MTL - Death Notice-v12 Chapter 1 Brothers and sisters (1)

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"Who?" Hansen was the most alert, and the other party’s voice had not yet been exported. He had stood up and shouted.

The other three murderers sat on the sofa indifferently, and they could hear that the person above was not murderous.

They are now in the “Golden Cup”, which was used to meet all the murderers. It is now one of the most commonly used meeting places for the murder team.

Because the matter involved Qinlun's privacy, this team meeting did not involve the servants, only four of them. On top of their present box, there is another box on the top of the bar.

In fact, in order to guarantee the privacy of the apostles, the entertainment venues of the official residence of the “Golden Cup”, which is officially operated by the apostolic city, will portray the soundproofing array on the walls of each box, which is safer than the private villas of the apostles.

If there is no special means, the content of the meeting will not be revealed. Of course, more apostles of large teams, they will discuss things in the semi-position, and only small and medium-sized teams like the murder team, because they do not have their own half-face headquarters, they will choose entertainment.

"Hey!" The man on the top laughed a few times and lost his movement. However, everyone knew that she was not leaving, but from the top of the bread compartment - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8, m. 2 ≤@m is coming. This person did not make a move for no reason, apparently deliberately rushed to them.

"Oh!" The door of the box was pushed away from the outside, and two beautiful women stepped into the box.

Walking in front is a black long straight oriental girl, a long black hair is bundled into a single ponytail, medium-sized, wearing a white martial dress on the upper body, a tight-fitting trousers to the knees, and a wooden raft at the foot.

She has a pair of melon seeds, white and delicate skin, high waist, long long legs with long straight legs, no makeup on her face, big eyes and moist eyes, but the eyelashes are long and curved, with a hint of natural charm.

However, the four murderers in the box only glanced at her face and focused on the person behind her.

It was a rebellious girl with a lollipop in her mouth and a look of only fourteen or five years old. Compared with the oriental beauty girl who is in the water and hibiscus in front of her, she has a messy look on her face. The eyeshadow is like a midnight evil spirit. The hair is dyed half red and half white, right-handed. The hair roots stand like a hedgehog with a half burr.

She only wore a black tube top on her upper body, a short skirt on her lower body, a pair of high-heeled boots with thick heels at her feet, and a number of armbands on her slender arm. The whole image is a fairy-tale girl with a funny brain. .

Only a few murderers in the house did not look down on her meaning. At such a close distance, Hill four felt a very strong atmosphere from her regardless of the perceived nature. Those who can make them feel like this at the same time are undoubtedly high-ranking apostles.

"Hey, people just dressed up today, how are you, look good?" The girl felt the eyes of the four people, and walked forward halfway through the square, and proudly turned back and said, "Pure son, look at this. A few uncles have more eyes than you, you should listen to my advice and change dress, do you know?"

"I am stupid, I will listen to you!" Yoshida Junzi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and he secretly thought, "When people obviously feel your danger, they will pay attention to you!" ”

"Charming adults, you ran off the problem, we are here, not to discuss fashion topics, for your brother!" Chunzi said quietly, in the long time around Qin Mei, she finally slowly learned how to cope This thinking jumps far beyond the charm of the evil spirits of ordinary people.

"Oh, yes, a few murderous uncles still don't know me, let me introduce myself first!" Qin Mei "啪" had to make a snap, put one foot on the coffee table in the box, and make a fist in the right hand. Withstand the brain and make a pose like a thinker, "This lady is a person who loves to see people, flowers and flowers, and the evil spirits see the beautiful girl who reborn - Qin Mei! Well, it is Qin Lun's sister! ”

"Uncle..." Even with the patience of Hill and others, there is a moment to want to beat the impulsive girl in front of her eyes.

"Qin Lun's sister!" However, it is clear that their final attention is still placed on Qin Mei's last sentence.

"Qin Lun's sister should still be in the Earth Federation?" Hansen and a few murderers looked at each other. "I should be the last of you to enter the death row of the 91 district. I remember that the newspaper did not report the sister of Qin Lun. News!"

At the beginning, because Qin Lun was a controversial murderer, his public punishment had aroused the attention of many people, and a large number of newspapers reported his affairs. If Qin Lun’s sister had something to do at the time, these reporters were estimated to have reported it.

"Hey, Uncle Hansen, don't underestimate people. In fact, I have come into contact with the world earlier than you!" Qin Mei blinked and said with deep meaning, "Just, I was not broken at first." The apostle, but the reincarnation of the superstring space!"

"The reincarnation?" A few murderers were stunned, but they immediately realized that it was a broken starry sky and the body suddenly relaxed again.

