MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 167 Li Si went up to admonish and attack the six kingdoms

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  Chapter 167 Li Si's Admonishment, Attacking the Six Kingdoms

   As soon as Ying Zheng's carriage returned to Xianyang Palace, he saw many ministers standing outside the palace, and many of them had anxious expressions on their faces.

  Obviously, as Yingzheng had predicted, after the snow melted, the aftermath of the snowstorm began to erupt.

   Seeing Ying Zheng's carriage coming from outside the palace, many ministers were stunned for a moment, but then they all gathered towards the carriage and bowed respectfully.

   "The ministers and others see the king."

  The carriage stopped slowly, and then the curtain was lifted, and Gai Nie was the first to get out of the carriage.

   Many ministers were not surprised to see Gai Nie get off the king's car. Although there are not many people in this world who can share a car with King Qin, Gai Nie, the chief guard of King Qin, is obviously among them.

   It just makes everyone feel a little strange that Ge Nie seems to have gained a little weight compared to the last time we met.

   "Maybe it's an illusion!"

  Some people shook their heads slightly, but didn't think much about it.

  Not so many people pay too much attention to the matter of "gaining weight" these days, not to mention in this era of war and chaos, being able to gain weight is considered a blessing...


   Not long after Ge Nie got out of the carriage, Ying Zheng followed him from the carriage.

   And when the officials saw Ying Zheng at this time, everyone's brains were hit by a heavy hammer at the same time, and they fell into a shutdown on the spot.

   "Who is this person?"

  Actually, the changes in Yingzheng are not that big now, but his face is a little fatter, with an extra chin, and a little belly.

In general.

   As long as you carefully identify it, you can still easily recognize Ying Zheng.

  So the officials were only stunned for a moment, and soon regained their composure. They all lowered their heads, pretending that they hadn't seen anything.

   "All the ministers gathered in Xianyang Palace today, but what's the matter?"

   "Return to the king, since the arrival of early spring, all counties and counties have survived the heavy snowfall last year, and now they have reported the damage in various places."

   "Oh? Zhu Qing went to the palace to discuss in detail."

  Ying Zheng's eyes were fixed, and then he strode towards Xianyang Palace.


   In a quarter of an hour.

  On the throne, Ying Zheng looked at the memorials presented by various counties and counties, and his face gradually became gloomy.

  Although Ying Zheng had already guessed that last year's heavy snow would bring extraordinary losses to Qin when he was in Hanzhong, but now this memorial is far beyond his expectations.

  In a heavy snowfall, more than 18,000 people died of freezing in the territory of Qin alone.

  As a result, the families were destroyed and the displaced people were countless.

  As for the loss of materials, it is also unimaginable.

   "The resettlement situation of the disaster victims in various places will be allocated by the imperial court. It is necessary to stabilize the situation in various counties and counties before the arrival of spring."

   After a while, Ying Zheng calmed down and began to issue orders calmly.

  As Mo Jun said before.

  Although the heavy snow caused great damage to the Qin State, with the background of the Qin State today, it is completely enough to deal with all disasters calmly.

   "In addition, the spring seeds in all areas of Xianyang this year are all sown with the [first-generation improved wheat seeds] created by Mr. Sheng Ping." At this moment, Ying Zheng added another sentence.

   "The first generation of improved wheat seeds?" The officials were surprised when they heard this.

   "Yes, this is the latest research and development result of Shengping Jun. Its effect is the same as that of the previous [first-generation improved rice species], and it can double the yield of wheat on the original basis."

"In addition, before winter last year, Mr. Shengping also offered a kind of [winter wheat] to the widow. According to him, this kind of [winter wheat] can grow even in the twelfth lunar month of winter. The widow has sent someone to The seeds are planted in Nanjun and Bashu respectively, and it will not be long before we know whether it is true or not."

   Mentioning the [Winter Wheat] and [First Generation Improved Wheat Seeds] presented by Mr. Mo, Ying Zheng's face also looked much better.

  However, after hearing what Ying Zheng said, the officials below took a deep breath.


   "Winter wheat?"

   "There are such wonderful grains in the world, it can be called a 'divine thing'."

   "God bless my Great Qin, with these two new types of grain, my Great Qin will never be short of food in the future."

"It's not just that there is no shortage of food. With [the first generation of improved wheat seeds] and [winter wheat], all the land in the north and south of our Great Qin Dynasty will be fully utilized. By then, the grain production of Qin State may be even higher. Double the current basis. Qin will not be short of food in the future, but will have a surplus."

   "Mr. Shengping is really a god-man."

  The faces of the officials flushed red and they were excited. They caught Ying Zheng and Mo Jun's flattery like crazy.

  Looking at their appearance, it seems that the people who jointly sued Mo Jun before were not them.

   "Your Majesty, I have a performance."

  Just when everyone was excited, Li Si suddenly walked out of the crowd and saluted Ying Zheng respectfully.

   "What is Li Qing playing?"

