MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 69 The stand-in messengers who are lacking in the east and the west

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After dozens of tests, when Guan Dounan's spirit was almost exhausted, he finally tested all the characters he could identify, and listed out a table on paper.

"The number of people is much smaller than expected, and it's the kind that is more difficult to reach..."

Guan Dounan couldn't help frowning when he saw the "Standby Messenger List" he had written.

In addition to Kakyoin Noriaki and Abdel, who were identified at the beginning, there are very few stand-in messengers in the original jojo work that do exist in this world. Only less than twenty.

Among them, Huajingyuan, Abdel, Polnareff, and Iqi from the third part of the original work all exist in this world, but they are scattered all over the world, and there are only two missing from the Qiao family. But among the villains, only Granny Enya, "The Hanged Man" J. Gale, and the "God Gebu" Shuigo Endor in the Nine Rong Gods, and "Anubis" whose body is integrated into the stand-in God "Brother Knife, there are only four people in total.

"Among them, Brother Shui is a substitute for his own awakening, Brother Knife... I remember that he was originally a swordsmith, and then he integrated himself into the knife, and he became an existence similar to a substitute or a sword spirit. As for Granny Enya and her Son, it should be because they have 'arrows' in their hands..."

The stand-in messenger in the fourth part of the original work is currently the only chef who can be identified in this world, and the stand-in for "Pearl Jam" Tonio Tolsdi. There are no "people who have not awakened as substitutes", and these people are directly "non-existent".

This is quite a pity, otherwise Guan Dounan would still want to find Kishibian Luhan in advance to help him awaken the gate of heaven, even if he puts on a "but I refuse" expression again, it doesn't matter, but unfortunately it can't be changed, otherwise, it will be possible again There is one more intelligence agent who can read other people's memories.

As for the stand-in messengers in the fifth part of the original work, most of them exist, but in the "decent characters", due to time problems, many people are still in a state of "unawakened stand-ins", such as Mista, Nalanga, Fuge, etc. . Terry Hugh is a special case, she has long awakened the double, but she didn't realize it.

On the contrary, the other villains of the "Enthusiasm" organization are complete, including the Sara who was caught by himself...

Part 6... Father Pucci is not there, neither is the weather forecast, the rest of the people are just ordinary people who are still young at this time, and there is no need to investigate.

"To sum it up... It seems that except for the fourth, the characters in the other works are almost the same. Why is this? Because the story takes place in Neon? But Kakyoin is also a Neon person..."

After Guan Dounan sorted out this table, he fell into contemplation. The situation in this world is like a world of jojo where neon was dug out of life outside of a world without jo's family and existence. In this state, one can't help but wonder if the only instance of Huajingyuan spent his childhood outside the neon...

Moreover, after coming up with such a table, Guan Dounan was stunned to find that it seemed to be of no use to himself now—the candidates who have awakened as substitutes and can become friends are all abroad and scattered all over the world. The few over there can remind Apache, and the rest...

Just a rough calculation, the average cost of finding a teammate is about 300,000 yen, which is not expected in case the persuasion fails. After all, real life is not like playing a card-drawing mobile game. To convince someone to be a teammate only needs to be pure gold. In addition to the gold, you have to show your personality charm, or draw cakes...

"It's time to run out of money."

Guan Dounan glanced at his wallet. There was only a 10,000 yen note and a few coins in it. The bonus he got from Kei Kamdai had already been confiscated into the account of his sister who was subsidizing the family. Buy spare household items…

"I have to find a way to make money. With my ability, I will find those lost treasures like the previous plan. But then I will have to travel far away, at least until the Miyano sisters are safe and find a new place... "

"Ah, speaking of which, I also have to move to a new house, which is another expense..."

"The more you need money, the more you'll be short of money..."

"How did the protagonists in those novels get the money so easily, cheating? Speculation? It seems that I can't do it..."

After expressing some complaints about listening to Jun's words, Guan Dounan closed his notebook and lay back on the bed, ready to rest his high-intensity head, glanced at the clock on the wall, rolled over and sat up again. .

It is now 2:30 in the afternoon, and Guan Shanyue implements her role as a working warrior as usual. Guan Dounansi suspects that if she awakens her stand-in, she will probably wake up as a "worker" and "time management master".

He took out two boxes of juice from the refrigerator and created a hole on the ground with his stand-in ability. Guan Dounan, just like what he had done before, shuttled directly from the second floor to the first floor, and landed steadily with the help of a cabinet.

"Are you also waiting?" Entering the room, Guan Dounan saw the Miyano sisters who were staring at the watch shop, and saw them turn around and pick up the juice in their hands, "There's still about an hour, I'm going ahead Come here, the first one to congratulate you."

Although there is a suspicion of opening champagne at half-time... Guan Dounan's words were retained and not spoken.

It's already the third day since the Miyano sisters were rescued from Gin, and there is still no problem. After tonight, a few hours later, the success will be completely announced.

The upper limit of Gin's ability is 66 hours, that is, from nine o'clock in the evening when the Miyano sisters were rescued, until three o'clock in the afternoon today. Of course, for various reasons, this time may vary by an hour.

Staring at the clock on the wall until its hour hand points to "6" and the sky outside the window is completely overcast. Guan Dounan breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, even if Jinjiu really activated his ability to go back, he could only find the body of a disguised kidnapping murderer in the confinement room of Baijiu Pharmaceutical~www.novelbuddy .com~ And Guan Dounan has already erased some traces about him in advance, and Jinjiu can't investigate anything.

"Although the conditions are limited now, there is no way to hold a more formal celebration for you, but it is a hard-won victory. Come, for a new life, cheers!"

Guan Dounan poured juice into the paper cup, raised his own cup, and gestured to Sister Miyano.

"Maybe, what we're in now is just the first time line that Jin Jiu didn't notice..." The trumpet Shiho didn't show too much excitement. Perhaps it was the influence of her semi-substitute ability that made her rational Emotions are suppressed too much.

"However, even if the first time line exceeds the upper limit of his ability, he just rewinds the time again and again to the time when we were prepared."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassed by himself, Shibao smiled slightly and raised the paper cup in his hand.

"The most difficult level has passed, and it seems that it is worth celebrating."

"The days to come are still long."

Read The Duke's Passion