MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 392 Lair (thanks to the book friend "Membrane King" for the reward)

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  Chapter 392 Lair (Thanks to the book friend "Modong Wang" for the reward)

   "Your Excellency" is a kind of respectful title, which originated from the East. It is rarely used by ordinary people, but it is very popular among professionals.

  Martin Adams called the other party this way, which in itself meant a concession.

   Completely lost the aura of "don't give up until you reach your goal" when you came.

  That's why he is different from traditional paladins.

  Windsor Sinclair and the others did not speak, but they had the same attitude.

  If the opponent is a level 7 powerhouse, they are no match together. Instead of giving away the head for nothing, it is better to retreat temporarily and ask for help after returning.

  However, they don't think that the other party dares to keep them at the same time, so they won't be humble.

  The attitude of the other party also proves this point.

  Tell directly to the people they are using the Corpse Eater, and try to cooperate with them.

  To be honest, Windsor Sinclair and the others don’t mind working with each other.

  In this matter alone, it is a win-win situation.

   But, they couldn't believe each other!

  Strong strength does not mean that the character is trustworthy, just like the rich and famous are not necessarily good people, on the contrary, there are more hidden filth.

  Furthermore, even if the other party sincerely cooperates, it is impossible for them to nod.

  Once they nodded, it was equivalent to sending the handle to the opponent. How could they not see such a simple trap?

   "The Corpse Eaters stared at the students of Moya University, and now it has caused panic." Martin Adams did not agree or refuse, but told the difficulties of himself and others.

  I want to find out why the Corpse Eater targeted Moya University.

   It stands to reason that the Corpse Food Sect can completely target ordinary people in the outer city, and it will not be discovered so quickly.

   "After this time, they dare not go to Moya University." The other party took it for granted that it was his condition and agreed.

   I don't want to leave any excuses, so naturally I can't directly discuss the conditions, and it is understandable to be vague.

   "What are the dead eaters planning?" Martin Adams continued to ask calmly.

   "No matter what they are planning, they will not succeed!" The other party still didn't tell him what he wanted to know.

   Very sophisticated.

  Strange, why haven't I heard that there is such a person in Pudera City?

  Windsor Sinclair whispered in their hearts.

   This is their relapse!

   "How do I call you? We can't even know your name." Martin Adams was very patient.

   "Rez Carter." It was the liaison officer of the Corpse Eater Cult in Pudera!

   I don’t know if the priest of Sarah, the corpse eater, knew that he was hiding his strength. Harrington Finn definitely didn’t know.

   "Your Excellency Carter, how can we trust you?" Martin Adams seemed to intend to agree to the other party's conditions.

   "My word is a guarantee!" said Rez Carter.

   "Which side do you represent?" Martin Adams looked embarrassed.

   That is, the opponent is strong, otherwise he would have vomited on the opponent.

  A guy who hides his head and shows his tail, and has never even heard his name, wants to use his name as a guarantee to fool fools?

  He is not a high-ranking strong man who has never seen a corrupt character!

   Of course Rez Carter heard what Martin Adams meant, but unfortunately, he couldn't say it.

  In fact, he already knew that Martin Adams was stalling for time and trying to get some information from him, but he still expected the two parties to reach a cooperation.

  Unfortunately, we still have to do it.

   "It seems that we can only do it." Rez Carter said lightly.

  No worries or regrets.

  Hands-on doesn't mean talking about it.

   "Aren't you afraid that we will ask for help when we go back?" Martin Adams didn't believe that the other party really dared to kill them. Moreover, as the bishops of a region, these people must have powerful extraordinary items on them. Even if they can't fight, they can escape.

   "Will you tell the church's senior management about your dereliction of duty?" Rez Carter knew the style of these people very well.

  His existence is the dereliction of duty of these people.

  Even if the influence is not great, it will affect the impression of these people in the upper echelons of the church. Sometimes it is this insignificant impression that may determine a person's future.

  He believed these people would not gamble.

   Besides, after the fight, these people will change their minds if they think about it.

   "I said, as long as you wait for a while, if the plan of the corpse eater fails, you can enjoy it. Why don't you wait longer?" As he spoke, two holes suddenly cracked in the palms of both hands.

   A button-sized toad and a finger-sized lizard emerge from 2 holes respectively!

   There is no blood flowing out, but the muscle tissue, blood vessels, etc. in the hole can be seen... The picture is a bit weird, even the well-informed Martin Adams and others are seeing it for the first time.

  Although they wouldn't be disgusted, they all raised their guards and took out their weapons.

