MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 64

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"Shall we have something fun?" Ou Shaowen squeezed out a smile, "I took a long vacation with my manager sister, and when you are discharged from the hospital, let's go out and have fun together. I still have many places that I haven't been to." Well, I have been to several cities when I was working, but I was in a hurry, and I didn’t feel anything. When we travel together, we don’t need to play anything new, just look around and eat something delicious. "

"I don't want to think about work for the time being, and you don't want to think about it either. We just get tired of being together every day. It's fine if we can't travel around and play games on the bed. As long as we're together, it's fine."

Ou Renjin listened to him quietly, "Your tone makes me feel like you are completing some bucket lists with me."

Ou Shaowen just froze there, a little embarrassed, he glared at him, but his eyes were foggy, without any deterrent force.

Ou Renjin didn't want him to escape, but wanted him to accept the fact that he might leave little by little. He said these words with the mentality that he might die soon, but he didn't know that Ou Shaowen was also thinking that he might die soon, and he was doing these final fantasies.

He shook his head and nodded, "The bucket list is the bucket list, will you accompany me to do it?"

Ou Renjin laughed, "Wouldn't it be sad to do those things with the attitude of completing the bucket list? Besides, you should accompany me to do it. Shouldn't this be on my list?"

"No, I have to decide." Ou Shaowen seldom persisted like this.

Ou Renjin didn't have any special wishes to fulfill, and was willing to follow him, "Okay, you decide. Let's make it right first, after you finish the decision, I have to go through the trial, and I won't agree to you unconditionally."

"Ah? Can't even agree to the bucket list?" Ou Shaowen was a little disappointed.

"What, it's not on your bucket list after I've said it all, I'll let you spoil you enough." Ou Renjin smiled and rubbed his head.

It's good that children are always cute and loving like this.

"By the way, I remembered that there is something I want to do with you. Let's record a couple show together, shall we?"

Ou Renjin tilted her head and thought for a while, "The one from "Newlyweds Diary"?"


"No..." Under Ou Shaowen's accusing eyes, he still insisted on finishing the remaining two words, "Great."


"We are a same-sex couple, there may be some restrictions on appearing on star shows."

"Why?" He raised his voice a little and expressed his doubts again. Since he came to this world, his relationship with Ou Renjin has not encountered any sexual obstacles. Whether it is the people around him, teammates, fans, various interviews and programs seem to accept this fact calmly. I don't quite understand what is limited.

Ou Renjin did not explain to him from the perspective of value orientation, but only said: "There are so many couples participating together, not only us, sometimes the man and woman will record separately, and then there will be one person staying with the girls , isn’t it troublesome to listen to them talk about getting married and having children?”

After listening to Ou Shaowen, he nodded lazily, "That's right." After a while, he became excited again, "Then we can record our own vlog and upload our own Weibo, so it will be fine."

"Yes, yes." Ou Renjin didn't know why he insisted on showing affection, "But you are an idol, and you put too much emphasis on CP romance, and some fans may not be happy."

"I don't know them, so I don't care if they are happy."

Ou Renjin pretended to shake his head, "It's so ruthless."

This person is a bit contradictory. He obviously cares about fans' gifts on weekdays and wants to repay the enthusiasm given by fans, but he can do something he wants to do without caring about fans' feelings at all.

"I still want to go to the couple's theater to watch a movie." Ou Shaowen thought about his own wish, "I still want to go to the sea, I have never watched the sunrise at the seaside, I only watched it in the movie, the picture is real It's beautiful."

"I still want to wear couple clothes with you, and I want to go shopping with you in the supermarket."

"Also, I want to make love to you."

After saying this, Ou Shaowen stopped, with expectations in his eyes, waiting for his approval.

Ou Renjin was still immersed in the last bold words he just said, choking for a while, "Who taught you this?"

"Movies, books, some conversations with other people." Ou Shaowen frowned, a little anxiously, "Don't worry about these, just say if you can."

"Here's the first draft of the bucket list, have you finished reviewing it? So... okay?"

Ou Renjin looked at him quietly for a while, with a headache, "Before, every time my exes brought up this topic, I would answer them, 'Actually, I am a very conservative person, and I would prefer to be with another person. After half stepping into the palace of marriage, it will be a matter of course to get to that step, but in fact..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ou Shaowen interrupted him excitedly, "We can also get married, and I want to marry you too."

Ou Renjin paused, and then smiled self-deprecatingly, "Let's say goodbye. It's fine to break up. It's okay to have an ex-boyfriend, but the reputation of being divorced or a widow is too bad."

"I don't think it sounds bad." Ou Shaowen suddenly felt that this was what he wanted to do the most, "I don't have to give up the previous wishes, so let's get married, shall we?"

"Not good." Ou Renjin still rejected him, "I can make my own wish list, I don't want to marry you."

As a person with no future, he can not think about tomorrow, focus on the present, and love the person he wants to love. This is the result of his acceptance of fate.

However, there is always a consideration for the widow. He didn't want Ou Shaowen to be in the entertainment industry in the future, with an infatuated persona who never forgets the dead.

"Is it really not possible? I don't mind what others say about me, I don't mind whether my reputation is good or bad, I just want to marry you." His paranoia at this moment has never appeared before.

"Okay, don't be self-willed, I promise you everything else, okay?" Ou Renjin pulled his arm, motioned him to bend down, and whispered in his ear, "Including the last wish just now, I will also fulfill it for you." .”

Ou Shaowen always wants to come out as soon as he comes out, and he is easily satisfied. He originally thought that if he said that, he would forget about the topic of marriage, and happily prepare to fulfill other wishes with him. But Ou Shaowen still lowered his head and repeated it in a low voice.

"Can't you really marry me?"

Ou Renjin also put on a serious expression, and then repeated, "I really can't."

"Oh well."

Ou Renjin won't know, he will worry that Ou Shaowen won't be able to let him go after he dies, but as far as Ou Shaowen is concerned, he only worries that he will forget him too soon.

This doesn't mean that he doubts Ou Renjin's feelings for him now, he can be sure how much Ou Renjin cares about him, and he always only cares about the present. But if he had to imagine that future—

He would think, when will Ou Renjin's sixth boyfriend show up?

Read The Duke's Passion