MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 107 Conspiracy

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After half an hour, Rand followed the mark and returned to Hill. There are four **** Rubik's cubes in his hands, two of which belong to Romon and Newton, and two of them belong to the Drow priest.

However, because Wendini and Kirkner died indirectly in the hands of the monks, the quality of the two **** Rubik's cubes is worse.

"Talked to him?" Rand glanced at Hill's face, and he couldn't help sinking.

"Yes, not to our surprise, he and the former Qin Lun are two different people." Hill sighed and said the same thing.

"The tendency of self-destruction... Is it so bad? That guy is like this every time, if you don't have trouble, it's a big trouble!" Rand asked helplessly. "If this is the case, we can only go back first." Then, ask other people and see if they have any options."

"Yeah!" Hill nodded and said with a frown. "Yes, there is one more thing to do for him first. Let's talk about it!"

"What, you were attacked by the drow, and after Prince Ferrar appeared, he disappeared again?" Gilliam was shocked and confronted the three of Elysian.

According to the two Qin Lun followers, Hill and Rand, they left behind the mine and missed a lot of things.

"No, I have to go back to the camp to see!" The old dwarf felt a headache. Although Hill had already stated that Lorraine had returned to the surface, he was still full of worries. Lorraine is still too young, and he is afraid that the dwarfs will not be able to cope with the next heavy tasks.

"Hil, you just said that other mercenary followers have already died. Ferrar has lost track in the battle. Isn't that all?" After a few people went on the road again, Eristine pulled Hill behind. A few steps, asked seriously.

Hill looked at the beauty of the elf druid and smiled on his face. After so many things, this innocent elf beauty has finally grown a lot, no longer blindly believe in others, and began to have their own persistence and judgment.

This is a good sign that the Elf Druid itself is a strong profession, but Elysin was too naive before, it is difficult to adapt to the life of the apostles, and now it is a good thing.

If Qin Lun can recover and re-enter the world of Torier, bringing Elysin into the broken starry sky, at least he and Rand will not oppose the elf Druid to join the team. Although the elves are simple, but they are very strong, they can fly spells. Druid is really a good job.

However, is that guy going to be very troublesome, listen to Grant, he is in the world of World War II, but also a girl who is a sandstorm queen...

Thinking of Qin Lun again, Hill not only smiled again and again. That guy is hard to protect himself now. If the personality problem is not solved, bringing in so many women is just to let more people bury.

"Yes, Prince Ferrar did not disappear. He had the same thing when he was at the door of Bode." Hill whispered.

"God?". Elysing was a little disappointed. "I knew that when I searched for the door of Bode, I couldn't find it. Milleras told me this possibility. Should he go to other small planes? He really So hate me, why don’t you take me with me?”

"He didn't refuse to take you away, but he couldn't help himself!" Looking at the demon druid, Hill was a little bit unbearable and weaved a beautiful lie.

"He is not going to be a small plane, but the **** country of a certain elf god. The brand of the elf **** will be summoned from time to time, he can't control himself. However, he told me to wait to get rid of this. Everything will definitely come back to you."

"really?". Elysian’s eyes lit up and asked with delight, “Does he really say that?”

"Well, he said when he left." Hill felt a sense of guilt, perhaps this was the first time in his life to lie with guilt. Next, Rand couldn't help but glance at him. Qin Lun couldn't come back and said that if he could solve this problem, Hill's lies would obviously be another trouble. They would have a chance to return to Torrell in the future. .


"I am finally back!" Standing in the transfer hall of the Devil's Corner, Hill and Rand looked at each other and felt that this time the task of the outside world was very long. It was much harder than before, and many things happened.

In fact, they don't know that this trip to Torrell is really long. Because the broken starry sky has given them two consecutive stays, the whole process is equivalent to two different missions. They will feel the time and space again next time. It is estimated that after a natural month.

However, compared with the harvest of Hill and Rand, this is completely worth it.

When they exited the alien world, they participated in the Silver Moon Alliance's founding task and reached the second stage. In other words, the Golden Elf Guardian, Angela Celia, who is next to Silvermoon City, has reached the Anker Elf Chamber and completed his mission.

It seems that the king of Tyne Queraz is savvy and extraordinary, and did not waste Qin Lun’s opportunity to create the future Elf Wang Ting. Anke Elf Court and the Silver Moon Alliance have reached a verbal covenant. This is followed by bargaining between the two countries and the negotiation process of the formal covenant.

This time, the three people of Qinlun visited the "Bo Dean's trace", "the plot of the scattered Tallinn", "the alliance of the stars and the moon", "exploring the secret hall of the silver hall", "Ouba The glare of Langer is five tasks.

