MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 241 death zone, space anchor

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  Chapter 241 Death Forbidden Zone, Space Anchor

  As for Aladdin's invitation, Zhang Feng naturally agreed happily.

   Spatial anchors are not trivial.

  The elemental world invaded the main world, this is a matter of two worlds, it is not that the elemental world can come directly if it wants to come.

  The elemental world needs some space anchor points in the main world. Through these space anchor points, the elemental creatures in the elemental world can be teleported to the area near the space anchor point.

  As long as the nearby space anchors are destroyed, the elemental invasion on the side of the Borg Principality will come to an end.

  In the main world, there are about a dozen such space anchor points, but so far, the space anchor point mentioned by Aladdin is the first one found today.

   This is mainly because spatial anchors are extremely hard to find.

  First of all, there will be no abnormal phenomena at the space anchor point, nor will there be any mana fluctuations.

  Unless you stand in front of yourself, you don't know where the spatial anchor is.

  Under such circumstances, searching for a spatial anchor point is like finding a needle in the sea, and the difficulty can be imagined.

  However, Aladdin was able to find a space anchor point, and he doesn't know how to find it.

   "Actually, there is nothing."

  Aladdin didn't show off, but said calmly, "There will always be more elemental creatures near the space anchor point."

   "One of my troops was attacked by a large number of elemental creatures nearby, and they didn't even run away."

   "After investigation, it was discovered that there is a space anchor point guarded by elemental lords."

  Aladdin's words were calm, but Zhang Feng felt that there was a lot of anger in his tone.

   I'm afraid that army means a lot to Aladdin.

  Aladdin did not bring many people this time.

   An elite team of 200 people, all holding a long hook gun, covered with silver scale protective gear, looks very mighty and majestic.

   On the contrary, Aladdin himself is relatively petite, only 1.7 meters tall. Compared with these soldiers who are nearly 2 meters tall, he is indeed much shorter.

  But Aladdin himself has an undisguised temperament. Even if he is a little short, his sense of presence is very overwhelming.

  The direction the team was headed for was exactly the junction of the two countries where Zhang Feng was planning to go.

  According to rumors, there is an elemental lord there, who seems to be the guard guarding the space anchor.

   But according to Aladdin, there cannot be only one elemental lord at the space anchor, there may be two, or even three.

   "There is no problem with the three elemental lords."

  When Aladdin asked him if he was worried, Zhang Feng said honestly, "Actually, I still hope to have a few more, but there are too many, and it is really difficult to fight. It is safer to only have three."

  Aladdin choked on his words for a moment, not knowing what to say about him.

   Fortunately, their destination is coming soon.

  Aladdin got the soldiers ready, and he rushed out alone, standing on a tall tree overlooking the scenery ahead.

   "That's right, it's in front."

   "Howling Wind Valley, the rumored forbidden place of death."

   Aladdin returned to the team, and said to Zhang Feng, "I'll be one by one and you one by one. If there are more, my soldiers will resist for a while."

   "However, their strength is difficult to participate in the battle of the upper lord level. At most, it can only delay a little time, so we need to kill our opponents as soon as possible, and then save their lives."

  Hearing this, Zhang Feng subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the group of soldiers.

  These words are obviously intended to use these soldiers as cannon fodder, in order to attract the killing of the elemental lords.

   Two hundred people, how long can a lord last?

   Before Zhang Feng and Aladdin could finish off their opponents, these soldiers might be completely killed by them.

   It's just that they are carrying out a mission that must die, but Zhang Feng has never seen any retreat or fear on their faces.

  On the contrary, each of them has a spirit of seeing death as home, and it seems that they are already ready to sacrifice.

   "Tsk, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable."

  Zhang Feng rubbed his nose and sighed.

   Such a move, I'm afraid it has to be done.

  The Principality of Borg only has Aladdin, a lord-level powerhouse. Without these cannon fodder, where can Aladdin find someone to help him restrain himself?

   That is to say, he was lucky, and happened to meet Zhang Feng and let him invite him over.

   Saofeng Valley is a place in a mountain range where the two countries meet.

  This is called the death zone because the environment here is very harsh.

  The valley is surrounded by smog all the time. Once humans and animals inhale the smoke, it may cause the whole body to fester, and even die from it in severe cases.

   In the past, there were strong people who wanted to solve this dangerous place, but no matter what they did, they returned in vain. In the end, they turned it into a restricted area and no longer allowed people to approach it.

  But I never thought that this place would become the spatial anchor point of the element world in the main world.

   "Then, let's go together."

  Zhang Feng didn't care about the poisonous smoke.

  His life level is very high, and the smoke will hardly cause him any harm.

  Aladdin and his soldiers on the other side took out a tin pot from their arms and drank the potion inside.

  Aladdin wanted to hand it over, but Zhang Feng declined.

  He is not fit to share a spout with a man.


  Following Aladdin's roar, Zhang Feng flapped his wings and rushed straight to the valley ahead at a very high speed.

  White clouds of smoke seemed to obscure people's vision. As if in the valley, Zhang Feng saw countless elemental creatures standing here.

   They rioted almost instantly, rushing towards Zhang Feng.

   "They are all wind elements."

   Zhang Feng saw that the elemental forms here are all wind element creatures.

   "I hate wind elementals."

   He muttered a bit, looking at a large group of wind elemental creatures that rolled up lightning, and then quickly retreated towards the rear.

  Although these things can't hurt him, the key is that it feels very uncomfortable to be struck by lightning.

   "Come out, giant earth elemental!"

  Zhang Feng stretched out his finger, and a large number of giant earth elementals drilled out from the ground, performing intense and exciting activities of smashing hamsters at the wind elemental creatures beside him.

  The giant earth elemental with a height of more than ten meters, facing the wind elemental creature with a height of only about two meters, desperately hits downwards, which is really similar to the game of whack-a-mole.

  At this moment, Aladdin rushed into the valley. He glanced at the battle between the earth element and the wind element in some surprise, but he didn't pay any attention to it, and rushed directly towards the depths of the valley.

   Zhang Feng followed immediately, and opened a safer path for the two hundred soldiers.

  (end of this chapter)

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