MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1019v2 Destiny

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  Chapter 1019 The Destiny of Heaven

   "Sure enough, it's still close!" Lu Bai sighed, sensing his very weak soul that had just been reshaped.

  The original and acquired impetus have indeed undergone some changes, but they are only certain.

   Among them, the driving forces of the three parties of 'Sanctuary', 'Critical' and 'Hord' have only a little left, and they were even forcibly suppressed by Lu Bai with the method of restraint in the past.

  As long as you don’t encounter these three real dimensions head-on, it’s like the broken thread on a puppet, with only a few threads left, so you don’t have to worry about being reconnected.

  But now, in Lu Bai's soul, the influence of the four directions of 'Quiet Forest', 'Netherworld', 'Abyss' and 'God of Thousand Dimensions' is still left.

  One original, three acquired impetus.

   "My soul can only be called reshaping, not reborn." Lu Bai understood this.

  If the soul is reborn, then its origin may also change.

   "Before, the battle between the sanctuary and the borderline reached a fever pitch, and they didn't care about a disappointed puppet."

   "The herd chose to let go. His core idea is actually the continuation of life. Naturally, it will not be placed on an individual who voluntarily gave up his life."

   "But other quiet forests and abysses are not so easy to give up."

   "Especially because I once carried the free sky, it is impossible for the abyss to give up any information about this opposite real dimension."

   "Fortunately, although I didn't succeed, my situation is much better than before."

   "From the possible seven-party, or even eight-party hegemony, three competitors have left the stage."

   Lu Bai felt the fragility of his own soul, so he stopped thinking too much, but wanted to get his body out quickly.

  If it is in the outside world, then Lu Bai is completely capable of performing the Fa-rectification, Heaven and Earth Brightness, transforming a large amount of energy from the nether world, thereby reshaping the body.

  Unfortunately, it is now in the Star Cave, and the connection with Nether is restricted.

   "Besides, even Hanguang Dongtian was not reborn with me." Lu Bai had already expected this.

   This time, the death was quite thorough, even the soul was completely destroyed, and it could only be revived from the traces of copper-green bells left over from the past.

   This is still relying on the special past rules of the Star Cave, so Lu Bai's current identity seems a little special.

  He is both an adventurer, a past after death, and a rebel.

  So the next operation needs to be more complicated.

   "However, there should be no need to worry about Hanguangdongtian. It is probably accepted by the God of Thousand Dimensions." Lu Bai had expected it a long time ago, and naturally found another way out for himself.

  If he really can't resurrect from the traces of the past, then Hanguangdongtian is his last guarantee.

   "It's just that now that I've been successfully resurrected, the family separation with Hanguangtai will just happen." Lu Bai had a plan in mind.

  The essence of Hanguang State is actually the extension of Hanguang Dongtian and the other side of Lu Bai himself.

  Lu Bai's death this time, he died together with the Hanguang state, but the Hanguang Cave was left behind.

   Just right, take advantage of this opportunity to complete the independence of Hanguang Dongtian and form an independent Hanguang state.

  Of course, this kind of independence is only a relative term, it’s just that after the rebirth of the light state, it is no longer the state that Lu Baiyou and the light state are mutually inward and outward.

  Essence still has a close connection with Lu Bai, an incarnation that is closer than Calabash Taoist and Louis.

   This is actually inevitable, Hanguangdongtian has gradually developed towards a 'dimension'.

  If you continue to follow Lu Bai around, it will only become more and more inconvenient.

  Brought out by the God of Thousand Dimensions and placed in a fixed position, so that it can truly develop towards dimensions, this is the path it should take.

   Instead of being a cave, Lu Bai has been carrying him with him, and the surrounding environment has always been unstable.

   "Now it's time to think about how I should be 'reborn' in this star cave, and then pass this star cave." Lu Bai had an idea in his heart.

  The ghost wandered and came to a certain place.

   "Ten Karma, Pollution, Destiny!"

  Lu Bai's ten karmic tricks are often used, Weiyang Palace and so on are all Lu Bai's permanent defensive measures.

  However, it is the first time since Lu Bai developed the trick formed by the karma pollution derived from the original sin, You Tianming.

  I saw that in the surrounding space, the past was constantly being flipped through, and then the existence of a certain person was selected by Lu Bai during the flipping.

Then this fourth-degree person turned into a layer of 'pollution', attacked Lu Bai, and then covered Lu Bai's body, and gradually absorbed various energies, and a new body was gradually constructed. .

   This is the trick developed by Lu Bai - You Tianming.

   Contaminates itself with the destiny of a dead person, forming a false body shell.

   This false shell can possess most of the abilities and racial talents of the dead person.

  Even if it is performed in a place that can communicate with the netherworld, this move can even harvest the opponent's soul characteristics, and even memory and knowledge.

