MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 48 [To the Whistle] Guide Attack 4

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Jun also lay on his back on the bed. He could feel that the knot in his mind that was associated with the little loneliness was gradually disappearing, and the emotions conveyed were getting weaker and weaker, but it still made people feel the panic and helplessness of that person.

Jun also silently indented his head into the heavy quilt.

He is neither guilty nor guilty, he is just a task object that has been combined with the spirit.

It won't be long before the spiritual knot that binds them together will loosen and they will have nothing to do with each other.

Well, at most, I had an appointment with a mental cannon.

I fell asleep, maybe I fell asleep and drifted away again.



Can't sleep, the quilt is so heavy...

Half-dreaming and half-awake, Jun also faintly heard the conversation between the two people, the voice seemed to be separated by something, very vague.

Jun also listened intently for a while, the conversation gradually disappeared, followed by the sound of the door being closed.

It seemed that someone was approaching, there was a rustling sound of undressing, the weight on his body was lifted a little, strong arms wrapped around his waist, and a warm body was attached...

The man had strong chest muscles, strong and powerful long legs, and his breathing was short and fast in his ears.

The heaviness of the body disappeared, and the body was warm.

Jun also fell asleep again until he was awakened by hunger in his stomach.

Jun also twisted a few times, gradually stretching his body, but then suddenly froze.

He was physically restrained...

To put it more simply, there was someone on his bed, and that person was shamelessly clinging to him!

Jun Ye grabbed the chest of the person in front of him and climbed up, quickly filtering people who might do so in his mind.

In fact, it is obvious that there are only two people who are interested in him in this world, and that little doctor doesn't have such great muscles.

It feels great...

It was a little difficult to lift his head from the man's chest muscles, and Jun also met a pair of iconic dark eyes.

The owner of those eyes has a stern face and always looks very serious and indifferent. In fact, as long as he gives the other party a hug, countless pink bubbles will pop up in the other party's heart.

Weird little lonely.

Jun also looked away, turned to look around, white walls, white lights, and white quilts, it was his ward.

Jun also looked at the man who was holding him and said, "You, cough, cough! cough..."

After a long-familiar and intense cough, Jun also forgot what he wanted to say.

What are you going to say? Breaking In? Flower picker? Colored wolves?

Jun Ye couldn't find the right words for a while, but the person who hugged him didn't dare to urge him, and patted Jun Ye's back a little stiffly, watching Jun Ye's eyes as black as if there were no boundaries.

If it wasn't for Junya's hand pressing on the man's heart, he would have thought that the other party was so calm.

"Cough, you, do you really want to be nice to me?" Jun Ye asked while covering his mouth and coughing, looking up at the little lonely black eyes with difficulty.

Little Lonely's expression remained unchanged, and nodded slowly.

Jun Ye: "You know, ahem, my body is very weak, and I live in the hospital all the year round, ahem... I haven't even been in the White Tower, and I don't have any spiritual comfort."

Jun also heard the little doctor talking about staying in the hospital and studying in the Baita for spiritual comfort.

In this world, there are a few people who will be awakened as sentinels or guides during adolescence for various reasons. Sentinels have developed five senses, and guides have stronger spiritual power.

But whether it is a sentinel or a guide, the physique is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

A guide who was born so weak that he lived in a hospital and refused to accept even the White Pagoda.

The little lonely looked at Jun Ye fixedly: "I don't need spiritual comfort."

Jun looked at the serious and serious man in front of him with incomprehension, and couldn't help pinching the part under his hand. It felt really good.

Ahem, it's not that he doesn't believe in the words of the loner, it's just that in this world, the sentinel is far more dependent on the other side than the guide.

If the White Tower is left alone, the guide can find an ordinary person to marry at any time, but the sentinel cannot.

Every sentinel is a little pretentious, and the one without a guide kisses and holds it high... Cough, spiritual comfort, sooner or later, he will go crazy and hang up.

The questioning and actions of the person in his arms made Xiao Luxi emotional and unsteady in breathing. Of course, on the surface, it seemed that his face was just a little red.

"Dark sentinels can adjust their five senses by themselves," Xiao Lulu paused and changed his breath before continuing, "No need for the help of a guide."

Jun also looked at Xiao Lonely in surprise, and unconsciously used more force with his hand.

Doesn't Xiaoluo mean that he is the ultra-rare, ultra-powerful, lonely sentinel of darkness?

So powerful, can't you hold it?

Thinking of this, the coughing desire that had just been suppressed came up again, and Jun also lay on the body of Xiao Luke, his body trembling from coughing.

Little Lonely gritted his teeth, fine sweat dripping from his forehead.

Resisting the urge to bury himself in the guide's body, he bowed and retreated, but his chest was even higher.

After five minutes, the cough gradually disappeared.

Jun also exhaled, wiped his face that was stained with heat on Xiao Gulu's body, cleared his throat again, and asked curiously, "Are your five senses the same as ordinary people now?"

Little Lonely opened his sweat-drenched eyes, fearing that the sound of the leak would frighten the sick little guide, his teeth were clenched very tightly, and he could only nod his head heavily at this time.

Jun is also even more curious: "Then, can you adjust the five senses to the most sensitive level?"

The little lonely looked down at the guide's small hand on his body and nodded with difficulty.

Jun also looked forward to looking at the little lonely.

Xiao Luxi closed his eyes resolutely, the hand behind Jun Ye clenched into a fist, and pinched his fingertips into his palm, reminding himself with pain not to cry out later, as it would frighten the little guide...

The Sentinel's five sense adjustment center is called the dial. The five senses are adjusted to the maximum when they are already subjected to unbearable stimulation. That kind of stimulation is enough to make any sentinel collapse.

Spirit goes deep into the dial…

After a long time, the little lonely let out a long breath and opened his eyes.

No, it can't be done.

The five senses are adjusted to the most sensitive... He will not be able to control himself forcing the guide in his arms. The little guide's body is so weak, he must not be able to bear...

Xiao Luxi gave Jun Ye a deep look, lowered his eyes with shame and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Jun also patted Little Lonely's face so ashamed that he was almost buried in the quilt, and comforted: "It's okay, I just happen to be very hungry, I'll have breakfast first, and I'll talk about it later."

What I thought in my heart was that this super cute little loner is not easy to deceive, should it be said that it is the target of the S-class mission?

This time, Xiao Lonely hesitated for a long time before nodding in agreement.

Jun Ye also crawled out of the small lonely arms, and asked, "Are we counted as being together?"

The task object is also an object, but the hardware is not good this time, otherwise we can communicate in depth.

Xiao Luxi carefully supported Jun Ye, even if the opponent's knee was deliberately rolled over his chest without humming, but at this moment he was lost for a moment when he heard Jun Ye's words.

Jun also turned to look at him in surprise and asked, "What's wrong?"

You've already crawled on the bed, and you still don't plan to **** me... Bah, you still don't plan to have **** with me? !

Xiao Guji thought about it, walked forward on his knees, hugged Jun behind himself, and promised: "I will go to propose marriage to Her Majesty the Queen today."

Jun is also stunned in B.

You say... what?