MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 108 Good night, Ding Linlang~

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  Chapter 108 Good night, Ding Linlang~

   "...handsup again and again! Handsup for tomorrow! Handsup for the future! Soaring into the sky handsup! Handsup for you and me! Handsup for all beings! Handsup for the world!"

   "Oh~~Heavy rain is coming! A flash of lightning splits the night! In an instant, I am no longer alone! At that moment, my heart is warm!"


  At this moment, a young idol singing and dancing is being shown on TV. It can be seen that he is really working hard and has a certain level of dancing skills, but his singing skills are so-so.

   However, after listening to it for a long time, Qian Quan still didn't understand the meaning of the song.

   It has been letting everyone handsup, is it a very new radio gymnastics?

   Gives people a feeling of fake passion.

   "Who is this?"

  Ding Linlang, who came back from washing in the bathroom, glanced at the TV and asked~

   "I don't know each other either, I keep asking everyone to handsup."

  Ding Linlang said with a smile: "Now stars and idols are changing too fast. If you don't pay special attention, sometimes you don't know who they are talking about when you read the news hot searches."

  Qian Quan nodded.

   "Go wash up." Ding Linlang said.


  Qian Quan went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, rubbed his face, and came out. It took less than 5 minutes.

   "Is it finished?" Ding Linlang was surprised.

"Yes what's the matter?"

   "Don't you take a shower?"

   "I just took a shower yesterday."

   "How many times do you take a bath a week?"

   "Once a day in summer, once every two or three days in winter, certainly no more than four or five days, and must be washed once a week at the longest.

   "I don't really mind taking a bath more, but I have read a Harvard University study, saying that bathing too often is not good for your health and can easily cause dermatitis."

   "Sometimes I really envy you boys." Ding Linlang sat down on the bed.

   Two people, one sitting on the head of the bed here, and the other sitting on the head of the bed there, suddenly stopped talking and watched TV in silence.

  The sound on the TV was obviously so noisy and lively, but Qian Quan and Ding Linlang felt that the atmosphere in the room became very quiet.

  I don’t know if they’ve grown up a bit, and I feel that the feeling of opening a room tonight is not as natural as before when traveling.

   "Did you tell your aunt about signing up for the competition?"

   After a while, Ding Linlang asked.

   "No, we'll talk about it after we finish typing."

   "Are you sure your injury is completely healed?"

   "Yes." Qian Quan nodded to confirm, "I am in better condition now than before I was injured, don't worry."

  Ding Linlang stopped talking again, watching TV thoughtfully.

   "When will your simplified publication go public?" Qian Quan changed the subject.

   "In mid-January, a sample booklet will be sent to me in two days."

   "Well. When I was studying, I dreamed that my words could be turned into printed characters. Now you have achieved your dream."

   "Actually, the editor asked me for the outline of my book, biographies and creative ideas two days ago, and said that he would help me promote the copyright of film and television..."

  Qian Quan said with a smile: "Maybe in two years, we will be able to see a TV series adapted from your novel on TV."

   "That should also be the first adaptation of Uncle."

   "Yes." Qian Quan smiled.

   "What about you, how many words have you written since you bought the computer for so long?"

   "Haha..." Qian Quan smiled but didn't answer. He decided to keep it secret for the time being and give everyone a surprise.

  Then, they chatted about writing a book, and the atmosphere finally became more natural.

  Time ticks by.

  Suddenly, I heard the host on TV calling for everyone to count down together:

   "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!"

   "Happy New Year's Day." Qian Quan said to Ding Linlang.

"happy New Year."

   "What's your New Year's resolution this year?"

   "I hope everyone I care about is in good health!" Ding Linlang said seriously.

"Me too."

"Go to sleep."

   "Stop following dramas?"

   "Uh... watch two episodes of Friends then."

   "Okay, on your side, or on my side?"

   "It's on my side, I can go straight to sleep when I feel sleepy."


  Qian Quan crawled onto Ding Linlang's bed in a hurry, feeling a familiar fragrance coming from his nostrils, and his heart swayed when he smelled it.

  It’s all the side effects of Dragon King Tiger Wine and tea tablets, eh!

  The two lay side by side on the bed, using their mobile phones to watch "Friends" that they had read no less than twice before.

  This kind of sitcom has a main line of character relationship, and the story of each episode is relatively independent. You can watch any episode without starting from the beginning.

   The first time Qian Quan chose it was the 11th episode of the fourth season.

  However, after watching it for a while, Ding Linlang suggested: "Change another episode."


   "Change if you are asked to."

   Qian Quan suddenly thought of something, said "oh", and switched to the last episode.

  In the 11th episode, there is a plot in which Monica teaches Chandler and his girlfriend how to make out foreplay, and puts forward the popular "7 Sensitive Points for Women", which makes fans of the drama talk about it.

  In terms of ideological value, this episode is really worth watching repeatedly for those boys who have a target.

   And because, in the follow-up episodes, Monica and Chandler finally came together, so this episode was evaluated as the episode of "Monica is rewarded with good things".

   I remember the first time I watched this episode with Ding Linlang, the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

  This situation is obviously even more inappropriate.

  The episode they're watching right now is the last episode of season four.

  This episode is about Rose’s wedding, and there are two turning points:

  1. Chandler and Monica had a relationship for the first time, which officially opened "Qian Molian";

  2. Ross named the bride after his ex-girlfriend Rachel.

   "It is said that Chandler and Monica were not officially matched at first, because the audience's reaction in this episode was too strong, which prompted the screenwriter to temporarily change their minds and write them as a couple." Qian Quandao.

   "There are a lot of foreshadowing and foreshadowing in front of them. It doesn't seem like a temporary idea, but a long-planned plan." Ding Linlang analyzed from the perspective of the plot structure.

   "Indeed, I can only say that the screenwriter is awesome."

  After finishing one episode soon, Ding Linlang yawned and said, "I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

   "Well, you go to sleep."

   "Go back to your bed and have a look."

   "You go to bed, I'll wait a while."

  Ding Linlang no longer cared about him, and fell asleep under the covers.

  Qian Quan lowered his voice and watched another episode by himself.

  Hearing that Ding Linlang was breathing evenly, he seemed to have fallen asleep. He put his mobile phone on the bedside table, but didn't go back to his own bed. Instead, he slowly moved into the bed and fell asleep next to Ding Linlang.

   "Why don't you go back to your own bed?" Ding Linlang didn't fall asleep.

   "Too lazy to go back." Qian Quan said.

   There was a moment of silence.

   "It's a bit crowded." Ding Linlang said softly.

   "Lend my arm under your pillow so that it won't be crowded."

  Ding Linlang raised his head slightly, allowing Qian Quan to stretch his arm over.

  She leaned on Qian Quan's arm, and found that the other party pulled herself into his arms with a slight force.

  Her whole body was struck by electricity, her breathing was tense, her heart was beating fast, thump, thump, a drum beating.

   "Sleep well." Qian Quan said.

   The room fell silent again.

   The heartbeat of the two can be faintly heard.

   Qian Quan suddenly lowered his head and kissed Ding Linlang on the forehead, and said, "Good night, Ding Linlang."

   "Qian Quan, your heart is beating so fast." Ding Linlang preemptively struck.

"The same to you."

   After speaking, Qian Quan lowered his head, and Ding Linlang raised his head.

  The two of them were facing each other, they were close at hand, and their breath could be heard.

  Qian Quan suddenly brought his mouth closer and kissed Ding Linlang's mouth.

  Ding Linlang suffocated for a moment, then reached out to hug Qian Quan, closed his eyes, and began to respond enthusiastically.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion