MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2102 Pengfei Shengdi!

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The second thousand and two hundred chapters of Peng Fei Shengdi.

In the past few days, Xuanyuan has been using his own blood to improve Yin Xiaoluo's physique. He has been meticulous, and has not slowed down from every corner of her body. He has undergone a major blood transfusion.

To a certain extent, such meticulous improvement will cause a lot of loss for Xuanyuan himself. The body of Wanhua can turn everything of the enemy into oneself, and can also transform everything into one. The power to withstand, thereby enhancing the combat power of others.

Yin Yiluo’s importance to Xuanyuan is self-evident, so he has lost his power source and transformed her physique so that it can rival the existence of the ordinary emperor, and there is a lot of wisdom to share, as long as Yin Yiluo has a good understanding and understanding. Among them, the mysterious, it is not impossible to break through to the Holy Land.

After all, it was Xuanyuan’s engulfing the wisdom of so many reincarned figures of the Holy Emperor, all of which are the essence of the essence.

Nowadays, the environment of 'Qinglong Holy Land' is different, and there will be the emperor telling his own heart and mind all the time. The air traffic of the whole 'Qinglong Holy Land' is constantly rising, no doubt, as long as it accumulates to a certain extent. There will inevitably be someone who can be detached from the shackles and can stand up against the strong people of the Holy Spirit.

Yin Xiaoluo cherished, she summoned Yin Feng. In the first time, he discovered that Yin Luoluo had a very strong atmosphere, and there was a kind of feeling of force majeure between the gestures.

"Yu Luo, how your strength has soared so much." Yin Feng was very surprised.

"Wu Jun helped me to improve, I am going to retreat now, and the military affairs are all left to you for full treatment." Yin Yiluo’s eyebrows are full of smiles, full of joy, Yin Feng’s words are very happy, she knows that Yin Xiaoluo must be with Xuanyuan Two people released their suspicions.

"Well, even if you go to retreat, then, the strength of my Tianlong family will be greatly improved." Yin Feng laughed.

Yin Yiluo daggers, disappeared directly, and went to close.

She hopes that she can ascend to the peak and then contribute to the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’.

This time, I exchanged a lot of wisdom with Xuanyuan Yinyang, which made Yin Xiaoluo understand a lot of truths, knowing that Xiaolian love is a big love, and that all beings need her guardian. This is the place where she should pay more attention and has been deeply hidden in her. The knot in the heart can be regarded as unraveling, and will not be attached to it.

"Hey, kid, it seems that this time you have been hurt. After all, it is the woman who first fell in love with each other. There will always be different treatments." Xuanyuan out of the Tianlong Theater, he was stopped by Pengfei, he The face is smirking.

"Well, you can find me." Xuanyuan is very surprised, to know that he has turned into a heaven and earth, ordinary people are hard to find, even if the Lord of the Holy Hunt is to use wood beads to find him, Xuanyuan condensation Into your own form, watching the unpredictable Pengfei.

"The heavens and the earth are yin and yang, the five elements are changing, and they are in the feng shui. I can't say in other places. No one in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can escape my perception. I want to know all the things in this 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Feng Shui can be done by me. If I can't even find this, then it's better to die." Between Peng Fei's words, quite self-satisfied, obviously in these years, he has already cultivated "Feng Shui Ancient God" To the extreme.

"Okay." Xuanyuan was very surprised. Now that Peng Fei’s cultivation is done, even if he can’t see it, it seems that he is closely related to the entire ‘Qinglong Holy Land’ and is unfathomable.

"You have transformed the body for Yin Xiaoluo, so that his strength has dropped a bit, and he has lost a lot of power. When he went to find her, there is no small gap." Pengfei can see that Xuanyuan’s combat power has faded. A little more.

"It doesn't matter, the impact is not big. There is a 'Wanhua God Medicine' that will be able to recover soon. The time problem is just a big deal. If you can't take a trace of 'Hongmengyuan' into the body, you can recover in the first time. Now it is not a tense period. I will raise the physique of the tyrants again." Xuanyuan shrugged and didn't care.

"You bastard, mom, a little, it’s shameful to get the recognition of the earth goddess, but your responsibility will be bigger in the future." Peng Fei enviously hated.

"Right, ask you one thing, do you have any enmity with the hunting saint, why the Lord of the Hunting has been chasing me, let me just give you out, they will join the 'Qinglong Holy Land' I also became the owner of the hunting sacred, and I was able to double repair with me. How much hatred you are recruiting, let people deal with you at all costs..." Xuanyuan always wanted to find Pengfei to ask this. One thing, just too busy, I didn't care about him. Now I just happened to meet it, just ask.

"Ah, the Lord of the Holy Hunt, is it because I stole their cemetery, so that what they left in the cemetery fell into my hands, no wonder I said how to have some murderous and heavy Tomb, they are still afraid of being discovered, cover up the ordinary tomb of the emperor, and hide it very deep, but this Taoist **** is a worldly, handsome and handsome, where can escape the eyes of the Tao, hey, did not think of the Lord of the Holy Hunt Actually still a woman, I want to double-education with you, with the temper of your kid, I must think of the law to sell this lord, I am afraid that I know that the wisdom of this lord is extraordinary, there is the essence of wearing everything, know I can't deceive me, I should still be thinking about it now.” Pengfei heard the words and said to himself for a while, so that Xuanyuan heard a black line on his forehead. This fat man is really unspeakable. No wonder everyone is at all costs. To have his dog's life, I knew I should sell this dead fat man.

"Okay, then I know, don't talk to you about these things, you have to go first, you stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and when you go out, you are afraid that you will be dead, they are staring at you. Xuanyuan ordered a sentence and was about to leave.

Pengfei eyes a glimpse, dissatisfied: "Mom has a microphone, your kid is looking down on this lord, the tiger is not arrogant, you are a sick cat, where are you going, this lord will go with you ""

"I want to go out, it will be very dangerous for you to be with me. I am afraid that I will not protect you when I get there." Xuanyuan said seriously.

"Hey, your kid pick me up and try it out, maybe I still protect you." Peng Fei squeezed his eyebrows, the fat body shook, and the fleshy hand gripped into a punch, hitting Xuanyuan, seems to cover the world. All the power between them.

Xuanyuan’s heart was shocked and rushed to respond. The ‘Wanhua Shenquan’ came out, and the two punches collided and canceled each other. They all suppressed the power within a radius of ten feet.

With Xuanyuan's ability to withstand, he could hardly resist the power of Pengfei, and he was forced to retreat several steps.

The fat man swayed with a wave of meat, and his smile was very cumbersome. He said: "This is a thick and thin hair. How can you make a woman with a weak body? It is really not playing."

Xuanyuan mouth twitched for a while, I really did not expect that Pengfei actually had such a big leap in a short period of time.

Isn't he really the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, or stealing a lot of the tombs of the reign of the Holy Emperor, and then use those things to upgrade themselves, but there is no obvious, no one to discover.

"I remember that I had smashed you all over again. I didn't find anything that wasn't that good. Did you hide the other things." Xuanyuan lamented.

"You are a slut, and there is a face, and my mother has a microphone. Fortunately, this lord has a more eye, otherwise it will not be able to mix." Peng Fei licked his mouth and looked for Xuanyuan desperately. I remembered that Xuanyuan gave a secret to the day, and my heart was bleeding. Every day I hit the geese, but I was blinded by the geese.

"You are a fat man, actually still have a hand..." Xuanyuan smiled, but Pengfei is so powerful now, but he is very happy.

"Forget it, don't talk to you about this. If you want to take me with me, I would rather like to go over with the Lord of the Sacred." Peng Fei’s current strength is not what he used to be. Beautiful with Xuanyuan.

"Well, let's go together, dead fat man, I really didn't expect you to be able to ascend to this point. It seems that I will not be lonely in the future, 'Qinglong Holy Land' will become stronger and stronger." Xuanyuan and Pengfei The people left together.

"Kid, don't bite a fat man, you are yelling at me, please call me Pengfei Shengdi." Pengfei shook his body wave, haha ​​laughed.

Two people together out of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Xuanyuan felt in the first time, Pengfei and the 'Central World' are incomparable, and between the gestures, they can mobilize the entire world of Feng Shui for their own use, if not in the dark layout It is impossible to do.

"I am busy on these days, you have not gone out, I want to come to your strength and leaps and bounds, all at this time."

"That is, this period of the Holy Emperor is constantly re-emphasizing history, returning a truth to the world, preserving the traces left since ancient times, preparing to let the sentient beings know the truth of history after the prosperous future. The great achievements of the Holy Emperor." Peng Fei boasted, Xuanyuan forehead blue-legged jump suddenly, can not bear, and this fat fat is getting more and more embarrassed.

"You will die if you don't brag."

"Is this Holy Emperor bragging? I am just stating a real event that can't be true anymore. Your kid is here, Sakamoto has surpassed you, oh, since ancient times, the Holy Emperor is lonely, and today Between, who can be my opponent, Xuanyuan younger brother, where to go, lead the way, the Holy Emperor is alone and seek defeat." Peng Fei sighed, his hands behind his back, a lonely and lonely look.

Xuanyuan squatted directly on his buttocks, making him a cockroach, almost fell down: "You are a dead fat man, I really can't stand it."

"Mom has a microphone, as a younger brother dare to offend the Holy Emperor, forget it, this Holy Emperor has a large number, do not care about you, and quickly lead the way." Peng Fei originally wanted to pick up the sleeves, fight with Xuanyuan However, after seeing him gasifying Sanqing, his mouth twitched and the words turned.

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