MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 100 [The movie is released in full swing] Zuo Ning became popular by accident

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The role played by Zuo Ning is not tragic, but it is also tragic, powerful, and righteous. At the beginning, many people competed for this role. If he had not Lu Chenghe behind him, he would also bring a lot of resources into the group, appearance conditions It is also in line with the director's setting. The position of this third man really doesn't have his part. As long as such a pleasing character does not act, it is inevitable that the audience will like it.

After the premiere of the day, it was true that the subject that was most brushed apart was the subject of male and female protagonists, and then the **** he played. The appearance of the white man standing in the sea of ​​fiery flowers was cold and enchanting, which made a group of Yan dogs unable to extricate themselves.

Zuo Ning's agent Bei Xiao's preparations earlier also began to operate with the popularity after the premiere, but this degree must be well grasped. If it is over fired, it will offend people. In particular, the male and female owners are still the first line in the circle, not a newcomer, so Bei Xiao pushed Zuo Ning up and down while keeping his popularity in the top ten position.

Another summer drama was on fire. The box office of that day broke 100 million directly. Zuo Ning did not ask about the specific number. Although some data was transmitted online, what directly broke 340 million. The water is very large and cannot be believed, but on the day A good result is for sure. After all, this director has word of mouth. Most of the actors in it are acting online. For the fans who come with the actors, this film will not flutter.

If Zuo Ning is a person who wants to develop into the entertainment industry, it will be easier for Bei Xiao to bring him. With so many good resources in his hand, it is difficult to think of it if he doesn't. It's a pity that he just regarded this circle as a profession, but just wanted to make a movie, then some things should be planned well.

Nowadays, the most popular in the circle is the major variety shows. As long as there are two more when running publicity, the popularity will naturally slowly rise. Unfortunately, Zuo Ning doesn't want popularity, but also rejects those propaganda. What they can do is to constantly produce good works and use the works to be active on the screen.

Bei Xiao, who was picking the script for him, had a headache. Obviously, he could rely on his face value, and why rely on his strength. The point is that the teacher who taught Zuo Ning privately said that his acting skills still need to be hone. The only good thing is that he is spiritual and can be shaped. Therefore, this script must be taken slowly. It is too difficult to test acting skills. The little artist in his family cannot meet the high requirements, and those who do not want acting skills do not work. It is simply digging the grave to find death.

And when he was dazzled by the script, the kid, as a party, didn't worry about his future development at all, and opened his mouth to ask for film pay.

Bei Xiao looked at him doubtfully and asked, "You urgently need money?"

He didn't think Zuo Ning would be short of money. I am afraid that Lu Chenghe would not be short of money.

Zuo Ning lay on the table and sighed silently: "Lack, I'm dead."

Bei Xiao chuckled: "Your film pay is given in three installments. The first two installments have already been settled for you, and the final payment will probably arrive soon."

When Zuo Ning heard it, he suddenly said, "But I don't see any money! How much is it?"

Bei Xiaodao: "You were not famous before, you still paid for the role, and the pay was just a cutscene, not much, a million dollars, the check was given directly to me, and I gave it to your family, Lu Chenghe, specifically You can ask him. "

After hearing this, Zuo Ning exclaimed, "Why give him! That's my reward, shouldn't it be me!"

"But he is your guardian in name. As long as he speaks, I can directly give you the reward."

Zuo Ning sighed, Lu Chenghe would not ask for his money. Even if he took a check, he would definitely deposit it in the card, that is, the money he made by making a movie, and he did n’t even see the corner of the check. It became a string of numbers in the bank, and it always felt a little worse.

Bei Xiao put the selected scripts in front of him: "I see these well, and you can also watch them. There are movies and TV shows. The movie may not be as big as the one currently being released, but it is also a strong one. The famous TV guide is more popular in the circle, and the difficulty is definitely lower than that of the movie. It will be easier to shoot. Anyway, you can handle it yourself. "

After Bei Xiao said, he also analyzed: "The difference between a movie and a TV series is not necessary for me to tell you more. It is not the same. People on the big screen are basically not as long as the resources allow it. How come back to the small screen, your first work is a big movie, and the box office is also very beautiful. This is a very high starting point, but your popularity is not very stable now. You do n’t have to worry about future resources. What you are missing now is Experience and popularity, others are desperate, then I will definitely recommend him to choose a movie, but you just take this as an optional profession, then how to choose depends on what way you want to go in the future. "

Zuo Ning held the script selected by Bei Xiao in front of himself, then pressed his chin on it, and continued to lie on the table in a daze.

