MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 105 prize

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On the way back to school, Shijin suffered a crazy torture from the students.

"Is the instructor really your brother?"

Time to nod: "If you change."

"Then why are you hiding this?"

When I entered the barracks, everyone was telling me which rumors of waste young masters. I am afraid that everyone knows the relationship between me and my brother, the rumors will spread even more, and there is no specific explanation."

Everyone heard the silence, and they all understood his meaning. A young rumored spoiled young master, when he entered the military camp, he was covered by a brother. When this kind of thing came out, the rumors would indeed be more powerful and even more outrageous.

"At that time, those rumors spread too true. I didn't know much about it. I also discussed it with other people... I am going forward, sorry, I will be more cautious in the future." One of the students took the initiative to apologize.

When I was busy, I said that there was nothing. I said that everyone is a classmate. If you misunderstand it, you will be able to get along with you.

Others also apologized, and the atmosphere in the car slowly eased. One of the classmates just witnessed the process of entering the school report that day, and couldn’t help but laugh. He said: "But it’s time to enter, and I don’t blame everyone for misunderstanding you. The car that was brought by your family that day was the one. The limited edition of the brand, the shape is special, it is difficult for others to pay attention, and what your family said is... well, it is too straightforward."

When I entered the news, I remembered that Li Jiuyi’s “School Gate Taitu” and Rong Zhouzhong’s map guns, “Girls Only Open Red Cars”, raised their hands and covered their faces, desperately said: “I’m sorry, they are not intentional. Well, there is nothing malicious about it, just..." It was just that I didn't have a brain at the time.

"It's okay, you don't have to say sorry to me. In fact, everyone has no position to evaluate your family, but who are you? Looking at the young, is it a cousin?"

When the expression is stiff, vaguely replies: "Just, it is similar to this relationship."

"It’s good to be in your family, and everyone is a handsome guy." Another person who saw it on the day of the report couldn’t help but sigh.

"Yes, yes, I saw that I was a student at a nearby film and television college who went to the wrong school that day." Another classmate joined me and naturally joined the topic.

The original rumors spread too broadly, and now I have the opportunity to understand the truth of the rumors. Everyone immediately follows this topic, and you say it in a sentence. When the time is caught in the middle, there is no love in the face, and I don’t understand how the direction of the topic will become like this.

"I remember that someone had been wearing a mask at the time. Why did he catch a cold?" asked classmate A.

When he smiled, he replied: "No... He was eating peppers the day before and swollen his mouth. He didn't dare to see people."

"Ha ha ha, actually because the mouth is swollen, at that time there were people who guessed that the mask is not a star, and he is too pretending to come to the school to report his face and cover his face, thinking that he is more famous." Laugh out loud.

When I heard it, I was a little unhappy. I licked the hat in my hand and said, "It’s too much to be a slut. Wearing a mask is a personal freedom." And Rong Zhou is really famous, don’t wear a mask to go out. There will be an accident.

Classmate B heard a stiff voice, and his expression became stunned. He said, "Oh... um, it’s not good, it’s not good."

The car was quiet for a short time, and the classmate C took it out again and asked: "When you enter, I heard that your cousin said that our school dormitory is too broken, not for people to live. I want to buy you a villa at the school." Live, is it true?"

Where is this rumor? What is too broken, not people live, buy a villa, this word is too malicious and too outrageous.

When I frowned, I explained: "My five brothers... Hey, my brother is at the top of the family at home. He is a doctor. He is a little clean. He just thinks that it is too inconvenient to have a separate bathroom in the bedroom. I want to do it for me. Didn't say that the bedroom was too broken, not for people to live, and did not say that I would buy a villa for me. Everyone passed it on, and it was too exaggerated."

"That deliberately show off the rich? Everyone said that you deliberately show off your wealth as soon as you enter the school."

Before I entered, I didn’t know anything about the rumors in detail. At this time, I heard everyone’s problems. Only then did I understand that Luo Donghao, who had a good nature, was so guilty of his own initiative—these rumors are not rumors. It has reached the level of malicious smearing and filth!

Time to suppress the dissatisfaction of the rumors, and make a helpless look, said: "What is the show of wealth? I remember that I was only normal in the company accompanied by the family to report it, if dazzle Rich means that my food and clothing is a little better than others, then I am probably dazzling."

I have been together for more than a month. Everyone knows how to be a person. When he sees him, he is busy with the topic and comforts him. The rumors of rumors are too much, indicating that family conditions are given by parents, and no one should Become the object of being discussed.

When I saw you, I finally stopped talking about it. I was relieved and smiled and comforted everyone. It was really good that everyone did not misunderstand themselves.

The atmosphere is slowly turning warm, and a discordant voice suddenly rang.