Except for the "Bo Dean's Trail" was not completed, the other five missions have a high degree of completion, in which "Obaran's Twilight" converted the plot camp during the execution and beat the competition team - Weiss team Killing four other people besides Weiss is a huge gain.

In addition to the regular mission benefits, as well as the world's exploratory benefits, Qin Lun's master also won two **** Rubik's Cubes of Monkey and Lolita. Hill and Rand took the Rubik's and Newton's Rubik's Cube, and at the same time they got the killing cubes of the two Zall priests.

The masters of these Rubik's Cubes have second-order strengths, especially the four apostles, and it is obvious that they will produce at least one dark gold equipment and one apostle skill. If you can get their professional core equipment or apostolic blood items, such as Newton's tower shield, Romon's staff, etc., the value is no less than a large story mission.

Compared with the painstaking effort of performing large-scale plot missions, it is still more profitable to rob other apostolic teams.

Of course, if there is a positive hostility, the risk factor is too great, and internal betrayal will undoubtedly be treated as a revenge. These gains are very hot, and Weiss, who escapes, will definitely make a comeback in the future, and the results are hard to say. Under normal circumstances, mature apostles will not do this.

"He should have come back too. We split up. You go to see his villa and pick up the servants. I went to Hansen and told them about it. Maybe they need help, that Qinlun. It’s too dangerous,” Hill said worriedly.

“Would you like to inform the lost team?” Rand asked cautiously.

"For the time being, the lost Kelly and Robin are wary of Qin Lun and will not be so easy to get into the pit." Hill was not sure. He paused and continued, "wait for the next mission world." Well, if we prove that we really have no way, then inform Qin Lun of the situation."

Hill discussed with Rand for a while and began to split up.


“Qin Lun disappeared?” Grant couldn’t help but stand up from the sofa. Among all of them, he and Qin Lun had the most cooperation.

Although Hill and Qin Lun once participated in three different missions, the Magic World, the Nars World, and the Torrel World, but seriously, they did not cooperate much in the battle, but Grant and Qin Lun's professional collocation is the most suitable, and there are more scenes of common fighting.

"He will come back, not permanent, but this time we can help, but the situation has been deteriorating." Hill stunned the eyebrows and said with annoyance, "I want to ask you, is there any?" The solution is once and for all, to solve the protagonist with a tendency to self-destruction."

"In all of us, Qin Luncai psychologist, if he can't even have his own way..." Hansen said with a blank expression, and there was a wave of anger in his eyes.

He has now transferred to the second-order heroic warrior, mastering a variety of combat skills, remotely able to use the 弩~bow and flying axe, the short-range can use any weapon such as the sword and the sword, and the occupation has some overlap with Qinlun. Only Qin Lun currently tends to physics attacks with spell damage, while he is a pure physical attack.

However, Qin Lun’s role in this team is not limited to combat. Moreover, with their disposition, it is difficult to get a trusted companion, and every existing member must be cherished.

"Sure enough?". The situation in front of him did not surprise Hill. The people in this group did not talk about fighting power, and their minds were also the best choice. What he can think of, everyone else can think of it, nothing more than the length of time to consider.

"Actually... Qin Lun is not a way to do this!" Grant suddenly said aloud, but he immediately thought of something, his face was a bit ugly, and he didn't want to talk about it any more, causing everyone to glare.

"You all look at me? Ok, okay, I said yes!" Grant sighed in a rare way. "In fact, everyone understands that all of us have mental problems, but some people are serious. Some people are slightly more. It is the most troublesome for me and Qin Lun..."

Everyone turned back and thought about Hansen has a sequela of war, but his willpower is strong and he can basically be controlled without medication. Hill has paranoia, but his cause is related to the previous living environment. After leaving the Earth Federation, there is no such thing as breaking the starry sky.

Rand was previously thought to have anti-social personality disorder, but now it seems to be a misunderstanding, just a little bit of love and arson. More serious are Grant and Qin Lun, the former is a paranoid for beauty, the latter is a split personality disorder.

"Before I was arrested, I was isolated in a mental hospital for some time. Although I don't know how to cure the disease, I know how to make people sicker!" Grant said with a wry smile. "Qin Lun's illness is not a minor illness, healed. It is not easy to get up. With his psychological condition, it is difficult for others to intervene.

I want to keep him from being cured, but there are two ways! One is the wrong treatment, which makes his cognition problematic and can't be returned to reality. This is very difficult and can hardly be done. Another one..."

"The other is to reproduce the root cause of his illness, and then make the situation worse, so that his subconscious will never want to be cured again!" Grant has not finished, the roof has a sweet and playful girl voice. .

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