MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 47 I saved my life today (first update)

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The ratings of the variety show "Dream" has been rising all the way, which is far beyond Zheng Mingchang's expectations.

General variety shows, the first, second and last episodes are the peak ratings.

The middle part will gradually decrease.

This is because the audience has become accustomed to the fixed mode of getting along with variety show guests, similar to jokes, and gradually loses interest.

But "Dream" shows a completely different vitality!

Every episode broadcasts, the number of broadcasts increases by one episode.

Thinking of this, Zheng Mingchang, who was standing in front of the hotel door, looked at Bao Ruanruan, whose face had lost its color and was surprised and flustered, and couldn't help laughing inside.

She still pretends to be weak and helpless?

Thanks to this girl, their program team can always innovate, and each episode gives the audience a fresh feeling.

Even as the director, he doesn't know what the next show will be!

Because - Bao Ruan Ruan has been breaking the rules of the show!

Forcing their five program directors to lose their hair every week, trying to fight with her!

Find ways to let her complete the task in a normal way.

"We invited some special guests to help out in this issue." Zheng Mingchang gave Bao Ruanruan a special look.

Package is soft: "?"

I'm panicking.

I feel the director's unkind eyes.

"Today will be an amazing who's the devil."

[It sounds exciting. 】

【What does the devil mean? 】

"Go upstairs first, and the staff will give you task cards. Everyone take their task cards, open them, and complete your tasks."

"The winner can enjoy the river view room tonight for free."

"The loser will have to pay for the hotel."

Zheng Mingchang smiled and glanced at Bao Ruan, "Small bag, come on."

Package is soft: "?"

I feel being watched.

[The child has been named. 】

The director obviously paid special attention to the package.

This heinous act of bullying the little girl was criticized by Da Lanzhi, the eldest sister of the five.

"Xiao Bao, ignore the director, you just have to have fun, my sister will pay for the room for you."

"Bag, later if your task is difficult, I will help you do it together!"

Xiao Mengfei also stepped forward.

Cheng Yao, who caused trouble for Bao Ruanruan last time because of the scandal, also stood up every minute.

"Small package, we will help you. The five of us are a team."

"Brother Xi, don't you think so? Bullying our sister is definitely not acceptable!"

Lu. can't hold back. Wen Xi: "...?"


But in an instant, he thought in his mind that he grew up with only a big brother and no soft sister.

He used to envy the brother who had a sister next door, always followed by a soft little tail.

Lu Wenxi was fascinated with memories.

"Mr. Lu, Teacher Lu, the other teachers have entered the elevator!"

Lu Wenxi: "!?"

P's sister!

They went to the 23rd floor, still the five-person suite last time.

The elevator door opened, and Lu Wenxi gently pressed the door button for the others.

Waiting for the last humbly bag to walk out softly before he stepped out of the elevator.

But the bag was soft and slow, walking, and fell behind him.

Lu Wenxi pouted.

The long legs accelerate and keep up with the front.

The four of them chatted and laughed, and all went directly to the living room of the suite where the staff was waiting.

Only the bag was soft, with his hands behind his back, and a small white face with a serious look, he walked around the door of the suite, and then walked around the door of the five bedrooms.

Then slowly returned to the living room and stood at the end of the guest line.

"Teachers, this is a task card for you. Teachers are not allowed to exchange task cards with each other, nor give up."

"Teacher Lan Zhi, Teacher Cheng Yao..."

Staff, distribute them one by one.

Lan Zhi opened the envelope, read the text on the card, frowned, "Please go to the 'Top of Kunlun' room, what room is this...?"

The rooms in this hotel are numbered.

The staff raised their hands with a smile, just about to make a direction gesture, just about to open their mouth—

There was a soft voice in the room, which sounded faintly.

"The top of Kunlun is the third room on the left, the room where Brother Cheng stayed last time."

Blink softly.

The staff was surprised and nodded.

Cheng Yao also opened the card, "I'm the 'Decisive Battle in the Forbidden City' room..."

"Second from the left," Bao Ruan softly pointed casually, "The room closest to the elevator."

The staff was stunned.

Lu Wenxi got the card, skipped the staff directly, and the test was soft, "Who am I?"

Let you pretend!

Bao Ruanruan tilted her fair face and glanced at the task card, "The first from the right."

Lu Wenxi: "!"

Staff: "!"

[! 】

"How did you know?" Lu Wenxi was shocked, "Did you cheat and see the task ahead of time?"


Bao Ruan soft and a small white face wrinkled, "There is paper on the door and it says on it."

[! 】

[Fuck, I thought my goose was just a healthy baby, but I didn't expect she was a hidden genius? 】

Lu Wenxi is stupid.

I immediately thought that she had been lagging behind.

They are all in the living room, she just entered.

So she went to the room to see it.

But...she's a minute behind?

One minute at most!

Five rooms, five names, she remembered them all?

"What are the names of the other two rooms?" Lu Wenxi didn't believe it.

Didn't they say there are no smart people in the entertainment industry?

He always felt that his brain was normal.

Pack soft lips.

Closed his eyes.

A miniature map of the entire suite slowly emerged in her mind.

The structure diagram of the five rooms I saw just now, and the corresponding names, are also vivid in my mind.

"The first from the left, Emei Fengyun."

"Second from the right, Jiayu Beacon Fire."

Lu Wenxi: "!"

He immediately walked to the five rooms outside and ran to see if that was the case.

The camera followed.

【My goose is amazing! 】

Remember all? ! 】

The live broadcast, and soon from left to right, filmed the doors of five bedrooms.

There are black and white letters on it.

Sure enough, they were all the words on the task card and what Bao Ruanruan just said.

[Wait, are you all right? 】

[I have a bad memory, I will say it first. Who remembers the order, is Bao Ruanruan right? 】

[Yes. 】

[The one in front, your memory is also good. 】

[No, no, I just took the notebook and wrote it down (shy). 】

【Ah, so everything is right? ? ? 】


Standing in front of the five rooms, Lu Wenxi looked at the four-character words with similar structures in each room.


"You just said...the one on the left is..."

Fuck, sorry, he forgot!

He also wanted to verify whether what Bao Ruanruan said was right, but he didn't remember what he said before.


"The first from the left, Emei Fengyun."

The bag that came slowly was soft and soft, and repeat it.

The volume and tone are the same.

[Hahahaha, the goose is embarrassing. 】

[No diamonds, less porcelain work. Goose, people said it, but you don't remember, what are you verifying? 】

[Goose listened again and finally chose the correct answer (dog head). 】

The camera lens of the photographer is shaking again.

The lens is anti-shake, useless.

The staff who issued the task cards couldn't help but laugh.

"How did you do it, bag, it's amazing." Xiao Mengfei was convinced again.

"Xiao Bao, have you tested your IQ? Is it very high?"

I don't remember the map, what's the difference between waiting to die in a survival game?

Bao shook his head softly, "Not high, just average."

Just some survival skills.

Everyone, including the camera, turned to Lu Wenxi.

Under the general IQ comparison, Lu Wenxi's IQ is obviously lower than hers.

Lu Wenxi: "!"

[Pfft! 】

"Mr. Bao has a good memory, this is your task card."

The staff tried their best to hold back their laughter and continue the process.

"Oh thank you."

"Teachers, please enter your respective rooms, there are already tasks waiting for you."

The five guests quickly walked to the door of their corresponding room.

Everything is in place.

Inhale each.

Then open the door and walk in.

Live footage, pull a panorama.

One by one, the nervous faces of each guest, the doors that were opened one by one, and the careful steps to enter.

The guests disappeared one by one at the door.

Until the last digit, the package is soft.

[? 】

【Live card? 】

[Is the wifi still there! ? 】

"Mr. Bao, you can go in." The staff immediately reminded.

However, he was wrapped softly and raised a finger, hissing softly.

The camera zooms in suspiciously.

The staff asked in a low voice, "Is there any problem, Teacher Bao?"

Bao Ruanruan stood at the door, not moving.

But she closed her eyes and listened.

"I didn't hear any sound in the room, and I preliminarily judged that there was no one in the room."

"Secondly, I didn't hear the cries for help from the first four rooms, and it was initially judged that there was no danger in the rooms."

Staff: "...!"

[! 】

[woc hahahaha! 】

hhhh! 】

Bao Ruanruan stood at the door of the room on the left, named 'Emei Fengyun'.

The camera pushed past, and she finally moved her slender body after a preliminary judgment.

She took two steps forward, stopped at the door a step away, only stretched out her white arm, and slowly turned the door handle.

Turn halfway, the little hand paused for a second before pushing the door open.

The bedroom layout is complete.

But she stood at the door and did not enter.

Sweet eyes carefully.

Like after removing some danger.

She let out a sigh of relief and walked in with some confidence.

【Hahahaha! 】

【Baby you are bright! 】

As the bag softly enters, turn on the lights on the wall of the room.

The live broadcast was also transferred to the four rooms of other guests.

The layout of the room is the same as that of a normal hotel queen room.

But in the camera, the guests are all bowing their heads and bending over in the room at this moment, opening the quilt and opening the drawer for a while, desperately looking for something.

Lan Zhi circled around and pressed her forehead, "My God, where did the mission write?"

She went back to the bedside table.

The camera zoomed in, and everyone saw the note pressed under the bedside lamp.

—[Please find clues for the next quest in this room. ]

"I still don't know what my mission is, how can I find clues?" Lan Zhi was tired of searching and looked at the photographer, "Do you know?"

The camera pans.

【Hahaha, my sister Lan is really bad at learning. 】

[It must be in the bedroom, slowly looking for hee hee. 】

In the next room, Xiao Mengfei was also confused, holding the clues note in her hand.

"What does the clue look like?"

She bent over to look under the sofa.

Cheng Yao and Lu Wenxi also rummaged through.

Still on the bed, jumping up and looking at the top of the closet.

I couldn't see it, so I found a hanger and went up to fish.

【My brother is smart again, and thinks about the dead space in the wardrobe. 】

The danmaku is getting more and more busy with them, and they are happy to see it.

But also curious.

[The room is actually quite small, but the clue may be a small note, so be very careful. 】

【Let me guess, what is the corner, is it possible under the drawer? 】

Everyone was busy, and Bao Ruanruan just stepped into her 'Emei Fengyun' room.

The camera turned to find her standing beside the big bed in the room.

The position from the door of the room is about half a meter away.

[? 】

[The next door is turned upside down, why are you still here, Xiaobao? 】

[ first, it probably takes a long time to confirm that there is no problem, right? hhhh! 】

Bao Ruanruan just stood outside the door listening and spent a lot of time.

I finally opened the door, and ended up staying at the door of the house for a long time.

Now the camera circles around and she barely moves.

The audience was dumbfounded.

The screen is drifting through a piece of 'Don't be afraid of the small bag, hurry up', 'Look for the task clue, look at the note on the bedside table! ', 'Move! ' urging anxious text.

The package is soft.

She walked towards the sofa area opposite the queen bed in the bedroom.

[There is no sofa, Xiao Xiao found it! 】

But the bag was soft and didn't stop. When passing the sofa, she picked up a round cloth pillow on the sofa.

Stand in front of you.

[? 】

[Don't tell me it's a shield. 】

【I'm special, the talents in front, don't tease me! 】

Stopped in the aisle behind the sofa.

Next to a wall.

On the left is an indoor landscape green plant, planted in a pot.

On the right is a simple Duobao Pavilion wooden stand, with some stone carving ornaments and several books on it.

Pack softly and pick up another book.

[? ? ? 】

[Weapon. 】

【Puuuuuu, you’ve had enough of the front! 】

[Under the green plants, clues? 】

Sure enough, the next step is to go to the green plant.

But when everyone thought she was going to squat down and move the green plants away to see if there were clues below.

She stretched out her white and slender arms.

Use a book to rub the light yellow curtain behind the green plants.

Quickly withdrew.

[! ? 】

It's like giving up after a trial.

Soon, she turned around nonchalantly.

But who would have expected, in the next second, between lightning and flint, she suddenly turned back!

With a clatter, she opened the curtains with a book!

[! 】

[! ! 】

No one expected that she would have such a fake action!

【If there is nothing, I will die of laughter—】

But the barrage hasn't finished rolling yet.

The curtain slid to the end, and a light yellow figure crouching on the windowsill appeared completely.

The light yellow figure looked up in amazement.

Obviously I didn't expect that I would be discovered so soon!

The barrage is full of exclamation marks.

[! ! 】


【How did she find out that it was behind the curtain? 】

【Too smart! ? 】

【Qu Feifei! ? 】

The light yellow figure, the petite figure that blends with the curtains, is not someone else.

