MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 106 Division

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G Province is close to the sea, and the four seasons are like spring. It is a big city with very developed economy and very suitable for living.

Time has not been here, either in my life or in my life. After he and Yu Er finished, he saw a tired face, and finally relaxed a little after unloading his heart. He no longer talked about business, and turned the map of G province and asked Lianjun: "G Province Such a large, well-developed urban area has five or six, which district do we live in?"

Lian Jun shook his head and replied: "We don't live here, live on the island."

"Island?" When I entered the accident, my eyes fell on the treasure island on the map, frowning. "Is it necessary to go to Baodao to fight before?"

"No." Lian Jun reached out to his eyes and led his eyes to the nearby island of an important port city in G Province. He lightly clicked. "Here, there is a branch in the area, it is safer." ""

The time of sight followed the move, and suddenly realized that he nodded, just prepared to put down the map, thought of something, and said busy: "Wait, we live here, what about the official staff who followed us? Also live in the past? Will it? not too good."

Lian Jun helped him collect the map and replied: "The official staff does not follow us. They will go to the nearest Z city on the outlying island with the 卦三卦五等, and only me and you will live on the island."

"Only me and you? What about the first and the second?" Continue to ask.

"They still have things to do, they will not follow us all the time." Lianjun explained, holding his hand and pinching it, said, "Don't worry, the island is very safe. After going to the island, I will arrange Mr. Feng. I will continue to teach you classes. I have already recruited a special teacher from the police school. I have listed a detailed study plan for you. You can learn according to the plan and you can't drop classes."

Class? ! He has come here, actually still have to take classes?

When I entered the big eyes, I looked at Lianjun from the side, and when I opened my mouth, I was blocked by a sentence from Lianjun.

“The student’s job is to learn, to move forward, and I am waiting for the day you grow up to protect me.”

Xiaoyan also said: "Go in, you have to be a good man who talks and talks, baby trusts you."

The spirit of the scum and the soul of the lazy man have just been taken up by the lover and the child (?). He remembers the future of himself and Lianjun, remembers the burden of Lianjun, and swallows silently. I want to say something and my heart’s pain because I have to learn the university course again. I nodded and said: “Well... I will study it seriously.”

Lian Jun smiled and leaned forward to kiss him.


The car galloped all the way, came to the Z city from the provincial capital of the province of G, and then directly opened a medium-sized ferry boat docked at the port, so that the car was brought together by the ship and headed for the small island on the opposite bank.

"It's quite convenient." When he entered the car, he looked at the ferry deck and fence outside the window, as well as the sea outside the fence, sighing like a soil bun.

On Tuesday, I leisurely leaned back on the front seat and said: "We could have taken the helicopter directly to the island, but now it’s a secret to come to the province of G. It’s not a secret to let too many people know, so let’s Can only be as low-key as possible."

secret? As soon as he entered, he looked at the loyalty with curiosity.

Lian Jun noticed his sight and put down the flat to explain: "The official wants to move the tarantula, because the official has not overshadowed his intentions, so the big organization with a little network of contacts now knows, but they don't know. The official secretly invited us to help, so the situation is that we are in the dark, all of them are clear, this advantage must be maintained, before the matter is still clear, my whereabouts is best kept secret."

It turned out to be the case.

When I suddenly nodded, I glanced at the second, and suddenly I got to the ear of Lianjun, and said, "I waited for the island, let's talk about it?" He still has a lot of questions to answer, and he is too annoying. He didn't want to explain it to him at the second.

Lian Jun was stunned by his breath, looking at his face with a close look, his eyes moving, and he took a look at his eyes and whispered.

When he was in love, he closed his eyes and opened his eyes instinctively toward him. He just looked into his tenderness with a certain eager eye. The heart jerked, took a breath, and squatted back. On the seat, I covered my face with the G provincial map.

Worse, bad, is the sentence he just said ambiguous? Will Lianjun misunderstand that he is inviting... Invitation to invite! He and Lianjun are lovers, and what happened to the invitation!

Suddenly he stood up and took advantage of it. He opened the map and looked at the singer. When he saw him pick up the tablet and looked at the documents, he just swayed and fell back. The body lay down and lay down. He just put his head on him. On the leg, reaching out to cover his flat screen, frowning asked: "I look good or the file looks good?" It should be a small win to get married. As a result, everyone has been talking about business since the meeting, and now it’s hard to finish. Lian Jun did not come to talk to him if he looked at the documents without any problems.

When I entered, I felt a sense of being left out, and I was eager to prepare for it and file for pets.

Lian Jun took the tablet's hand for a meal, and removed the tablet and looked down at him.

When he looked back and looked back, he was ready to swear by him, or ignore him, he would, oh... He suddenly became confused. Without his unreasonable experience, he really doesn't know how to use the "willfulness" way to attract the attention of the other party when the lover is not taking care of himself.