  War hammer, shield, club, codex.

   This person made his own body into a lair for raising such strange creatures. Who knows how many there are in his body?

   Only 2 pieces are released!

  The toad and the lizard jumped from Rez Carter's hands, and when they landed, they were the size of a truck and more than 3 meters long.

   Apart from the exaggerated body shape, the appearance of the toad does not seem to be much different from common toads.

  The lizard turned into the color of a mud pit after landing. If they hadn't been so powerful and had seen it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't have known that there was a huge lizard lying there!

   Neither side made a sneak attack, giving each other time to prepare.

  Martin Adams and the others didn't want to make the other party angry.

   And Rez Carter didn't really mean to turn his face against the other party.

   This battle is inevitable.

  Even if Martin Adams and the others agree with his proposal, it is impossible to nod in order not to leave behind. The best way is undoubtedly to fight one game, and then get kicked back, using an excuse to prepare for a period of time, wait for him to backstab the corpse food teacher, and then sit back and enjoy the rewards.

  The two sides didn't even have a verbal agreement, so naturally it couldn't be used as a handle.

  But there is a shortcoming, the other party may go back on his word at any time.

   Therefore, he also needs this battle to show his strength.

  After the fight, he believed that the opponent would not choose a choice that was beneficial to him, but chose to lose both.

   Seeing that the opponent was ready, Rez Carter took a step back.

  Like a signal, Xante Harold held the blue code in one hand and chanted: "The Great Lord of the Storm..."

   Two ladies, Windsor Sinclair and Sylvia Marie from Terra Church, stood in front to guard.

   It's a bit weird, Xante Harold, who is a man, stands behind holding a code of law, while the two women, who are women, stand in front with a hammer and a club.

  Martin Adams charged Rez Carter with a hammer in one hand and a shield in the other.

  It is somewhat similar to Art's charge skill, with a string of phantoms, appearing 1 meter in front of Rez Carter in the blink of an eye.

   But the last 1 meter has become an insurmountable moat.

  Martin Adams suddenly shrank back and raised the shield in his left hand.

   "Boom!" With a loud sound like a battering hammer hitting the city gate, Martin Adams flew back from the side.

  The color-changing lizard appeared beside Rez Carter at some point, and drew its tail on his shield.

  I thought this lizard was an agile creature, and it changed color almost invisible, so it was the best choice for an assassin.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a powerful assassin!

   As the person involved, Martin Adams is well aware of how powerful this lizard is, and he is no less powerful than him!

  Just now he suffered from the size and terrain, it's not true that he can't even compare with a lizard.

  The muddy ground was very slippery, and he was charging, so it was inconvenient for him to use his strength, so he was sent flying.

  Status rolled in the air, then knelt down on one knee and landed on the ground, holding the shield in front of the left hand to prevent the opponent from chasing after the situation.

  The lizard disappeared again.

   In battle, it is even harder to spot lizards!

  With such a big body, and on the muddy ground, there is no sound or footprints when moving.

   There were footprints left when the attack was launched, but it was already difficult to deal with it when it was discovered.

   I don't know if I got stuck at that time point just now, or did it on purpose.

   If it was done on purpose, it proves that this lizard's combat IQ is not low!

   is more difficult to deal with.

   "Quack—" On the other side, before Xante Harold could launch an attack, the huge toad suddenly opened its mouth and let out a cry.

  A wave of air visible to the naked eye ejected from its mouth, causing a roar.

   It made people's ears buzzing.

  Like an air cannon!

  Sylvia Marie saw the air wave like a cannonball in front of her, and her eyes seemed to light up. She took a step forward, raised her hand flat, and raised her palm upright, trying to catch the opponent's "air cannon" hard!

  The arms are covered with a layer of sandy yellow.

   "Boom—" The air cannon exploded on her palm, and the aftermath lifted the mud on the ground several meters high. Sylvia Marie's clothes and hair were also blown up by the air waves, but she didn't move at all, let alone injured.

   I like this head-to-head approach!

  Looking up at the huge toad opposite, with a bit of contempt in his eyes: "That's it?"

   This toad was really intelligent, and was instantly irritated by her eyes, and two bubbles the size of washbasins swelled up on both sides of his cheeks.

   It seems to be accumulating strength.

   But is this guy a frog or a toad?

  If it is a frog, the dense tumors on its body cannot be explained; if it is a toad, it has the vocal sac that only frogs have.

  It can't be a hybrid, can it?