Bei Xiao gave him a handful of hair that rose up in the back of his head: "Are you really short of money? If you are short of money and you don't want to ask Lu Chenghe for it, otherwise you can sell this suit on your own, just leave it to you That watch can sell a lot of money. "

Zuo Ning looked at him sideways: "You said, what gift should I give to Lu Chenghe?"

"Present? Birthday present?"

Zuo Ning nodded.

Bei Xiao shook his head with a smile: "As long as you send it, he is happy to pick up a stone by the road."

Zuo Ning sighed, "The stone has been delivered." Although it was not sent for his birthday, the last time Lu Chenghe had birthday, he had not yet come to Lu's house and had not caught up. In order to send something to Lu Chenghe, he has already spent a lot of brain cells. Precious, handmade, and worthless, he wished to tie a ribbon directly to himself and give him away.

Bei Xiao couldn't help but pull a corner of his mouth, he really sent a stone, he also said casually. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, he did not understand the young man now.

There was nothing to explain to the agent. Zuo Ning took the script and left. Before leaving, he did not forget to keep Bei Xiao confidential. Don't tell Lu Chenghe that he was bothering with his gift.

Originally I wanted to take a stroll around the street to see if I could find the inspiration to give gifts, but when he walked down the street with a glass of Coke, more and more people saw him, and he heard the tip of his ear Someone was watching him whispering about his role in the movie.

The movie was only released for two days. Zuo Ning dare to walk on the street like this so that no one would recognize him, but it seemed to be recognized by others. Especially in the hot weather, he didn't wear a star mask such as a hat, mask and sunglasses as standard equipment, and he was so smooth to visit.

Looking at those people who seemed to come towards him intentionally, Zuo Ning immediately turned around and hurried away.

The sweaty runner came to Lu Chenghe's office and took off his sweatshirt without paying attention to it. He fell on the sofa in the office and was breathing like a fish about to die. After taking a break, I finally came alive, and when I saw Lu Chenghe looked down at the documents, he didn't care about himself at all. Zuo Ning rushed to him directly: "Lu Chenghe! I look red!"

Lu Chenghe looked up at him and said, "Well, it does get red." The white, shiny, soft flesh, with his daily forced running exercise, his body lines became more and more compact, although less than the tendon flesh. At that level, but also with abdominal muscles. At this moment, when he came back from the outside with sweat and cheeks, Lu Chenghe inexplicably thought of the four words, "beautiful."

Zuo Ning patted the table with dissatisfaction: "It's not this red! I just seemed to be recognized when I was walking on the road, and someone chased me and ran two streets. If it wasn't for my speed, I wouldn't have run away!" This movie was only on the second day. I did n’t follow it to publicize it, but it was recognized. It seems that I am suitable for this circle, and I was born with a red life ha ha ha ha ha ha! "

Lu Chenghe picked up his clothes and covered it directly on his head: "Going to the bath, I'm sweaty."

Zuo Ning tore off the clothes on his head, raised his arms and smelled it, it was not smelly at all. Seeing Lu Chenghe looking down at the file again, Zuo Ning rushed to his body and snorted: "Your fragrance is on my body, and I will be scented."

Just before Lu Chenghe raised his hand and wondered whether he was going to stab him or poking him, he grabbed his clothes and slipped into the small room with a series of proud laughs.

After arranging the shirt that was messed up by him, even though the person was gone, it seemed that there was a residual lingering lingering. Lu Chenghe looked at the file for a long time, but couldn't see a word in it. He pinched the bridge of his nose helplessly, how could he spread such a fairy and have a headache.

As soon as Zuo Ning entered the room, he began to take off his pants. When he went into the bathroom, he scrubbed and hummed and couldn't find the song. The bathroom with the echo effect made him feel that he was singing well. If it wasn't for singing more than acting, he felt like he could make an album. Those who sing, practice a song again and again during the recording, you must sing it on any show, and the song you like again, it is tedious to sing a thousand times, it is better to act, it is always Experience something different.

After taking a bath in comfort and changing into a pair of dry clothes, Zuo Ning was very intimate and did not disturb Lu Chenghe's work. He rushed directly to the small bed and stretched himself comfortably. Pick up the phone and brush Weibo. Now the Weibo hanging on his mobile phone is his own. It was just launched shortly, and now only a few official announcements have been made. Zuo Ning wants to be recognized today, maybe Weibo ’s fans have also risen a lot.

As soon as I opened the phone and saw the picture on the screen saver of the phone, Zuo Ning flashed suddenly. He knew what gift Lu Chenghe was going to give!

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