And what if the trouble is too much, and the anger is not good? Originally, the pressure of Lianjun is now big enough, and he should no longer be the burden of Lianjun.

A shadow suddenly shrouded, and then the atmosphere of Lianjun quickly approached. When I went back to God, I watched that Lian Jun suddenly fell down and hanged on the face a few centimeters above him. There was no idea at all in the brain, and he instinctively swallowed his mouth.

"I have endured very hard work, this is what you are looking for." Lian Jun whispered, touched his face, stretched his arms and circled his head in his own breath, first bowed his head and kissed him. Forehead, followed by eyebrows, eyes, nose bridge...

The light was blocked by the body that was pressed down by the gentleman, and the warmth of the atmosphere was entangled. When the eyes were wide open, only the eyes of the lord and the eyes were sharply kissed, and the heartbeat was a little bit faster. The lips moved and could not help but hurry. Lian Jun’s arm, take the initiative to look up.

After the lips are connected, the lips are briefly fitted, and then they are intensely intertwined.

Lian Jun is very excited, and time can feel it. The air seemed to be taken away by the other side. He was dizzy and slowly felt that some breathing was difficult.

For a long time, Lianjun finally retired. When he touched it, he entered the red cheek and wiped the wet marks on his lips. He said with a dumb voice: "Hey, I am still waiting for the island." ,Ok?"


The chaotic brain that was fascinated by desire suddenly became clear. When I entered this, I remembered that I and Lijun were not staying in an independent and concealed space. Instead, they were in the same car as the one, and because of the driver who drove today. Another person, the car is relatively large, so today's seating arrangement is that the driver is sitting alone in the driver's seat, the co-pilot is empty, and the first row of the car is sitting in the rear compartment. He and Lianjun are sitting in the rear compartment. Two rows. The baffle is only between the driver's seat and the rear row. Even if it rises, it can't stop the first and second.

After all, has he just been intimate with Lian Jun and he has been seen by Yu Yi and Yu Er?

He stiffened his head and looked at the front seat where he sat in the first and second place. He saw that Yi and He were very eager to wear a pair of headphones, concentrating on pulling the tablet, and not listening to the window. appearance.

This avoidance is too obvious to avoid... When I entered desperately, I looked at Lianjun.

"Is it still trouble?" Lian Jun pulled his face.

When I entered the face, I slammed it hard and replied: "No trouble, no more."


The group went to the island smoothly and lived in a sea-going villa on the south side of the island. Unexpectedly, the Sixth is actually here.

"This division is not too conspicuous because it is close to the base camp of the tarantula, so the scale is a bit small and the number of people is relatively small. I am worried that Jun is not used to living here. I will come over and arrange it first." When I smiled and looked at it, I said, "There are a lot of good things. It seems that this half year has been good."

Shi Jin’s impression of the Sixth Six was very good. He was very happy to see him and took the initiative to hug him.

He hugged him six times and patted him on the back. He said with a smile: "At least three blocks around the villa, people who live on their own, so don't worry about safety. When you are free, you can go to the island. When you turn around, you should be distracted."

At least three blocks? Smaller divisions? Less people?

When he entered the face, he was stiff, loosened his six, and looked back at the honest man who was telling the story of the first class. He raised his hand and wiped his face. For a year, his understanding of the destruction seemed to remain only in the surface.


After the delivery of Lian Jun to the villa, Yi Yi and Yu Er left, saying that there is something to do.

When they entered, they watched them leave, and then they pushed the Lianjun to turn around in the villa.

In order to take care of the physical condition of Lianjun, this time, the sixth room was specially moved to the first floor.

The main bedroom on the first floor is large, very warm and comfortable, and has a good view. The wall of the sea is all chiseled and fitted with floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the window is a large wooden terrace. The lanai is connected to the long bridge and follows the long bridge. Before you go, you can go directly to the beach in a private sea.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, I admired the beauty of the window with a slight sigh. Suddenly a shadow came over, and then the waist was tight, and the body fell into a familiar embrace.

"What do you want for dinner?" Lian Jun asked in his ear.

When he went down, he looked at the hands of Lian Jun in his waist, and looked back at him. He said, "What is going on in the Snake and the Noon, you haven't explained it to me yet."

Lian Jun picked up his clothes and looked at him. He looked at him seriously and asked him to drop his clothes. He asked: "Now is this time?"

"You promised me, I will talk to me when I wait for the island. You can't talk without saying anything." Shijin seriously put on silly, pulled down his hand and turned and looked at the clock hanging in the room. A pair of newly discovered, said, "This is already the point, fast, go to dinner first, you have no nap today, dinner must be eaten on time, and then try to rest early."

