MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 234 charge some interest first

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  Chapter 234 Collect some interest first

  Zhang Feng killed the red dragon, took the heart, flew to the predetermined crater, and threw the heart into it.

  The hot lava erupted suddenly in the next instant, and countless magma flowed out from the crater.

   Many fire elements were born from it and began to spread around.

   Zhang Feng stood high in the sky, watching a fire elemental lord as huge as a mountain climb out of the crater, looking up to the sky and screaming.

  A mass of viscous magma, like a cannonball, burst out from the Fire Element Lord's mouth and hit Zhang Feng.

  But in the next second, the magma shells passed directly through Zhang Feng's body as if they had been shot into the phantom.

   This is an extremely high-speed movement, dodging in an instant and then returning to the original position.

   "The speed is too slow, Your Excellency the lord."

   Zhang Feng showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the impotent and furious fire elemental lord below.

  Since he started unblocking the progress bar, he has unblocked 8% of the time.

  What does this 8% mean? It means that about 8% of his own attributes have already merged with him.

  How many attributes does Zhang Feng have now?

   There can be about 50,000 total attributes.

   And 8%, almost 4000 points.

   Since his attributes are extremely average, his agility can reach as much as 800 points.

   If it is fully integrated into the body itself, the agility of 800 points is very scary.

  Normal human reaction and movement speed are only 1 point of agility in the dark game, but at this moment, 800 points of agility, one can imagine how powerful it is.

  The speed-type lord-level bosses that Zhang Feng couldn't see clearly. Although they are powerful, they have high agility values, but they are only a little over 1,000.

  800 agility is almost the same as such a boss.

  As for the fire elemental lord in front of him, one can tell just by looking at his figure that the other party is definitely not that kind of agile lord.

  His own agility attribute is not high, and it cannot compare with Zhang Feng's speed at the moment.

  So in the current battle, Zhang Feng can finally enjoy the oppressive feeling that the agile lord boss once had on him.

   "Bug, get off!"

  The fire elemental lord roared towards the sky, and the flames on his body further flourished, "Disturb my sleep, use your flesh and blood as my fuel!"

   "Ah... this is unnecessary."

  Zhang Feng stood high in the sky, looked at the fire elemental lord who could not fly, then turned and left.

  He doesn't need to continue to do anything, he just needs to release this elemental creature, and his task is considered complete.

   "However, James didn't tell me that the one here turned out to be a fire elemental lord."

   "If I can't fly, I'm not strong enough. I'm afraid I will die here the moment I release the opponent."

   Zhang Feng was flying in the air, cursing in his heart.

   Obviously, this James wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, and wanted the fire elemental lord to kill him.

   It's just that I didn't expect that my strength would be so strong, and I could fly, so I successfully avoided the battle with the fire element lord.

   But why did James attack himself?

  Zhang Feng rubbed his chin. Could it be that he killed someone because he told him that he didn't like killing people?

   Actually he guessed right.

   Zhang Feng rejected James' mission to kill, which already made James dissatisfied.

   From the other party's point of view, Zhang Feng doesn't want to kill people, he doesn't want to kill people, because he hasn't completely got rid of his human identity.

  Everything will be fundamentally unacceptable to such a vacillating folly.

   Can only be exploited, but cannot be trusted.

  So after confirming this point, James already had the idea of ​​killing Zhang Feng.

  However, Zhang Feng's A-level mercenary still has the strength.

  Although James believes that his own strength is stronger, he can't guarantee that Zhang Feng has any means to escape his pursuit.

  Besides, he still has some tasks to complete, and it is not easy for him to leave this area.

  So he simply gave Zhang Feng a suicidal task and asked him to do it.

   Just let the awakened fire elemental lord kill him.

   But what James didn't expect was that Zhang Feng was so powerful that he easily avoided the attack of the fire elemental lord.

   "No, the more I think about it, the more I get angry. I want to kill that fire elemental lord."

  Zhang Feng flew in the air for a while, and he already understood that he might be abandoned by that James.

  Then his previous mission plan obviously failed, and he couldn't become a high-level executive of the All Things Society.

  Going back like this now, I don’t want to be reconciled no matter how I think about it, I definitely need to get some interest first.

  So, he was going to kill the fire elemental lord, go back and kill that James, and then kill all the members of the All Things Society he found.

   Then Zhang Feng waved his hand, and hundreds of yellow scarf warriors appeared beside him, and they went back to the crater directly with him.

  The menacing yellow scarf fighters quickly surrounded Zhang Feng and came to the fire element lord.

   Before the fire elemental lord got angry, each of them cast a lightning strike, which instantly turned into a thunderstorm, brightening the entire sky white.

  Even if it is still daytime at this moment, the bright light is enough for people in distant places to see this scene.

  As the central location bombed by thunder, the fire element lord couldn't even find a single hair.

  Only a cluster of black ashes remained on the ground, representing the demise of this terrifying existence that was once powerful enough to destroy cities and countries.

  With the death of the fire element lord, the heat in the crater seemed to drop a lot in an instant.

   Countless fire elemental creatures around them began to become confused, but they were still pointed and killed one by one by the yellow scarf fighters.

  Finally the entire crater was clean, and no more elemental creatures survived.

  The cursing Zhang Feng left with the yellow scarf warrior.

   After a long time, no one appeared around.

  They checked the surroundings and noticed that there were powerful beings fighting here, and one of them was the elemental creature that was disturbing the chaos.

   However, all elemental creatures are dead, and some elemental nuclei fragments left on the ground are enough to prove this.

  Accompanied by more and more masters, they looked serious, and tasted the wave of the dead fire elemental lord from the remaining breath.

  A strong man who can stand at such a height is naturally quite curious about it.

  How could a powerful elemental lord die in such a short period of time.

   And what kind of person would kill such a powerful opponent so easily?

  In the entire main world, there are countless lord-level existences.

  I have never heard of anyone passing by here, and kindly risking danger to kill a powerful enemy of the same level.

   Soon, news about the killing of the elemental lord spread throughout the surrounding area.

  The popularity jumped to the highest level.

   This even surpassed the deeds of the dragon slayer who killed the red dragon in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)