"That's what you said, is your home a simple condition? What do you think is that you are showing off your wealth and showing off? No, there are a lot of good students in the school, and no one is like you. In this way, it was passed down as a messy young master."

The air was quiet in an instant, and everyone turned to look at the sound and heard that the person who spoke was actually a raw face, all of them were paralyzed.

"Who are you?" Liu Yong asked, very confused. "Isn't it a company with a company? How do we get one more in the car?"

The classmate Ding replied: "I know! He was next door to the instructor and said that he is a sophomore. When he reported that he was injured in the leg last year, he did not participate in military training. This year, he added it. After sitting down with the teacher, he moved him to our car. He is the second in military training this year, and he also took the stage to receive the award. I remember him!"

It turned out to be a sophomore. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know how to deal with the current scene.

"So when you enter the young master, what does your family do? If you have money to do something casually, it makes people feel that they are showing off their wealth." The person enjoyed this feeling of being watched by everyone, seemingly curious, but in fact Continue to ask when you look at it with a malicious look.

Shi Jin felt that this person was sick. He looked at him up and down. He did not accept his words. He said leisurely: "Xiao Ming’s grandfather lived to a hundred years old. Do you know why?"

This stalk is too old, everyone knows. The atmosphere of the original swordsmanship suddenly became strange. The Luo Donghao heard the words that had been revived and laughed out loudly. He said loudly: "Because he never has to do anything. Other people’s homes are piled with Jinshan Yinshan. You don't care, senior."

"That is, the people who visit people's privacy are the worst." Liu Yong immediately echoed.

Other students also echoed, everyone agreed to the outside world, and the schoolmaster blushed for a while, simply doubting life.

When I entered the wall, my heart was already dying. - Great, a cannon was fired, and everyone's attention was finally removed from him. He could breathe a sigh of relief.

Because there are "outsiders" in the following journeys, everyone has become restrained and the topic has become normal and normal.

After more than an hour, the car arrived at the school, everyone got off the train, went back to the bedroom to put their own things, asked the counselor to sign back to their locked mobile phone, and then ready to enjoy the holiday after the end of military training.

"When you enter, do you want to go to the bowling alley of my house to play? By the way, have lunch, I treat you!" Liu Yong went to the bedroom when he arrived, and followed him to Luo Donghao who had already changed back to the casual clothes.

When he entered the body, he was wearing a uniform. He was carrying a backpack in his hand and was packing things like documents. He shook his head and said, "Thank you, my boyfriend came to pick me up. I have to go. I will have the chance to play again next time. Bye bye." After finishing the backpack, the head did not run back, and the speed was fast.

"Ah..." Liu Yong watched as he walked away, then turned to look at Luo Donghao and asked, "Have I just got it wrong?"

Luo Donghao blinked, raised his hand and rubbed his ears, lost for two seconds, suddenly burst, and did not dare to believe: "Boyfriend? When I actually entered a boyfriend?!"


When I entered the road, I ran out of the school gate, turned out of the main street outside the school, crossed an alley to another main road, turned around and looked for it. I saw a familiar black car on the left side of the street. Bright, busy stepped over and pulled the car directly into the car.

"Hey! This is where the little policeman came out, his face is quite dark." The second sitting in the driver's seat immediately opened.

When he entered the vertical, he gave him a middle finger, opened his backpack, and hugged his arms around the gentleman who looked at him gently. He felt his presence, then let go of his hand and retired, sitting on the body and helping the hat on his head. Asked: "How about my uniform?"

"See people want to fight." Second, I first replied, and after entering a white eye of love, I closed my mouth with interest and started the car and lifted the baffle inside the car to give them two people. A separate space.

Lian Jun took back the warning sight of Yu Er, and looked at the uniform when he looked down. He reached out and touched his face and said, "It's very handsome."

Being praised by lovers, time is very satisfying, Mei Zizi said: "Summer uniforms are relatively simple, and the styles of autumn and winter uniforms are more complicated, and they will be more handsome. I will show them to you at that time."

As time progressed, the air around the body seemed to be lively and clear. Lian Jun mouth curled up, nodded, said: "Good. Hot is not hot? Did you eat lunch?"

"There is air conditioning in the car, not hot, and I haven't eaten lunch yet." When he answered, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and said, "Let's take a photo, leave a commemoration. When I am so dark, I don't have much."

Lian Jun’s face was deepened, and with the past, he took a few photos with him, then reached out to help him pick up his hat and licked his hair that was crushed by his hat. He said: “This car goes directly to the airport. Sorry, there is no time for you to rest well."

When I went to the airport, I was stunned. The joy on my face was light, and the action of turning the photo on my hand stopped. I asked, "How come this way, is the situation in G province very bad?"

