MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 5 Business is booming

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"It looks like you'll come again next time."

Lu Ming smiled, "You can leave your contact information. I will calculate it according to your highest record of 99 seconds today. If you are the first, you can come and get 10,000 yuan next week."


Middle-aged people want to write, but feel a little shameful.

It ’s a man who persists for a hundred seconds, you ca n’t even hold a hundred seconds?

I'm sorry to write?

Receive the prize?

Doesn't exist at all!

"That one……"

"I don't want to reward."

"Let me experience it again?"

The middle-aged man said unwillingly, "I'm almost there. Really, it's okay once. I'll go back and supply you. Really, I can pass it once."

"I have no opinion, but ..."

Lu Ming spread his hand, pointing to the people who were watching outside, "You asked them."

Middle-aged man turned his head.

I found out, I do n’t know when, the shop door was already full of people. At this moment, I looked at myself with a bad face, and I started to slap people.

"Boy, you have been experiencing it for a long time."

大 A big man looks 狰狞.


A young man froze, "No, no, nothing."

"I can do it."

The middle-aged man turned red, "You wait, I'll go back and get the money."

I finished talking.

The middle-aged man hurried away.

"Who's next?"

Lu Luming was very happy.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Everyone is actively participating.

"It's my line."

He rushed in.

"it is good."

Lu Ming arranged a fantasy for him.

I have experienced the scene of middle-aged people. Everyone knows that this is a very crude illusion, but it seems that the reaction speed has really improved.

So there is more patience.

Then, they experienced the fruits coming from the face ...

One time!


Three times!

Uh ...

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

体验 Experience again and again, sprint again and again.

96 seconds!

97 seconds!

98 seconds!

99 seconds!

Uh ...

Most people get stuck here.

the reason is simple.

Luming set a high-explosive outbreak in this place, the fruit speed is the same, but the quantity is a bit more, so many people hate it.

of course.

The difficulty of Luming's setting is not really difficult, but it gives you a feeling-as long as I work hard, I can definitely pass! I just made a mistake! If I were a little faster, it would be fine! If the last second ends a little faster, this second will be fine!

Most people have this mentality.

and so.

Lu Luming smiled and looked at them. After they reached the limit, they were not willing to leave.

In the previous life, as a program dog, he was still a game mad, with many titles such as 'Soulologist', 'Lost King', and 'Passionate Yanan Guest'. .

"Boss, can I buy it?"

Someone made suggestions.

Generally, cards are sold where they are experienced.

"Not available for now."

Lu Ming shook his head, "You also saw that I produced a limited number of cards. Once sold, I'm afraid I will be shorted by one person. Do you know what other people think?"


A row of gloomy gazes came.

人 People who want to buy cards just now are scared away.


Lu Ming laughed and said nothing.

原因 The reason why he does not sell cards is actually very simple, there is no encryption!

Encryption is a technology in the card making process. Controlling encryption. It is not so simple for others to copy your cards. Unfortunately, he has not learned yet.

If cards are sold now ...

It only takes an hour, and all the shops nearby have this kind of card!

好的 What's so good about selling cards?

What is it like now, a row of hundred pieces come here to experience.

Lu Ming smirked.

He is sure that today's performance must be particularly good.

in the afternoon.

Some people came over when they heard a friend ’s recommendation.

But not everyone is a fool. Some people soon realize the problem. How do you feel a pit in this way? !!

Especially he just spent a thousand yuan!

"Is this really useful?"

Someone questioned.


Lu Ming asked with a smile, "I ask you, how long did you hold on for the first time?"

"Twenty seconds."

The man answered.

"now what?"

"Uh, 98 seconds."

Said the man.

"Oh, great."

Lu Ming praised, and then said, "Look, does the duration become longer? What do you think is the reason that made you avoid so many fruits?"


The man looked at Lu Ming's approving gaze and blurted out: "Because ... because the reaction is faster?"


Lu Luming was very satisfied. "If you think about it, if one person has a particularly fast response time, will these fruits be easily avoided?"

The audience around nodded subconsciously.


If the response speed is fast enough, naturally destroy all fruits easily! Why can't they pass? Obviously, the response speed is not enough!


"With a faster response, you can last longer."

Lu Luming said earnestly, "Of course, if you don't think the improvement is obvious enough, let's change it another way, if ... if you fight the enemy outside ..."

"It's not the fruit that is shot, but the hidden weapon?"