   "My lord, it snowed heavily last winter. Although my country, Qin, suffered heavy losses due to natural disasters. However, the five countries of Yan, Qi, Zhao, Wei, and Han in the northern part of the Central Plains also suffered the same disaster as my great Qin."

  Li Sidao: "Besides, these five countries do not have the help of Lord Shengping, nor do we have the background of our Great Qin, so the losses they have suffered must be heavier than those of Qin."

  Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, and he said, "Li Qing means..."

  Li Si cupped his hands and saluted, and said firmly: "Reporting to the king, I think that now is the best time."

"Since ancient times, those who achieve great things must have the help of the sky. Since seven hundred years ago, the Zhou royal family declined, and the vassal states continued to fight endlessly. Duke Mu seized the opportunity and made the Qin State strong. In the end it didn’t work out.”

   "Now the Qin State has strong soldiers and horses, sufficient food and grass, a virtuous king, and the help of Lord Shengping.

   "The current six kingdoms are nothing more than dust on the stove compared to Qin, so now is the best time for the king to complete the unfinished business of the previous kings, sweep Liuhe, dominate the world, and end the seven hundred years of troubled times."

   Li Si's sudden remarks immediately made the entire court quiet.

  After listening to Li Si's remonstrance, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't rush to make a statement. Instead, he turned to the rest of the ministers and asked, "What do you think about what Li Qing said?"


  The ministers looked at each other a few times.

  In the beginning, the officials were indeed shocked by Li Si's words, but when they calmed down, they suddenly found that Li Si's words were not completely unreasonable.

  The prosperity of Qin State is almost visible to the naked eye.

  Even if the "Five Kingdoms Attack Qin" happened more than 20 years ago again, Qin would not necessarily need to use some tricks to disperse the opponent this time, even if it faced the enemy head-on, it might not be invincible.

   Not to mention the heavy snowfall last winter, Qin State responded in a timely manner because of the advice of Lord Shengping, and only lost more than 18,000 people.

  The rest of the five countries were not so lucky. According to their personal knowledge, a heavy snowfall last winter caused at least 22,000 deaths even in South Korea, which suffered the least among the five northern countries.

To know.

  The territory of South Korea is the smallest of the seven countries.

  The total population of South Korea is just over one million, but this heavy snow directly caused more than 20,000 deaths in South Korea. One can imagine how much damage it has done to South Korea.

  And the remaining five countries today do not have the background of Qin's post-disaster reconstruction.

in this case.

  If Qin suddenly launches an attack on the Five Kingdoms, how can the Five Northern Kingdoms resist the Great Qin Bingfeng?

   This is the end of the thought.

  The eyes of all the ministers of Qin State lit up.

  Although these courtiers had confronted Yingzheng several times in the court in the past, it was only a dispute that had arisen as a last resort when the interests of the clan and the interests of the royal power collided.

  If it is a foreign war, then most of the people in the current court, except for a very small number of people, have the same interests as Yingzheng... or Qin.

   After all, as Qin Chen, the strength of Qin State has only advantages and no disadvantages for them.

  Especially the great cause of unifying the world now.

  Once Yingzheng succeeds.

  Then these ministers who have long been loyal to Yingzheng, don't they all have the merits of "following the dragon"?

   "I think Li Tingwei's words are very true. At present, our Great Qin army is strong and strong, and we have the right time to help. It is the best time for the king to show his ambition and forge immortal achievements."

   "The minister also seconded the proposal. Now the six countries are in front of our Qin State soldiers, but they are nothing more than chickens and dogs."

   "The minister also seconded the proposal."

   "The minister also seconded the proposal."


  After the first person spoke, the rest of the officials began to express their attitudes.

Seeing that all the ministers below agreed with Li Si's remonstrance, Ying Zheng finally stopped concealing his ambition and said loudly: "Since all the ministers think what Li Qing said is very true, then pass on the widow's edict and immediately order Wang Jian , Meng Ao, Wang Ben, Meng Wu, Yang Duanhe, Huan Juan... and other generals quickly returned to Xianyang from the border to discuss important matters."

   Hearing the edict issued by Ying Zheng, the officials were stunned.

  Ah this...

  Although it is said that the opportunity cannot be missed, isn't it a bit too hasty?

  Is the edict issued by Ying Zheng very anxious?

   Actually not at all.

the reason is simple.

  Because although Li Si proposed today's remonstrance, in fact, this idea had been planned in Ying Zheng's mind a long time ago.

  Even today when Li Si played suddenly, it was only because he figured out Ying Zheng's inner thoughts, so he took the initiative to stand up and gave Ying Zheng a reason to issue an edict.


  Even without Li Si's remonstrance today, it won't be long before Ying Zheng will find someone to raise this matter.

So when everyone else was surprised by Ying Zheng's hasty edict, only Li Si was not surprised at all, even on the contrary, he took the initiative to stand up and remonstrated again: "Your Majesty, I still have one more This time, the unification war, I think it is most appropriate to start with South Korea."


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion