MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1020v2 'Human' cognition

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  Chapter 1020 "Human" cognition

  The new incident was very quiet, Lu Bai appeared in a forest of steel.

  Looking at the surrounding environment, Lu Bai glanced a little bit surprised.

  The air, the types of common substances, the magnitude of gravity, solar radiation and various data are telling Lu Bo that this place seems to be the earth.

  A sense of danger rose from the depths of his heart, and Lu Bai instinctively followed some kind of power to simulate his own appearance and become a 'human being'.

   At this point, Lu Bai's sense of danger dissipated.

   "Sure enough, this is a special event that belongs to human beings."

   "The source of the lone star, those pitch-black giant beasts, are the descendants of individual outliers of the chemical star derived from humans?"

  No matter how you think about it, there is something weird about this incident.

  The sons and heirs display their innate supernatural powers, and can physically transform into human mutilated limbs. After gathering together, the attacks they send out are particularly terrifying.

  But the other person symbolizes an interpersonal relationship that is lonely.

   "The things in the star cave are the past condensation of the dead."

   "This also shows that the outlier has also died with a high probability. If it is not in the state of death, then the Lone Stars will not choose people to come in again. The purpose is most likely to find the legacy."

   "It just fits the interpersonal relationship of loneliness, so his descendants were selected as the guardians of the fourth floor."

   "And based on this, we can know that most of the outliers have already reached the level of rebels."

   "That's why I can't become a guardian myself."

   "It is even very possible that those pitch-black behemoths are not their offspring at all, but creatures derived from their divided corpses."

  A lonely human being, Hua Xing became a rebel-level existence, and was thrown into the Star Cave by an unknown real dimension.

   "Is the legacy of that outlier hidden in this incident?" Lu Bai looked at everything around him.

   Then something was wrong.

  In the ancient event of Lu Bai transforming into a dragon, the living environment of human beings is very detailed.

  However, in the scene of the incident in front of us, although all kinds of information are telling Lu Bai, this is the earth.

  But if you look at Lu Bai's current state, you will find that there is a sense of disobedience in all of this.

  Because if these things are observed from the perspective of Lu Bo, the Lord of the Earth, they will be found to be very different from the real Earth.

  It is more like an imaginary earth.

  And this imaginary earth is forcibly instilling in people the cognition that this place is the earth.

  If you are an ordinary person, you will be distorted by this cognition, and you really think that this is the earth, and you firmly believe it.

  But Lu Bai is also the master of the earth, and has carefully observed the earth from another angle.

   Only then can I realize that this earth seems a bit specious, but it looks like the earth on the surface but is completely different from the real earth inside.

   It is precisely because Lu Bai is able to recognize this that he is not covered by that cognitive distortion.

   "So that outlier actually doesn't know much about the earth."

   "His cognition of the earth is true and false, so the earth built on the basis of his cognition will appear so weird."

   "Then it is very likely that the outlier has never really been to Earth, or he was just a very ordinary person when he was on Earth."

   "From this point of view, the scene of this incident is probably not in the 'original' form."

   "The outlier, with his own cognition, distorted this scene, forcing it into the current 'earth'."

   Lu Bai looked around, this is an international metropolis.

  There are steel boxes everywhere, constantly criss-crossing on the road.

   "The style of the car is also a little bit wrong." Lu Bai observed everything, and found that the current human civilization is basically just an empty shell.

  Even the so-called human beings are the same. Most human beings have the appearance of human beings, have the internal organs of human beings, and feel that they are human beings with emotion and cognition.

  But internally, Lu Bai discovered that the genetic ancestor of this human being was some kind of 'hairy snake creature'.

  And, for all people, the soul originally has problems, as if there is a layer of fog covering it.

   "It seems that the world in this event is a distorted world."

  Lu Bai realized something, and then raised his hand, wanting to release his power.

   But it is a pity that the moment this power was released, it was oppressed by an invisible force, and then dissipated into the invisible.

  Because human beings have not mastered extraordinary abilities!

  So, in this human world of outliers, any extraordinary ability should not appear.

   "Or, it shouldn't appear in front of people!" Lu Bai corrected part of his guess.

For example, his observation ability that can even directly observe genes, and for example, his previous appearance was that of a fourth-degree human, so he sensed the fatal danger. After he instinctively obeyed a certain force and became a human being, he would not Feeling in danger again.

  Although, under the simulation, Lu Bai is still the shell of a fourth-degree person.

