MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 348 unsurprisingly aimed at

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  Chapter 348 Unexpectedly aimed at

  For members of the church, there are certain information that cannot be shared with outsiders, even relatives and friends.

  Once someone leaks this kind of information, it will easily spread, and it will not affect the interests of one or two churches!

  Angelo Nell, Shao Hui, and the others cannot be confused.

   And Yate is participating in the ruins exploration for the first time, so the chance of lying is very small.

  After confirming this, Sandra's attention was all shifted to the "moon" that had just appeared.

  Before I thought it was Yate’s summoning, although I was a little suspicious, but I didn’t think too much about it. Only now did I realize that there is actually a third party in the ruins? !

  After discussing, I decided to contact the boss outside.

   It’s not impossible to contact, but it’s impossible for the big guys outside to monitor the situation in the ruins at any time, let alone carry out rescue at any time, and ordinary people are not worth spending their time on it. If you don't even have the courage to face life and death, what potential is there?

   Bigwigs show up faster than Patricia Lambert statues.

   They also walked the way they came, but the speed was not the same.

  2 digits.

  One each from the Church of Dawn and the Church of Vulcan.

  The members of the Dawn Church are mostly women, and this woman who came is also a woman whose age is difficult to estimate.

  Sometimes he looks lively and bright like he is in his 20s, sometimes he looks bright and moving like he is in his 30s, and sometimes he looks mature and elegant like he is in his 40s...unpredictable.

  The Vulcan church is also a woman.

  Wearing a long red dress, red hair, and bright crimson pupils, she enveloped the audience with aura as soon as she appeared.

   Very strong!

  In a split second, all the sound disappeared.

  The lady of the Vulcan Church just glanced at it and found that there were a lot of staff reductions. Her slender eyebrows frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

  Zachary Cumberland stepped forward and told the discovery of himself and others.

   Don’t rush to talk about your experience.

   "Is there a third party?" These two ladies encountered this situation for the first time, and searched the scene immediately.

  A powerful breath swept past like a storm.

   Didn't have much impact on everyone.

  The Overseers have left, but they are not in vain.

   It was found that the remaining light agent did have some targeted special effects.

   This also made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

  If targeting them...

  The faces of the two ladies were also ugly.

  As the examiners this time, they have checked the level of this relic before and confirmed that it is a primary relic. Why are there so many problems?

   It has been discovered that the entire island is the corpse of a monster!

   Monsters of this level are definitely not something rookies like them can handle.

   Also, although the traces in the cave have been erased, there are still traces of the Eugen family's struggle, which is also beyond their ability to deal with.

   And there are more than one similar monsters!

   The two of them couldn't help but want to ask themselves, how did this relic be designated as a primary level in the first place?

  How could such an obvious existence not be discovered?

  If there are only one or two people, it can be explained as their own negligence, but all of them have not detected it, then the problem is big!

  Their own problems were alleviated, but the discovery was huge!

  It is obviously a relic that has just been opened, and they have never entered it. Why are there other forces?

  The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

  Patricia Lambert's statue returned, but it turned out that it was no longer needed, and the 2 were confirmed.

   After a brief exchange between the two, the lady from the Vulcan Church suddenly looked at Yate: "You found it?"

   "Yes." Art stood up and answered honestly.

   He didn't make a fuss just because he knew many 7th-level bosses.

   "Tell me in detail how you discovered it." The lady from the Church of Dawn said.

   The benefits of taking the initiative to distribute the drops to Angelo Nell and Shaohui are reflected.

Although the Vulcan Church didn't mean to force him, the difference in rank made him feel a heavy pressure under the gaze of the other party, as if he was carrying a schoolbag while running, even if it didn't contain anything. It will feel heavy.

  The Dawn Church is obviously friendly to him.

  It was discovered early on that the two most valuable items were in the hands of Angelo Nell and Shao Hui.

   "I'm going to take the last risk, and if it doesn't work, I'll retreat right away..." Art organized his language a little and said.

   Suddenly someone in the crowd raised his hand.

   "Say it!" The lady from Vulcan Church looked over.

  People of their own family.

   "I want to ask him why he was paddling all the time before, but he was so desperate in the end?" The man made no secret of his targeting.

  The atmosphere of the crowd suddenly became subtle.

  Zachary Cumberland stared at the ground without squinting, the expression on his face remained unchanged, as if he didn't hear it.

  The ruins are over, these people will definitely not follow his lead.

   It's not surprising that it is Yate, who made him an "outsider".

  Angelo Nell and Shao Hui also showed no unnecessary expressions.

   Instead, Sandra glanced at the speaker with some dissatisfaction.

  He still wants to make friends with Art!

  That auxiliary ability, he really likes it!

   "Excuse me, do I need to answer?" Art was not angry, but looked at the lady of Vulcan Church calmly.

  It was just a simple question, but it made many people raise their eyebrows.


  If others ask him to answer, he will imperceptibly lower his status, and if he is anxious to defend himself, he will also give people the impression of guilty conscience.

   Didn’t ask the person from Dawn Church who was kind to him, because it would easily misalign the positions of the two bosses.

  Although the two will not target each other because of him, his thoughts will be interpreted as "provoking".

  A simple question can avoid all pitfalls. Although these "raised eyebrows" can understand it, they ask themselves that they don't have such a quick response.

  Both ladies couldn't help but re-examine him.

  The Vulcan Church's eyes paused for a moment on his hair.

  I saw it before but didn't pay attention to it, but now it catches my eye a little bit.

   "Explain it, so that they don't misunderstand." Said lightly.

   "First of all, I don't know where he saw that I was paddling. I think the members who are traveling with me should have more say." Art said.

   Debate, he is familiar with it!

   "I can attest that he has contributed a lot!" Donna Morton was the first to stand up.

   Beverly Hardy can only keep up.

   Then Dylan Felton, Kristen Carter, Patricia Lambert and others from the Church of the Shadows.

  The members who were with Donna Morton and Dylan Felton saw it, well, let me stand up too.

  Finally Sandra, Yam Lloyd, Zachary Cumberland, Jerome Mond and others.

  When they stand out, they will naturally bring together the members of their respective circles.

  Even Irma stood up!

  Wu Yaya stood up, as much as 70%!

  The person who asked the question had an indescribable expression, flushed cheeks, and eyes wide open, but he couldn't find a target to vent his anger. It was like being wet the bed for the first time in his life but being told by his mother in front of his little friend.

  It is true that you are angry, but can you vent your anger to your mother?

  Similarly, he could not, or dare not express his anger to so many people.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion