MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2103 Desert sacred body

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Chapter 2,103

Xuanyuan and Pengfei walked between the heavens and the earth, and joined hands with the strengths of today's two people. When today, unless the three masters of hunting are born at the same time, they can pose a threat to them. Otherwise, no one will be their opponent, so Nor do they have to hide their whereabouts, and now they are eager to see the five emperors of the origin.

In the first time, the seal will be refining and refining. As long as it continues, Xuanyuan’s combat will be unmatched sooner or later.

"Kid, where are you going, don't sway all the way, no purpose." Pengfei's pair of eyeball thieves swayed, not knowing what to calculate.

"Just walk around, don't be so anxious, just be a tourist in the mountains, and cultivate your sentiment." Xuanyuan smiled lightly, very calmly. In fact, he wanted to see if there was a master of hunting, hidden in it. A friend flying has appeared, and the Lord of the Hunting is eager for Peng Fei, they can not ignore it.

"You are playing with me." Peng Fei's eyes glimpsed. Originally, he and Xuanyuan came out, just want to see what fun things, but the result is a burst of wandering, and immediately unhappy.

"If you don't want to go with me, you can go back to 'Qinglong Holy Land', but no one is stopping you, but you have to be careful. If you kill the Lord of the Holy Land on the way, maybe you will be refining. "Xuan Yan mouth smiled.

"Mom has a microphone, do you really want to go back alone? If you are awkward, I really don't dare to go back alone..." Peng Fei instinctively thinks that following Xuanyuan is definitely a fun thing. , all the way to play treasures.

Xuanyuan took the Pengfei and walked between the heavens and the earth, for fear that others could not feel their breath and spread the Quartet.

Sure enough, soon after, Xie Taosheng appeared.

"Xuanyuan Lord, it seems that you have figured out, sacrificed Pengfei, in exchange for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Wanshizhiping, want to have great achievements, you must know how to choose, now sacrifice a Pengfei, you can be hundreds of millions of people Winning the future, you can still see it." Xie Yisheng broke through from the void, killing the machine and rushing into the air.

"You want to be embarrassed. This time, I want to unite with Pengfei, and the three Lords of the Hunting, fight against each other, no other, let other people come out." Xuanyuan's power at this moment has not recovered, the body '10,000 The magical medicines have flowed out all kinds of potions, and they are constantly repairing the source of Xuanyuan’s damage.

"Well, Xuanyuan Lord has actually hurt the source, and even dared to challenge us. Are you looking down on us?" In the eyes of Xie Tao, the cold light was revealed, and the damage suffered by Xuanyuan was suddenly seen.

"Oh, what is this, it is more than enough to deal with the three hunters, if you don't let them out, I am afraid that they will be fierce." Who is the Lord of the Holy Hunt, Xuanyuan wants to gamble and bring them all out.

"Little beauty, that is, if you hand over me, I have to repair it with Xuanyuan. Now I am coming out. You two are double-educated. Use your Yuanyin to nourish him. Recently, this kid is a little imaginary. You need your nourishment. At that time, the Holy Emperor can watch a live spring palace, and you can also add some materials to you." Peng Fei’s face smirked, and the words were boring, even if it was Xie Zhensheng. I can't help but frown.

"Peng Fei, you don't have to worry about finding death. Sooner or later, you will be able to start with you. Xuanyuan Shengzhu is very confident. I hope that you can continue to be confident in this way." Xie Xiaosheng smiled and her figure gradually began. Dissipate, obviously Xuanyuan is well prepared, hunting for the holy or not to shoot, or a shot is a blow will kill.

Xuanyuan brows a wrinkle, it seems that Xie Yusheng sees through his intentions, the Lord of the Hunting does not appear one by one, he is not at ease.

Because in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he always feels that there is a supreme existence of the hunting saint, hidden in it, once at a critical moment, the supremacy of this hunting saint will cause huge impact to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' The destruction, so he has to give the other party a fatal blow when the danger occurs.

He did all the means, even if he was supervised, but he still couldn’t perceive it. What kind of existence is there, so he can only use this method to force his life out. After all, the three masters of hunting Indispensable, if one person is in danger, there must be others coming out to save.

"Since it is here, don't leave." Xuanyuan had already prepared, and swung out with a punch. It seemed as if the sky was dark. This boxing wears the ages, and everything in the world is blocked. Escape, avoiding inevitable.

Xie Yisheng, who is about to dissipate, is light in weight. From his hands, the sword is smashed and smashed, and the world is cut instantly, breaking the blockade of Xuanyuan and wanting to escape.

"Peng Fei, what are you doing?" Xuanyuan shouted.

"Know it, you know, your kid doesn't have the help of this lord or not. I have already prepared for it." Pengfei's thoughts moved, and the whole feng shui of the heavens and the earth was mobilized. Invisible, the world became a big one. cage.

People can't escape at all. He used the "Feng Shui Ancient Gods" to condense the power of Feng Shui, and the cage was constantly shrinking. Within the cage, Xie Taosheng was completely impossible.

Xie Zhensheng brows a pick, the body is turned into an aurora, the majestic sword, swaying freely, in the midst of it, she provokes the mysterious magical powers, from nine days up and down, flying down the sword light, the murder can tear Heaven and earth, I saw that the prison cage exhibited by Peng Fei was cut into two halves.

She seized the opportunity and escaped from it. Xuanyuan had long known that it was not so easy to leave Xie Yusheng.

Just as Xie Zhensheng fled, Xuanyuan had already killed her and punched her eyebrows.

Xie Yisheng’s sword stabbed Xuanyuan’s eyebrows and sharpened his sword. This sword contained the supreme assassination of the Holy Path that she had consolidated throughout her life.

The two eyes are firm and do not give each other.

When the narrow road meets, the brave wins, Xuanyuan screams, and the **** of engulfing himself is violent, and at this moment, he has no reservation.

The fierceness of this boxing covers nine days and ten places, the power of six in eight, and the idea of ​​hundreds of millions of beings.

There was a tremor in Xie Tao’s heart. I didn’t think that Xuanyuan would dare to be so embarrassed. I really dared to attack each other like this. At this moment, from the side, a black shadow was killed.

The war was majestic, a very tall man, in front of Xie Zhensheng, punched a punch, and Xuanyuan hard.

Two fists collided, the violent fluctuations swept across the square, Xuanyuan mouth overflowed with blood, and the second hunting saint was finally revealed. His entire arm shattered and flowed out of the golden blood. Every drop of golden blood was heavy like a mountain. Falling to the ground, directly blasting a deep pit.

His body is very tall, the skin of the bronze, between the hands and feet, is the power of destruction.

When a black hair flies, his eyes are like a sword, and his **** is shining. The physical strength of this person is stronger than that of Xuanyuan.

"The sacred sacred body, boy you have to be careful, this physique is dedicated to the war and holy, with the martial arts as the way, compared to the 'Wanhua body' is not weak, this should be the second hunter "On the side, Peng Fei's eyes, with a trace of taboos, obviously this sacred sacred body is comparable to them.

"Holy Wu, why do you want to show up." Xie Yisheng just wanted to see it in an instant, and Xuanyuan, how the two won, but was destroyed by Shengwu, she screamed again and again: "Don't you I feel that I am not as good as Xuanyuan."

"Don't fight for this moment, you are an enemy, how is their opponent, what is so shameful, you lose both, if I don't shoot, the next moment is you, don't forget, only we three Individuals unite together, is the strongest." Shengwu warfare is high-spirited, heavy voice, a word, like the heavens and the earth thunder, resounding people's hearts.

"Forget it, go first." Xie Yusheng hated his teeth and said: "Xuanyuan Holy Lord, your heart is not a general embarrassment."

"Where, I just want to try to see if the recent martial arts of Xie girl has grown. Now it seems that it has not increased much, let the third hunter of the lord appear. Otherwise, with you two, it is not an opponent. Xuanyuan step by step, he was three-three, and four Xuanyuan shot together.

"Wanhua Shenquan."

The four punches are capable, and the whole world seems to be filled with ‘Wanhua Shenquan’.

The martial arts brows wrinkled, and he evolved an incarnation, hard against Xuanyuan, and the boxing of the atmosphere.

The space that hits all directions is broken, the earth shakes, the sky is dark, and the sun and the moon are dull.

Where the boxing is over, the mountains and rivers are broken, the rivers are countercurrent, the land is collapsed, and Xuanyuan and Shengwu are on the opposite side.

At this moment, Xie Yusheng shot, a sword directly stabbed Xuanyuan's eyebrows.

Peng Fei also shot in the first time. He held the sword of Feng Shui and swallowed black and white yin and yang, and collided with her sacred sword.

Two to two, equal, no one can account for a little cheap, but if this is the case, then the pursuit of the Lord of the Holy Spirit will inevitably retreat, because Xuanyuan 'Wanhua body' between the throughput, the power continues, the other side Power can be dissolved and absorbed, and closely maintained with 'Hong Meng Yuan Yuan', and Peng Fei is in charge of the world of Feng Shui, the power of the world, for their own use.

The words of Xie Zhensheng and Shengwu against them are very expensive.

So the two people did not get too much entanglement, turned and left, played for two days and two nights, did not force the third Lord of the Holy Hunt, Xuanyuan did not want to consume it, knowing that there is no result, and for The destruction of the 'Central World' is not small, only the first to let them go.

"Hey, why don't you stop them?" Pengfei licked his mouth and seemed to have not had a good time.

"It’s meaningless to fight again. It seems that we have to be very careful. The third owner of the Holy Hunter is not allowed to show up. I am afraid that there will be huge plots. Let’s go first.” Xuanyuan sighed and turned toward The direction is gone.

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