MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 347 drop

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  Chapter 347 drop

   While Yate was sorting out the harvest, Angelo Nell, Sandra and others also noticed Shahem's death.

  After Shachem and the alienated body all died, a "spiritual rain" suddenly fell in the ruins.

   This is a phenomenon that only occurs when the core character in the ruins dies. The spirituality suddenly becomes active and transforms into a liquid-like existence. The concentration is much higher than before, and the quality is better and easier to absorb.

  The reason why Shaohui and others are not in a hurry to meditate to absorb spirituality is because they are waiting for the present.

  This phenomenon is generally only found in this small relic, so it is suitable for novices to advance.

   Conversely, if this phenomenon occurs, it means that the core character in the ruins has died.

   "He actually killed that monster?!" The sudden rain of spirituality caused Sandra and others to fall into brief shock.

   Immediately, he thought of the powerful aura that had just flashed by.

  So, he deliberately stayed at the end because he didn't want to be seen?

  Take it for granted that Shahem was killed by Yat, and even speculate that the "moon" in the sky was summoned by him.

   Otherwise, how could it appear so coincidentally, and then disappear after killing that monster?

   "Moon" disappeared after finishing the mop.

  Sandra and others were both emotional and helpless.

   Unexpectedly, the first place was taken by an outsider!

  After dozens of trials, this situation did not occur more than 3 times!

  Although he borrowed external force, his ability to borrow this level of external force is itself a manifestation of ability.

  High-level ability does not mean that you can use it if you lend it to you.

  Although they are not very convinced, they all agree with the result.

  This relic is a bit strange, completely different from the primary relics they have experienced in the past. The final monster is even more powerful and desperate. They are ready to give up, but Yate killed the monster. There is no reason not to admit it.

  Even if someone had other ideas, they didn't show it under the general trend.

   Mainly Sandra, Yam Lloyd, Zachary Cumberland said nothing.

  The group did not meditate immediately, but returned to the scene first.

   Haven't left the valley yet, and returned to the previous place in less than a minute.

  Yate is curiously studying the spirituality that suddenly appeared like fog and rain, but unfortunately the spiritual organ has already eaten in one breath, so he can only starve.

   Xenia Eugen fell into a deep sleep and could not communicate with him.

  The thing above the head has also disappeared.

  The alienated body in the cave dare not come out.

   It has been discovered that Gus's death was abnormal, and it is obviously impossible to be killed by Shahem.

  I didn’t bother to pick up the things that fell on the ground, waiting for Shaohui and others to come back.

   Will definitely be back!

   This can also try to avoid misunderstandings.

as predicted.

   "Dead?" Angelo Nell asked impatiently as soon as they met.

  Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him.

   "Dead." Arthur withdrew his hand from playing with Yusi and nodded.

   "You killed?" Sandra asked.

   "No!" Art shook his head.

  Definitely cannot admit it!

   It is only one aspect that they don't want to be known by them, and the other is that if they admit that they have this ability, why didn't they use it earlier?

   It was a dead person just now!

  Besides, you have to wait for them to leave before using it. What is your intention?

   In Zhuo Zhuo's eyes, although not all were malicious, there was not much kindness either.

   "I only touched it once, and it was the thing just now that killed it." Art pointed to the top of his head.

   "That moon? Didn't you summon it?" Zachary Cumberland was taken aback.

   "No, you think I can do this?" Art pointed at the corpse of the alienated body Gus again.

   "Is this the alienated body?" Sandra and the others were taken aback again.

   It's not that they are rare and weird, but that it's all so weird!

   "That's right." Arthur nodded.

   Unconsciously imitating Xenia Eugene's catchphrase.

  Sandra and several people surrounded her.

  The rest wait while absorbing the spirituality.

  The concentration here is higher.

   "What's going on?" Angelo Nell asked directly after seeing the carrion on the ground.

  Basically believed that he didn't do it.

   This way of dying is too weird!

   "That thing suddenly appeared, shed light, and then it turned back into a tree, and soon withered." Yate explained, "You should know how hard its body is. If it wasn't for its own decline, it wouldn't be blown apart."

  Sandra and the others nodded.

  They have a deep understanding!

"As for the alienated body, I thought I was killed by it at first, but I realized something was wrong when I turned into this ghost." Art continued, "If I guessed correctly, the alienated body in the cave should also be killed. They are all dead, you can send clones in to have a look."

  Sandra and the others immediately looked at Patricia Lambert.

  Patricia Lambert took out a statue and threw it on the ground, although she could no longer use the Shadow Clone skill in a short period of time.

  The slap-sized statue quickly turned into a shadow and "disappeared" after being thrown on the ground—it just disappeared from the sight of ordinary people, but it actually used a technique similar to stealth.

  While waiting for the result, Art said to Shao Hui and Angelo Nell: "This is what it dropped. You can take it. I am very grateful for following in. I am too embarrassed to take it again."

  Instead of being taken away by the four churches, it is better for him to give up on his own initiative, so as to leave a good impression and not cause embarrassment.

   Plus, he can choose who to give it to!

   In this way, at least two people can gain some benefits.

   You can also win the favor of the Church of Dawn and the Church of Terra. What if it is useful?

  Shaohui and Angelo Nell both understood, and went up to pick it up without being polite to him.

   One piece per person.

   Sandra and the others could only smile wryly upon seeing this.

  They have seen it a long time ago, but in their identities, in front of so many people, if Art doesn't ask, they are really embarrassed to pick it up.

  When you are placed in a certain position, you will understand the meaning of the word "involuntary".

  They represent the face of their respective churches!

   "Is that all?" Shao Hui asked.

   It's not that he is dissatisfied, but that it is good for him to ask him face to face.

   It's even harder to explain after leaving the scene.

   "There is also a breath of life, which adds about 10 points to the upper limit of life." Art immediately understood what she meant, and said without thinking.

   Once opened, it was reduced by 9 times!

   Sure enough, there were a lot of envious looks from around.

   Jealousy is also there, but not strong.

  Although I guessed that he might have shrunk, but it is estimated to be 1 or 2 times, how could he have shrunk 9 times!

   In addition, there are many emotions of rejoicing and gloating.

  Sandra and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Such a result is acceptable.

  If it is a special ability, they don't know what kind of mood it will be!

  The breath of life is the most common type of drop. Even if you add dozens of points to the upper limit of life, it doesn't matter.

  They all know that the core monsters in the ruins will have special drops after they die!

  Some special abilities come from this way.

   It belongs to information that has never been released to the public.

  Angelo Nell and Shaohui should not tell him this kind of information.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion