MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 391 show up

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  Chapter 391 appeared

Martin Adams was indeed tasked with investigating the change of the moon phase, but it was not a mandatory task, including the person who asked him to come, and he didn't even think about finding out. In fact, it is only necessary to make sure that Ms. Yue has not changed. Otherwise, it would not be a little Paladin like him, but at least a Tier 9 boss.

   Directly related to the gods, level 9 may not be qualified!

   Moreover, it’s okay if they can’t find out, if something is found out, involving Ms. Yue’s secrets, they will be in a dilemma.

  What I just said was just trying to scare Art.

   A small person like Yate must lack awareness of the dynamics and patterns of the upper class.

  If it is true as he said, how could it be possible that only he, the paladin of the Church of Dawn, came over after so long?

  The Corpse Eater Cult and the demon's forces are unlikely to come because of the moon phase change.

  The reason for asking Art is because any believer of Ms. Yue, the brackets "normal", cannot disclose it. They just want to test Ms. Yue's state from it.

   But he didn't expect that Yate would come up with such an almost blasphemy idea when he forced him!

   Can things about the gods be fabricated at will?

  Although in order to preach, the major churches have fabricated many deeds for the gods they believe in, but that is an "official act" and has been approved by the gods.

  Different in nature!

  Martin Adams no longer wants to find out anything from him. How can a guy like him who doesn't have much respect for Ms. Yue know the truth?

   Just want to get away!

  Once he speaks out, maybe Ms. Yue will know that her audience will also be dragged into the water.

   "It's okay, you don't need to lie, just help me to refer to it." However, who is Yate, seeing him backing down, he immediately clung to it.

  Role reversal for 2 people.

   "The canon does not allow me to hear this!" Martin Adams refused.

  Art rolled his eyes.

   1 minute ago, he was still inquiring, but now he says that it is not allowed, and fooling fools will not take him like this!

   That is, I am not familiar with him, and his strength is stronger than myself, otherwise I will definitely let him know what it means to be sharp-tongued.

   "Your behavior is blasphemy." Seeing this, Martin Adams suddenly sighed and reminded him.

  The momentum changed.

  He was Paladin Martin Adams before, but now he is more like an ordinary person.

  He knew that Art had discovered his weakness, and was afraid that Art would force him into the water, so he played the emotional card instead.

   "It was forced by you too!" Yate looked helpless and broke the jar.

  He is helping Ms. Yue hide her secrets, and I think Ms. Yue won't care.

  But Martin Adams didn't know!

   "I'm just reminding you, not forcing you." Martin Adams explained.

   "Even if you don't have one, what about other forces? Such as the Corpse Eater and that demon..." Yate looked like a rascal who never let go.

  I don't care, I'll rely on you anyway!

  As Martin Adams speculated, his knowledge of the upper class was too shallow, so he was indeed bluffed by Martin Adams' words.

   It's just that Martin Adams was too unlucky to be caught by him.

   Whatever you say today, you need Martin Adams to figure out a way for yourself!

  Martin Adams also understood his purpose. Seeing that he would not accept his will, he finally had no choice but to say: "Don't worry, no other forces will come to you."

   Explain to him the thoughts of the upper class.

   I don't want to drag him down anymore.

   "What if?" Unexpectedly, he was not satisfied yet!

   "No chance!" Martin Adams said sullenly.

   "Okay." Arter saw that he was showing signs of breaking out, so enough was enough.

  This is the case in any world, honest people only have to be bullied, it has nothing to do with strength.

  However, although Martin Adams is a paladin, he is obviously not an honest person.

   "Don't be dissatisfied, if it's just an ordinary Tier 3, I wouldn't tell you so much!" Martin Adams said without concealment.

  After the "friendly exchange" just now, we have a clearer understanding of each other.

  The relationship also becomes closer naturally.

   It's not "close", it's just "close" to know the real side of the other person.

   "How can I say that I have a good relationship with the Church of Dawn, but you are too rude!" Art said pretending to be angry.

   "Hmph!" Martin Adams snorted coldly, not bothering to expose him.

  With his personality, how could he naively think that a little affection could change a paladin's attitude towards him?

   Who are you pretending to be innocent for?

  Besides, he is thick-skinned too, he can switch between "you" and "you" when he has something to do, and the switch is extremely smooth.

  However, his character has more potential.

  The kind of honest and upright people who stand out can only appear in operas and novels.

  It's a very simple truth, no matter what kind of organization, it is impossible to let an honest and upright person be the leader!

  In the extraordinary world, "honest" means "weak", and the weak have only the fate of being eliminated.

  Want to get close to him because he is smart, smart, and shameless!

   As it happens, Martin Adams is not honest.

   Of course, it also has something to do with his background.

   "What is the origin of that demon?" Art also realized the kindness of Martin Adams, otherwise he would not have made progress just now.

   "I suspect it's a guy from the Erem Order!" Martin Adams looked serious, and introduced the origin of the Erem Order to him.

  I didn't mean to tell him at all before.

   "Can't you really find that demon?" After finishing speaking, Martin Adams asked again.

  Before it was an official conversation, and they didn't trust each other, but now there are some personal friendships.

   "I'm not lying." Art smiled wryly and shook his head.

  He couldn't help if the major wasn't right for him.

   "However, I still have a piece of information about the Corpse Eater." Reciprocate, but also provide some valuable information.

   "What?" Martin Adams was not surprised.

  Instead, he would also give valuable information to a person close to him in private, and reap favors and benefits.

   "The stronghold of the dead food religion is at the beginning of a 'tower'." Art told him the information he got from Kevin Connor.

   It is inconvenient for me, and I have not found a suitable investor.

  The most suitable candidate is undoubtedly Windsor Sinclair, but the relationship between the two parties is actually not close, but after hesitation, they decided to choose her.

  It's a pity that Angelo Nell and Shao Hui are not here, and Moore Ryan's status as the "garrison commander" should not be too active.

   Not to mention Gustav Cook, directly excluded.

  As a deputy director of the city bureau, he may be used by him temporarily, but it is impossible to succumb to him.

  The emergence of Martin Adams, replacing Windsor Sinclair.

  2 people are very appetizing.

   "Where does the tower begin?" Martin Adams didn't ask him where he got the news, and after confirming that it was correct, he left.

  The sooner the matter of the corpse cannibalism is resolved, the better.

  In addition, the vicinity of Moya University should be screened again to find out the "third party".

  Yate sent him out the door, and watched him leave, frowning unconsciously.

  First the Corpse Eater, and then the demons, Pudera City, which had been calm for a while, suddenly became chaotic again.

   The arrival of these guys is probably because of the moon phase change that I made?

  Although Martin Adams explained clearly that these forces are unlikely to investigate the cause, but the possibility of coming due to the change of the moon phase is very high.

  As the origin of the moon phase change, it is also the place where Ms. Yue focuses on taking care of, so there must be some differences.

   It is not surprising that there are cult organizations coming here upon hearing the news.

   In this way, he has a lot of responsibility.

  How can I find the Corpse Eater Cult?

  The location known from Kevin Connor is most likely just a temporary stronghold of the Corpse Eater, or it has been abandoned.

  Although there is an oath to bind, but as long as the dead eaters are a little more vigilant, they will change their bases.

  However, the abandoned place is not useless, as long as you have lived, you can find some clues and traces.

  After Martin Adams returned to the Church of Dawn, he immediately informed Windsor Sinclair of 2 new clues.

  The Dawn Church in Pudera is led by Windsor Sinclair.

  Then, Windsor Sinclair immediately joined several other churches and officials to screen the places beginning with the word "Tower".

   Also did not ask Martin Adams where he got the information.

  With the cooperation of these parties, there is nothing that cannot be done in Pudera.

  Efficiency can also be called extremely fast.

   It took only a few minutes to find out the place names with the word "tower" in Pudra City, including 2 streets and 1 station.

  3 parties act at the same time.

  2 streets are in the outer city, and the station is at the pier.

   All failed, but a suspicious house was found on a street called "Tucker Street".

   It was the house where Harrington Finn had stayed.

   However, Harrington Finn changed locations after returning from Arter's.

  So this time, the government and the church failed.

  But Martin Adams managed to capture 2 breaths.

  One of them is the same as the breath of Tier 6 in the ruins, and it can no longer be locked.

