MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2123 Stupid people!

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The second thousand and twenty-three chapters are stupid people.

"Mom has a microphone, your kid is going to murder." Peng Fei's neck blood splatters out of the distance, feeling that his neck is about to break, screamed, want to turn his face with Xuanyuan.

Where Xuanyuan has time to deal with him, the idea moves, all the blood is condensed together, and then leads a portal to portray the blood of Peng Fei, an ancient rune, for sacrifice.

A **** light rushed into the mysterious portal, and one of the forces continued to surge and tumbling.

Hey, the sound of a majestic dragon's voice resounded in all directions.

I saw a long black and white dragon in the body, from the portal, broke out of the air, its body has a long distance, not too big.

When Peng Fei saw the moment, he jumped up in excitement, danced and danced, screaming loudly on his neck and screaming loudly.

"There was nothing but a vain burial dragon. It’s really a break from the iron shoes. It doesn't take much time."

I saw that the emptiness of the dragon suddenly flew to his side, sipping a blood from the splattered blood.

The injury on Pengfei’s neck gradually recovered. He looked at Xuanyuan and screamed: “You can summon the vulgarity of the burial dragon. It’s not a long time to say that it’s a waste of half a year in this void.”

"You don't say how I might know, if I say it early, why is it that I can't do it, I can't stand it." Xuanyuan shrugged and spread his hands. He had 'Psychic God Jade'. Elephants are the 'psychic gods', but all the beasts owned by the origins of 'Hongmeng' can be summoned as long as the sacrifices are what they want, and enough to attract them.

"Be quicker, time is limited, unless you can continue to donate blood, otherwise, it will go back." Xuanyuan just made a primer, after all, when not called, this is not what Pengfei wants The void of the burial dragon is not very sure.

"Hey, let's give some blood, what is it, this vain burial dragon has great ability, this Holy See is willing." Peng Fei licked his mouth, very excited, as if looking at the old lover, staring at the empty burial dragon Look.

"Want to do what I want to do, let's talk." The vain burial dragon screams, and on him, the yin and yang are tumbling, and the mind is moving. It seems that the feng shui of the Quartet has been spurred, extremely powerful.

It is necessary to know that Pengfei can now be used to counter the existence of the Holy Emperor. The blood of the dragon can be summoned by his blood, and the strength of Xuanyuan can naturally be unusual.

"I want you to find a vain for me. You follow this squat and look for a place with the most feng shui, and that's right." Peng Fei will 'Yin and Yang Mirror' Inductive with the 'Yin and Yang Dzizhu', integrated into the body of the void and let it lead the way.

"Well, come with me." The emptiness of the emptiness of the dragon, in the 'Central World', possesses the things of 'Yin and Yang Mirror' and 'Yin and Yang Dzi Beads', which should already be the top of the list. It swayed at the end and broke through the air.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei followed closely, not much to say, it seems that soon after, they will be able to find a void.

They walked through the void of the universe, Xuanyuan frowned: "It seems that it is not the same as the route you took before, and the power of Feng Shui is getting worse."

"Yeah, Xiaolong, you will not take the wrong road. I always feel more and more, the worse the feng shui is." Peng Fei’s eyes glimpsed, and suddenly there was a feeling of being fooled, but this was summoned by Xuanyuan. It should not be possible to be malicious to them.

"I listen to you, follow it and take it. If you want to find it early, just follow me. Don't say so much nonsense." The vain burial dragon didn't have a good air.

Peng Fei and Xuanyuan can only shut up. This is a professional. They are looking for people who have not found it for half a year. They are not qualified to speak.

Sure enough, in less than three days, they came to a void, even if Xuanyuan, who is not very familiar with Feng Shui, can feel the fierceness of this place, and it is extraordinary, if not for him and Pengfei. Powerful, it has been torn for a moment.

It seems that the most ferocious feng shui in the entire universe has been concentrated here.

Looking around, everywhere is dangerous, extremely catal, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, it does not seem like a feng shui treasure.

"How could this be the case? The ancestors were fine and ventilated, why did they choose such a vain burial? For him, it was fatal." Peng Fei did not believe it.

But in front of us, there is a void stone, suspended in the universe, there is no word on it, but this tombstone is closely integrated with the Feng Shui Bureau of the Quartet.

"Is it because of the ominous ancient gas, which led to the original Fuze Feng Shui, which turned into a poor mountain, but it is impossible."

"Stupid people, you are still well-ventilated, and you choose a place where you have a big burial. You really have a big heart. He chose this place as a void to bury himself. It is extremely damaging to himself, but for his children and grandchildren, Fuze is very deep. He concentrated all of the most terrible feng shui wonders of the entire void universe in his own tombs, which invisible, many people are not affected by these feng shui, Fuze has sentient beings, there will be blessings in the midst of it. Come down to the inheritance of his descendants." The emptiness of the emptiness of the dragon is a glimpse of Peng Fei, and in his speech, he does not hide his contempt, and he is obviously very impressed by the empty burial in front of him.

"Sure enough..." was reminded by the emptiness of the dragon, Pengfei immediately understood: "The so-called cathode and Yangsheng, Fuze himself, will damage others, because Feng Shui is like this, the ancestors are really selfless, just pick up It will be hard for us to come down. For so many years, such a poor mountain and water, accumulated on the tomb, I am afraid that the fierce things inside will become even more terrible, how can we get in."

"Oh, stupid people, there is a hidden secret in this void, but you can go straight to the ground. Are you really the inheritance of this vein? Why is it so stupid? It’s just terrible." The ground scorned Peng Fei, and in the words, there was no disguise.

"Mom has a microphone, it seems like this, Xiaolong, we might as well come to talk about life, talk about ideals, talk about this feng shui way, the ancestral master's void burial, not rushing in for a moment." The strength of this vain burial dragon is obvious. Obviously, the rumors of Feng Shui are not weaker than Pengfei. After all, it comes down from the origin of 'Hongmeng'. The vain burial dragon is extremely deep in research on Feng Shui. Peng Fei didn't know how long he had lived.

"Yes, let me drink a few more blood first, although you are stupid, but your blood is very good, very pure." The vain burial dragon's mouth will flow out, looking at Pengfei's neck, if not with Xuanyuan There is a contract, and it all wants to go up and swallow all of him.

"Mom has a microphone, Xuanyuan, how the guy you summoned is just like you." Peng Fei’s eyes smashed a blood from his fingertips. Who knows that the void has turned his eyes? Sneeringly said: "Don't do it."

"It seems to be as wise as I am, absolutely not doing business at a loss, not bad, such a clever emptiness of the dragon, is definitely the leader of this family." Xuanyuan eyes lit up, laughing.

"This you actually know, really smart, it is no wonder that I can summon me here, I am a royal boy who is a vain burial dragon." The emptiness of the dragon is extremely proud, watching the eyes of Peng Fei, revealing unmasked Despise and ridicule.

"Mom has a microphone, for my Feng Shui magic can have a greater improvement, the Holy Emperor will go out, the kid you come to do it, I will be reluctant to do it." Peng Fei closed his eyes, a form of generosity to die .

Xuanyuan haha ​​smiled, turned his hand into a knife, and went to Pengfei’s neck. Everything was bloody. He introduced the blood from Pengfei’s body and integrated it into the body of the Void Dragon, making it comfortable. stand up.

After being drunk for a full day of blood, Pengfei’s legs were a little soft, and the voided dragon’s eyes were bright, and every move was powerful.

"Mom has a microphone, Xiaolong, now we can talk about life, talk about the ideal." Pengfei whole person has lost a circle, this time his loss is indeed not small, but fortunately he has Death medicine, let him recover very quickly.

"Stupid people, please call me the Dragon King." The emptiness of the dragon is high, overlooking Pengfei.

"Mom has a microphone, well, Prince Dragon King, let's talk about it." Peng Fei can only bear it, especially in the face of such a deep presence in Feng Shui, his mood is extremely urgent.

"Wait a minute, just a little bit of blood, just need to sleep, digest it." Prince Long Huang squatted and began to sleep.

Pengfei twitched and his lips were white, but there was no way. Now I have to recover my loss.

On the side, Xuanyuan gloats, this dead fat man has such a day, but to be honest, this Dragon King is indeed very bad.

Before Peng Fei was obviously dragged by inertial thinking, I have been searching for areas with excellent feng shui, so that there will be such a result.

Xuanyuan looked at the empty burial in front of the eyes, the wordless monument suspended in the universe, the majestic atmosphere, the suppression of the central, from afar, there is a kind of murderous service in which the feng shui, together with the powers have the same effect The ancestral master of this feng shui, the land of evil in the town, makes the evils bow down.

"I don't know if I am practicing the veins. I have no ancestors. If I have one, I don't know where he buried himself." Xuanyuan said with emotion.

"How can you cultivate a sci-fi singer, how can you compare it with the ancestors of my feng shui?" At this time, the original Feifei who had recovered himself did not forget the top Xuanyuan.

Indeed, apart from the court, it seems that I have never heard of the ancestors of the martial arts, and in a certain sense, the power cannot really be so far-reaching as the feng shui, one life and two feng shui, so Not without reason.

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