MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 317 take over the city

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The eight "dong dong" bouncing meat **** were all beaten to a pulp by the "protagonist" Li Qingshan with machine guns.

The monsters that had not yet hatched were caught and thrown into the small Temple of the City God.

But what is very strange is that with the resolution of the meat ball, the sense of crisis in the dark has not disappeared, but has further increased.

"There won't be anything in this blood pool, right?" Comrade Lu Tianming looked at the bubbles one after another in the blood pool, his expression condensed, and suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

Li Qingshan, who was standing at the front, hurriedly rolled.

Everyone took a few steps back.

Because they saw a red "plant" growing out of the blood pool, but it wasn't actually a plant, it was like a large mass of blood vessels twisted together randomly to form a special plant.

Its trunk is three or four feet long, and the huge leaves like lung lobes are constantly expanding and contracting like lung lobes, and the lanceolate branches automatically close and close.

In the very center of the "plant", there is something like a heart, beating slowly.

"It turns out that the master is here..." Lao Lu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the sense of insecurity in his heart increased, and immediately gave the order, "Shoot!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The steam machine gun spit out surging flames.

But a strange thing happened. After the bullets were fired, about 1 cm away from the blood tree, they all stopped forcibly, as if they hit an air wall, making a "ding ding dong" sound, and then They fell into the pool.

And the bright red "tree" swayed continuously, thousands of blood vessels moved slowly, and the tips of the branches all pointed at everyone around, like sharp arrows waiting to be fired.

"Captain, machine gun bullets can't be traditional air walls, it seems to be a mental force field."

Everyone's face showed a look of surprise, and their hearts became more and more vigilant.

"This guy is conscious, but not fully mature yet."

The reason is not beyond imagination. This tree has extremely high mental strength, and is even powerful enough to distort the physical rules of a small area of ​​​​the mountain and sea world.

Therefore, a "psychic force field" like a wall of air is formed on its surface.

"At least it's a monster at the level of an evil god, and it's the kind with a small amount of wisdom." Lu Tianming's face seemed to condense a layer of frost, "The last boss, it's not that easy to deal with."

"I'll try it with a shroud." Li Qingshan said eagerly.

Lao Lu said quickly: "Don't act rashly, see those branches, it's very vigilant, and it's impossible for you to approach it easily."

"The shroud, at least touch it to suppress it. It's impossible for you to cover directly."

One of the warriors said: "Or let's try again and see what weaknesses it has?"

"If it really doesn't work, just use a trebuchet to throw stones. Can't you throw stones after running out of shells..."

This proposal has been recognized by everyone, and people are not afraid to approach the blood pool easily, but they are not willing to give up directly.

A group of warriors started throwing things randomly along the blood pool. A lot of things like black dog blood and glutinous rice to ward off evil spirits were thrown away, but obviously, these items were not very useful.

The soldiers soon discovered that while the "big tree" kept shaking, its roots were covered with a layer of blood-red spores.

The robe moved slowly, just like breathing in Zhang He, and the bubbles in the blood pool were produced by spore breathing.

This fact made Li Qingshan and others horrified.

After observing for a while, someone couldn't help but say: "The blood-sucking mosquitoes hatched in these spores, right? If the mosquitoes in a pool hatched, how many people would die?"

"No wonder it doesn't want to come out, it's just staying there to hatch!"

"Or, try throwing a chicken in there?"


Soon, a soldier stole a chicken from a nearby farmer's house.

The rooster clucked and looked terrified.

As soon as the chicken was thrown into the blood pond, a large number of blood vessel-like branches sprung out spikes and rushed over quickly.

In just a moment, like tearing a piece of paper, the chicken was torn into pieces and merged into the blood pool.

"Or, use poison, doesn't it **** blood, throw poison into the blood pool." Li Qingshan came up with an idea.

"But where do we get the poison, can we poison this thing?"

"Go to the local officers and soldiers and ask."

After a while, Li Xianjian, Hu Jiaotou and others also hurried over, and when they saw this guy, they trembled with fright.

They did have some poisons, such as arsenic, heartbroken grass, and tripterygium vine, all of which were thrown into the pool.

Obviously, it doesn't have much effect.

People are a little helpless.

An Evil God-level monster guarded the pool, the high-yield Roshan shells were used up, the machine gun was useless, and there was no way to get close.

"This thing is unwilling to crawl out for a while. Its sacrificial ceremony has been destroyed by us. The flesh and blood in the blood pool is only at the level of 10,000 people, and it has not reached 100,000 people."

Lao Lu touched his chin and sighed: "Let's wait for a few days and let [Game] get some high-yield explosives."

"A few days...isn't it a bit too long." Li Qingshan felt uneasy in his heart, "The blood in the blood pool is 3 centimeters less than at the beginning. At this rate, it will be exhausted in 12 hours. "

"As long as half of the mosquitoes in a pond hatch, the whole city will suffer, and even Qingshi Town will be affected."

"What's more, I always feel that this tree has grown a bit."

The rest of the people were stunned for a while. They looked around at the tree and found that what Li Qingshan said was the truth. This tree is growing rapidly, and the dense branches have increased by about 30%.

People's faces changed slightly, but it was really difficult. The reason why people can overcome weirdness is not because human beings are powerful, but because they can use various tools reasonably. I don't even have tools now, how can I fight?

I looked at the two turtles again.

Obviously, these two tortoises had no choice but to stare at them with big eyes, and there they were incompetent and furiously digging the ground.

In particular, the mother turtle spirit, as a defeated general who was almost enslaved by "lifeless", she was extremely frightened in her heart, and she felt in her heart that she could not beat the opponent.

"If it really doesn't work, just throw it with a trebuchet... Although I don't think it will be of much use, it's good to delay it for a while."

Lu Tianming finally made up his mind, "If we really let it crawl out, we can only retreat strategically, leaving the green hills so that there is no need to worry about burning wood, and there is no need to throw our lives here."

At this moment, Li Qingshan had an idea, as if he thought of something: "How about handing it over to Emperor Huangtian directly? Is there such a possibility?"

"That City God Temple may not be able to accommodate only bound monsters, but not bound monsters, right?"

"You mean... throw the City God Temple on the turtle's back into the pool?" Lu Tianming swallowed and said incredulously, "Is this possible?"

"This is the only feasible way. Otherwise, we will have to withdraw."

The crowd discussed for a while.

It's kind of weird this way.

In the past, they were all **** and forced into it. The City God Temple was collected together.

Are you asking you to enter the urn now? It can't be said to invite you to enter the urn, but to throw the temple directly into it.

Although this temporary temple is dedicated to the mother of Zhuangsheng and the mother of turtle spirits, it is also the anchor of the entire "Tianmen".

These two turtles have backers!

In the position where the anchor is located, the backer behind it can exert more power.

"In that temple, there are also tablets of Turtle Spirit Mother and Zhuang Sheng Mother." The S-level investigator of the Mystery Bureau, Mr. Carr was very interested in this plan and said enthusiastically, "Do you want to take it out?"

Tablets are local gods, the foundation of condensing incense, and the effect is naturally the older the better.

At the beginning, even the temple was burnt down, and the mother of the turtle spirit still fought her life and escaped with her centenary tablet.

Once destroyed, Dao Xing will drop a lot.

Even if you get a new one, it will lose a lot of the power of incense.

"No, these two tablets are the anchors of the 'Tianmen'. Once they are taken out, this temple will become an ordinary house, which is useless."

Lu Tianming turned his head and asked, "Just ask you two turtles, are you willing to take the risk? We don't know if this plan can be achieved, if it can, most of the credit goes to you; if it can't, the tablet will be gone. , the power of incense will be plundered by that tree."

"I'm willing... I'm willing! Gah!" The eldest mother Zhuangsheng used her claws to dig the soil, her head was high, and she uttered words, she agreed without thinking.

This turtle seems to be a typical representative of adventurism, and it is willing to charge anything it can.

But the turtle spirit mother on the side was trembling and a little unwilling. But I don't know how to oppose it. Seeing that my superiors agree, I can only timidly agree.

There is no way, the other party is a lieutenant, it's just a second lieutenant, a high-ranking official crushes people to death!

Mother Turtle cried in her heart: "My life is miserable... My life is miserable! Don't fail!"

Just like that, after discussing the whole plan, the small City God Temple was installed on the catapult.

"My life is miserable... My life is miserable!" Seeing her tablet being placed on the catapult, the mother turtle couldn't help but read it out in pieces, tears streaming down her face, that's its century-old luck .

But no one paid any attention to it at all, because its leader, "Old Mother Sore", raised his head high and shouted: "My lord... is here!"

Lu Tianming waved his hand: "Launch!"

The small temple made of wood draws a trajectory in the air in the form of a parabola.

The thousands of blood vessels and branches in the blood pool sensed the object in the air and reacted instantly. Dense air bubbles poured out of the blood pool, and they actually dragged this one made of wood in a gentle way. The small temple, did not let it completely spread out.

Immediately afterwards, several branches like blood vessels protruded into the temple.

"It really sensed the scent of incense inside, and wanted to plunder its power!"

Lu Tianming was a little nervous, and turned his head to look at Mother Turtle.

The old turtle started shrinking again.

Even the arrogant aunt Zhuangsheng next to her faintly felt something was wrong.

Somewhere, I felt that a blood-red pollution came from the anchored place and penetrated into its body.

It began to slowly shrink its shell, and eventually retracted its limbs perfectly into the shell.

"Hey, turtle, how's it going? Turtle? Don't you have hands backstage?"

"Where's your backer!"

The aunt's mother stopped talking, which caused horror on everyone's faces.

10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds... There were more and more bubbles in the blood pool, as if the whole pool was boiling. The blood vessels on the tree were densely tied together and kept squirming.

A faint **** smell filled the air, and everyone stepped back again, and they had to prepare for the failure of the plan.

"How is the refugee work of the population completed?"

"In such a big city, how can you escape in a day or two?"

However, at this moment, everyone heard a gloomy laughter of "hee hee hee"!

This burst of laughter, mechanical and cold, came from the wooden Temple of the City God, "hee", "hee hee", "hee hee", "hee hee hee", and the sound became louder and louder, like a certain voice from a complaining baby. This kind of ridicule caused everyone present to tremble.

"Would you like to do this?" Lao Lu touched the cold sweat on his back, "Why are you so scary?"

And with the appearance of this laughter, the spores in the blood pool began to burst open one by one. The dense mold, moss, and spores, granular, crumbly, and scaly, exploded one by one, revealing the red inside. Green sheen.

"Retreat, retreat quickly! Hey, you two turtles, retreat quickly!"

The two turtles were also horrified by the "hee hee" laughter, and hurriedly crawled away. This place is so scary.

The group hurried away for about 500 meters, and several observers climbed up a tall building to figure out what happened in the direction of the blood pool.

That "hee hee" laughter seemed to be playing with his opponent. The spores withered and exploded one after another, and strange figures appeared in the colorful halo.

And the tree in the middle of the blood pool seemed to be under control, in a state of dilemma where he wanted to get out, but couldn't escape.

"This laughter shouldn't come from [Game], it shouldn't be so perverted." Li Qingshan murmured, "Even on the statues of Emperor Huangtian, there is no [Game]. "

"It must be [false], and only a demon like [false] can make such a bad taste. That is, the spherical statue that fell to the ground." A soldier from Blue Star shook his head. He shook his head, "I didn't expect it to come here and become a thug."

"Don't you hate it?" Li Qingshan asked, "It didn't die after all, and it became a... tool?"

"Hate, of course hate." The young soldier recalled the past and struggled with [falsehood], and sighed, "But if [falsehood] can be controlled and become a tool, it is not a bad thing. It is really a A mighty devil."

"Yeah, even the [game] has to rely on its backers to defeat the [false]. This war is equivalent to a struggle between wicked people." Li Qingshan said suddenly.

"Wait... According to this, isn't this City God Temple a real killer? If you encounter any evil that can't be beaten, just throw the City God Temple over, and the [Xuanxu] will climb out of the temple!"

The war on the scene was intensified, and the observers only heard bursts of laughter. As for the strange scene in the blood pool... Countless vague tentacles, hideous and terrifying, the absurd laughter, even if ordinary people heard it. In one sentence, there is a possibility that the mind will collapse and become a lunatic.

Even a few S-rank investigators couldn't listen anymore and closed their ears one after another.

But that tree was suppressed by one-sided laughter.

After about 15 minutes, the entire blood pool disappeared, and the whole mass of flesh and blood was sucked into the Temple of the City God. UU reading

Crisis... lifted!

However, before they could relax their vigilance, everyone present heard the sharp laughter of "hee hee hee" from behind them.

The laughter wave after wave, even the heart involuntarily followed the synchronous beating, the blood circulation accelerated rapidly, and the muscles all over the body couldn't help twitching.

The laughter stopped abruptly at the moment when his heart was beating to the extreme.

"Ah!" Lu Tianming's eyes widened, his whole body froze heavily, gasping for breath, sweat soaking through his clothes.

Even S-level investigators are still too vulnerable in the face of serious demons.

However, after checking the body, nothing seems to have happened.

"Grass, I thought I was going to die."

Old Lu rolled his eyes, covered his chest, and sighed: "What are you doing, warning us not to use it as a thug? Or should we make more monsters and play with it? A madman-level demon."

In contrast, [Game] is like a gentle, cute and a bit cold girl next door.

I looked at my watch again, and caught this "lifeless squatter", but there was only a mere 3 points reward, which meant that most of the credit was due to the guy who just shot. The idea of ​​​​using it for free prostitution rewards cannot be successfully realized.

"Forget it, it's fine now, the more powerful opponents will eventually have to be dealt with by these demon gods themselves, we just need to get rid of some of the little scumbags." Lao Lu relaxed, turned his head and laughed, "Everyone, the main The trouble is solved, and then, find a way to take over the city!"

(PS: This chapter says it seems to be restored?)

(End of this chapter)

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