MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 233 Fame!

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  Chapter 233 Famous!

  If it was a real dragon, James would not dare to face it himself, let alone let such a small mercenary go.

  But if it's just a half-blooded dragon, or even a minor, any third-rank professional can be sure.

   If James has free time, he doesn't mind getting the title of a dragon slayer.

   But now since he wants to do things for the adult he is loyal to, this kind of thing can only be left to other people to do.

   The reputation of killing a red dragon can be used as the reward for this mission.

  Zhang Feng did not hesitate, and set off directly after receiving the task.

  As for the errands of the City Lord's Mansion, it can be temporarily suspended.

  Because the city lord has a mission, "just in time" allows Zhang Feng to go out.

   It can be seen from this that the city lord's side has also been infiltrated by the Myriad Things Society, but I don't know which pillow person it is.

   "Go to bid for [Tianxiang]?"

   Zhang Feng looked at the task he had received and couldn't help shaking his head.

  According to the mansion chief who gave him the task, this heavenly incense is a special kind of perfume, which is the most beautiful thing God bestows on the world.

  The annual output is extremely limited, and the price is skyrocketing every time.

  Of course, the so-called bidding for Tianxiang was not asking Zhang Feng to pay.

  There is a special person at the auction house to conduct the auction. All Zhang Feng needs to do is to bring the goods back directly after bidding for the goods.

  Of course, according to James, Tianxiang will definitely not be able to bid this time, so as to avoid the situation that he cannot complete the task.

  But this is not certain, maybe some people are out of their minds and don't want to bid anymore, and they need to bring this thing back because they were picked up by the people of the City Lord's Mansion.

   "This is really, extremely boring."

   Zhang Feng felt that his relationship with James seemed a little closer.

   But it may also be an illusion.

  Anyway, he has already prepared to spend a few years to truly regard himself as a loyal member of the All Things Society, so as to climb to a high place.

   In the future, there will be plenty of time to build a good relationship with the other party.

  In short, after receiving two tasks, Zhang Feng walked out of the City Lord's Mansion.

  Bringing a copy of the roads issued by the city lord's mansion, not only can you travel unimpeded in nearby cities.

  After arriving in other cities, it can also be used as a token and a proof of identity.

   It's still early for Tianxiang to be auctioned, and he has about 20 days to hurry.

  Although the distance is indeed relatively far, the 20 days is only the time to travel on two legs.

  Zhang Feng walked out of the city gate and came to the deserted wilderness. He flapped his wings and flew up.

   Relying on his super speed, he quickly crossed thousands of kilometers and came to what James called the heat wave desert.

  The red dragon that came from the Beisha Islands is in this desert.

   "The red dragon usually hides in the crater of the island, but this time it was driven out because the members of the Association of All Things wanted to do something about it."

   "However, the red dragon itself is also doing a lot of evil. It eats a lot of people on weekdays. The population around the island where it lives has been eaten up."

   "So this time I was attacked by the All Things Society, and no one helped me after running such a long distance, which means that I don't want to be seen by anyone."

   "So James is not worried that someone will help him when I kill the red dragon, but what is really more dangerous is that after killing the red dragon, there may be people who have been watching and robbing."

  The red dragon is full of treasures.

  Dragon skin can be used as armor, dragon meat can be eaten, dragon tendons can be used as bow strings, keel bones can be used as medicine, and even bathing in dragon blood can strengthen the skin.

  In short, the greatest value of a dragon is actually after being skinned and boned after death.

  A red dragon is a golden mountain, enough to attract countless people to slay dragons.

  However, it is not easy to do this.

  Even if the red dragon is not an adult, it is only a mixed race, and its strength is still equivalent to that of a top three-rank professional.

   Except for the existence of the lord level, it can directly crush the opponent.

  Normal professionals need at least a team of three ranks to come.

   But the red dragon is also extremely cunning. It has a special spell of dragons, which can detect the enemy's traces from a distance.

   If the red dragon finds that there are too many people, it will run away directly, and it will not stay stupidly and be tough with others.

   It was by relying on this shameless tactic that the red dragon came to the heat wave desert smoothly and has not died yet.

  Here in the heat wave desert, it is not difficult to find the red dragon.

  The local aborigines were the first to know that the red dragon came here.

  The local beasts were persecuted by the breath of the dragon, and all of them were restless and there was a lot of movement.

   Even humans themselves can feel shortness of breath and listlessness.

   This is the influence of Long Wei, which can be easily judged.

   Depending on the influence of people from different places, the range of the red dragon can be locked, so within a day, Zhang Feng saw this red dragon more than 20 meters long in the desert.

  However, near the Dragon Cave, Zhang Feng also found that many people were staring at this side.

  These people who want to slay the dragon hide in a place far away from the dragon's lair, where the red dragon can hardly perceive, and use binoculars to peep.

  They dare not use any spells, because this can easily attract the attention of the red dragon.

   "With so many people, why do you only dare to stare at the red dragon and dare not make any moves?"

   Zhang Feng took advantage of the fact that these people were not paying attention, and took a look around, and found that these people were not only observing the red dragon, but also observing other colleagues.

  Obviously, if they were the only ones here, they might really dare to challenge the Red Dragon.

  But there are peers around, and they are worried that they will pick the peaches at the end, so naturally they dare not challenge at will.

  Zhang Feng understands this, but he obviously doesn't care much.

  He directly took out a weapon, glides directly from the air and rushed towards the red dragon that had just returned to its nest.

  The silver-white sword light seemed to swing a full moon, and as soon as it came into contact with the red dragon pu, it split his head in half.

   A mighty Rumble, but couldn't hold on for even a second, and was chopped to death by Zhang Feng's sword.

  He directly cut open the red dragon's belly, took out the red dragon's heart, and took out a fiery red dragon crystal that looked like a diamond, and jumped straight into the air, flying away towards the distance.

  And the corpse of the red dragon left behind by him immediately attracted countless people coveting aside.

  They jumped out frantically, threatening others not to approach with their voices, and at the same time rushed to the dragon corpse quickly and began to cut materials.

   Soon this side became a **** battlefield, and the corpses became a hill.

   As for who took the greatest benefit from the Red Dragon in the end, it became a secret and was no longer known.

  However, Zhang Feng, who slayed dragons by hand, became famous from now on.

  The reputation of dragon slayer is directly on top of his head.

  (end of this chapter)