Lian Jun nodded: "Well, there are other organizations to mix in, I have to go and see the situation personally, I am working hard, follow me so much."

"This is hard work." When he frowned, he saw his low mood, thought of something, and he took the backpack sideways and took out two certificate certificates and two red velvet square boxes. Stuffed into his hand and looked forward to saying, "Give, present, look at hi or not."


Lian Jun a glimpse, first opened the two certificates and looked at it. After seeing the above content, I looked at it with a look. When I glanced at it, I looked forward to the implied look, and the two corners of the box opened.

Two beautifully crafted medals were revealed, one is the shape of a five-pointed star, the golden color, and the name and date entered in the middle with the carcass, which is graceful and atmospheric. One is round, the outer ring is surrounded by a circle of spikes, and the whole combination is in the shape of a sun with a red mark on the circle. Two wheat embossed on the circle gathers from the edge toward the center, arching A swashular number, below is the name of the time and a small number.

"This is the first medal of military training. The number refers to the number of sessions. The small number below my name is my student number. This is the medal of the outstanding student, the five-pointed star, symbolizing hope." Jun listened, and then took out all the two medals and put them in the hands of Lianjun. "You said, we are one. All the honors I have got are half of you."

Lian Jun’s fingers trembled, then quickly clenched, and the two medals were buckled in the palm of his hand. When he looked at the time, he was serious and stupid. He couldn’t help but stretch his arms and pulled him into his arms. The throat rolled, no. speak.

"I know that you will like this gift, don't hesitate to fight for the first." When he came back and hugged him, he sat in satisfaction with the breath of peace of mind, saying, "Leng Jun, I won't let you regret it." Send me to the police school, I also want to protect you." So don't be afraid that after I set foot on the road of light, I will leave you still in the darkness. We are one and all life.

How could Lianjun not understand the meaning of his gift, tighten his arms, kiss his hair, and whispered: "I understand, I know... when I am, thank you." Thank you. Come to my side.


When he entered the car, he changed his clothes and took out the offer ring that Lianjun sent him. Then he ate some of the snacks on the car and padded his stomach. Lian Jun looked straight and frowned, a little regretted when he went out, did not let the kitchen ready to eat together.

This time I went to the G province, and everyone was still sitting in a special plane. There were a few strange faces in addition to the people who died.

"It’s an official person." Lian Jun sat down with the help of Shijin, and saw him looking backwards and wondering, "G province is the base camp of the wolf spider. The official plan is that this will not completely solve the wolf." The spider also wants to reinvent its roots. The wolf spider used to rely on smuggling, and it also had some flesh-and-blood business. There are too many handles in the business composition. Although Lu Hao immediately took the tarant spider's bad business. The ground was cleared, but the time for cleaning up was still short, leaving a lot of hidden dangers. This time the official is ready to grab the smuggling part of the tarantula, and want to connect the tarantula G province to the island once and then to the island. All the major business networks are ruined. Those official officials are officially sent to assist us. We want to cooperate with the officials. We are going to be dark. They are clear and they work together to kill the tarantula directly."

In the first place, the main business network was directly destroyed. So what?

When he frowned, he took his eyes and sat down next to Lianjun. He asked: "You said that other organizations have joined in. What is going on?"

"This G-business chain controlled by the tarantula is a chicken that only lays golden eggs. Organizations that lack money want to fish in troubled waters." Lianjun replied, shouting the flight attendants, and asked for a lunch.

When the flight attendants left, they continued to ask: "Was the violent organization also lack money? I think everyone seems to be very rich." Destroy or tarantula, the nine eagle and the sneaky Yeah, everyone is all a pair of money-free gestures, and they are angry and angry.

Lian Jun saw him full of curiosity, thinking about teaching him some more, and carefully replied: "Nature is lacking, especially when the organization is expanding wildly. Violent organizations come to the money quickly, go to the money quickly, business is accompanied The risk is not stable. There is a conflict between the organizations, and the exhausted military resources are worth a month's income from a medium-sized enterprise. In addition to the large part of the weapon, there are some pieces, such as personnel placement. Costs, medical insurance costs, transportation loss costs... A lot of places to use money, on the road, organizations that don’t make money can’t survive, and organizations that can stay now have chips in their hands.”

When I stepped into the tongue, I thought about how to destroy the weapon that I used to be a big deal, and the last time that the Lianjun’s emptying bomb gave him a play, and the heart trembled and asked: “That’s gone. Chips..."

"A lot." Lian Jun glanced at his thoughts, reached out and touched his head, and calmed the road. "Reassured, your little bit of consumption, you can’t play with me, destroy everything now, basically Being self-sufficient, we also have our own channels for weapons, and it doesn't cost much."

