MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 72

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Ou Shaowen trembled all over, his pupils constricted subconsciously, and he murmured "No".

This is what he has been worrying over and over again, and it is the reason why he wants to hide the truth about Ou Renjin no matter what.

But he still knows.

Boundless panic choked his heart.

In the next second, Ou Renjin tore off his collar, exposing half of his chest that was still wrapped in bandages, "When you can watch this video, the wounds from the surgery should have healed."

As he spoke, avoiding the original surgical trauma, leaning against the handle of the knife, he cut firmly in the middle of his chest not far away.

Ou Shaowen leaned back on the back of the chair abruptly, as if wanting to escape from this scene, but his eyes were still staring at the computer screen masochistically, he could even see the flesh and blood under the skin as the knife tip slashed inch by inch. It burst open, and the blood quickly stained the bandage on his chest red, and then spread inch by inch along the lines of his clothes.

"Fortunately, there will be no scars on the children." Ou Renjin looked at the camera, as if looking into Ou Shaowen's eyes, showing a gentle smile, "This is very good, I will leave scars for you, so you I won't forget it."

As he said that, he glanced at his palm again, "The scar here has also faded, and it needs to be deepened, otherwise it will almost disappear."

He carefully aimed at the scar on his palm, and stroked it again. The blood quickly blurred into one piece, and it was impossible to tell where it flowed down.

Ou Renjin lowered his head and wiped away the blood on the wound with his fingertips, as if he was carefully identifying whether the wound was deep enough to leave a scar, then pulled his collar and looked at his chest.

Ou Shaowen had the illusion that the same part of himself was also hurting. He clenched his palms tightly, feeling a little out of breath.

Finally, Ou Renjin frowned as if feeling the pain, and as if suddenly lost interest, he put the blood-stained knife on the coffee table in front of him, "Let's do this first."

He raised his eyes, "If you can survive, then do it first. If you die, I will dig out your heart that was temporarily placed in my chest, and cremate and bury it with your body."

Ou Renjin smiled lightly, but his eyes were so cold that it made people tremble, "It's not because of love, and it's not because of how much I like you, so you don't have to be moved. I'm just very reluctant to let your sacrifice produce any hope that you expect. the result of."

The screen went black, which seemed to mean that the punishment was also over at this moment.

Only then did Ou Shaowen return to the water like a long-dried fish, and took a deep breath.

"It's okay," he kept reassuring himself with red eyes and a choked throat.

The moment Ou Renjin held the knife against his chest just now, he really thought that he would directly plunge the knife into his chest, and ending with such a wound was already the best result he could think of.

He comforted himself like this, but he still felt so distressed that he was about to suffocate.

Ou Shaowen clenched his phone tightly and continued to call Ou Renjin. He knew that Ou Renjin must be very, very angry, because he did something wrong, because he cheated him, and did not keep his original promise.

If he cried and apologized to him, would he forgive him? He will tell him that this must be the last time, and from now on, he will obediently obey him in everything. After knowing that Ou Renjin loves him, he is already more than anyone else who doesn't want to hurt himself.

But... what can he do? He could grow another heart, but Ou Renjin couldn't. He had a chance to survive, but Ou Renjin didn't. For him, in fact, there has been no other choice, he can only do this.

But Ou Renjin looked really angry, Ou Shaowen even kept rejoicing that he was alive again. He never believed in the fate of ghosts and gods, but at this moment, he was willing to worship the gods and Buddhas in the sky, allowing him to survive.

Otherwise... when he thought of the scene where Ou Renjin cut open his chest with a knife and dug out his heart expressionlessly... he felt that even if he died, he would not forgive himself.

Ou Renjin's life could have lasted a little longer, and maybe he might encounter another unexpected surprise, and it was he who ruined all possibilities.

Good thing...he survived.

However, Ou Renjin's phone call has not been connected.

Ou Shaowen became more and more flustered, he was afraid that Ou Renjin would not even give him a chance to explain and apologize, he was afraid that he would finally be disappointed in him. If not for this surgery, they would have celebrated their anniversary two or three months ago. Ou Renjin has never been with a boyfriend for so long, and he is so disobedient, is he finally tired, is he... ready to stop liking him and want to leave him.

He redialed the number over and over again, but each time no one answered the phone until the ringing ended. After typing for nearly half an hour, he finally gave up, opened WeChat, typed a long series of words and sent them to Ou Renjin.

"Ou Renjin, don't be angry, okay, I promise you, I will obediently keep my promise in the future, and I will never disobey your words again."

"I've actually done this kind of operation many times, and every time I've come back to life, you see, it's the same this time. I just had a checkup, and my heart is intact and healthy again. .”

"I didn't intentionally want to break my promise, it's because I wanted to save you so much. You never believed that I could really regenerate organs. I was afraid that if I told you, you would firmly disagree, but I could obviously save you. In the end, I watched you leave helplessly, I couldn't do it."

"Does your wound hurt? Take good care of yourself and bandage the wound, okay?"

"I know I was wrong, I swear, I won't let you do this kind of thing again, don't you want to scar yourself, okay?"

"Take care of me, okay?"

At the end of the post, there was still no response.

Ou Shaowen's fingers paused on the phone screen, with a deep sense of frustration and despair. He was wondering if Ou Renjin really didn't want him this time.

It took him a long time before he finally pulled himself together and called Xiao Liu.

"Hey, brother Shaowen, I heard that you have recovered and been discharged from the hospital? Congratulations, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future." Xiao Liu didn't know the truth of the matter from the beginning to the end, only thought that Ou Shaowen was rescued after a car accident It's a good thing that he's fine now when he came back, so he was very excited to receive Ou Shaowen's call.

"By the way, I just found you on Weibo. Your fans found out that you have been on and off for more than three months without a schedule. Now you have organized a small-scale bombardment of Definition Entertainment, suspecting that they deliberately suppressed it."

Ou Shaowen knew what Xiao Liu said. When he got the phone, he had already seen countless WeChat messages and a long list of missed calls from his manager's sister.

He knew it would be rude not to reply after seeing the message, but he really wasn't in the mood to deal with that right now.

They had enough filming materials and variety show inventory before, and his Weibo account had already been handed in, which has always been shared by the team and the individual. He didn't feel that his disappearance for more than two months would cause much backlash in the fan community, and he didn't think it was something urgent enough for him to deal with now.

"Xiao Liu." Ou Shaowen interrupted him and asked him nervously, "Have you seen Ou Renjin recently?"

"No." Xiao Liu gave a negative answer, "Mr. Ou's private seal has been handed over to the secretariat. During this time, the vice president has been in charge of the company's business. However, he Send me a few messages to explain business."

Ou Shaowen seemed to breathe again, "That's good."

At least it can show that he's fine, he didn't sneak that knife into his chest again out of the camera's reach.

"Did something happen between you and Mr. Ou?" Xiao Liu asked this question a little cautiously. He originally thought that Mr. Ou must have been with Ou Shaowen in the hospital during the time when Mr. Ou disappeared, and he didn't feel that the workaholic gave up his job because of this. What's so special, after all, Ou can always take a long vacation specially to go out with Shaowen's brother.

"You don't know, Mr. Ou found out about your car accident just a few days after the operation. We wanted to hide it from him, but he was too smart to hide it. I still remember his expression at that time , his face was pale, and he didn't have any anger in his body, but luckily you're fine now... Are you arguing now?"

"Yes," Ou Shaowen felt even more uncomfortable, "I made a serious mistake and made him angry. He seems to ignore me."

The pitiful tone made Xiao Liu want to laugh, and he blurted out: "It's okay, it's a trivial matter to ignore you. If he is really angry, he might be smiling at you one second, and he will be smiling at you the next second." Just announced the news of your breakup on Weibo, as long as he hasn't made an official announcement, it's not a big deal."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his thigh and felt broken. There is no one who can comfort people like him. It sounds like Mr. Ou is such a scumbag and the breakup is so casual.

But it was miraculous that Ou Shaowen was so comforted. He was obviously relieved on the other end of the phone, "Thank you, then I'll go and see if he has posted anything on Weibo."

"Huh?" Before Xiao Liu could say anything, he heard the blind voice of "beep" from the other end of the phone.

It's over, as a cp fan of W Ou, he suddenly felt that the candy was not sweet anymore. As for the true love that was promised, Shaowen's younger brother has been so anxious until now, afraid of being abandoned at any time.

Ou Renjin, this big scumbag who plays with other people's feelings!

After calling Xiao Liu, Ou Shaowen went to Weibo, and carefully browsed Ou Renjin's homepage. His latest Weibo was more than two months ago, and he posted a photo of Ou Shaowen at the seaside. In front of the layers of waves, half of the face was dyed with the blush of the sunrise, which was very beautiful.

Click on the comment, and there are many fans asking Ou Renjin about his whereabouts.

"Before, you abducted your brother for half a month, and it was fine to travel around. Now it has been two months. If you stopped working for the last two months to accompany you, you will never be able to explain it. You have to know that now It’s brother’s rising period, he’s not your toy, can you respect his dream?”

Ou Shaowen frowned. If the company and his agent hadn't told them many times not to reply to fans' comments casually, he would have refuted it directly.

He has no dreams, even the current dream of shining on the stage was given to him by Ou Renjin.

Some people don't know anything, but they always like to act like they know him better than anyone else.

After confirming that Ou Renjin didn't post the breakup Weibo, he finally felt relieved, and sent a few WeChat messages to Ou Renjin. He finally had the heart to read the countless unread messages he had accumulated, and then returned them one by one.

The phone calls from the agent and the teammates came one after another. Ou Shaowen's unified statement was that he had a small car accident and recuperated in the hospital for two months. After receiving a lot of concern, His mood of falling to the bottom finally eased a little.

He followed his agent's advice and posted a Weibo explaining that he had been hospitalized for the past two months. All the fans really started to care about his body in an instant, and after caring, they continued to criticize the definition of entertainment, accusing them of arranging too tight and too intensive a schedule for him.

It's also very contradictory.


Because I don't like spoilers, I haven't responded to everyone's comments. I saw a lot of fairy comments, and thank you for your careful analysis. But you don’t believe me too much, haven’t I said it many times, am I writing an essential sweet article? How is it possible to dig out the heart again?

Read The Duke's Passion