It is the negative teaching material of lightning safety - Qu Feifei that appeared in the live nesting doll in the last issue.

The audience of "Dream" has an impression of her!

The shock of the barrage will not finish in a while.

But I heard another clatter!

The barrage hasn't finished rolling yet, Bao Ruanruan pulled the curtain back again!


Cover Qu Feifei tightly.

As if Qu Feifei never appeared...

She never saw Qu Feifei.

Put the pillow in front of you back on the sofa.

Get out of the room the same way.


With an expressionless face, she closed the door of the task room.

Nothing seems to have happened.

Staff outside the door: "…"

Qu Feifei in the curtain: "…"


【Pfft! 】

[? hhhh who will tell me what happened! 】

No one came out of the other four rooms, which shows that the other guests have not discovered the secret behind the curtain.

But Bao Ruan Ruan pretended not to see anything, "My mission failed."

She looked at the staff calmly.

Small expression sad.

Staff: "?"

【Hahahaha! 】

【A class representative! 】

[Package is soft: Qu Feifei? I didn't see it. Just leave her there, my mission failed anyway, eh. 】

[In Xiaobao’s heart, Qu Feifei’s task is more terrifying than the five-star room fee? Does she know what the mission is? Did I miss something? 】

[You are new here, right? This is to start with the former love story of Director Zheng's last variety show. 】

[Hot knowledge: Qu Feifei is an iron fan of Tang Yuxin. 】

[…Ah! 】

【Wen Knowledge: In the restaurant, Qu Feifei has always liked the mascot, and felt that the mascot helped her a lot, very cute and sensible. As a result, the headgear fell off, and it was her idol's enemy - Bao Ranruan.

At that moment, good guy, new hatred (hidden identity), + old hatred (idol's engagement was destroyed)... Do you understand?

Oh, now I may have to add another piece of the last thunderbolt to eat melons, and comment on the new content of the negative textbook Qu Feifei. 】

[Pfft! What kind of evil is this! 】

[Unexpectedly, I was chasing after Lu Wenxi and Bao Ruanruan. Now I can still see the sequel of the grudge between Qu Feifei and Bao Ruanruan! 】

【hhhh! 】

Mom can't help you! 】

The bag in the picture is soft and has already walked to the living room and sat down.

Start packing your backpack.

I was about to withdraw.

"Mr. Bao, do you know what the task is?" The staff rushed over, "Mr. Bao, don't be impulsive, we can find a solution if there is any problem."

Bao Ruan Ruan Shui's eyes flashed, "I'm afraid not."

[The package is soft: slipped away. 】

Director Zheng Mingchang could not laugh or cry, so he could only show up again.

"Small package, not so much."

Bao looked at him softly and resentfully, clearly writing the accusation against him.

Director Zheng was helpless, "So, you and Xiao Xiao exchange tasks?"

The live broadcast takes a turn.

In the five rooms, except for the soft bag, I came out.

Lu Wenxi and Cheng Yao have all found the special guests hidden on the windowsill.

Lanzhi came later and found it.

"Because we have emphasized the rules before, you cannot exchange this mission."

"I can't break the rules as a director, can I?"

Director Zheng's tone is friendly.

"So now only you and Xiao Xiao haven't triggered the quest, you can change it."

The bag was soft and her face brightened.

But she did not accept it cautiously, "I can actually continue the task of Qu Feifei."

Director Zheng was surprised, "Hey, why have you changed your mind again? Very positive, Xiaobao!"

"Well, because the director wants the guests to change the task, according to history, it will only be worse."


【Hahahaha! 】

【The truth! Smart little bag! Indeed, 9 out of 10 variety shows will be so sinister! 】

[Master the director password hhh]

Director Zheng could not laugh or cry, "That's up to you."

Bao Ruanruan looked at the 'Emei Fengyun', her fair little face tangled for a while.

On one side is Qu Feifei, who has hatred value, and on the other side is the five-star room rate.

In front of the camera, what Qu Feifei will do to her, the upper and lower limits are unknown.

And the five-star room rate, the loss is determined, is half the square area of ​​the future safe room.


It took a long time for her to think about it.

"I can continue the task."

"But this level, I want to summon the beast."

[? 】

[! 】

Director Zheng was taken aback, "What?"

With soft eyes and slender water eyes, she glanced at the director, "I will use a life-saving card."


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