  That's why this trick is called You Tianming.

   It's just that, because this is a star cave, although the souls of this fourth-degree person once existed here, it is a pity that as they are gradually forgotten, their souls can no longer support them.

   Lu Bai's move of You Tianming did not exert its greatest effect.

   "But it's enough."

   Lu Bai moved one or two times. Although he is weak, the talent of Sidu people is not something to brag about.

  Lu Bai had taken a fancy to Siduren's talent at the beginning and realized the specialness of this city, so he left a relatively important resurrection here.

  In some other places, Lu Bai has also done similar operations. In short, as long as there are traces of himself everywhere, he can be revived accordingly.

  Because this city of zero orchid poison is on the second floor of the Star Cave, Lu Bai gave priority to resurrecting here.

   "Next, make good use of this layer of four-dimensional human shell, and then slowly accumulate energy inside to give birth to my twilight state first." Lu Bai already has a plan in his heart.

  He searched the city.

  Too many places in the city have been reduced to fly ash, not even the past remains.

  There are only some things that contain too many thoughts, and they are still maintained.

  Lu Bai put it away, and used the talent of absolute time of the fourth-degree people to assemble these things into equipment, and integrated them into his body of Youtianming shell.

   Finally, he has a certain amount of self-protection power.

   After Lu Bai rested, he came to the edge of the city.

  The reason why this city can still exist is mostly because Lu Bai forcibly 'remembered' it before.

   And now Lu Bai has been resurrected from it, having exhausted the last of its existence.

  Lu Bai can be sure that once he leaves here, the city will completely collapse, leaving nothing but emptiness.

   "But I will remember, I, Lu Bai, will remember the past when I saved this city with Adoraxi."

  Lu Bai stepped out of the city's borders, everything in the city collapsed, and in the end there was nothing left.

   And Lu Bai also came to a new event on the second floor of the Star Cave.

   "Normal events are not sanctuary and critical battlefields." Lu Bai just arrived at this event, and immediately made a judgment.

   On the second floor of the star cave, some rules were distorted, and most events were reduced to sanctuary and critical battlefields.

  But there are still some normal events.

   After all, the only camp that was involved in the war was the Immortal Knights.

  Nowadays, there is only a little bit of thread left on Lu Bai, which is the driving force of sanctuary and criticality, and Lu Bai has hidden it.

   Star Cave will naturally not arrange for Lu Bai to break into it.

  New events, the difficulty has returned to normal, that is, the monthly difficulty.

   Lu Bai also became unprofitable again in this event.

  Because he has solidified three abilities, until the third floor, the event will not have any benefits.

   So Lu Bai speeded up.

  Using Siduren's technology and equipment, the normal difficulty of the second and third floors is not difficult for Lu Bai at all.

  Of course, Lu Bai did not relax because of this.

  Because he has not forgotten that there is still something special about the changes in the star cave.

  The fourth layer, the connection between Lone Star Larva and Yu Hui and others.

  Lu Bai had already planned for this, and the current situation did not exceed Lu Bai's expectations.

  On the second floor, familiarize yourself with the scenes of competition among the major real dimensions, and then see if you can break free from the control of these real dimensions on your soul by dying.

  After being resurrected on the second floor, go to the fourth floor, and use the special circumstances of the fourth floor to quickly recover their own strength.

  The problem in the middle is that Lu Bai has not completely broken free from the 'line' of the real dimension, but all this has not slipped towards the worst situation.

   It is half the battle.

  Lu Bai soon arrived at the fourth floor of the Star Cave.

  In the event where the guardian is located, at the altar, there is a benefit for defeating the guardian of the fourth floor.

  【Energy Level Supplement: You can go directly to the fourth floor of the Star Cave and get some kind of pure energy supplement from here, pushing you to a certain energy level. 】

   This is exactly what Lu Bai needs.

  He was reborn once and lost most of his energy levels. This thing can replenish himself to the greatest extent.

  A decisive choice activates it, and a large amount of pure energy bursts out of it.

   "Is it the energy transformed by inspiration?" Lu Bai sensed it for a while, and then accepted the energy.

  A large amount of energy was sucked into Lu Bai's body, and the body in the twilight state gradually condensed. At the same time, Lu Bai was also adjusting the twilight state to a certain extent.

   No longer differentiate the light-containing state, which can upgrade the twilight state to a certain extent.

  After all, Lu Bai's vision now is different from his previous vision.

  Having seen some figurative wars in many real dimensions, Lu Bai has a new understanding of some things about his past.

  As Lu Bai's thoughts turned, a new body was slowly built.

  At the same time, after Lu Bai observed the starry sky event, he let go of some human traits attached to himself as the Lord of the Earth.

  He could feel, there was some connection, acting on him.

   If not expected, the next event is a special event related to Yu Hui and the others.

   The second update.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion