MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 863 Gifts

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The luxurious hall on the top floor of Kunlun Building is brightly lit, and the celebration feast specially prepared by Na Lanhong for Li Daochong is in full swing.

Everyone at this time was carefully toasting to Li Dao, where there is the same kind of toes.

When facing Li Daochong, there was an indescribable sense of oppression overshadowed them.

Is like a monk facing the torture.

Kunlun Heavy Industry's high-level repairs are not weak, just take one out, and they are all fairy people that the entire Sanhua Federation can't provoke.

The Confucianism of Shenghua is the highest deity, and here deity is just the starting price.

The worst is also the peak of Huashen, half-step refining the virtual, such characters can only sit in the corner of the banquet at this banquet, just to join in the fun.

Kunlun Heavy Industry's board of directors consists of eleven people, naturally led by Na Lanxiu.

The remaining ten people were all cultivated in the late period of refining the virtual reality.

Such a situation, even Li Daochong has not experienced.

The background of Kunlun Heavy Industry is still quite deep, and they are all monsters in the Nankun Empire.

Even today, even if there is a decline, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, except for the ten major repair companies.

Comprehension companies that can work with Kunlun heavy industry wrench wrists are actually not many.

There are thirty-five Spirit Venerables in the whole human realm, that is, thirty-five Mahayana cultivators at their peak.

For the huge spiritual universe, hundreds of millions of cultivation stars, and hundreds of billions of human race population.

The number of spiritual venerables is not too large. Compared with the thousands of spiritual venerables in the most glorious world of cultivation, it has reached the point of extinction.

There are thirty-five in the peak period of the Mahayana period, and there are only hundreds of major integrators in the remaining stages of the Mahayana period. This is normal.

So the exact number is difficult to count.

The total number will not exceed 500.

Next is the monk during the robbery period. If you want to reach this stage, you also need to go through all kinds of obstacles, but also need to reverse the talent and chance.

The number of [Zero Zero Reading 00ks] is also scarce, and it is only a few times more than that of the Mahayana period comprehension.

The entire human realm will not exceed 3,000 people.

Therefore, once stepped into the situation of crossing the robbery, it is the top of the pyramid of the human realm.

After all, the Mahayana monks have been extraordinary, between the fairy and the innocent.

Rarely ask about ordinary things, they are all committed to repair and pursue the road.

A self-cultivation company with monks, is a veritable industry giant.

Both Nalanxiu's father and daughter are monks of the robbery. This kind of father-daughter partner is also rare in the realm.

As one of the strongest three-thousand people in the human realm, Nalanxiu's father and daughter naturally have their own heritage.

Dinner, Li Daochong did not like it very much, but for the future of Li Group.

This entertainment is naturally inevitable, there are people toasting during the dinner, Li Daochong also pays one by one, there is no half of a racket.

During, Na Lanxiu continued to throw olive branches to Li Daochong, while expressing his previous apology over and over again.

"Lingxi, this body-protecting necklace, which I brought when I traveled around the world of spirits, was able to withstand the monk's blow, and the demon below the devil could not get close, and now my sister gives you a protector, come, my sister gives you Bring it. "

Na Lanxiu felt soft and **** Li Daochong and felt that the effect was not very good. So he started to implement Plan B and launched an offensive against the people around Li Daochong.

She can feel that Li Daochong cares very much about her side, especially a few young girls.

As for why Li Daochong cares so much about them, Nalanxiu is unknown. If she investigates deeply, she is afraid that she can't help rushing to Li Dao.

This guy is not very young, so he knows to captive a young girl to wait for her future harem.

In Nalanxiu's view, men don't have a good thing. For women, whether they are young or old, as long as they are a little beautiful, they just want to be their own.

Li Daochong cares so much about these little girls, it must be that color heart is at work.

No matter what other people have great potential, Na Lanxiu can't do anything. The realm of comprehension is weak.

Although Nalanxiu was very ashamed of Li Daochong's behavior, he even hated it the most, but this guy was finally good to this group of little girls.

Took a step back and said that the little girls, following Li Daochong, could finally eat spicy and spicy, and no one dared to bully.

Thinking like that, Na Lanxiu was not so angry, but it was absolutely impossible for her to fulfill her promise to her father, and promise that by her body.

Na Lanxiu hates men who are not specific, no matter how big he is.

Xia Lingxi, who was eating Lingcai beautifully, looked up at Nalanxiu who suddenly spoke to himself.

Xia Lingxi was guilty, sister? Is there such a big sister? You ’re too old for me to be hundreds of years old. You have to call you too grandma.

As for the necklace, Xia Lingxi didn't take a glance, and Brother Dao Chong was her biggest amulet.

Furthermore, my mother said that children ’s homes should not take things from strangers, be attentive with nothing, or commit thieves.

The grandmother had a bad attitude towards Dao Chong's brother. Xia Lingxi didn't say anything on the surface, and she was already upset.

"Sister, Brother Dao Chong made a lot of amulets for me, but I can't bring it. The necklace you have may be useful, thank you for your kindness." Xia Lingxi replied with her head tilted.

Na Lanxiu did not expect the little girl to refuse, the necklace in her hand was inlaid with Kunlun Star.

Is a famous amulet throughout Nankun. There were also disciples of the shrine three years ago. Before going out to travel, I want to buy this necklace.

If you get an auction at an auction, I do n’t know how many monks will spend a lot of money to buy this necklace and wear it for their juniors.

With this thing, it is equal to many lives.

This little girl didn't even look at it.

Know that when you take out that moment in Nalanxiu, the Kunlun high-ranking people who are familiar with this necklace around can't help but cast their eyes on it.

Several high-level officials couldn't bear it. This necklace was one of Kunlun's seven treasures.

Was cast by a master refiner of Kunlun Star in the ancient times, and took elaborate craftsmanship over a hundred years.

The most powerful thing about this necklace is that it can be used indefinitely as long as it is not subjected to the ultimate blow.

As long as it is below the limit of the body protection effect, any attack effect is invalid. Bring it, it is equivalent to training the golden bell cover iron shirt, no one can shake under the robbery.

Even Sakura Yakuza accidentally glanced at it, and was very curious about the strange aura from the necklace.

Xia Lingxi spoke, and looked at Li Daochong with big eyes. The latter didn't show it, it seemed that she had made her own idea.

If it is usual, Na Lanxiu's Absolute Miss temper will come up and refuse her good intentions, it is a violation of her taboo.

But at the moment Nalanxiu's beauty did not show a half unpleasant color, but instead smiled more gently, just like the patient and beautiful kindergarten teacher in the kindergarten, no matter how the children cry, they will not be upset.

It's just that Xia Lingxi's refusal is very easy, so that Denarau could not find a breakthrough for a while.

People first expressed that I have a lot of these things, not rare.

If you squeeze it to others, doesn't it mean that the ones in your body are not as good as mine, this doesn't matter, but they said it was given by Brother Dao Chong.

That's different. No matter what, it can't be said that what Li Daochong gave is not good.

Nalan Xiumei's eyes moved slightly, he smiled and touched Xia Lingxi's little head, his eyes showed a hint of maternal love, "Lingxi is very sensible, my sister knows that your brother Dao Chong is very powerful, but Lingxi does not Do you think this necklace is very beautiful? Lingxi is so beautiful, only such a necklace can be worthy of your little beauty. "

Na Lanxiu still has a posture of robbing a fairy at this time, freeing herself from a young lady who coaxes her child happy.

Xia Lingxi used to live a hard life when he was a child. He has never felt much about luxurious items.

What she lacks is a sense of security and warmth, and the material aspect is never what she wants.

Beautiful or beautiful, in fact, Xia Lingxi does not have many concepts.

So taking advantage of this is useless for Xia Lingxi.

However, the warmth in Nalanxiu's eyes at the moment pierced Xia Lingxi's heart, which made her dissatisfaction with the former and resolve it.

"Accept it."

Xia Lingxi hadn't spoken yet, Li Daochong's voice came suddenly.

Nalan Xiu was very happy in his heart, not afraid of you, but afraid of you.

"Well, thank you sister." Xia Lingxi then nodded and accepted.

Na Lanxiu immediately brought the necklace to Xia Lingxi, and for a time the whole table was shrouded in the glimmer of Kunlun Star.

Nalan Hongtu sat and looked at this scene with a smile, the baby girl would finally be a man.

Thought that this girl was used to being a fairy and would not be a man anymore.

"Sister Yin, your skin is so good, even I envy it. This kind of skin must be well maintained. I just have a gem from the ancients, Samsung in Yandan. Everyone can eat it and stay young forever. The effect of taking it is better, not only can it be cultivated for improvement, but also in the true sense that the red face will never be old. The sister is not entertained at this time. This Samsung station in Yan Dan is a little bit of the sister's heart. Please accept it. "Nalanxiu After putting a necklace on Xia Lingxi, she turned to the cherry blossom gauze.

When Yan Dan came out, the other tables were in an uproar, and no matter what age they were, the female sisters radiated starlight.

Want to rush up to **** the Yan Yandan from Nalanxiu.

If Naran Xiudu's coercion is too powerful, killing them is like killing an ant.

This group of crazy women might do something incomprehensible and violent.

It's no surprise that someone jumped out and robbed immediately.

In Nalanxiu's view, Li Daochong should be most concerned about Xia Lingxi and Sakura Yarn, so only this big one did not participate.

And the strength of falling cherry yarn is definitely the strongest among the people around Li Daochong, and his bone age is not high.

Is so powerful ~ ~ but does not participate in the competition. If you say the reason, it can only be Li Daochong's reluctance to make her suffer. After all, the contest time is very long and very difficult.

Nalanxiu Shouyuan is hundreds of years old, not too big in the realm of comprehension, but for mortals and lower self-cultivators, hundreds of years are absolutely long and far away.

But at this point in front of the falling cherry yarn, then the little witch sees the big witch.

Not to mention Nalanxiu, it was her father Nalanhongtu who was just a child in front of the cherry blossoms.

Falling cherry yarn is naturally not Xia Lingxi. Following Li Daochong in these years, she has a little understanding of some human race accidents.

In addition to the nature of Wraith's plunder, Sakura Sakura didn't hesitate at all, so he took Nalanxiu's gift and received it in his sleeve, a little blunt thanks.

Na Lanxiu nodded with a smile, and then turned to the silver bottle. She originally wanted to put the woman first.

Because Li Daochong looked at her with a slightly different look, but the bloodline of Kanu eventually forced Na Lanxiu to put her in the third place.

However, even one of the Kanu's cultivation practices could even reach the realm of deification, even Nalanxiu was unheard of, is it a mixed blood?

When Na Lanxiu looked at the silver bottle, he accidentally met his eyes.

Yin Ping smiled at Na Lanxiu and said first, "Sister, don't spend any more money, your sister has already felt it."

Nalanxiu's gentle smile became a little sly, others refused her gift, and she still didn't know how to force it in, so the little sister Kanu was another matter.

Because Na Lanxiu wants to give her a gift, she must be irresistible.