MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 864 Grab

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"Sister Silver Bottle, how long have you been away from your hometown?" Na Lanxiu asked, smiling at Silver Bottle.

Abrupt question, let the silver bottle stunned.


I do n’t know how many years I have heard this term. The silver bottle was bought back by Li Tianyang at the age of six, and has been with Li Daochong since then.

The memory before the age of six is ​​very vague, so Yinping basically does not have much concept of hometown.

In her world, Li Daochong is her family, and Lan Wanxing is her hometown.

However, there are still some memories of childhood.

Silver bottle remembers that he was born on a green planet full of vitality, and all kinds of vegetation cover almost the entire continent, full of vitality everywhere.

Where there is no cultivator, there is no deception, no ghosts, no cultivating company.

There are only a group of simple, honest Kata Stars who live a carefree life.

The silver bottle confronted Nalanxiu and said after a pause, "I haven't remembered how long it has been for a long time."

Na Lanxiu said immediately, "If your sister made a right guess, your sister should be born on Kata Star."

The silver bottle nodded silently.

Nalanxiu continued, "It is a very beautiful green planet. Although it has a thin aura and is not suitable for cultivation, it is very suitable for living and traveling. The Kata stars are hardworking and brave, unpretentious, and have a pure personality, and each Kata The stars are extremely beautiful, just like the younger sister Silver Bottle. "

Na Lanxiu does not mean to praise, the silver bottle is a bit embarrassed.

"Sister is talking about the former Kata Star. Since Kata Star was discovered by the realm, it has become a colony. Kata Star is no longer a Kata star." The silver bottle looked lonely.

"Yeah, because the Kata Stars are inherently unsuitable for cultivation, they are weak and weak, and they can only accept mermaids." Nalanxiu's expression seemed to be dimmed as if he was infected by the emotion of the silver bottle.

Yin Ping did not speak, but his expression was very helpless.

"Sister Yinping, when Kunlun Heavy Industry received a batch of business a few days ago, it got the ownership of Kata Star. The sister always thought that Kata Star belonged to the Kata Star people. Now the sister will hand in the Kata Star contract. To my sister, no one among the Kata Stars should be more suitable for Sister Silver Bottle to take over Kata Stars. "

Said that Nalan Xiuxian's hand moved, and a piece of exquisite jade jade appeared in the palm.

Li Daochong, who had been talking to Nalan Hongtu, saw a slight jump in the corner of his eyes.

Could not help but feel slightly moved by Nalanxiu's good intentions, and could actually think of this level to win him over.

Li Daochong naturally understands that everything Na Lanxiu did at this time was to make up for the previous indifference to himself, and he tried his best to retain himself.

Silver Bottle has long regarded himself as Li Daochong's person, although the gift given by Na Lanxiu is extremely precious.

As a Kata star, how can the Silver Bottle not want to let the Kata people out of the bitter sea and get rid of their fate in slavery.

The word Kanu is really too harsh.

Since being enslaved, I do n’t know how many Kata Stars died in misfortune, which is extremely miserable.

The fate of the Kata Stars has never been his own.

The same is true of the silver bottle, if not she met the non-mainstream master Li Daochong.

What kind of situation she is now, it is really difficult to say, maybe she has already died on an unknown small planet.

According to incomplete statistics, the average life span of Kanu is only thirty-five years old.

Once old age fades, it will be ruthlessly abandoned.

This gift, the silver bottle wanted it very much, but she knew that the reason why Na Lanxiu brought it out to her was because of Li Daochong.

If it were herself, Nalanxiu wouldn't even take a look at her.

The silver bottle looked at Li Daochong involuntarily and asked his opinion.

"Fairy Jinxiu is so profound and righteous that Li Mou admires it very much. The Kata star will remember the kindness of the fairy. Come, Li Moujing will give you a drink." Li Daohong said, holding up his glass.

Such a move made Delan Lanxiu rejoice in his heart, this guy who always likes to do nothing, and finally appreciate it.

Know that this is the first time Li Daochong took the initiative to toast since the banquet began.

Na Lanxiu picked up the wine glass, his eyes moved, but I didn't expect this guy to really care about the nuns around him, but it was a bit too bothersome, otherwise it would be a very good double cultivation partner.

"Li Daoyou has won the prize, and it's just a matter of hand, Kata Star doesn't belong to anyone, do it."

The two clink glasses and sip a drink in a toast.

Li Daochong said that the silver bottle naturally no longer cares about it, taking the contract from Na Lanxiu and carefully putting it into his Na Yu ring.

Next, the people who followed Li Daochong, Na Lanxiu did not fall, all presented a generous gift.

Xiaoying got a three-star cultivation spirit pill and a two-foot meteor knife, and Li He and Li Ling each got a copy of the immortal-level cultivation method and several spirit pill.

Na Lanxiu's actions were down, and it would be impossible to say that Li Daochong's heart was not warmed at all.

Li Daochong was about to return the gift, and a loud drink came from the door.

"Wan Miao Lingfu, deputy Dong Shenfeng old man Qu Xinghai arrives."

For a time, everyone looked away from the door, and everyone's face shone with doubt.

