MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 4 Starting!

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Ten days!

鸣 For the whole ten days, Lu Ming was making card crazy!


Zhang Xiao fat once.

For Lu Ming's business card, he can't understand, "Lu Brother, you sell 呗 while making."

"You will know by then."

Lu Ming laughed and said nothing.

For ten days, three hundred cards, on average, only make thirty cards a day!

This is already the limit of Lu Ming!

If it wasn't for the fact that he had only exhausted that little resource and the power stone had almost reached the bottom, he estimated that he could be crazy for a few days! Liver, this is the basic skill of programmers!

"Three hundred cards, I don't know how much money I can make."

Lu Ming took a deep breath.

Three hundred one-star fruit ninjas.

Among them, 30 white cards, making a card, consumes about 20 yuan of energy, and the cost is about 50 yuan.

With three hundred cards, the cost alone is 15,000 yuan.

This is all the savings left by Lu Ming.

If it fails ...

估计 He probably really sang the chrysanthemum stage.

"Fruit Ninjas want to market, it may be a wave of heat, so time must be grasped."

Lu Ming kept calculating.

As for the number of uses ...

It is best to use a dedicated illusionary activator.

Illusionary activator, a special device for illusionary cards. Generally, there is only one card slot on the illusionary card.

只有 There are only two buttons on the top, one is start and the other is interrupt.

Lu Ming also chose the Wonderland Activator for a reason. One is the energy consumption. The portable card activator uses an energy card!

The production and consumption of energy cards are relatively laborious. If he uses energy cards, he will lose more.

For this kind of inconvenience, you can use energy stone.

Twenty-two is for safety.

This kind of wonderland activator is specially designed for wonderland cards, and generally has safety insurance. Once a danger is detected, it will automatically trip, which greatly protects the safety of users.

Third, the number of uses.

Normally activated cards are dissipated at one time, and in the Wonderland Card Activator, you can interrupt the retransmission, as long as there is energy and time!

As long as this fantasy time has not run out, you can continue to activate.

Very powerful.

In this way, a card can be used many times, if those people persist for a short time, the number of uses may be more!

Three hundred cards is enough.

Lu Ming went through the plan again and determined that there were no problems, so he went to rest.

Early the next morning.

The sun's rays shed.

When the crowd on the street at the entrance started to grow, Lu Ming walked out of the shop, holding a huge poster, and stood beside the street at the entrance.


The people passing by gave a subconscious glance, and suddenly stopped.

I have no one.

Because of the shocking title-it is a man who insists on a hundred seconds!

内容 And the content is even more amazing.

"Are you a man?"

"If yes, come to the limit!"

"This is the secret of the strength of a civilian guru ... he used to cultivate this way! The strong reaction speed makes him last longer than the average person!"

"This is the first practice card in history!"

"Enhance your reaction speed in an all-round way, be more efficient and more focused!"

"Experience once, only one hundred yuan, one hundred yuan, you ca n’t buy a loss, you ca n’t be fooled! But you can buy a boost of strength!

PS "PS: Those who persist for the longest time in seven days will be rewarded 10,000 !!!"

Shocking content.

Roaring exclamation mark.

巨大 This huge poster attracted the attention of all pedestrians almost immediately.

"this is……"

Many people stop.

There is a lot of content on the poster. In addition to these roaring fonts, there are also rules such as small characters and prices, as well as information.

challenge the limit?

The first practice card?

Can it improve the response speed?

强大 The secret of a strong master?

奖励 The person who persists for the longest time rewards 10,000?

What if it only costs one hundred dollars?

Uh ...

no doubt.

A lot of people are excited.

These keywords have undoubtedly moved them.

The improvement of strength requires hard work. Even if there are various natural treasures, it is not available to ordinary people, but this place ...

Only need one hundred yuan? Why not try it?

not to mention!

There is a full reward of 10,000!

"real or fake?"

"I don't know, should you try it?"

Everyone started talking softly.

There are more and more people watching.

Lu Ming squatted at the door, and smiled at the people in front of them. In the eyes, these people have become a symbol of walking money.

One hundred ...

One hundred ...

His eyes glanced at him, his mind relaxed.

"Boss, let me try."

A passing middle-aged man said calmly.

One hundred yuan is not a problem for him. His time is precious, so he doesn't want to waste it here, it is better to try it directly.

"it is good."

Lu Luming welcomed him into the store.

中间 In the middle of the shop, he left enough space and drew a dot at the center to make the middle-aged person stand on it, and then prepare the imaginary activator.


Impatient urging of middle-aged people.

"All right."

Lu Ming smiled.

Those at the gate were all watching.


Lu Ming Press the start button.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's eyes are clearly focused, and he is clearly in the illusion.

"What spicy chicken is this?"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

It can be said.

He's hardly ever seen such a garbage illusion! No, you don't need to, almost, he has never seen an illusion that is simpler and garbage than this!



Glancing at him, a gap was ten meters away.

This illusion is only a small place in front of his eyes, and it is a horrible restaurant with a low authenticity!

I look like ...

It's like graffiti for beginners.

Full screen mosaic!

"This ..."

"Junk ... can it be a fantasy?"

Middle-aged people feel incredible.

Because fantasy is not something that can be built successfully, at least a stable and complete cycle is required to build success.

These ones……

Can you call it complete?

And now.

Inside the shop, although the people at the door could not see the content of the fantasy, but also heard what the middle-aged person said, they were a little disappointed.

Sure enough ...

I know that cheap is not good!

A hundred dollars, what can be improved?

"Fake, hey."

"It looks like it."

"This little brother looks good, but he didn't expect to lie."

"Hmm, I'll go to the market manager to report and close this junk shop!"

Everyone talked.

"Ha ha."

Lu Ming looked at them with a smile and was not anxious.

He believes.

I will definitely have results.

And now.

In the fantasy world, the middle-aged man read the rules and picked up the knife.

"For better cultivation effect, energy is not allowed?"

"Ha ha."

"It is clear that this illusion is too crude, and any practitioner using energy will cause the illusion to collapse, right? For the effect of cultivation, 啧啧 ..."

Middle-aged people are powerless.

还有 "And what the **** does this knife feel like?"

"Too clumsy."

Middle-aged people are speechless.

He's sure.

He's never seen such a hot chicken fantasy!

的 The existence of this card is simply an insult to the illusion!

He was about to utter another sentence. Suddenly, a strong wind came over, and a yellow thing struck. He subconsciously flew away, and the fruit fell to the ground.


The fantasy is over!

When he reacted, he was back in the shop.

Middle-aged :? ? ?


Middle-aged people are aggressive.

I obviously didn't expect it to end so quickly!

"How long have you persisted?"

Lu Ming glanced curiously.

On the imaginary activator, the energy consumption will be recorded. When the middle-aged person picks up the knife, the energy starts to consume a lot, and the duration ...

"Did you just hold on for a second?"

Lu Luming looked at the middle-aged man in surprise.


The middle-aged man turned red, "You garbage illusion ..."

"The illusion is inherently rude."

Lu Ming took it for granted, "This is for beginners. If the illusion is complicated, the difficulty will be greatly increased, but you can't even get through this difficulty ..."

Lu Luming used a very skeptical tone.

"I can!"

"I just didn't notice."

The middle-aged person explained, "I only pay attention to things in the magic ..."


Lu Ming sighed, "It is for this reason that the whole illusion is empty. I am afraid that you people will be distracted and the difficulty is too high!"

"did not expect……"

"You need more practice."

Lu Luming said very seriously.

"I will try again!"

The face of middle-aged people is a bit ugly.

I especially looked at the gaze of countless people around you, and Lu Ming's surprised you persisted for only one second, making him tingling a little.

媳 Even if your wife said so at night, why should you say so during the day!

"I'll come again."

Middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

"One hundred."

Lu Ming said with a smile.

"it is good."

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and entered the fantasy again.

人 People around looked at each other, they did not expect to see such a picture. If the illusion is really rubbish, shouldn't it come out and scold directly?

It seems ...

Seems a bit interesting.

I watched the crowd, who had planned to leave, and immediately became interested.

And now.


The middle-aged man was ready to pick up the knife.


The first fruit fell, he cut it off easily, and the fruit dissipated.

It turned out so.

He finally understood what this so-called cultivation is all about, and soon he got familiar with it, easily took the knife, and began to cut off these fruits.

The time numbers on the plaque also began to jump.


When he was 93 seconds, he was careless, there was a fruit that was not chopped, and the illusion ended, which made him a little bit hot, especially when he saw that, it was the man who insisted on the title of 100 seconds.

"I'll come again!"

After I went out, he paid directly without any hesitation.

"it is good."

Lu Ming naturally enjoyed it.

The people who came around outside looked at each other naturally.


What is it like?

的 The reaction of middle-aged people makes them seem to realize. Can this so-called cultivation card really improve the reaction speed?

If so ...

And now.

In the fantasy world, the middle-aged man is staring at the fruit flying intently.

92 seconds!

93 seconds!

94 seconds!

的 The place I did n’t support just now really passed!

I just.

还未 He didn't fall into the ground, he saw a fruit flying fast, and UU read the book

The fantasy is over!


"Why didn't I see it?"

"Almost, if I react faster ..."

Middle-aged people are sure.

难度 This difficulty is not high, and I can certainly cope with it, just a mistake.

"Come again!"

After he went out, he entered the fantasy again without hesitation.

This time, he persisted to 96 seconds!

"Come again!"

This time, he persisted to 97 seconds!

"Come again!"

This time, he persisted to 99 seconds!

"Come again!"

Still 99 seconds!

"Come again!"

Still 99 seconds!

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

Uh ...



Middle-aged people are intoxicated.

He knows that he only needs to be a little bit worse, as long as he reacts faster, as long as he is more flexible, and as long as he is prepared, he can definitely reach 100 seconds!

he knows.

I must be able to pass.

"Come again!"

The middle-aged man's subconscious touch of his pockets was actually running out of money.


The middle-aged man's eyes widened suddenly.

how is this possible? !!

You know, he went out with 3,000 yuan! Then he took a look at the record, and he tried 30 times just now!

So many times?

How long have I been addicted to this garbage illusion?

PS: The tube is full, please recommend it ~!

Read The Duke's Passion