until recently, when I returned to Neon and took a job in a game store, I was discovered by accident and joined the Nth class.

"Classmate Guan, you seem to... have seen me somewhere?"

Huajingyuan Dianming touched his chin, and he could feel that Guan Dounan looked at him strangely. It was a strange and familiar look, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he didn't dare to recognize him.

"I heard people talk about it before... I have a friend from abroad."

Guan Dounan decided to throw the pot to Apache. Anyway, other people care about bringing benefits, and Huajingyuan probably won't investigate because of this.

"Really." Sure enough, Huajingyuan Dianming just nodded and didn't care too much about it. After all, he was also very aware of his own degree of maverick. As a typical "atypical person", he would leave a deep impression on people. impression is not surprising.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

After the gray trench coat avatar was broken, Gan Quanzhen did not wake up directly. It seems that this avatar that is separated from the body and does not require automatic operation will not be fed back to him even if he is injured. The fallen Gan Quanzhenya and the two commissioners who were anesthetized by friendly forces had already been carried away for the next step of treatment and containment, which was another troublesome thing to think about.

It was a big surprise to Guan Dounan to meet the "acquaintance" of Huajingyuan, but the experience of this "acquaintance" was not the same as that of the Huajingyuan he knew. A lot of things, after a few polite words, I found an excuse to leave.


"No, as expected, there is still no Duwang Town."

Guan Dounan closed the neon atlas in his hand with some disappointment from the Mihua Library, which had been re-opened under a different curator. The idea of ​​jojo world difference.

One is to determine the state of the world, and the other is to shake people... ahem, to find reliable teammates. Not only for myself, but also for Apache to find teammates. After all, this world is likely to have no Giorno Giovana and Golden Experience Requiem, so how to defeat Diablo has become a very serious problem.

If this world really does not have the jojo family and the series of influences they bring. Then the only people who can keep up with the plot of the original work should be those in the three or four parts of the original work who awakened their stand-ins on their own due to their talents, and the characters who practiced their skills to the extreme to trigger stand-ins. Narev et al. A typical example of the latter is the chef who opened a restaurant in the fourth installment as "Pearl Jam"...

In addition, the fifth characters other than Giorno Giovanna should also be similar to the original plot, but it has not reached the theoretical "plot start time". Apache is still a policeman, Terri~ ~ Hugh should only be twelve or thirteen years old.

In the original work, the young Diablo dug up the prop "arrow" that could awaken a double from the Egyptian ruins, kept one for himself, and sold the remaining five to Granny Enya before getting a lot of money. Established the Italian gang "Passion", an organization with a large number of stand-in messengers.

And because there is no such thing in this world, what happens after Granny Enya gets the arrow is a little unpredictable. After all, she is a magician, and no one can say what she will do next.

The number of stand-in messengers in the third part may be directly reduced by more than half. The original two arrows that appeared in the fourth part were also sold by Granny Enya. It is unknown whether they will be sold now... But I think for the best, at least not at all. Father Chen, you don't have to worry about the world being suddenly accelerated into a new world.

In this way, there is an advantage: he was worried that the "substitute" in this world would be related to the organization's boss, the terrifying figure who could see himself from a distance, so he did not dare to use his ability to investigate the truth of the world , fear of being mentally attacked again.

But at this time, now that he knew that the characters in the world of jojo should not be directly related to the winery in the world of Conan, Guan Dounan came up with the idea of ​​using his little black ACT1 ability to investigate which characters still exist—although he currently has it in his hands. There is not much information about, but it is only to confirm the existence of people. Guan Dounan thinks it is worth a try.

Taking out the notebook and mobilizing the memory in his mind, Guan Dounan summoned Xiao Hei, ready to use the simplest and crudest exhaustive method to determine which familiar characters are still there. Of course, in order to ensure safety, all he asks is the righteous position, at least the neutral stand-in messengers.

"Well, the first question is, the current position of Mohammed Abdel, who is the substitute of [Magician's Red]."

Xiao Hei merged into Guan Dounan's body after he asked a question, and a picture suddenly appeared in Guan Dounan's mind.

[In the beginning, it was a picture of the whole earth, the angle of view was reduced, and a spot of light lit up somewhere in Africa. 】

"It works!"

Guan Dounan was a little overjoyed. In this magically changed world of Conan, he finally found something familiar, even though... familiar in the sense of jojo.

Mohammed Abdel, a fire head who looks like an African but is actually an Indian...cough, a fortune-teller, the flame type [Magician's Red] with a bird's head as a substitute, is very lethal. And most importantly, this guy believes in his companions very much, will go through fire and water for his companions, and will embark on a journey of defeat for pure justice, and is a person worthy of being a friend.

The place in Africa where Abdel is located is a little far away, and he has never been abroad except for traveling... Forget it, he is not someone like Conan who has no legal status and can legally apply for a passport to travel abroad. When the time comes, I will find an excuse, save money, and take time to go to where Abdel is, and try to recruit him as a teammate.

"second question…"

"The third question..."

Chapter 68 Changes and Reservations of the World Line