MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 99 [Stolen first kiss] A day when the little pudding thought he was making a profit

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As the temperature becomes hotter every day, the summer vacation that students are looking forward to is also coming, and the news is pushed by the college entrance examination champion here every day, or the high temperature warning screen there. Zuo Ning's first movie, as a person, was released in this movie.

Although the summer season looks like a peak in traffic, it may not be as good as usual on weekends or short holidays, because the weather is too hot and many people are unwilling to go out. But for those who are invited to go out, the cinema is really a good choice because it is cool enough.

The director of this fantasy drama, Chitose, is also a famous director. He has won numerous trophies, but unfortunately, he always passes by some international awards. However, this may also be because he is better at shooting some commercial films, and those big prizes often fall in love with the dim, literary films that make people seem to understand. During the filming, there was no publicity for the sake of confidentiality, so when the first movie trailer spread overwhelmingly, the crowd was shocked. I did not expect the director to secretly complete a big drama, this will be released before the news.

Look at the list of actors again. Yo, the male and female masters are both talented and talented. Looking at the supporting roles again, some of them don't. However, this great director always prefers to use newcomers, and sometimes a drama comes out with all the newcomers in it. The newcomers selected by him must have their own characteristics, and in the end they were basically red.

But unfortunately, some red poles did not seize the opportunity for a while and became cold again. Some grasped the resources and gradually became the front line.

The trailer is wonderful and magical. It is moving that the director's aesthetic has always been more public. Without so many strange shapes and costumes, the immortal is a cold and immortal, clean white clothes, simple headgear, unlike some magic dramas, they are simply shrewd. Without talking about the plot, it is enough to lick the face by virtue of the characters in the play.

As the first drama after the little pudding became a person, Lu Chenghe got the premiere ticket early. There was no need for him to mention this kind of thing, and a bunch of people delivered tickets to him. However, Zuo Ning did not know, and repeatedly confirmed whether Lu Chenghe had time on the day and whether he could go to the premiere.

Although Lu Chenghe didn't watch the movie he played, it was a dog at that time. For people, dogs actually look the same, that is, they will see a slight difference when they are raised by their own family. Covering it, Zuo Ning didn't feel so ashamed. Now, when he thought of asking Lu Chenghe to watch his play as a human, Zuo Ning couldn't help but tangled. Wanting but not wanting, watching his acting on the screen, he feels a little awkward.

But this is the first time. He naturally hoped that Lu Chenghe could watch with him, even if he was embarrassed, he could not bear it.

It is a pity that Lu Chenghe has not answered clearly, saying that it depends on the schedule of the day.

Until the day before the premiere, Lu Chenghe handed him the schedule and saw the various conferences full of it. Zuo Ning swollen his back to Landing Chenghe and sat there tearing the doll.

Looking at his aggrieved back, Lu Chenghe said with a smile: "Someone gave me the film long ago, and put it in the projection room at home, otherwise I'll accompany you tonight to see it as a premiere."

Zuo Ning turned back angrily: "That's the same! I don't have that feeling when I look at home. This is my screen debut show, how much more precious memories!"

Lu Chenghe leaned on the chair and looked at the little pudding with one hand on his chin. "What should I do, I pushed the meeting all over?"

Zuo Ning looked back expectantly, watching him silent.

Lu Chenghe also said: "But tomorrow, there will be a negotiation, and it is concluded that in the future, Lu's net profit can be increased by 10%."

Zuo Ning asked, "How much is that?"

Lu Chenghe said: "I can probably invest you in more than a dozen films of this level."

Zuo Ning knows that, not to mention the additional money he added, the investment in the movie at the beginning was tens of millions, which does not include the money invested by other investors. With more than a dozen films of this level, Zuo Ning suddenly felt discouraged: "Then you go to the meeting, so much money, how much loss you feel."

Lu Chenghe raised an eyebrow slightly: "Really? Are you sure? I have asked you this, so don't make trouble with me because you couldn't accompany you to the premiere."

Zuo Ning rolled his eyes directly: "Am I so ignorant!"

Lu Chenghe chuckled: "It really isn't, you aren't human."

Zuo Ning rushed to Lu Chenghe with resentment, trying to bite him. But before he got down, Lu Chenghe touched his head and said, "Little pudding has grown up and knows how to be considerate."

With that said, Zuo Ning blushed for a moment, but Lu Chenghe never exaggerated him so much. The anger that had just disappeared completely lay on Lu Chenghe softly, and he landed on Cheng Chenghe's collar and asked, "Then you must compensate You are absent for such important things in my life and you must compensate me! "

Lu Chenghe asked with a smile: "What kind of compensation do you want?"

Zuo Ning's eyes slipped, and he sat with a smile on his body and said, "I won't tell you, I will take it myself!"

Lu Chenghe looked at him with a grin and didn't know what to think of. He went down with a small smug expression on his face and swept away the grievances just now. He picked up the game and pressed it. However, no matter how powerful he looks when playing, he will never escape the curse that can't be sent to his head by hand.

The night was quiet and Zuo Ning woke up in his heart. The room was quiet and dark. The street lights in the manor passed through the hidden curtains. Zuo Ning thought that the time should be very early. Although I don't know what time it was, at least the day was not yet on.

There was a steady breathing in his ears, and he dared not move in bed because he was in the arms of Lu Chenghe at the moment. He didn't know that he was sleeping this way at night. Every day before bed, he would sleep alone. Either he wants to stick to Cheng Chenghe, but he is always said to be very hot to push away. When he wakes up, Lu Chenghe gets up. He rarely sees Lu Chenghe's sleeping appearance. He still has reasons to squeeze together in the winter, so crowded in the summer, even if the air conditioner is turned on, it is indeed a bit hot, but he did not expect that he was not too hot after he fell asleep.

