MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 242 30% unblocking degree

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  Chapter 242 30% unblocking rate

   There are two elemental lords in Howling Wind Valley, which is not beyond Zhang Feng and Aladdin's guess, which is a very good result.

  The two hundred soldiers didn't need to die to procrastinate, and they were very happy in their hearts.

  As for the battle of elemental lords, Zhang Feng seemed much more relaxed at the moment.

  The faster wind elemental lord was blocked by Aladdin, crackling and fighting in the distance.

  The other fire element lord may be stronger than the one Zhang Feng encountered before.

  But Zhang Feng's strength has also been improved.

   Under the circumstances of some terrain and weather changes, another fire elemental lord was slaughtered by Zhang Feng.

   After Zhang Feng picked up all the fire element lord's drops, the battle on Aladdin's side was still going on.

   Except that Aladdin's strength did not appear to be crushing, the strength of the wind elemental lord was indeed much stronger than the fire elemental lord Zhang Feng killed.

   Now that I am facing each other, this battle may take longer.

   "More unblocking progress is needed."

   Zhang Feng muttered, and then joined Aladdin in the battle.

  If it was a previous battle, Aladdin might not allow others to join his battle.

  But at this moment, it is about the conspiracy of the elemental world, so in order to avoid any moths in the middle, he doesn't mind killing the wind elemental lord as soon as possible.

   Then solve this space anchor as soon as possible.

  With Zhang Feng joining, the wind elemental lord was unable to parry, and was quickly killed by Zhang Feng and Aladdin.

   Once again, the 1% progress bar was unlocked, and Zhang Feng's strength had a brand new improvement.

  Unfortunately, the loot this time seems to have dropped a lot, not even a single golden item, but a lot of purple items.

   Zhang Feng didn't like these things any more. After putting them into the storage space, he didn't care about them.

   Aladdin quickly solved the space anchor point. Zhang Feng looked at it and learned how to destroy the space anchor point from him.

   "Then next, I will go back and prepare to clean up other elemental creatures around."

   Aladdin is in a very good mood at this time.

  The destruction of the space anchor will prevent the elements in the elemental realm from being sent to the Principality of Borg again. If any elemental creatures appear in the future, they will only be foreign.

  Unless someone continues to create space anchors to attract elemental creatures from the elemental world.

  But only Wanwuhui can make this move. Aladdin said that he will mobilize the power of the whole country to completely encircle and suppress this Wanwuhui.

  Unfortunately, Zhang Feng knew in his heart that this would probably be difficult to achieve.

  Because the All Things Society is not just here in the Borg Principality, there are too many members of the All Things Society in the main world, and they are all hooking up with the elemental world.

  Zhang Feng didn't know what these people were thinking in the elemental world.

  The arrival of powerful elemental creatures from the elemental world will pollute and destroy the land of the main world, and eventually completely reduce the main world to ruins.

   Such an ending, is it what the people of Wanwuhui want to see?

  There should not be many people with these thoughts of destroying the world, at least not as many members as there are so many members of the Myriad Things Society.

   "Maybe some people just want to get some benefits from all things."

   Aladdin has some understanding of this.

  Although the main world is very prosperous here, in fact, the mobility of the class is already very poor.

  Born poor is poor, born noble is noble.

  Professionals are even more so. It is difficult for a low-level professional to be promoted to a high-level professional for a lifetime.

  Families with a long history of inheritance are likely to become lord-level powerhouses.

  Aladdin himself is the descendant of a certain big family, and he knows this very clearly.

   Only a very few lucky ones may have the chance to be inherited by accident and step into the lord-level existence.

   Even if such a person becomes a lord, he will not be able to integrate into the circle of lords, unless the future heirs will continue to become a strong lord.

  After three generations, they can be truly included in the "one's own people".

  In such an imprisoned world, the people at the bottom are naturally full of resentment, and the idea of ​​wanting to die with the top is really normal.

  Joining the All Things Association in an attempt to gain knowledge that has been strictly locked up is actually a very good way.

  Aladdin could even understand this, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing at him, because even if Aladdin understood them, he would still kill them this time.

  No way, after all, this is related to the safety of the world. People who belong to the main world have to protect the majority of people in the main world.

  Zhang Feng shook his head, he is just a player after all, he doesn't want to pay attention to these things.

  His task is to solve the elemental disaster, and he doesn't bother with other things.

   Aladdin left with his people, and the elemental disaster will gradually disappear in the Principality of Borg.

  Then there is no need for Zhang Feng to stay here, it is time to visit other countries.

  By the way, see if he can unblock more progress bars. As long as his progress bar reaches a certain level, then he has enough strength, and all problems will no longer be problems.

  Before leaving the Borg Principality, Zhang Feng made a smooth trip to the area where he had heard that there were elemental lords.

   It was discovered that there were only some leader-level elemental creatures here, and after killing them all, the elemental lord did not appear.

  Zhang Feng was quite regretful, and then continued on the road.

  In the next few years, Zhang Feng searched for traces of the elemental lords and solved them while completing the tasks that the system occasionally triggered.

  His progress bar continued to unblock slowly but firmly.

  When Zhang Feng's progress bar unsealed to 30%, he found that those lord-level powerhouses in the main world were no longer his opponents.

  Although it is only 30% of the degree of unblocking.

  But Zhang Feng's own strength is extremely powerful.

  His basic attributes each have tens of thousands of points.

  30% unblocking degree means that Zhang Feng's agility has exceeded 4,000.

  Even if it is an agility lord-level boss, it is difficult for them to see Zhang Feng's movement speed clearly.

  With such powerful attribute bonuses, even if Zhang Feng has not yet become a real lord-level powerhouse, his strength has already crushed them.

  The only thing that gives Zhang Feng a headache is that the lord-level powerhouses can already create their own skills that suit them.

   But he hasn't mastered a real skill until now.

   Most of the damage he caused to lord-level bosses was just flat cuts again and again.

  Although this is not impossible to kill the enemy, it is still a bit bad.

   "Perhaps I should take a break and think about how to create my own skills?"

   Zhang Feng's thought only flashed for a moment before he threw it into a corner.

  Because a message reached him at this time.

  The mastermind behind the disaster of elements has been exposed!

  (end of this chapter)

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