If there is something that can make time advance and quickly restore rationality, then it is definitely a health problem for Lianjun. In the face of Lianjun’s health, everything must be given up, and the other is to win the lover. Getting fat is the first priority!

Lian Jun was led by him, watching him look serious and serious, his heart was funny and moved, sighed low, put out the idea of ​​throwing him to the bed now, hugged him, and followed it with all his heart. His back.

When eating, Lian Jun explained the situation of the major frontline organizations on the road in detail.

After the nine eagle and the sneaky scorpion exited the battle stage, there are still five first-line organizations left on the road, namely, the annihilation, the tarantula, the snake tooth, the midi gate and the Chiba. There are several quasi-line organizations below the five, but They all choose the first-line organization that depends on or cooperates, so they don't need to talk separately.

Among the five organizations, the extinction, the tarantula and the Wumen are all old-fashioned organizations with deep roots. Chiba and snake teeth developed when the previous group of ancient first-line organizations disappeared. The foundation was slightly shallow. some.

In the years when Jiu Ying’s frenzied development and expansion, the mid-door change because of the leader, Chiba’s internal rectification, and the snake’s teeth have been depressed for a few years because of the upper infighting, and failed to suppress the development of the nine eagle. When they all slowed down, the nine eagle had already pressed their layers on the strength, almost shoulder to shoulder, and then could not move.

In this case, the leaders of the three organizations made the same choice in the same place - crouching, watching the nine eagle and destroying each other, hoping that they can lose both.

Time has turned to the present, Jiuying is actively picking and annihilating, and after a fight, the whole squad collapses with the sneaky scorpion, vacating a large piece of interest, and facing the attack of the Nine Eagles, the annihilation still sits firmly in the first place. The forces are like iron buckets, and there is no gap.

No matter what the reason for the annihilation of the Nine Eagles, is there a ghost in it to help, but there is a signal that the people who are slightly smarter on the road are all seen through this conflict - the destruction is too strong, even if it looks The nine eagle, which is equal to the strength of the annihilation, can only be defeated after the annihilation of the annihilation, and it is the end of his own miserable collapse.

Such a powerful organization, if it is dedicated to the road, it is also okay, everyone can seek common development, but this organization has always been awkward, high and ruthless, and other organizations on the road are not false, but also have links with the official .

This is a strong and empty king, but not willing to lead the sentient beings, and even in turn to help the enemy to limit the sentient beings. Can not stay, this is the common idea of ​​the leaders of all the big organizations.

The three organizations, Snake Tooth, Meridian, and Chiba, finally couldn’t sit still. They no longer crouched, re-energized, and actively developed themselves. Among them, the snake tooth is particularly obvious. It desperately seizes the interests of the Nine Eagles and the ghosts, absorbs the resources left by the Nine Eagles and the Ghosts, draws on other organizations, and tries to gather the power of the Tao to their side.

"Their alliance is inevitable." Lianjun said that this stopped, and he listened attentively, and even forgot to eat, and reached out and tapped his forehead to let him return to God and signaled the meal. When he continued to eat, he said, "But how to form an alliance, what kind of situation to form an alliance, what kind of development direction to choose after the alliance, how to deal with the official relationship after getting rid of it, is to choose direct and The official confrontation, or continue to push an organization to go to the middle of reconciliation ... These factors are all factors that determine whether they can form alliances and who are in alliance with each other."

Shijin had a little bit of a clue, and stopped the action of eating. He recalled the words of Yu Er and Yi Yi in the car and asked: "So you think that it is more desirable than the snake teeth, Wumen and Chiba. Tarantula, want to form an alliance with a tarantula?"

"That's it." Lian Jun nodded, seeing that his mind was completely out of the meal, remembering the late lunch he had eaten on the plane, guessing that he should not be hungry now, so he no longer forced him to continue eating. Give him a glass of water and let go, continue, "Beyond the snake tooth, the tarantula is older and deeper, and the temperament of the leader is more stable and reliable. It is the best choice for cooperation. Snake teeth now look good. However, the forces are expanding too fast, the interior is certainly very unstable, and they have just experienced high-level infighting. They are all loopholes everywhere, and it is a trouble. The leader of the Noon, Meng Qing and the leader of Chiba, Qi Yun, two They are all smart people, not so easy to be drawn by snakes."

When I frowned, I said, "The tarantula is now being officially targeted, and the future is uncertain..."