Wu Luming gave them hypotheses.


Everyone took a breath.

Isn't it?

If it is not a fruit, but a hidden weapon ...

They think for a while and then they are afraid.

"think carefully."

"Are you able to shoot down more hidden weapons?"

"Even if you are not a warrior, not shooting down, does it mean that you can dodge? The longer you persist, the stronger you will be!"

Lu Ming made a summary, everyone was deeply convinced.

Looks very reasonable.

The young man who initially questioned was also convinced.

那么 "So ... go ahead."

Lu Ming smiled and looked at them, "Who's next?"


"I'll come first!"

A group of people are eager to try.

Lu Ming smiled very happy.

Uh ...

And now.

Naturally, the shops in a few streets in the distance also noticed this scene.

Lu Ming's business here, they know very well, not one person in a month, they also bet when this guy will fail.

Calculate time, it's almost the same.

and so.

In the morning, the flow of people was turbulent. They thought that Lu Ming had begun a clearance sale, but according to the information obtained, it did not seem to be the case.

Jain Luming seems to have made a fantasy card in the experience.

This kind of thing is not worth paying attention to. After all, Lu Ming, a small one-star card maker, or the one who just started, can there be any threats?

威胁 Threatening with a one-star energy card?

So they didn't care at all, but the situation lasted a whole morning, and the crowd there was so strong that it hadn't even dispersed yet!

This is a problem.

"What are you going to see?"

Some store managers let their hands go down to see.

However, after two full hours, they came back and said they could not join the team? !!


I can't stand in line!

This incredible answer.

唯一 The only thing they brought back was the thrilling content on the poster and the feedback from the crowd.

"Cultivation card ..."

"Increase reaction speed ..."

"Fruit ..."

"99 seconds?"

"Will it be true?"

Some people don't care, others have solemn expressions.

A little later, some shop managers or cardmakers went out in person and decided to go to Lu Ming's shop to see what kind of messy things they were playing!

Uh ...

"One hundred at a time!"

"Preliminary estimates, there have been thousands of experiences today ..."

店铺 The shops around this time really can't sit still.

Originally looked at the bustle there and didn't care. After all, this new kind of fantasy card all depends on my imagination. Occasionally one or two good ones won't make much money. I never expected that the profits inside would be so scary!

Thousands of times, isn't that one hundred thousand? !!

"What the **** is Lu Ming doing ?!"

They were a little scared.

One hundred thousand a day, what is this concept?

Too amazing!


"I must know what happened."

Qian Sheng, the owner of the Yeye Chain Store, looked dignified, "Let everyone in the store go there, no matter what the reason, you must figure out what happened today."

Their leaf chain store is the largest card shop in Qingming!

I must not be compared.

"Boss ..."

"Can't stand in line!"

The shop assistant was wronged.


The boss was a little speechless, "Are you stupid? You must go in person? Those who have experienced it, will not go to them? Information about acquiring them at a high price!"

"I think they would like to do this business."

And now.

另一 Another card store nearby.


"Old money has acted so quickly."

Zhang Chun, the owner of the pure card store, is somewhat surprised ~ ~ Ye Zi Card is the flagship branch of the brand chain store opened here. Go on!


Abundant resources!

It stands to reason that such a large card flagship store will not care about a small shop. It seems that things are more interesting than I thought.

"Lu Ming ..."

Zhang Chun hit the table.

"People who keep up with the leaves, what they do, so do you."


"Investigate if Lu Ming has been in contact with any illusionist in the past two days ..."


Uh ...

No one knows that when the popularity of Luming's shop increased, the entire downtown street was undercurrent, and countless eyes stared here.

越高 The higher the reputation of the fruit ninja, the more scary the sales, the more they need to know!

I have no one.

卡 The profitability of this card is too amazing!

概念 What is the concept of 100,000 profit?

With a top Samsung card, this is no more.

现在 Now, Lu Ming did it with a small one-star fantasy card, and even created a sensation like a sensation in this area of ​​the downtown area!

What does this mean?

Take control of this card and take control of money!


For Qian Shengcai, the leaf chain manager.

"Zhang Chun's gaze can only be seen in Qingming City."

"This card can cause a sensation here, and naturally it can also cause a sensation elsewhere. If I can figure out this card, submit it to the headquarters, and spread it in all branches ..."

Qian Qiansheng was a little excited before thinking about it.

This card, he will get it!

Read The Duke's Passion