I don't know why Wan Miao Lingfu sent such a heavyweight figure here.

Qu Xinghai, a robe, came in with several subordinates wearing uniforms of Wan Miao Ling Fu's unique vest.

"Mr. Qu came here without saying a word in advance, Hongtu could not meet him far, and there were rudeness." Nalan Hongtu said loudly.

"The old age doesn't invite you to come out of courtesy. Please also forgive Hongtu brothers. The old age just happened to pass Kunlun Star. The first Youth Comprehension Contest just ended. I learned that Li Daochong was in Kunlun Star. It is said by outsiders that it is to rely on the old to sell the old. "Qu Xinghai arched the hand.

After the two had finished speaking, the sound of high drinking came again from the door.

"Wan Yun, President of Kunming District, Yunya Vest, Kun Wan District arrived."

Then Wan Yun walked in slowly with several subordinates and saw Qu Xinghai nodded slightly.

"Brother Hongtu, Wan Mou was not invited, and he hopes to forgive sins. He came here to congratulate Li Daoyou."

Nalan Hongtu's eyes shone and his heart tightened. These guys clearly came to grab people.

With their eyes, I was afraid that I knew that Li Daochong's previous heavy work in Kunlun was not valued, and I felt that I had the opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Ling Ling Ling Nao, Liu Ye, President of the Southern District arrived."

Is another loud drink.

The senior executives of the major repair companies who came to the door in an endless stream continued, and dozens of them came before and after.

A large crowd filled the already spacious banquet hall.

Everyone came for Li Daochong. After this period of time, the analysis of Li Daochong's spiritual brain data has reached the hands of the senior executives of these major repair companies.

This young man comparable to the three big evils suddenly became hot.

Everyone wants to draw them into their own camp and win the future.

In addition to dozens of high-level repair companies, there are hundreds of reporters.

These reporters are naturally blocked from the door, and they are not allowed to enter, but in the end, there will be a small number of strong background reporters who will be mixed in with the cultivating company.

Li Daochong didn't expect that these cultivating companies would move so fast.

"Li Daoyou, I heard that you were only participating in Kunlun Heavy Industries, but I wonder if it is true?"

Someone throws a question out of date.

The noisy environment calmed down. Everyone did not pay attention to the person who asked the question, but looked at Li Daochong and Na Lanhongtu.

This matter is actually not a secret, but it has never been publicly stated. After all, Li Daochong was only one of many contestants when he was brought back by the witch princess.

This operation of the repair company is not Kunlun Heavy Industries, almost every powerful repair company will have such operations.

This kind of thing would not have been brought to the table.

But Li Daochong is no longer an ordinary contestant, but a super genius who won the top ten of the whole competition.

The question of his attribution has become quite different.

Everyone wants talents, not to mention the genius who is against the sky.

Li Daochong didn't answer, this question is obviously Nalan Hongtu and Nalan Xiu are more suitable to answer.

"Yes, Li Daoyou was actually named Kunlun Heavy Industry, but now Li Daoyou has officially become a member of Kunlun Heavy Industry's board of directors. Hongtu just hasn't had time to announce it yet."

Nalan Hongtu immediately replied.

"Is there a contract signed?" Then someone asked.

The monks who asked these questions were all reporters who mixed in with the cultivating company ~ ~ It was a good hand to ask questions.

"This Daoist, don't you see a celebration feast being held?" Nalan Hongtu said angrily.

This group of guys clearly wanted to provoke the relationship between Li Daochong and Kunlun Heavy Industry, so as to take advantage of the opportunity to grab people.

"That is, no contract has been signed yet." A voice came out.

"Don't sign the contract, Li Daoyou is not a person of Kunlun Heavy Industry. Li Daochong no matter what conditions Kunlun Heavy Industry develops, we have doubled the spirit brain. I, Liu Ye, on behalf of all the monks of the Linglun brain invited Li Daoyou to join us and raise the spirit Command your subordinates, as long as Li Daochong is willing to join the Lingling Brain, all the resources in the company are left to Li Daoyou to call. "Liu Ye was right.

Several reporters, Nalan Hongtu naturally did not pay attention to it. If they asked questions indiscriminately, they would give some color to see.

But when Liu Ye opened his mouth, Nalan Hongtu lost his temper, not to mention that Lingling Lingnao was one of the top ten cultivating companies in the human realm, and his strength background far exceeded Kunlun Heavy Industry.

Is Liu Ye himself, and he is not weaker than Nalan Hongtu. He is also a monk who crosses the robbery.

After Liu Ye's remarks, everyone at Kunlun Heavy Industries and others were not very good-looking, and others were blatantly robbing people on their own sites, and they couldn't make sense in the face.

He Ling is rich in spirit and wealth, and has a deep background, and is also a cultivation company under Lingzun.

Nalan Hongtu didn't dare to send out his anger in his heart, only glanced at Liu Ye with a somber face.

"Li Daoyou, Yun Yao's vestment can not only provide cultivation resources, but also cultivate you as the first heir, and become the helm of Yunya's vestment in the future." Wan Yun was not willing to show his weakness.

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