  Therefore, the cognitive restraint force of the outliers only maintains the appearance of human society.

   "Looking at it this way, it is estimated that there will be many "mysterious people" in this society, and then form a circle of mysticism that is kept secret from ordinary people."

   Lu Bai immediately deduced some details of the society in front of him through the fact that the inner power was not sealed.

   And also know why under normal circumstances, other lone star individuals do not come to the star cave to find inheritance.

   "Because, Lone Star, even the larvae, are extraordinarily huge in size. They are too eye-catching. Once they actually appear in this incident, they will probably be 'insta-killed' immediately."

   In this regard, Lu Bai has no doubts. The degree of danger he just felt is definitely not something that some star individuals can resist.

   This aspect proves the power of outliers.

  "The special lone star larva probably has some special power, can pretend to be a normal humanoid creature, and even have some human characteristics, so it can enter this special event."

   "And this time, I directly found the real human, Yu Hui."

   "According to the information obtained from the messenger, Afterglow was trapped in this special incident."

   "At that time, Yu Hui looked like a normal person, but black objects would alienate from time to time in his body."

  Before, the messenger handed over a black object to Lu Bai, which was actually the alienated limb of Yu Hui.

   Lu Bai studied it for a while, but lost it when he died.

  But that thing is actually not important, it is probably just an introduction, which can help point to this special event.

  However, Lu Bai was able to do this by actively letting go of his own human characteristics during the fourth-level guardian incident.

   I have to say that Lu Bai’s behavior of walking the tightrope between the major real dimensions was dangerous, although he did fall down and die in the end.

   But Lu Bai’s income is really great. For many things, he was able to do it before, but he needed to develop some special tricks.

  Now, Lu Bai can accomplish those things in a more labor-saving way, like an antelope hanging horns.

  Many abilities have almost become his instinct. For example, before, let go of a certain characteristic of himself and let it radiate outward.

  Lu Bai's idea may be to use the meme system of the patina bell, and cooperate with his own personal symbolic imprint, to bloom part of his own characteristics in the form of sound.

  But now, Lu Bai can do it directly, without any special method.

  Different from the improvement of the level of life, Lu Bai has obtained an improvement in the understanding of the nature of the world this time.

  Lu Bai walked in this strange city, feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar human culture.

  This world is too 'symbolic'.

   Various textbook-like things happen in this world, many of which are plots in TV dramas.

  There are subtle errors with the real earth.

   "Looking at this era, it looks like not long before the era of collections."

   "A traveler before the collection era?"

   "Still..." Lu Bai looked at this strange earth and kept thinking.

   "Is this a human from a fantasy dimension?"

  At present, it seems that the traveler before the collection era is the most likely possibility.

  But the biggest problem now is that the genes of humans in this world are actually snake-like creatures, not apes.

  This is not a flaw. After all, this kind of gene that is different from normal humans has reached the point where it cannot be acted. It is not that humans in this era do not have the means to detect genes.

   "Perhaps, in the cognition of that outlier, human genes may indeed come from some kind of hairy snake-like creature."

   As for the specific situation, Lu Bai himself is not sure.

   "It is even possible that it is not a human from the surrounding groups of the earth, but some kind of human from an unknown place."

   "The definition of human beings is too broad."

  If you go to the multiverse to look for human beings, you will definitely be able to find similar races.

   Even the type of civilization is similar, and it is entirely possible.

  Because human beings are too ordinary.

  An extremely common intelligent race.

  Even Lu Bai himself can now find a planet in the Sea of ​​Constellations that is similar to the environment of the earth, and then create a race similar to humans on it, and then guide them to develop a civilization similar to humans.

  If the strength is higher, Lu Bai can even make 'human beings' into a kind of meme, so that they can spread in the endless multiverse, then there will always be human beings who can appear.

   In fact, there are quite a few races that have done this.

   Among them, the most famous one, which Lu Bai has also come into contact with, is the Lingluo civilization.

  They spread this spirit network technology everywhere, as long as they accept the spirit network technology and use it wantonly, they will gradually be assimilated by the spirit network civilization.

   "Then is it possible that, in turn, the earth is the human being born under some kind of human meme."

   "This kind of human being who is an outlier is the real human being!"

   "So, there is nothing special about human beings on Earth, but human beings who are outliers can turn into stars and become challengers!"

   The update in the past two days will be a bit messy, because I am traveling outside, this chapter is updated, and I still have time to write it, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion