MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 65

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Ou Renjin's low-grade fever finally subsided after three days, but fortunately, it did not cause more serious consequences to the heart. Every second counts in the heart transplant operation, and the source of the heart naturally cannot wait for him. It must have been lying in the body of a patient with the same disease, bringing hope to another person and another family.

Just in case, Ou Renjin still stayed in the hospital for a few more days, compared to the past when he always procrastinated for a routine checkup, he is saving his life a lot now.

"Uncle Li." On the way home, he suddenly said, "Go around to the supermarket."

"Is there anything you need?" Uncle Li glanced at the rearview mirror, "Tell me, I will send you and Shaowen back first, and then I will help you purchase. A lot."

"I don't have any special needs," Ou Renjin tilted his head in Ou Shaowen's direction, "The main thing is to accompany the children to experience the feeling of going to the supermarket. Then go to DZD, there should be fewer people there."

DZD is a department store for high-end customers. The items in it are either organic or imported, and the prices are staggering.

Ou Shaowen corrected him sternly, "I don't want to experience the feeling of shopping in the supermarket, but I want to experience the feeling of shopping in the supermarket with you."

"Okay." Ou Renjin couldn't help laughing, and explained to Li Bo, "To be precise, I want to experience the feeling of a young couple shopping in the supermarket together."

"Yeah." Ou Shaowen nodded aside to show that his statement was correct this time.

Uncle Li also laughed a few times, "Okay, that's a little bit far over there, and we have to go around a bit."

"It doesn't matter, this is the only arrangement for today." Ou Shaowen suddenly remembered something, and leaned between the backs of the two seats in front of him, "Uncle Li, will you make a video? Can you help us make a vlog later?" , It’s very simple, just shoot what you see.”

"Okay, can I just use my mobile phone to take pictures?" When Li Bo talked to him, his voice softened, just like coaxing a child.

"Use my mobile phone to take pictures. My mobile phone has relatively high pixels."

So, when we arrived at the supermarket, from the moment we entered the door, Uncle Li held up his mobile phone and pointed it firmly at the two of them, taking pictures while walking backwards, without looking at the way.

Ou Shaowen was amused by him twice, and after reaching out to hold him again to prevent him from hitting the shelf, he smiled and said: "Uncle Li, you don't have to be so serious, and you're not filming a show, vlogs are very casual .”

He has watched a lot of vlogs before, and what he likes is the feeling of casually patting, which seems very real and natural.

"I'll do it." Ou Renjin took the phone over.

Li Bo breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, okay, I just can't do this technical job."

Ou Renjin didn't take pictures of themselves, the camera was only on the shelf, and the conversation between the two of them was used as a voiceover.

He knows a lot about this place, and sometimes when he encounters something he bought that is useful, he will introduce it in a low voice and recommend it.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Ou Shaowen suddenly became unhappy, "Don't just pat them, you pat me."

Ou Renjin paused, and moved the camera back from the merchandise, and then Ou Shaowen's unhappy little face appeared in the camera.

He is becoming more and more self-willed and casual in front of her. Ou Renjin thinks his tone is cute and playful, and admits his mistake very cooperatively, "I'm sorry, I ignored our brother Shaowen. Look, brother Shaowen's sculpture-like face, how much does it look like?" handsome."

His tone was serious and emotional, and he didn't know if he was joking for a while. Although Ou Renjin often yelled at fans on Weibo before, this was the first time he called him that in real life. His voice was low and it made people's eardrums itch.

Ou Shaowen stretched out his hand to push the camera away again, "Don't call me that, it's weird."

"Then how should I call you, baby?" Ou Renjin tilted her head and smiled.

Ou Shaowen pursed his lips that were about to turn up, and pretended to be serious: "You can just call me by my name, Ou Shaowen."

"Full name, that's so unfamiliar, it's not as affectionate as your teammate." It seemed to be jealous.

"Then you can call me kid, I quite like to hear you call me that." Every time he called him like this, his tone seemed intimate and doting.

"Understood, kid, can you remove the camera now? It's not convenient for me to walk like this to keep shooting you."

Ou Shaowen nodded, "I just want others to know that I am the one who went shopping with you in the supermarket."

"Otherwise, would there be someone else?" Ou Renjin felt that he was very childish today, "Everyone in the world knows that you are the only one who will go to the supermarket with me."

Ou Shaowen gave a "hmm" and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, indeed, the whole world would know that Ou Renjin was the only one who accompanied Ou Renjin to the supermarket, but in a few years, if he didn't take a clear picture of his face, he was afraid that others would not remember it.

They bought a bunch of snacks and dinner ingredients in a mess, and they were going to go back and make dinner together. They also bought two T-shirts of the same style as their couple shirts.

There are also all kinds of toys like racing excavators and remote control planes that children will like. When Ou Shaowen was shopping, he just stopped in that area curiously for a while. Ou Renjin may have thought of when he first arrived at the villa. Squatting in the hallway holding a remote control car and having fun, I thought he would like it, and moved a lot into the shopping cart one by one.

Later, they pushed two shopping carts full of things into the car and arrived home, but for a short distance, Ou Renjin wanted to help carry some things, but Ou Shaowen was worried about his health, so he was not allowed to carry even a bag.

Ou Renjin didn't compete with him, and watched him and Uncle Li carry a big bag of things in, especially enjoying the feeling of being protected, "Brother Shaowen, your boyfriend today is so strong, it really makes me feel so strong." People feel safe."

Ou Shaowen's face slowly turned a blush visible to the naked eye, "I told you not to call me that."

Ou Renjin laughed, thinking that teasing him was really the most fun thing in the world.

Tonight, the two of them agreed to cook together. Ou Renjin put on her apron and rolled up her cuffs in a decent manner, and stood in front of the chopping board and asked him, "Little leader, what should I do now?"

He changed his name casually.

Aunt Zhou was persuaded by them to sit in the living room, she glanced worriedly into the kitchen, and from time to time found an excuse to walk around the door and take a look.

"I didn't ask you to wear an apron," Ou Shaowen looked at him suspiciously, "You don't need to cook, I said I want to cook dinner with you, just like in the movie..." He stretched out his hand and gestured own waist, "I was cooking, you hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear 'what are we eating tonight', can you understand that kind of scene?"

Ou Renjin couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head and laughed a few times, but the more he thought about it, the happier he was, and he waved at him while covering his stomach.

Ou Shaowen didn't speak to urge him, as if he was quietly waiting for him to finish laughing. In fact, he was quite happy in his heart. Ou Renjin was always amused by him during this time, which proved that he could indeed bring him a lot of happiness. But this kind of relief can't overcome the faint urgency in his heart at this time, "Are you finished laughing? Can we start?"

"Okay, here we go, let's start." Ou Renjin tried hard to hold back the smile.

Ou Shaowen turned around and began to wash the vegetables, and motioned him with his eyes to hurry up and hug him. Ou Renjin walked up behind him and put his arms around his waist, his chin was neither high nor low, and it fit perfectly on his shoulders. There was still a smile in his tone, and he lowered his voice and asked him, "I've been doing this all the time." Is it okay to stay in this position?"

"Okay." Surrounded by his body temperature, Ou Shaowen felt happy, but also regretted that it was not the morning sun bathed in the morning sun, otherwise the picture would have been more beautiful.

It doesn't matter, wake him up next morning and give him a hug in the kitchen.

Ou Shaowen moved towards the chopping board with the washed ingredients, and Ou Renjin dragged his steps to follow him bit by bit, hugged him quietly for a while, and suddenly said, "This is so monotonous."

"Then you can kiss me, usually you will kiss me in this situation." Ou Shaowen was still cutting vegetables in his hand, he turned his head and raised his chin to let him kiss, because he was doing something at hand, it seemed that he was begging for a kiss There was a touch of perfunctory in his actions.

Ou Renjin was afraid that he would get distracted, so he didn't care about his perfunctory, so he lowered his head and gave a quick "boo" on his lips, "It's still monotonous."

Ou Shaowen went to the pile of ingredients next to him to find something else to use, Ou Renjin continued to follow him, "I don't think it's monotonous, I think this is very good, it's much happier than cooking by myself."

"Just find a double-sided tape to stick the two of us together, so that you will feel happy wherever you go."

The child should have never had normal skin-to-skin contact with people since he was a child. Later, when he met him, he had a fledgling plot and began to draw warmth from him.

He thought that Ou Shaowen would nod his head and say "Yes", but after hearing what he said, he just smiled lightly, "No matter how close two people are, it's impossible for two people to stick together forever, they both have their own things to do do it."

It's sensible and mature.

Ou Renjin joked with him, "Don't always pour cold water on me when I think you care about me, okay?"

"I care about you very much." Ou Shaowen emphasized, "I also want to be with you every day, but this is impossible. Besides, you will find it troublesome."

"Why do you say this so pitifully?" It seemed that he was a scumbag who left his other half at home and made him wait every day.

They finished the meal in such a greasy way, Ou Shaowen was in charge of cooking, and he was in charge of being a personal accessory.

When preparing to eat, Ou Renjin had the nerve to say to Aunt Zhou: "How about the food we cook? This is my first time in the kitchen."

Aunt Zhou: "..."

Don't think she didn't see it in the living room, he was kissing and hugging Ou Shaowen the whole time, and at most he handed him a condiment.

Ou Shaowen took a mouthful very cooperatively, turned his face and nodded to him, "It's very delicious, even better than what I made before."

Aunt Zhou: The couple didn't see it.

After dinner, Ou Shaowen imported the video materials he took during the day into the computer, learned how to cut them casually, added some subtitles, made a few beginning and ending effects, and watched them from beginning to end. He was quite satisfied and was going to post them on Weibo .

Ou Renjin was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, and suggested, "You should post it on my Weibo, since you're too popular with fans by posting on Weibo yourself."

Ou Shaowen thought about it for a while, and thought it was good. Ou Renjin never deleted his ex's Weibo, so that no matter how long it had passed, others would be able to see it.

So in the end, this video appeared on Ou Renjin's Weibo again. Fans were fed up by the weekly Tuan Zong, and they could still eat cp candy from him when they turned their heads. They were extremely happy and satisfied.

Wei Fan may secretly scold him on his Weibo, "The scumbag **** my brother again", and then turn around and comment on his Weibo, "Ah, ah, brother is so handsome". In short, it seems It's still quite harmonious.

During this period, Ou Renjin also took half a month's leave to satisfy Ou Shaowen's whim from time to time. In fact, many of the things he wanted to do were often done by ordinary young couples. Ou Renjin didn't think it was necessary at first. Nothing special, but there is someone who is looking forward to doing all the things couples do with you, and you feel that everything is worth looking forward to.

Read The Duke's Passion