MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 168 Han Fei envoy Qin

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  Chapter 168 Han Fei envoy Qin

South Korea.

  Zi Lanxuan.

"He left already?"

   Zinu, who was wearing a long purple dress and held a pot of tea in her hand, walked into the room, walked slowly to Han Fei, poured him a cup of tea, and asked.

   "Just left this morning."

   Seeing the person coming, Han Fei put down the brush and bamboo slips, rubbed the center of his brows gently, and after soothing the tiredness caused by not sleeping all night, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

  But then he couldn't help but smacked his lips twice, and said, "Tsk~~ It's still not as good as wine!"

  Zi Nu rolled her eyes and said, "If you drink any more, you'll really become a drunkard."

   "Speaking of which, don't you worry about him? After all, although he is powerful, the opponent he faces this time is a brother who is from the same school as him."

  Han Fei spread his hands and said helplessly, "Of course I'm worried about him. But what's the use of worrying? Do you think I can stop him? It hurts a lot when his shark teeth cut on people."

"Besides, there are still many things that I need to worry about! Last winter's heavy snow caused serious damage to various places. Now the warehouse should be opened for disaster relief to avoid further losses. However, when I went to the treasury yesterday to ask for food, I was told that the treasury was out of stock." grain······"

   Speaking of this, Han Fei also clenched his fists suddenly, feeling powerless.

  Under the command of the South Korean general Ji Wuye, the "Four Heroes of the Night" who are in charge of the military, government, finance, and espionage forces, now under the plan of "Quick Sand", three of them have gone.

  Now under Ji Wuye's command, only the military force under the control of Ji Wuye and Blood Yihou'Bai Yifei' remained, which still failed to fall into Han Fei's hands.

  The situation under Han Fei's control should be regarded as good.

  However, with the heavy snowstorm last winter, some deeper problems in South Korea were exposed in an instant.

   Although South Korea has a small territory, it is not barren.

   Quite the opposite.

  Because of South Korea's small territory, it is easier to concentrate resources, so if you don't look at the total amount, South Korea is actually considered a relatively prosperous country among the seven countries.

   Logically speaking, based on last year's situation, it is impossible for South Korea to be short of food this year.

   However, the reality is that when Han Fei entered the treasury before, he found that there was really not much food in it.

   This time, it wasn't the conspiracy of Ji Wuye and Xue Yihou.

  The lack of food in the national treasury this time is the result of the corruption of all the aristocratic classes in South Korea.

  Although South Korea is small, the standard of living enjoyed by the royal family and nobles here is even more extravagant and corrupt than the current state of Qin. So where does the money used by these royal family and nobles come from?

  The answer is already obvious.

  If the lack of food this time was due to Ji Wuye's conspiracy, Han Fei could still think of a way, but if it was a problem for the entire South Korea, then Han Fei alone was not qualified to manage the matter.

  Current South Korea.

  The only person with the right to fix this is one person.

   That is the current King Han.

  However, it is a pity that the current King Han is also a member of this group of people.

   And this is where Han Fei feels the most powerless now.

  In fact, even if the current king of Han is a little bit stronger, Han Fei doesn't expect him to give him much help. As long as he doesn't hold back, then Han Fei's reform of South Korea will be at least several times easier.

   But alas, this idea itself is a paradox.

"It's a pity that the 'new grain' we stole from Qin has not yet grown to a sufficient scale, and it lacks the 'new fertilizer' used by Qin. The rice we planted with ordinary fertilizer last year, the yield Probably only increased by about 70%."

   "If we in South Korea can now, like Qin, promote the [first-generation improved rice seed] invented by that guy on a large scale, we don't have to be in such a predicament now."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei couldn't help sighing.

  There are regrets, regrets, unwillingness, and regrets in this tone...

   Years ago.

If Han Fei knew that the 'Mr. Shi' who was doing business with them possessed such a terrifying talent, he would definitely let 'Mr. Shi' stay and join their team 'Quicksand' organization.

   "There are still some funds left in Quicksand..."

  Zi Nu opened her mouth, then paused for a moment, and continued: "The other person has also deposited a fixed amount of funds in the 'Quick Sand' chamber of commerce. If it really doesn't work, maybe we can..."

  Hearing Zi Nu's proposal, Han Fei's eyes flashed with excitement.

   But in the end he still hesitated and said: "I have already withdrawn the funds from the 'Quick Sand' Chamber of Commerce, and it should be able to support it for a while. As for the fixed funds of that person, it is better not to act rashly if possible."

   "That guy is not a generous person, and he doesn't have that close relationship with us. In this situation, it would not be a good thing for us to attract his attention again."

   "Besides, after this snow disaster, the internal situation in South Korea is not what I am most worried about. What I am most worried about is actually..."

