MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 107 We want a room!

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  Chapter 107 We are going to bid a room!

  After Igarashi Yugiri replied to his brother's message, he still couldn't calm down.

  He himself searched for related news on the Internet, and sure enough, he saw someone talking about:

"Big event! According to my friend who is studying in China, the 'Imperial King of K.O' and 'The Absolute Genius in the Fighting World' has recovered from his injuries and will participate in this Japan-China Martial Arts Exchange Competition !"

   "The news is true! I have seen pictures of him playing basketball on social software in China, and he doesn't look injured!"

  "Being able to play basketball doesn't mean you can participate in martial arts competitions. Wait for more news."


   Igarashi Xigiri felt agitated watching it, and sent a message to his friend in China, asking him to help find out the real news.

  Deep in his heart, he absolutely does not believe that Qian Quan can recover so quickly, but if he has only recovered half of it, he still wants to participate in the competition?

  Based on his strength, if he doesn't hesitate to add injury to injury and shoots with all his strength, it seems that he has a certain chance of defeating Asuka.


   Igarashi Yugiri frowned, lost in thought.

  He thinks of the short man who showed up at the hospital suddenly and came to visit him, claiming to be from a new biopharmaceutical company.

   “We are a start-up company dedicated to unearthing and exploring the functional potential of the human body. It is our purpose to rejuvenate those who should be alive but have lost the ability to move.”

  The tone of the man's speech was condescending and frivolous and pretentious, which made Igarashi Yugiri very disgusted, and what he said next made Igarashi Yugiri care:

   "Through our investigation, we learned that you are, no, you used to be a powerful martial arts master, but due to a special reason, you were seriously injured, and it seems that you can't even move freely.

   "We deeply regret this, and would like to provide you with some help within our capacity, what do you think?"

  When I asked him what kind of help he provided, his answer gave me a creepy, deja vu feeling:

  "A new type of medicine, a medicine that can stimulate the infinite potential of the human body and quickly help you get rid of pain. Its only negative effects are completely under our control."

   "Have we been reduced to using our own people for live experiments?!" Igarashi Yugiri said this almost in a growl.

  "Your erroneous statement is unpleasant, but I can understand your mood, and what I can tell you is that our experiment has already been successfully concluded.

   "Because you are one of your own people, you can become one of the candidates, and you are expected to be the first lucky ones to use this potion.

   “Know that our activities are not limited to Japan.”

   Igarashi Yugiri issued an order to evict the guest roughly, and the short man left a business card before leaving.

  The business card says "Hayato Nekomoto", the title is "Full-time Director of FDB Freshman Association", and the address and phone number are below.

   Igarashi Yugiri threw the business card into the trash can.

   After that, I didn't pay attention to this matter until I saw the news of Qian Quan's recovery.

  Maoben claims that their activities are not limited to Japan, does that imply that they also have business in China?

  Since they can find out that they were injured, do they know more about Qian Quan's situation?

  That Qian Quan became famous when he was young, lost himself in the flowers and applause, and now he was hit hard suddenly, and once fell to the altar, so his mentality was out of balance and he went astray?

   Just as Igarashi Yugiri was thinking about it, his friend in China replied to his message:

   "Qian Quan did sign up and appeared on the court. As for the injury, there is no clear information yet."

   Igarashi Xigiri returned to "Your Work" and stopped thinking about it.

   Maybe, he just played with injuries?

   Let the other players test it out first.


   In a blink of an eye, it is New Year's Day, and the new year has arrived.

  For Qian Quan, last year was a colorful year, especially after entering university, he experienced a dreamlike few months.

Successfully entered several clubs that I was interested in, successfully participated in a drama, was selected for the school basketball team, won the title of first-class chess player, won the championship of the freshman martial arts competition, received more than 2 million cash, and passed the driver's license , participated in two companies with great potential, made several friends, and the recommendation effect of the serialized online novels was outstanding, and was considered by the editor to have the potential to become a blockbuster...

   And these were not his brightest moments last year. The happiest thing last year was undoubtedly beating up Japanese fighters one after another in front of people all over the world.

  In the end, he seriously injured Igarashi Yugiri, Igarashi Isao's younger brother.

  This year, I hope that the good momentum will continue and even go further.

  Because New Year's Day falls on Monday this year, I don't have to worry about taking a break, and I have a three-day holiday together with the weekend.

  However, Qian Quan and Ding Linlang neither went home nor traveled, but stayed in Zhonghai for the New Year's Eve.

  Of course, they didn't go to the Bund to join in the excitement of the New Year's Eve.

  There are so many people that it is difficult to move an inch, let alone "cross".

  They finished dinner together, watched a movie, and then wandered aimlessly.

   After shopping until 10 o'clock, Ding Linlang said: "I'll go back after shopping for a while, I won't be able to enter the dormitory when it's late."

   "Didn't you agree to celebrate the New Year together?"

   "Then why don't you sleep after the new year, sleep on the street."

   "Open a room, let's watch dramas all night tonight, or the mode of watching three dramas at the same time."

   "Three dramas at the same time" is a form of watching dramas created by Qian Quan and Ding Linlang. In simple terms, it means that computers, mobile phones and tablets play three dramas at the same time, and which one you want to watch.

  The three dramas they watch most frequently are "Wulin Biography", "Friends" and "Looking for Mom".

   "No!" Ding Linlang refused, "I don't want to stay up all night, and I have to rest for three days to recover after a night, which will delay my typing."

   "It makes sense, it makes sense," said Qian Quan, who is now a codewriter, and felt the same way, "Then sleep when you are sleepy."

   "But, I didn't bring a change of clothes."

   "Go and buy one."

   "Clothes that are close to the body are new and cannot be worn directly!"

   "Huh?" Qian Quan was surprised, this is a new knowledge point.

   "Could it be that you just wear the new underwear you bought?"

   "I don't wear underwear."


   "Then buy that kind of disposable travel size, don't you need to wash the disposable ones?"

  Ding Linlang didn't answer, but said casually: "I can't book a hotel tonight, can I?"

   "I can book it, I booked it yesterday," Qian Quan said in a natural tone, "The boya hotel opposite, standard room."

   "It feels like you have premeditated." Ding Linlang glanced at Qian Quan.

   "Just in case, don't we all live like this when we travel?"

  Ding Linlang hummed lightly, and walked away.

   "Where are you going?"

  Ding Linlang didn't answer.

   "Where the **** are you going?"

   "Buying clothes." Ding Linlang replied without looking back.

   "Oh." Qian Quan followed.

  The two bought clothes and walked to Boya Hotel.

   When checking in, the front desk asked considerately: "We have a special superior double room available now, would you like to upgrade?"

   "If you don't want to upgrade, we won't upgrade, we'll just book a room." Ding Linlang hurriedly said.

  (end of this chapter)

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