Zuo quietly lay down for a while, determined that Lu Chenghe slept soundly and showed no signs of waking up, so he moved slowly like a thief, stopped for a while to observe Lu Chenghe's reaction, determined that he continued to move . Until the posture of curling himself in his arms became sideways. Although there was no light in the room, it was not enough to see five black hands. Zuo Ning looked up and could still see Lu Chenghe's features.

Lu Chenghe has always been very good at sleeping. He rarely likes to sleep. He does not like to lie down and wake up, but he does not disturb. Now Lu Chenghe is lying on his back with one hand open, and he is pressing on Lu Chenghe's hand. Zuo Ning gradually turned from a regiment to a lie on his back, watching Lu Chenghe sleep quietly, with a special idiot face.

Looking at it, he slowly put his head in the past. This is the compensation he wants, but he knows that Lu Chenghe will definitely not take the initiative to give it to him. Until the near breath of Lu Chenghe could be sprinkled on his face, Zuo Ning swallowed nervously, only feeling that his heart was about to jump into his throat.

Finally, as soon as my eyes were closed and my heart was horizontal, I put my mouth up.

He hadn't kissed Lu Chenghe before, but they all passed away. This time, he was brave, held his breath, and stuck on Lu Chenghe's mouth for at least five seconds before releasing. When it was released, it also sticked out the tongue and licked, smiling like a stealing cat. This first kiss of Lu Chenghe is his own, and it is his own.

Afraid to wake up Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning slowly lay down again, pretending to press his arm against Lu Chenghe's chest unintentionally, and after a while seeing that Lu Chenghe did not respond, it turned out that he was asleep, which relieved him. A person closed his eyes and remembered the kiss just now, and fell asleep without knowing it.

The person who was stolen kissed slowly opened his eyes when the little thing was no longer moving randomly, his arm was pressed against his chest, although it was not heavy, the sense of presence was exceptionally strong. There is still the warmth on the lips, and the last lick. Until the street lights went out, Lu Chenghe failed to fall asleep.

Looking at the guy who didn't know when he fell asleep heartlessly, Lu Chenghe couldn't help but reach out and hold his face, but he didn't hit his heavy hand, he let go after a moment of rubbing, really a little bastard.

Zuo Ning, who succeeded in stealing incense in the middle of the night, was in a good mood all day. Even if a person was wearing a mask sitting in the last row of the premiere, and the seats specially vacated by him were empty, he couldn't help but flutter.

Although as the third man, the premiere is local and he can attend, but he has not faced the media. Both the assistant and the agent hope that he can have more contact with the entertainment industry. The agent determined that he would sit in his place honestly and put a bucket of popcorn and a glass of cola in his hand: "Hurry up and put on a mask after the movie. If you remember where the car was parked in the parking lot, go Wait for me in the car, if you don't remember, wait for me at the location. "

Zuo Ning nodded hurriedly, watching the agent go to the backstage, moved his mask up, exposed his mouth and began to eat popcorn. A series of leading actors appeared on the stage. With the host's presidency, there were some questions from reporters in the front row, talking about some interesting things during the filming process, and expectations for the film.

There is no tit-for-tat that Zuo Ning thinks. It is probably all set, and the questions of individual fans may not be limited, but it is generally harmonious. Zuo Ning learns from their Q & A while facing the popcorn eater. For example, if you ask yourself this question, how will he answer it.

After a bit of interaction, the starring and director bowed back to the stage and backed up. The lights in the entire screening room slowly dimmed. Zuo Ning knew that the movie was about to start and took a sip of Coke. Sit down, his first scene, tight and dirty!

While the prologue was being played, Zuo Ning smelled a familiar smell of perfume, shook his nose and smelled it carefully. It was familiar, like Lu Chenghe's body. Thinking so, suddenly there are more people around. Zuo Ning turned his head subconsciously, then the whole person almost jumped up in surprise.

Lu Chenghe squeezed his head against the seat, glanced at the bucket of popcorn in his hand, and sat down beside him.

Zuo Ning put the popcorn aside, and pulled Landing Chenghe's hand to his ear and whispered, "Don't you have a lot of important meetings, and there is still a very valuable negotiation, how did you come?"

Lu Chenghe looked at those bright eyes and smiled slightly: "I'm afraid I won't come, you will cry."

Zuo Ning snorted: "How could it be." Then he put the popcorn in Lu Chenghe's hands again. "It's sweet for you. Bei Xiaoge knows that I like to eat cream-filled ones, which makes people re-explode. A pot. "

Lu Chenghe took one from the bucket. It was too sweet. He didn't like it very much. But looking at the little pudding's full face could not restrain his joyful appearance, did not stop him from eating, and occasionally eating junk food was not a big problem.

Seeing that the plot has begun, Zuo Ning couldn't help but whispered to Lu Chenghe: "Do you really not care if you don't go to negotiations? You have been here, I'll just watch as we watched together, if you're busy, go.

Lu Chenghe turned his head over: "Watch your movie."

Zuo Ning leaned his head on Lu Chenghe's shoulders cheerfully. Anyway, they were sitting in the last row, and no one was behind. When I thought of kissing Lu Chenghe last night, he came to watch the premiere with him today. earn! Zuo Ning's smile was almost cracked behind his ears, and he couldn't stop it.

Today is an extremely happy day that can go down in history!