  Boom boom boom~~~

   Before Han Fei finished speaking, he heard a sudden rush of footsteps outside the room.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and Zhang Liang, who was handsome in plain clothes and green shirt, but with a somewhat anxious expression, walked in quickly, and said to Han Fei, "Ninth Young Master, the situation is not good." gone."


  Inside the Palace of the King of Han.

  When Han Fei arrived here, he saw that all the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty had been summoned here by the King of Han.

  The prime minister of South Korea and the great general Ji Wuye stood in the forefront of the ministers of civil and military affairs.

   All the officials were discussing at this moment, and occasionally some of the courtiers' faces showed panic.

  As for Han Wangan on the throne, there was a bit of unconcealable panic on his face at this time.

   "Father King."

   "Xiao Jiu, you came at the right time. The news just came from the front that a large group of Qin troops outside Nanyang was suddenly mobilized. Judging from their intentions, it seems that they want to attack my South Korea. How do you think this matter should be handled?"

   "Father, matters in the army should be managed by the general? I wonder what the general thinks about the transfer of the Qin army?" Han Fei turned to look at Ji Wuye.

Facing the point of attack that Han Fei pointed at, Ji Wuye's rough and ugly face showed a slight sneer, and he replied lightly: "This general thinks that the movement of the Qin army is just a normal march. What a fuss."

Han Fei stared at Ji Wuye, and said in a cold voice: "As far as I know, the Qin Army's army is now less than twenty miles away from Nanyang City. This distance has obviously crossed the safety line of the march. Does the general think this is just a normal marching transfer?"

  Ji Wuye sneered and said: "It seems that the ninth son is quite proficient in marching and fighting. If this is the case, then it is better for the ninth son to go to the front line and fight the Qin army!"

  Since the Emerald Tiger, the Trendy Banshee, and the Cloaked Man among the four evil generals of the night were eradicated by the "quick sand" one after another, Han Fei and Ji Wuye have completely torn their faces in the Korean court.

  So facing Han Fei's doubts at this moment, Ji Wuye no longer concealed his nature at all, and sneered directly.

   "Okay, Xiao Jiu, stop talking."

   At this moment, only Han Wangan, who was on the throne, spoke.

  Obviously, in the face of Ji Wuye's persecution, Han Wangan once again chose to give in.


  Seeing that his father was so weak, Han Fei had no choice but to take a step back temporarily.

   "Do the ministers have a good strategy?" After the dispute between Han Fei and Ji Wuye gradually calmed down, Han Wangan turned his attention to other courtiers.

  However, in the face of Han Wangan's inquiry, many South Korean ministers looked at me and I looked at you, but in the end no one spoke.

   No wonder.

  The mobilization of soldiers and horses of the Qin army is obviously military.

  Now the entire South Korean army is under the control of Ji Wuye. In this case, if Ji Wuye does not speak, it is useless for others to say more.

   Seeing that the rest of the courtiers were speechless, Han Wangan had no choice but to focus on Ji Wuye again.

   "Does the general have a plan to retreat from the enemy?"

   "Reporting to the King, now that the Qin State is powerful, it is definitely not a good opportunity for war, so I think that if the Qin State really wants to attack South Korea this time, the best choice is to seek peace." Ji Wuye said slowly.

   "Sum? How to sum?"

  Hearing what Ji Wuye said, Han Wangan's eyes were obviously a little moved.

  Just when Ji Wuye was about to continue to say something.

at this time.

  I saw Han Fei suddenly stepped forward and said: "Father, my son is willing to send an envoy to Qin State to persuade Qin King to retreat."


  Han Fei's sudden words made many people in the court startled.

  Han Wangan frowned and said, "Xiao Jiu, don't mess around."

  Han Fei resolutely said: "My son is not fooling around. If you want to make Qin give up attacking South Korea without spending a single soldier, this is the best choice."

   Zhang Liang, who was also an official in the court, was standing behind the ministers. Hearing what Han Fei said, his expression became anxious, and he was about to stand up and say something.

But before he could take any action, the prime minister who was at the top of the civil service came out and asked aloud, "Master Jiu, do you know how dangerous this trip is? If Qin really intends to annex Korea this time, how can Jiu Isn't this young master's move a sheep into a tiger's mouth?"

Han Fei bowed towards the open land, raised his head and said, "Han Fei is naturally clear, but as the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch a tiger's cub. Given the current situation in South Korea, if you want to survive under the iron heel of Qiang Qin, you have to set aside die and live again."

At this moment, the corners of Ji Wuye's mouth twitched, and he said: "Prime Minister Zhang, since the ninth son is sure that he can persuade the army of Qin to retreat without a single soldier, then from the point of view of this general, it is better to let him go." So what if he tries."

  Given a deep look at Ji Wuye, he didn't say much in the end.

Han Wangan on the throne heard the arguments from the people below, hesitated for a while, and said slowly: "In this case, the king will give the ninth son Han Fei a 'scepter', and order him to go to Qin as an envoy to persuade the king of Qin to retreat. .”


  (end of this chapter)