Little fight, you won’t be making a arsenal privately...

When he looked at him silently, he did not ask for this sentence. He just saw the flight attendants bring the lunch over, so he ended the topic temporarily and sat down to fill his stomach.


The plane landed on time in G province. After getting off the plane, Yu Er contacted Yu Yi, and then led the crowd to the VIP passage and left the airport, and went to a black commercial vehicle waiting outside.

The official person was thrown away by another car. When I entered the car, I finally relaxed. After I got on the bus, I leaned directly on Lianjun and said, "I found that several official people have been secretly looking at us. of."

"Don't care about them, someone will ‘educate' them.” Lian Jun appease, let him rely on himself, look at the waiting in the car, ask, “How is the situation?”

"not too good."

The one-on-one sentence directly draws everyone's attention to the past.

When he entered from Lian Jun, he frowned and looked at it.

He did not sell off, and quickly explained: "According to our investigation, the organization that wants to fish in troubled waters, in addition to the snake teeth that have been identified before, also has the Meridian and Chiba."

The second expression changed and said: "How are all front-line organizations, are they crazy?"

"This is the worst place. Originally, according to our plan, these organizations will gradually move toward the wolf spider after the tarantula and the conflict, and then they will form an alliance with the tarantula and target us. But because of the official sudden blending These organizations directly kicked the wolf spider out of the list of alliances, and even wanted to get rid of the tarantula."

"MA! The official pig teammate!" He couldn't help but curse the mantra. He didn't expect the situation to be worse than expected. He couldn't wait to kill the official staff who had a fever.

Lian Jun asked: "Is the head of the snake tooth? The first-line organization has such a tacit choice to help the official step on the tarantula. It must be someone who is coordinating."

"It's a snake tooth. It should be prepared to share the tarantula's meat together, and form an alliance with the other two first-line organizations." One answer, the expression is dignified, "If this really makes them successful, then we The situation will become very bad."

I have already wanted to kill, and this is just not good. It is almost finished! Because of its relationship with the official, it has always been the object of taboo and exclusion of other violent organizations. If the tarantula is in trouble, then the annihilation will face no ally, no internal response, and there is only one official pig teammate who wants to unload and kill. The game has already lost more than half since the game started!

Everyone realized the seriousness of the matter, and turned to look at Lianjun and wanted him to take an idea.

Lian Jun’s fingers point to the knees, and the eyes are calm and calm, and the calm and calm appearance is invisible to the hearts of others.

"No need to worry." After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, first appease a sentence, and then said, "Since the organization that is leading is a snake tooth, then this time things will be easier. The alliance of the first-line organization is not so easy to succeed. The time of the outbreak is not long, and the links between the three parties should not have become close. The snake teeth are expanding wildly after the nine eagle and the ghosts are scattered. The desire for the first is Sima Zhao’s heart is well known. The leader of the Wumen and Chiba A conceited but cautious, awkward and greedy, they don’t necessarily have a slap in the heart. They are too reckless and arrogant. I think they are not coming to fish in the water, but to make choices."

After a few seconds, the expression suddenly relaxed, and even brought some gloating, asked: "Jun Shao, what do you mean, Wumen and Chiba are actually more inclined to the tarantula?"

Lian Jun nodded and said: "Minmen and Chiba are not short of money. What they lack is an environment that can be freely developed. That is to say, on the bright side, they have the same goal as the tarantula - get rid of it. , cut off the intimate contact with the official."

"Everyone wants to kill us. Hey, the feeling of hatefulness is so lonely." He leaned back on the back of his chair and happily lifted his legs.

Yi Yi also relaxed and said: "I am too anxious, almost confused by the surface situation, Jun less, sorry."

Lian Jun put his hand on his hand and said nothing, seeing that the business has been finished, and when he wants to ask for dinner, he wants to eat something. The result is that he is full of confusion and curiosity.

"That... who can explain to me in detail, why did you suddenly relax?" The time was a bit awkward, and even wondered if he did not bring his IQ out, dryly said, "What you just said, I don't understand a bit..." What is the door of the Chiba snake, although he has seen the information of these large organizations, but there is no intuitive understanding, so some time they can not distinguish their relationship with each other.

The car was quiet, and when he looked at it, he was black and stupid. He suddenly laughed and reached out and patted him on the shoulder. He said: "It’s said that the military camp exercise people, now it seems to be really exercise, limb training. Developed, my brain is broken, come and come, brother will give you a good class."

When he entered the anger, he opened his hand and pressed his hammer.

The two people who looked at the trouble together with Yi and Lian Jun did not feel a smile on their faces, and the tension relaxed a lot. Sure enough, as long as they sometimes entered, the atmosphere would not be heavy.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy