MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 316 Today is the day of great harvest!

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Lu Tianming pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Dear inspectors, it is not appropriate to publicize the matter of Emperor Huangtian for the time being..."

"The situation in this world of mountains and seas is severe, there are evil gods everywhere, the Emperor Huangtian can afford to be besieged by all sides, and those of us who work under his command really can't afford it... There is no reason for you all, you were killed by something in the middle of the night in your dreams. Bar."

This group of officers and soldiers are not stupid. After listening to this explanation, one by one showed a sudden realization: "Don't dare, don't dare."

The war between the gods has its natural laws.

Risk and return are always proportional.

As a **** of the "Heaven" level, Emperor Huangtian is powerful, but currently there are too few people working for "Emperor Emperor", and his power is too weak. Under God's jealousy, he slaughtered civilians and implicated them.

All the current actions can only be put on a vest of "Mother Turtle" first, so as not to let too many forces notice.

"I'm all doing things for the turtle spirit mother!" Li Xunjian thought about it clearly, and cold sweat soaked his clothes, "As for more, I don't know about it!"

"Just be clear."

Not long after, people found the garrison troops in the city, a total of more than 1,000 people.

All these officers and soldiers were poisoned and collapsed on the ground, almost losing their combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, the location of this school is located on the edge of the city, and more than a thousand local soldiers have practiced the "Purple Qi Donglai Jue". Their physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people, and the symptoms of poisoning are not too deep.

"Wow," after pouring some cold water on their faces, and feeding them some medicine to clear their minds, the more than 1,000 soldiers who had passed out in a coma slowly woke up.

"You guys are awake... something big happened in the city! Do you still have the strength?"

A bearded middle-aged man appeared to be the leader of these soldiers.

His whole body was sore, his eyes sat up absentmindedly, he shook his head, and said in a loud voice: "Li Patrol, what happened? We... how did we pass out on the ground? Didn't you go to Qingshi Town?"

"Teacher Hu, something big has happened."

After hearing that more than 2,000 officers and soldiers who went to Qingshi Town were mutilated by Taoists, the bearded man showed an incredible shocking expression.

"This, this is true? That is a Taoist from Kunlun's line... How could it be possible to collude with the evil god?!"

"So many brothers have been framed, and the facts are in front of us. Now that we live and die together, can't we still lie to you!" Li Xunjian's old face was flushed, and he shouted loudly, "Even the mother of the turtle spirit, she personally discovered it. Body, crusade against evil gods."

"What's not to believe! If you want to die, then die yourself!"

The bearded officer opened his mouth.

Looking not far away, the two huge tortoises were speechless in surprise.

The appearance of the turtle spirit mother is quite convincing to the locals. Every step of this old turtle is earth-shattering, and the ground is shaking and shaking.

"So that's how it is..."

Of course, Lu Tianming and other people from the wasteland reclamation team didn't really care what these officers and soldiers thought, as long as they didn't run over and get in the way during the war.

No matter what, the main force in the crusade against evil gods still has to be one's own people.

Also found a large number of crossbow arrows in the warehouse, as well as some catapults.

The cow's tendons in this world are stronger and stronger than the earth, so the power of the crossbow is also greater. The catapult can also throw the projectiles far away, with a roughly estimated range of about 400 meters.

"Smearing venom on the arrowhead is somewhat useful. Now that all the work is in place, pushing the catapult, let's go to the Guifu. It's not too late." Lu Tianming said, "Li Xianjian, you can join the war if you have a little strength, no If you have the strength, quickly direct the civilians to flee."

"The farther away the better."

"It's in the lower province!"

The two sides are separated for the time being, and the troops are divided into two groups. The local officers and soldiers are responsible for directing the people to flee.

The soldiers of the wasteland reclamation team went to the burned down Guifu, the original place where the incense flourished.

After the rain, the view gradually improved.

The closer you are to the Turtle House, the quieter and more terrifying it is. It seems that there is a kind of frightening emotion spontaneously brewing in people's hearts - that is the sixth sense that represents the great terror ahead.

Even those well-trained peculiar hounds put up their pointed shells on their backs and walk with their tails tucked.

Everyone seemed to be very careful, even the battle-hardened S-class investigators faintly felt the edge again.


At the end of the field of vision, most of the originally magnificent Turtle Mansion was burned down by a fire, but it was wrapped in a layer of spider silk-like calluses. This callus seems to have vitality, bouncing slowly and squirming.

There was also a faint sound of "dong dong" coming from the callus.


Lu Tianming waved his hand, and after listening to the "dong dong" sound, he felt faintly in a trance, as if something was manipulating his nerves, attracting him to the direction of calluses. .

"Look over there!" a scout said loudly.

People looked in the direction of the north, and saw groups of ordinary people, lined up in confusion, like zombies, walking towards this side step by step.

"They don't seem to be targeting us, but don't let your guard down."


A large number of civilians walked stiffly onto the calluses, but for a moment, these spider silks seemed to have the ability to perceive, and they began to wriggle on their own. Thousands of white silk threads entangled these people.

The people who were entangled did not resist, nor did they scream. In just a few seconds, he completely disappeared into the callus and disappeared.

On the long street behind the Turtle Mansion, there were densely packed people standing there. At first glance, it seemed that there were thousands of people.

This crazy scene made people's scalp go numb.

Li Qingshan couldn't stand it anymore, he clenched his fists and took a deep breath: "These people, wouldn't they be eaten by calluses?"

Lu Tianming made a decisive decision and issued an order: "Go back a little bit, launch the Roshan bomb, and directly blow up this ghost!"

Although firing artillery shells will blow up the people inside, but now we can't control so much, the lesser of two evils!

Soon, several soldiers boarded the turtle shell and controlled the cannon on the turtle's back.

"The current number of shells is running low, but here is already the core area of ​​the opponent."



The thunderous cannonball hit the white callus, and with one shot, a raging fire was ignited.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, it would be hard for the natives of the Mountain and Sea Realm to imagine that the power of firearms is so powerful.

A huge mushroom cloud rises.

Just one shot and the whole city heard it!

A few streets away, the bearded officer who was directing the people to escape, looked at the turbulent mushroom cloud rising not far away, and said, "Where did this kind of... this kind of... ah..."

The heat wave was blowing through the air, but the body was in a cold sweat unconsciously.

"Can the evil **** take this shot?"

The inspector Li on the other side has now taken refuge with Emperor Huangtian, and he knows the truth that if he talks too much, he can't help but smile complacently: "Hey, it may be the background of the mother of the turtle spirit, after all, it is a hundred years of righteousness. , It's not unusual for a little treasure at the bottom of the box."

"There is also the eldest mother who was born with sores, who is also a newly promoted righteous god, and has some good things. Let's take refuge in the past, and there will be no mistake."

He attributed everything to the Big Mother Turtle, and yelled at the civilian crowd, "The Big Mother Turtle and the Evil God have a fight, run away if you don't want to die!"

"What kind of property do you want, hurry up and escape to the outside of the city! Don't you die?"

Most of the people rushed out of the city with their relatives, but there were also some petty thieves who wanted to take the opportunity to steal some supplies.

Inspection Li shouted again: "Take advantage of the chaos to commit rapists and criminals, let's kill them!"

These spider silk-like things didn't seem to be resistant to burning, and a large hole was blown up in one shot, and the flames rose.

But all the soldiers did not dare to relax their vigilance.

Because of the scene in the cave, it was frightening. The original Guifu turned into a bottomless huge blood pool!

This blood pool has a length and width of more than 20 meters.

One by one bubbles came up from the blood pool like boiling, and when the flaming flames touched these blood bubbles, they were extinguished as if they had encountered natural enemies.

I think it was those people who were manipulated, all turned into blood in the blood pool.

Above the blood pond, there are several meat **** that are constantly absorbing the blood from them.

"That's...the clothes of those Taoists?" A scout with good eyesight pointed in another direction.

Lu Tianming's eyes widened, and he saw a few pieces of blue-gray gowns stuck to a meat ball, "They became this thing?"

"No, no, those Taoists may have been swallowed by these meat balls." The scholar Ding Zhijing swallowed and said with some horror, "There are a total of 8 of these meat balls. In the Guifu, except for the mother of the turtle spirit, the side halls The number of gods is exactly 8."

"The stories of evil gods devouring believers are widely circulated among us... These people can be considered self-inflicted."

"Therefore, I think that these meat **** may have been transformed by enslaved gods. Fortunately, we arrived early, and they did not fully hatch, but if..."

Lao Lu didn't have any sense of awe, he smiled and said: "So that's the case, since they are acting like tigers, let's blast them together! How many shells do we have?"

An adjutant immediately said: "There are only 3 smaller shells. The rest are machine gun bullets. We did not replenish ammunition this time."

Lu Tianming made a decisive decision and immediately issued an order: "While he is sick and kill him, let's kill two or three meat **** first. The cannonballs won't give birth to cubs."



"Boom boom boom" three times.

The three meat **** were fried to a pulp, and the bright red juice was like watermelon juice, splashing everywhere.

But the "things" inside were extremely vigorous. After the meat ball was blown up, three terrifying creatures similar to human babies emerged. They were about two meters tall and had two wings like mosquitoes on their backs.

It's just that these things haven't fully developed, they can only keep rolling and squirming on the ground, struggling to get up, and the **** scenes make people's scalp numb.

Old Lu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and forcibly held back the thought of shooting with a machine gun.

"Catch these guys alive and bring them back for trial... Xiao Li, come on!"


At this time, it was the protagonist Li Qingshan's turn to play this dangerous job. He held a net bag in his hand, raised his courage, and stepped forward tremblingly.

Unexpectedly, the humanoid creature that was rolling on the ground managed to stand up, and the **** face let out a ferocious roar, and ran over frantically and frantically.

Li Qingshan threw a net bag over and enveloped the other party inside.

The monster struggled for a moment, and seemed to have no strength to break free, and fell limply into the net pocket.

"Successful so simple?" Li Qingshan was already ready to die, dragged his net bag, turned his head and asked, "Mother Zangsheng, how do you judge this thing, can't it be transported back to Qingshi Town? It's too troublesome. Bar."

The aunt's head was still raised high, and she said something unknown, and said with a very enthusiastic expression: "Let my lord... my lord... pronounce the sentence!"

Its IQ is still slightly lower, and it is not as confusing as the 100-year-old True Turtle Spirit Mother.

The mother of the turtle spirit on the other side didn't even know it, she didn't even know what "Six Paths Reincarnation" was.

After tangled and discussed for a while, Li Qingshan could only settle for the next best thing: "Do you want to eat this thing? If you want to eat it, eat it quickly, and there may be a war later."

The Turtle Spirit Mother and Zhuang Sheng Mother, although a little excited, shook the huge turtle heads one after another.

This kind of "god"-level sacrificial item, although it is a great supplement, is not something they can easily digest.

At least, it will take a few days.

Now that the war is about to begin, it would be bad to devour it now.

What's more, for the turtle spirit mother, these meat **** are also considered to be former subordinates... eat directly, and some can't bear it.

Just talking like that, Li Qingshan had already retrieved all three pieces of wriggling meat that had been blown up by the artillery fire.

The cloud of insufficient firepower loomed over everyone's heart. The number of artillery fire was not enough. The remaining 5 meat **** could only be strafeed with machine guns, and the risk had risen a lot.

However, at this moment, Lu Tianming seemed to have heard a certain voice in his mind, which sounded in a daze, and was somewhat inaudible.

He swallowed and frowned, "Put these things into the Temple of the City God on the back of Mother Turtle!"

The surrounding adjutant said: "Can it fit in? With such a big lump, the Temple of the City God is just a few pieces of wood put together!"

"Don't worry about it so much, it seems to be an instruction from [Game]!"


A group of people "hum hum hum", dragged the three groups of big meat onto the turtle's back, and shoved it into the small temple on its back.

A miracle occurred, and with a flash of light, the three pieces of meat disappeared from the scene immediately!

Lao Lu looked at the watch in hand, just now, he gained 23 points, he couldn't help feeling happy, and a smile appeared on his face.

What kind of meat ball is this? It is clearly a rich treasure in front of me!

23 points, a lot, and the risk doesn't seem to be big.

"Little Li, come on, use the machine gun to dry up the remaining meat balls. Today is the harvest day for our wasteland team!"

"Finally, there is new revenue coming in."

[Paxi Po, a low-level evil god: He likes the scenes of men beating women, and has established the custom of "Paxi", and occasionally treats human infertility symptoms. In the end, he was enslaved by Wuming. 】

On Wang Hao's mobile phone screen, this bizarre life and all kinds of bizarre idealistic rules appeared.

"Hobbies of men beating women...what the hell?"

But how to put it, there are indeed some inexplicable gods in the world of mountains and seas. As the incarnation of idealistic rules, they are not reasonable at all, and often bring some unreasonable customs and habits.

And this kind of "god" judgment is often not so easy, because it "occasionally treats human infertility symptoms", which seems to be a good thing.

But after seeing that Paxi Po was enslaved and ate a lot of people, the trial was simple.

"Even if it's not active, passive mistakes are mistakes."

"Since you have eaten people, you will enter the animal realm and go farming honestly!"

As a result, another line of text appeared on the screen: [*Important Note: Due to the incense and causation of "Paxi Po", UU Kanshu has been forcibly plundered by "Lifeless Pashu", and you cannot get the reward for the time being. 】

Wang Hao couldn't help scratching his head. He originally thought about sending a batch of Roshan bombs after receiving a small reward, but it didn't work.

The next two "gods" are also roles of good and evil.

[Suspended boot ghost, low-level weirdness. In the dead of night, they like to follow behind people and make a "tap, tap" sound to scare humans. However, occasionally, disasters such as fires are found, and the drunks who are drunk on the roadside are rescued, so a small amount of merit is left. 】

[Ghosts living in unclean alleys, high-level weirdness. This weirdness is not lethal, it just infects passers-by with their vices, making them as sloppy as themselves, but the physical condition of the infected person will be subtly improved, and they can often endure hunger. 】

"They are both good and evil." Old Wang pinched his nose, "The environment in this mountain and sea world is really bad. These ghosts can also be worshipped in temples."

No way, they are already selected, the best.

There is not much to say, the deeds of the hanging boot ghost can almost be offset, but it has also scared one or two elderly people to death. And "ghosts living in unclean alleys" are not good things, they are all thrown into the animal realm, let's go farming.

To put it bluntly, these inexplicable weirdness gave birth to unreasonable customs and habits, and set some obstacles to the development of human civilization.

Even if they are correct, they will be reincarnated.

After finishing the matter, he put down the phone again, closed his eyes and rested: "Comrade Xiao Li, hurry up and arrest that evil **** 'Lifeless Shushu'!"

(End of this chapter)

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