"If you become a reincarnation of the superstring space earlier than us, why didn't you see Qin Lun?" Hill asked with vigilance. "How did you know the news of Qin Lun and chase it into the broken starry sky?" ?"

"My brother doesn't know about me." Qin Mei's emotions inexplicably fell down, and Yi Xing waved his hand and gestured to the pure son behind her to continue explaining.

"Qin Lun really does not know the charm of the adult, and the reincarnation is not the same as the apostle." Chunzi looked at the girl and whispered, "The superstring space belongs to the time and space manager, and the reincarnation it belongs to can be After the mission is completed, return to your original space-time world, as long as you do not reveal your identity, there is no relationship."

"You said that after Qin Mei became a reincarnation, he has been living in the Earth Federation!" Several murderers felt incredible, although they did not have any attachment to the Earth Federation for their own reasons, but as a birth plane, There will be some special emotions.

"You haven't explained yet, where did you hear that Qin Lun was in the broken starry sky?" Hill frowned and asked cautiously.

If the other party can't explain it, he can't explain it. Although the Qinlun had just returned to the broken starry sky at this time, it was not excluded that the two men were assigned by him. In that case, once you believe in them, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Mr. Hill, have you forgotten me?" Qin Mei and Chunzi looked at each other and asked the girl to smile lightly. "However, this is not surprising. After all, I had only one side with you, then I Separated."

"You are..." Hill looked up at Yoshida Junko, but after a long while, he had to laugh two times. He really didn't remember.

"I am one of the newcomers to the magical world with you. The three reincarnations who left early, including me, my name is Yoshida Junko!" Chunzi sighed, when the two men hurriedly, and There is no contact, no wonder Hill will forget.

"Oh, I remembered it. I remember that Qin Lun once said that he also helped a female reincarnation in the magical world!" Hill finally found the impression of a pure child from the complicated memory picture.

After the magical world, Qin Lun once recorded his own adventure in the Jinluo Cup. At that time, each murderer was still a new apostle, and in this way to speed up his growth.

"So, Qin Mei will find it here from the superstring space, because of your relationship!"

With the IQ of several murderers, the existence of the pure son is enough to explain how Qin Mei chased the broken starry sky from the superstring space.

"So, you are here to find Qin Lun?" Hansen said quietly. "But I remember that the magical world has been around for a long time now. Even if the time flow rate of the dimensional space is different, you should be early. Just entered the broken starry sky? Why didn’t you listen to Qin Lun’s existence before?”

Hill's three people glimpsed, Hansen's words reminded them.

Perhaps Qin Lun is very concerned about his sister, but from the strength of Qin Mei, several other murderers are temporarily not threatening her. It is hard to imagine that the kid will deliberately conceal the existence of Qin Mei. After all, the apostles of the broken starry sky have to do the task. It is useless to ask for shelter. It is better to teach people to fish than to fish!

"Hey, Uncle Hansen is really one of the most powerful killers in the Earth Federation, still so sensitive!" Qin Mei looked at Hansen with his eyes, let the disciples stand upright.

The box was quiet, but several murderers did not relax, and the danger that the girl gave them was never lost. At the thought of this, several people could not help but secretly curse Qin Lun in their hearts. My sister is still more trouble than my These two brothers and sisters are really abnormal.

"Oh, I didn't want to say it, since Uncle Hansen had to ask, that person could say it!" Qin Mei sighed with a sigh of relief, and the small face of heavy makeup wrinkled unhappy.

"I probably came to the broken starry sky when your group of people participated in the city battle!" Qin Mei took the pure son and sat down on the sofa, recalling, "The channel you already know, is through pure Son! However, the reason why I didn't contact Qin Lun was because my brother at that time was not a complete individual."

"So, do you think Qinlun is now?" Rand couldn't help but say, "Are you coming to stop us?"

"No, I am here to help you!" Qin Mei gave up her hippie smile for the first time and asked a weird question seriously. "You should know that everyone has different sides. There is evil in the goodness, in the dark. Brewing with light!"

"Of course, is this related to the situation of Qin Lun?" Hill asked quietly.

"Is there any relationship, it depends on how you understand what I am going to say next!" Qin Mei opened a smile. "So... do you think that different aspects of a person's mind are transformed into each other? For example: like an old-fashioned radio There is a slide button in the middle of the channel at both ends. To the left is the good side, and to the right, it is the dark side!"

Qin Mei said it was vague, but the four murderers here have already understood. Good-hearted people, there are dark faces in the heart, and those who are dark, there are soft places in the heart. When a person begins to transform their character, there is often a harbinger, a process of gradual progress and struggle.

Read The Mage of Eternity