   I don’t know if I noticed the thoughts that Sylvia Marie deliberately expressed, but the toad became more angry, and the tumors on its body faintly showed signs of bursting.

  Sylvia Marie suddenly showed vigilance on her face.

  She is not afraid of the opponent's brute force attack, but she has to guard against venom.

   "Wind Pillar!" At this moment, Xante Harold's voice sounded from behind.

  A huge pillar of wind that is as thick as a person's arms, more than 5 meters high, and spinning at high speed suddenly appeared in front of her, and went straight to the calm Rez Carter.

  Sylvia Marie and Windsor Sinclair's expressions changed at the same time, and they hurriedly erected protection in front of them.

   The "crack" sounded continuously.

  The mud on the ground was rolled up and splashed in all directions, as if it had rained mud!

   It seems that ordinary wind blades, wind thorns and other attacks are difficult to be effective, so Xante Harold used the "hit trick".

   It's not a big move, but it's better than ordinary skills.

   "Boom!" Next to it, Martin Adams fought the lizard again.

  This time, it was the lizard that tried to attack Xante Harold and the others, but was stopped by Martin Adams.

   With preparation, Martin Adams and the lizard were evenly divided.

   At least in terms of strength.

   Don't forget, Martin Adams is a paladin who is good at spiritual value!

  However, the two sides are not fighting to the death, and it is not even considered a serious fight. Acting is very important, so naturally he will not use his full strength.

  Including Xante Harold's Wind Pillar, which seems to be powerful, but in fact it is not as powerful as the ultimate move, and it is not as flexible as the Wind Blade and Wind Thorn, so it is more dynamic.

  Among them, Sylvia Marie wanted to weigh the toad's attack strength.

  After the wind pillar was stopped by the toad, Sylvia Marie rushed up.

  Buff is not added to myself.

  With her strength, if she needs to add buffs to deal with a "pet", she will lose her share.

  However, she retreated at a faster speed just after halfway through.

   That guy doesn't talk about Wude!

  A tumor on his body burst, and a thick turbid liquid spewed out.

  The weight is at least 500ml, with a fishy smell. Sylvia Marie has never seen such a thing, and of course she will not take it hard.

  Windsor Sinclair raised his hand and released a milky white light, stopping the venom.

  Try whether your ability is effective against this venom.

   Prepare for future contacts.

   It is uncertain when they will contact again, at least understand the other party's ability first.

  When the milky white light came into contact with the venom, there were bursts of "squeaky" sounds.

   Stopped it, but the milky white light also dimmed a bit.

  Windsor Sinclair frowned.

   This is just the venom contained in one of the countless tumors of that toad!

   And this toad is one of Rez Carter's "pets"!

  Even if she didn't use all her strength, what about the other party?

  The remaining venom fell on the mud floor, making another "squeaky" sound.

   The silt within a radius of half a meter emits wisps of green smoke, quickly drying and zooming!

  What a strong toxicity!

  Sylvia Marie and Xante Harold both twitched their eyes slightly.

  It has little effect on them, it can block and hide, but it is a sharp weapon for group killing!

  Imagine, a toad the size of a truck, the tumors on its body burst at the same time, and countless venoms are sprinkled over the sky, at a speed comparable to a sharp arrow. Few low-level professionals in the church will be spared!

   There is also the lizard that is "inextricably fighting" with Martin Adams. If it is not a frontal fight, but a sneak attack, let alone low-level professionals, even 4th and 5th-level professionals may not be immune.

   Rez Carter is showing his strength, forcing them to choose "win-win"!

   Once they got back and called for help, Rez Carter could have escaped.

   Revenge them later.

   Just now I just thought things were getting complicated, but now it's really troublesome!

   As if they felt that the heat was almost ready, Toad and Lizard suddenly stopped and returned to Rez Carter.

   Rez Carter's body is cracked with countless holes!

  Arms, cheeks, neck...every exposed part has holes open, densely packed, and there is a strange aura dormant. I don’t know how many there are under the clothes. His whole body is a nest!

  Strange and scary!

  Compared to him, the strange form of the Corpse Eater seems to be just a novelty.

  The expressions of Windsor Sinclair and the others became very ugly.

   has realized that his strength may not be strong, and only exists as a lair, so his existence cannot be detected.

  But it does not mean that the trouble will be reduced.

   Instead, big trouble!

  Leaving aside, even if he could be killed, it would be a huge trouble for these things in his body to escape. If he was not strong, who would help him catch these things?

   Is there a second, or even Nth?

  (end of this chapter)

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