  The other one is the breath of an ordinary human being, which can be locked!

  After hearing the news, everyone was refreshed.

  For the Corpse Eater, they put in a lot of thought and energy, not to mention their deliberations, but they have been unable to find each other, making them all start to wonder if there is an internal response from the other party on their side!

   Now we finally have a clue!

   And it's also a clue to the "insider traitor"!

  How could they not be excited?

   No matter who it is, we must find out!

  Martin Adams leads the team himself.

  Except for him, no one can lock this faint breath.

  The leaders of the next few churches followed.

  In Pudera City, it definitely belongs to the "Heavenly King Lineup"!

  This time, we must catch the living and eliminate all external interference.

  They are already mentally prepared that the traitor is a high-ranking official, wealthy businessman or aristocrat.

  From a historical point of view, these three are most likely.

   Unexpectedly, Martin Adams actually took them all the way to the suburbs!

  A corner that was almost forgotten by Pudera.

  A wasteland.

  It is not suitable for growing crops, nor suitable for building houses, so it is just abandoned.

   Potholes, muddy, like a heavy rain.

   However, it has not rained for 1 week!

   are all sea water emerging from the ground.

  Some plants that should have grown on the seabed rarely grow on the ground, which is quite strange.

  However, after breaking away from the seabed environment, although these plants survived, they did not grow very well. The tallest one was no more than half the height of a person, but they were entangled like messy reeds, and they could no longer tell each other apart.

  In this environment, it is easy to breed some dangerous insects!

   Someone was bitten to death here.

  The government cleans it up almost every year, and the effect is very remarkable at the beginning, but as time goes on, the effect is getting worse and worse, and finally it can only be abandoned here.

  Unless the terrain here is completely changed, the sea water will keep rising and the environment will be difficult to change.

  If it weren't for this visit, Windsor Sinclair and the others would have almost forgotten that there is such a place in Pudera City.

  As a church, it is normal not to pay attention to areas where there are no people.

  A figure stood on the wasteland, just fishing an arm-long eel with a piece of algae.

  Tawny, scaleless, snake-shaped, with a mouthful of fine fangs, very fierce, the body swings left and right in the air, as if trying to wrap itself around that person.

   At first glance, this person looks like an ordinary fisherman, with ordinary appearance, thick body, rough skin, wearing a worn-out coarse cloth, elbows, knees and other places have been deformed, it is difficult to connect him with the Corpse Eater.

  However, Martin Adams' reaction has proved that the other party is the target they are looking for!

   It seems that they are waiting for them specially.

   The breath was probably left on purpose by the other party, so they were able to find it so smoothly.

   The first reaction of Windsor Sinclair and the others was "trap", and they hurriedly searched around with their spirit.

   Only the other person, no other breath.

   But looking at the other party's leisurely posture, it is clear that they are confident, and several people can't help but wonder, is the other party 7th rank?

  In short, a group of people instantly became tense!

   Ready to retreat!

  Martin Adams also stared at the other party with a serious face, his body was slightly tense, and he was in a state where he might exert strength at any time.

  Unable to distinguish the opponent's rank and occupation!

   "The bugs here are good." The other party turned to look at them, and threw the eel they caught into a mud pond with not much water in the distance.

   "Crackling", "crackling"... the sound of the eel violently whipping the muddy water sounded.

  However, after only persisting for less than 2 seconds, there was no movement.

  The eel disappeared, not even the bones were left!

   "Your Excellency?" Martin Adams asked.

  He did not perceive the breath of the corpse cannibal from this person!

   In other words, the other party is a normal human being.

   It is impossible to determine the opponent's rank, but it is precisely because of this that they dare not act rashly.

   It's a little strange, how could such a character become an ally of the Corpse Eater Cult?

  It can't be a corpse eater!

"It doesn't matter who I am." The other party completely ignored their king-level lineup, and said indifferently, "I will discuss something with you, how about not interfering with the plan of the Corpse Eater this time? When their plan is completed, you can do whatever you want." You can do whatever you want, and I can help you for free."

  Martin Adams and the others frowned at the same time.

   Listening to what the other party meant, it was clear that they were using the Corpse Eater to plan something.

   This makes things more complicated.

  (end of this chapter)

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