MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 49 [To the Whistle] Guide Attack 5 (Repair)

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Imperial Palace.

Today, the little prince Hai Fei, the guide who has been sick all the year round in the Imperial Hospital, has returned, and he has also brought back a sentinel. For a time, servants from all over the palace ran to tell each other, and the fire of gossip was burning.

Xiao Gulu first went to see the queen, and Jun also sat in a wheelchair and was pushed into the training room by the chief steward of the palace.

As soon as he entered the lounge, the enthusiastic steward immediately led Jun Ye to a reclining chair covered with a pink cartoon-printed blanket, and bowed to ask for instructions.

After such a few steps, you can still walk by yourself, but being treated like a sick and weak child makes him feel awkward, and he is not very willing to lie down.

Just as he was about to refuse, he saw the gray-haired old steward talking about how much His Royal Highness liked this reclining chair when he was a child, and how the Queen looked at this reclining chair, seeing things and people, and turning his head to wipe the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief.

The attendants, who were carrying small snacks and holding little dolls, also looked at Junya with red eyes.


Jun Ye stood up silently holding the wheelchair, and the old butler was so frightened that he rushed forward and grabbed Jun Ye's arm.

The gray-haired old butler was as agile as a young leopard.

Jun also felt that his body was in the air, and then he was picked up and stuffed into the reclining chair.

Jun also: "..."

The old butler smiled kindly, and the attendants came up.

After a while, Jun Ye was surrounded by various plush dolls.

Junya's expression was a little broken.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for you to hear the sound of slightly hurried footsteps.

The imperial queen with a golden dress and white gloves walked in. The dozens of exquisite gems on her body were shining brightly under the light, like an over-decorated weapon.

The blue glittering jellyfish the size of a basketball floated next to the queen, and dozens of striped tentacles danced as the jellyfish moved.

The queen was a male guide whose actual age could not be seen from the outside. He was full of fierce extravagance, sharp eyebrows and eyes, and his skin was as white as a wall that had just been painted with powder.

The housekeeper and the servants all retreated tacitly. In the empty room, the king, who was overwhelmed by plush toys, also looked at the queen, who radiated the light of gems.

I am most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air...

Little Lonely was absent, and apparently the conversation between them failed.

Jun also quickly thought about what to do now.

Being together is definitely going to be together, it has been marked spiritually, and more importantly, Xiao Lulu is another task object. Even if the type is completely different, it is still very suitable for him.

The person in front of him is his father, er... maybe his mother?

Jun also looked at the male guide standing far away, feeling a little unsure.

The queen walked to the soft sofa opposite Jun Ye, turned around and sat down with her gown and robe, her shoulders flat waist and her eyes straight.

This gesture is more like an officer than an imperial queen.

This officer should also be the kind that is not very good at getting along with family members.

From Jun Ye's point of view, the queen looked calm, and the jellyfish had quietly floated behind the sofa, and you could faintly see the dozens of tentacles of the jellyfish mixed together.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them spoke first, until Jun Ye's brows suddenly froze, and a familiar impulse rushed to his throat.

So, Jun also turned his face to one side.

"Cough! Cough-cough! Cough-cough-cough-"


The queen moved, almost flashed to the reclining chair where Jun Ye was at the speed of teleportation, her eyes were fixed on Jun Ye, who was curled up in the pile of dolls, and her hands in white gloves tightly clasped the armrests on both sides of the reclining chair.

The jellyfish floated on the reclining chair, and its tentacles spread out in all directions, as if trying to hug the person on the reclining chair, but those tentacles stopped at about ten centimeters from Jun Ye's body.

After coughing for several minutes, Jun Ye's body instinctively curled up, and every cough made the doll on his body roll around.

After a long time, Jun also breathed heavily according to his heart.

Just struggling to lift his head from the pile of dolls, he bumped into the queen's pale face and sea blue eyes.

The queen's gaze swept over Jun Ye, then stood up straight and walked towards the table beside him. After a while, she brought back a cup of warm tea in a cup with gold and silver lines.

Jun also glanced at it, turned over and climbed out of the pile of dolls to sit up, took the tea handed by the queen, and sipped his eyes.

Jun Ye still doesn't know what's wrong with him, the only thing he knows is that his body is weak, and he will cough to death if he doesn't move.

It seemed that as long as you covered it with a white handkerchief and took it away after coughing, you could see the blood plum blossoming.

Jun also sipped his tea and coughed a few times in the middle.

The queen stood silently beside the reclining chair, and the jellyfish circled around the area a little anxiously.

After Jun finished drinking, the queen took the cup, turned around and poured it back.

Jun also: "..."

Accepted silently.

Just as Jun Ye took a sip of tea, thinking that this time the father (mother) and son would meet in the tea water, the queen said, "Hai Fei, are you sure you want to marry Seuss?"

Jun also froze for a moment before realizing that "Hai Fei" and "Seuss" were his and Xiao Lu's names respectively.

It was also at this time that he realized that he had never mentioned a name to Xiao Gulu, and it seemed that he subconsciously felt that the name did not matter, as long as it was that person.

Where... a person?

It doesn't matter either.

"I'm sure." Jun also looked at the queen solemnly.

The queen was silent again, and the spinning jellyfish stopped, its long tentacles intertwined, almost tangled in knots.

