MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2122 Void burial dragon

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The second thousand and twenty-two chapters of the void

"Wait a minute, let me explain it, leave it. Otherwise, if it is too long to leave the whole situation, it is not appropriate." Xuanyuan waved his hand and took Pengfei and returned to the "door of the sun."

Many of the emperors gathered here. Not long ago, the power of the three great sources began to be combined. They lived here and cultivated, and there was great benefit. The things that had originally entered the realm of the emperor and improved their strength were few. The Taiyin, the Sun, and Hongmeng are among the three sources.

"You, I and Pengfei, two people who are going to find the feng shui of the ancestral lord of the vain burial place may leave a period of time. During this period, everything is presided over by the "Chaotic Emperor". I know that the 'Chaos of the Holy Emperor' is a man of great talent. Nowadays, the pattern of 'Qinglong Holy Land' is enough. He is naturally willing to take charge of these things.

“Good.” Many of the Holy Emperors did not have the slightest opinion. The “Chaotic Holy Emperor” looked at Xuanyuan and did not expect that he could trust him so much, and decided to make the whole thing of the “Green Dragon Holy Land”.

This is a kind of courage, to know that he used to be an opponent with the ‘Wanhua Emperor’.

In Xuanyuan's view, those who can be enemies with the ‘Wanhua Emperor’ are bound to have an atmosphere, and it is definitely right to hand over the ‘Qinglong Holy Land’ to him.

‘Longevity of the Holy Emperor’ is a happy person, doing things idle, letting him study refining medicine, and realize that the longevity is still ok, and the entire ‘Qinglong Holy Land’ is absolutely impossible.

‘Feathering the Holy Emperor’ is not enough, it is difficult to convince the public, even if he is the sacred emperor of the ‘feathering of the gods,’ the presence of the sacred emperor is more than his veteran existence.

The guardian of the niece is distracted from the ‘the demon spirit’.

The three great emperors of Buddhism have their own things to be busy. Now they are still stunned by the fact that a saint of the saints is hidden in the Buddhism. They try their best to find out and do not want to do this.

‘Tianxiang Shengdi’ knows that the Protoss has been exposed, and now it is impossible to be in charge of the Protoss.

Although the eternal emperor is also a suitable candidate, the ‘Chaotic Holy Emperor’ is more suitable than him.

Xuanyuan made his own decision in the first time.

"Void burial is not the same as a small one. The years are long and long, and there may be a terrible emperor of the Holy Spirit. Xuanyuan must be careful." "Chaotic Emperor" did not speak much, and warned him.

In addition, before he left, he communicated with his own avatar. He did not expect that Jiang Yitian, a cadre, was unwilling to be lonely, and even devoted himself to the five major origins, and his strength climbed.

Nowadays, under the management of ‘Qinglong Holy Land’, the forces of ‘Hong Meng’s origins are booming.

They have been influenced by the blood of the origin of ‘Hong Meng’s origins. They have also been affected by the air transport of ‘Hong Meng’s origins’, and they have also received blessings from the five major sources of air transport.

It is amazing to cultivate, and they were all a saint-like existence of the Holy Land.

‘戮炎圣帝’ This person has a deep heart and wants to use their power to dispel the qi’s origin of ‘Hong Meng’s origin, and naturally spare no effort to cultivate.

Because they can not die, they have a **** sea enmity for Xuanyuan, a source of sentient beings. If all are united, natural gas transport will skyrocket. If all beings are separated from each other, hatred, this airway of origin will naturally be affected.

'戮炎圣帝' is to use these people, influence the 'Hengmeng origin' of the air transport, see if you can lead Xuanyuan's other enemies, and join hands to destroy them, '戮炎圣帝'I also know the way of the family.

Nowadays, within the ‘Changsheng Shenmen’, the five great origins of many emperors exchanged their hearts and their strengths soared.

And they are praying for their origins all the time, communicating with the deity, in the midst of it, every bit of it will be blessed, making it more powerful, and everyone’s entry is great, even if Xuanyuan has a huge The improvement, his heart is still dignified: "It seems that the five major origins are getting worse and better. If it is a disaster that can lead to the slogan, let the ancestors of the feng shui do it, they will be able to kill them by surprise. ""

Xuanyuan knows that the ancestors of the feng shui are all acting instinctively. For him, whether it is the ‘Qinglong Holy Land’ or the five major origins, all of them must be destroyed and respected by them.

The ominous ancient gas represents disaster and destruction and is completely downright.

However, how can we be able to blame the West? Xuanyuan believes that it is absolutely impossible for Fengshui's ancestors to lay down the Taiyin Sun. In the time of the ancient times, I was afraid that he would have expected it. From the layout of the void, the ominous traction It can be seen how wise the Feng Shui ancestor is when he is alive.

At that time, he was able to fly up to the ‘Hengmeng origin’, but why he didn’t go up.

Obviously, he has his own plans. For the sake of generations, the people of Feng Shui are far-sighted and can't reach others.

Taking a panoramic view of the entire 'Central World', Xuanyuan thought for a while, made all the preparations, and secretly arranged many backhands, which left him with peace of mind.

He and Peng Fei left for nine days and entered the universe.

Peng Fei holds the yin and yang mirror and holds the yin and yang dZi in one hand, igniting the secret technique of his own blood, and sensing the position of the void.

Under the guise of a force, the traction of a force, all the way forward.

"You said that your grandfather will return to his own void and wait for us." Xuanyuan suddenly said.

"No, the vain burial has a special situation to suppress the ominous feng shui. The ancestors are prepared for it. Even if they are destroyed, they will absorb the power of the universe and the universe, and they will recover. This ancestor should be the ominous old man." After his will, he lost himself, broke the crackdown of the void, escaped, and dragged the ominous and old-fashioned situation into his body, but within the void, there will still be many The horrible existence is derived, we must be careful." Peng Fei looks serious, rare once seriously.

"Don't be in the void of the void, there are other tyrannical existences." Xuanyuan doubts, in his view, if it is only some sinister ghosts, it is not worth mentioning.

"This is nature. When the ancestors of the ancestors arrested the nine murderers, the nine murderous beasts were buried, and they were suppressed to prevent them from damaging the four creatures. After death, they should become the guardian of the void burial, or be eroded by the ominous gas. No matter what changes, no one can say anything." Peng Fei grinned and said: "If this is the case, if they have been in the void for a long time, comprehend the true meaning of my Feng Shui, and can use the feng shui of the void. It is the most scary to attack us."

"Dead fat, I want to discuss something with you." Xuanyuan was silent. He knew that the creatures in the emptiness of the void, each must be beyond the existence of the ordinary emperor, the years are too long, and never reincarnation, day and night Born, the horrible place of Feng Shui is here.

"Say." Peng Fei knows that Xuanyuan’s kid is definitely hurting.

"Can you try, the Fengshui ancestor, and the emptiness of the void, the west of the disaster, the greatest ominousness under the attack, attacking the five major origins." Xuanyuan Shen Sheng.

"I know that your kid must always come up with some special sinister tricks, hahaha, this I like, not not, just to spend a lot of effort, the layout is wide, but also to rely on the sun, Taiyin, Hongmeng three sources The power can only be accomplished, and with my current accomplishments in Feng Shui, I can’t preside over it. I must enter the vain burial of the ancestors, and get the cloak that he left behind, where he has his lifelong sentiments and inheritance. Even if it is the ancestor who was eroded by the ominous ancient spirit, he did not get complete. Otherwise, you are the opponent of the ancestors." Pengfei licked his mouth, his eyes were green, and he couldn’t help thinking about it. It’s his ultimate goal, it’s going to be reached.

"Okay, you can do it. I will help you all the time." Xuanyuan knows that this matter is of extraordinary significance. As long as it can be used by the Fengshui ancestor, the disaster, and the power of the void, the destruction of the five great causes is enormous. .

Today's Xuanyuan, the combat power is extremely terrible, even if the Fengshui ancestor came in person, he can harden it, and condensed the yin and yang sanctuary and the death of the saint to bring him the transformation is too great.

And he is closely integrated with the two sources of the sun and the sun. In this void universe, although he can't rely on the power of 'the source of Hongmeng', but he can use it to the sun, the power of the sun, for himself. Used, and now the three major sources of integration, in time, he can also bring together the three main sources of power.

The two men were aimless, walking in the vast sky, passing through one space break.

Jumping through countless hidden wormholes, it took nearly half a year to still find the void burial, obviously hidden deep.

"Dead fat, you can't do it in the end, you can't find it, don't waste time." Xuanyuan took a look at Pengfei.

"Mom has a microphone, your kid has the ability to come to you. If it is so easy, it has already been found." Peng Fei stunned Xuanyuan and said: "Now there is a void and a dragon." It is."

"Void burial dragon, this is what." Xuanyuan brow wrinkled, asked.

"The vain burial dragon is a kind of strange animal. It can sense the powerful feng shui power in the void. Many feng shui masters who are buried in the void, in the 'Hong Meng origin', must use the emptiness to bury the dragon. Find the best areas for them, and then start to set the position, start to do feng shui, into the overall situation, build tombs." Peng Fei said that the void is buried in the dragon, eyes, showing a strong envy.

"What is the most attractive thing to attract the emptiness of the dragon." Xuanyuan quickly asked.

"Of course, it is the blood of the feng shui master, especially the high level of rumors like me. Every drop of blood is hidden between the heavens and the earth. The intimate induction, the improvement of their own essence, and the understanding of feng shui are all beneficial. Peng Fei, quite complacent, grinned.

Xuanyuan's palm is a knife, and everything goes to Pengfei's neck, blood, arrogance, and splattering. Suddenly, Pengfei's face is green and screams.

Read The Duke's Passion