"So I said before, Wumen and Chiba came over this time to make choices." Lianjun erected three fingers and explained in detail, "The tarantula is officially eye-catching, which everyone did not expect." From the standpoint of Wumen and Chiba, they have three choices for this situation: one, choose snake teeth; the second, choose the tarantula; the third, whoever chooses. And decides them eventually The choice is the tarantula and the snake's teeth in this official crisis against the tarantula, their respective performances and their respective endings. If the tarantula can survive from the official and the snake tooth, then such a can be from the official target Who would be willing to miss the powerful allies who survived? If the tarantula is miserable and the snakes are bright and show a sufficiently credible attitude and strength, then the snake tooth can also be used appropriately. If the tarantula and Snake teeth are bad, so in order not to ignite, Noon and Chiba will definitely choose to retreat quickly, and then form a separate alliance. Anyway, no matter how they choose, they will not let themselves suffer."

With such an explanation, Shijin finally figured out the powerful relationship and said: "The gestures of the Wumen and Chiba are really high. Waiting to see the result is the choice of dishes. The fuss are all others..."

"It is a kind of skill to always watch the tiger across the mountain." Lian Jun fingered the wheelchair armrest and gathered the subject back. He said, "What we have to do now is to try to help the tarant in the absence of the official. Avoiding the official target, Yinmen and Chiba took the initiative to form an alliance with the tarantula and reinvented the snake tooth."

“Heavy wounds?” He was a bit worried and asked, “Is it a good deal?”

Lian Jun replied: "It's not too difficult. What kind of results can be obtained this time. In fact, the key points are all in the official. What is the official attitude and accepts our influence? So we only need to let the government realize Compared with the tarantula, it is more important to suppress the snake tooth now, and this dilemma will be solved."

When the time is thoughtful, the expression is relaxed, and he said: "The one in the afternoon and the Chiba are kept under the tarantula, because the tarantula is officially targeted, the tarantula has scruples, do not choose What should I do with the tarantula and only alliance with each other? The tarantula is still single."

Lianjun slipped the wheelchair to his side and reached for the chopsticks in his hand. He said, "No, if the tarantula can be saved, then Wumen and Chiba will definitely choose to form an alliance with the tarantula. Don't forget. However, their opponent is me, not a little more strength, they have no chance of winning."

When he looked at his confident and strong look, he was so hot that he couldn't help but lean over and asked: "When the dinner is finished, let's take a shower now?"

Lian Jun looked down at him and suddenly stood up from the wheelchair and pressed against him.


Thanks to the biological clock that was exercised by the military training, it was clear that the night before when I slept very late, I opened my eyes at 6 o'clock in the morning.

The room was dimly lit and the curtains were all pulled. He was stunned against the strange ceiling. After returning to God, he instinctively reached out and touched it. The result was empty. He squatted and turned his head and accidentally discovered that Lian Jun was not in bed, and there was a vague conversation between the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Is it cheap? Who is he talking to, six?

He rubbed his face to wake himself up, and yanked his robes on his body, and the grass belt tied the lower belt to cover the key parts, and went out to the floor-to-ceiling windows blocked by the curtains.

"Are you coming early in the morning to marry me?"

"I am jealous of you, I want to hit you. Mix the kid, suddenly found me such a big trouble, I recruit who to provoke."

"Small voice."

"What do you do? What do you do when you are in the golden house? When you enter, you are tired of having children and children."


When I entered the curtain directly, I looked at Lianjun and Lushan, who were sitting outside for a stop. They stretched out and walked out of the floor to open the window. They couldn’t help but answer: "Rure, Lianjun is me, how come you, eat Breakfast not?"

Lushan seemed to be scared by the sudden appearance of the time. He stared at him and looked at him up and down several times. His eyes swept over him and he turned black several times and his body was loose. The robe, finally set his sight on the clavicle and the hickey on his neck, and whistled.

"Wow, it was very intense last night." She twitched her eyes and then turned fiercely and looked at Lianjun. He said, "No wonder you don't let me into the house, let me talk, whisper, stinky boy, You have made me so miserable, but I am here to be happy, is your conscience eaten by dogs?"

Lian Jun ignored her, stood up directly from the wheelchair, and went to the side to help him manage his robes. He decided to look at him and suddenly said: "It's very nice."

Shi Jin was being embarrassed by Lu Shan’s sentence, burying his head and quickly sorting out his clothes. He didn’t understand his words and asked: “What looks good?”

"You wear this very good look." Lianjun replied, carefully helped him to tie his belt, looked at his appearance at this time, smiled, "Really good looking, next time let you do a few pieces of this kind of clothes." "The original plain and elegant robes are worn in the body when the body is relatively strong and the skin is tanned a few degrees. Inexplicably, it becomes wild and uninhibited."

Very handsome and very exciting.

Time was exaggerated to be embarrassed, and pulled the collar and asked: "Really, I thought I would wear this kind of robes would be very uncomfortable."

"No, it's really good." Lian Jun did not praise.

"Hey!" Lushan couldn't stand it anymore. She was so angry that she patted the table and shouted. "I am still here. Can you converge a little! My knife is falling on my neck, but you are still here." Kiss me, can I be a personal? Are you a dog?"

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