Jun also understands the Queen's mood a little. After all, such a sick guide's son, no matter how you look at it, he is the kind that can't get up if he is bullied by the sentinel.

After thinking about it, Jun also picked out the largest one from the pile of dolls, held it in both hands and handed it to the queen.

Queen: "…"

Reaching out to take the cute soft doll that didn't match him at all, the queen looked at Jun Ye deeply with those sea blue eyes, and finally, hugged the doll and walked away without saying anything.

The steward poured in again with his attendants.

Jun was also a bit at a loss, the queen just left, and he didn't know if his bribes were successful.

The whole day, until Jun also finished dinner, he didn't see the queen and the little lonely.

Being helped into the wheelchair by the steward, Jun also listened to the other party's chatter all the way, from the usage of the automatic wheelchair to the place where emergency supplies were placed in the prince's bedroom, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

The steward stopped outside the prince's bedroom, bowed and asked, "Is Your Highness familiar with the operation of a wheelchair?"

Jun Ye was even more puzzled in his heart, but he nodded truthfully. After being repeated so many times, he could feel the emergency alarm device in the hidden part of the wheelchair with his eyes closed.

But why was the other party so eager to tell him this?

The security of the palace won't be so bad that the prince can be attacked, right?

With Jun Ye's confirmation, the steward loosened the wheelchair handle and took a few steps back.

Jun also: "..."

Does this mean it's only delivered to the door?

even more wrong...

Jun also controlled the wheelchair to step forward and pressed his hand on the sensor beside the door.


Unlocked successfully.

Jun Ye was about to open the door when he heard the steward standing in the distance reminding him again: "If you need any tools, you can look in the first drawer by the bed, or contact me directly."

Jun also: "..."

It's really not right...

Raise your hand to open the door.

The room was lit with blue light, like the sea water lit by the moonlight in the middle of the night, shaking with sparkling light and shadow.

There is someone on the bed in the middle.

Familiar figure.

Jun also stopped for a moment, all the doubts were connected together, and suddenly became clear.

Controlling the wheelchair to slide in and closing the door, there are only two people breathing in the quiet space.

A little closer, the outline of the person on the bed became clearer and clearer.

The man was lying on his back in a large shape, his posture very rigid.

It was rigid, of course, **** with military tie-downs.

Jun also stopped by the bed, abandoned the wheelchair and climbed into the bed under the watchful eyes of the man on the bed.

The man on the bed is the little lonely who disappeared for most of the day.

At this time, the little loner's limbs were separated and tied in the middle of the bed with a rope, and the strong muscles showed a special charm under the illumination of the blue light.

"Seuss?" Jun also called out, looking at the little lonely on the bed from head to toe with interest.

Everyone was tied to the bed, and I didn't know if this was considered a deal with the queen.

The broken light in Hughes' eyes trembled slightly, he nodded with a pursed mouth, and then glanced open again.

Being bound by a rope, with all the clothes on his body, only the thin sheet covering his waist and abdomen, it would be too embarrassing to be looked down on by a partner who had been spiritually united, which made Hughes very uncomfortable.

"This is to not hurt the guide," Hughes reminded himself in a low voice.

Jun also raised his hand and tugged at the black restraint rope tied to Hughes' wrist. The rope was tied tightly, and the man's wrist had been strangled with red marks.

"What did the queen ask?" Jun also asked, holding Hughes' hand to check the binding method of the restraint rope.

Hughes looked at Jun Ye a little puzzled, but nodded and added, "I will."

Jun ignored him and untied the knot on his own.

I don't know how worried the people who tied the knot are. A slip knot was tied into a half-dead knot under absolute strength. Even if he knew the correct way to untie it, Jun also pulled the rope with a pair of soft hands, and it still didn't open after pulling for a long time.

Hughes watched Jun Ye toss without saying a word, until he saw that Jun Ye's palms were reddened by grinding, and quickly said: "Her Majesty the Queen personally tied it, he used to be a lieutenant general of the army, and he was tied very tightly. you do not need to worry."

Jun Ye was very uncomfortable with his sick and weak body in this life, but at this time, he was a little irritable, and when he heard the words, he became angry.

As soon as he dropped the hand of Hughes, Jun also asked with anger, "Can't you feel the pain yourself?"

Hughes was silent, looked at his unconscious hand, and carefully looked at Jun Ye, who had an angry face, and said softly: "It doesn't hurt, it's not too tight..."


Jun also reached out and squeezed the man's obviously bloodshot palm, not believing a word of the other party's words.

But my own scumbag strength can't untie the rope...

Something seemed to flash in his mind, and Jun also turned his head sharply to look at the drawer by the bedside.

If you need tools... just open the first drawer by the bed.

Although he knew that this "tool" was more likely to be something else, Jun also crawled over with the mentality of trying it out, reached out and opened the drawer.

Lubricant, no.

Small whip, no.

xx drugs... not.

He turned over a drawer full of them, but Jun didn't find the tools he needed. Hughes, who was watching from the side, was breathing heavily and his heartbeat was racing. His eyes fell silently on the guide's head facing him, and he swallowed unconsciously. saliva.

If it wasn't for his hands and feet, Hughes would have already posted it.

So how can hard exercise be done by a sickly guide?

At least... he can completely lubricate the little guide manually.

When he thought that he would not be the first person to visit the guide's body later, even if it was his own guide's finger, Hughes felt both jealous and uncomfortable.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes