MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1448 Comprehension of the law of wood

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The rule of wood is a large thumb seed, the seeds are green and green, and there is endless vitality. The void around the seed is affected by the vitality, and the flowers bloom and the grass grows.

When there is still a distance from the wood rule fragments, a dense jungle blocks the leaf dust, and the vines in the jungle grow fast and grow their claws.

Oh la la!

The world of water is swaying to protect the leaf dust, while the leaf dust uses the world of water as a medium to perceive the existence of the law of wood.

Gold raw water, aquatic wood.

The law of water to touch the law of wood, the resistance is much smaller, the patch of vines covered with vines, leaf dust gradually approaching the law of wood.

When there is a final distance of ten meters from the law of wood, a group of green brilliance suddenly appears, no matter how the leaf dust motivates the law of water, it is difficult to enter.

After seeing that he could not continue to approach, Ye Chen stopped and his right hand gently pressed on the green radiance. It was the power of the law of wood, and the protection of the world of water, he could contact safely.

The power of the law of wood is full of vitality.

Vitality can save people or kill people.

For example, a person who is seriously injured by dying can simply heal in a moment by injecting the law of wood, but planting a seed in a healthy human body. When the seed grows up, it can kill this healthy person. The law of wood contains life. And death, of course, is only a part of life and death, the real life and death is the law of life and the law of death.

"Want to understand the second rule?"

The ancient hoof warfare looked over and a cold flash of light flashed through his eyes.

If Ye Chen understands the second law, it is really difficult to deal with it. Whether it is the top law, the powerful law or the basic law, any law has its own unique side, can not be underestimated, the two laws are combined, fighting How much strength has increased, and the ancient hoof is not clear.

"Oh, the second law of obedience to the heavens is ten times more difficult than comprehending the first law. I don't believe you can comprehend."

Take a deep breath, shut the eyes of the ancient hoof war, do not go to see the leaf dust.

Now the most urgent task is to absorb the blood of the gods and strive for a breakthrough. Once the martial arts will break through the ninth-order realm, his strength can be greatly increased. At that time, regardless of whether Ye Chen understands the second law, it has no effect on him. .

The law of enlightenment is better than Ye Chen’s imagination, perhaps because he understands the law of water and the reason why the law of water is high.

In the perception of leaf dust, as if to see countless green spots, these green spots are very soft, like a little elf flying.

One day, green spots gathered together, more and more, eventually forming a green seed.

The seeds landed and sprouted and grew into a small tree.

The small tree was blown by the wind and rain, and gradually grew into a towering tree, full of leaves and greenery.

Day after day, year after year, with the towering trees as the center, the roots of the towering trees are the link, a new tree grows up, and the grass grows around the small tree. Out of the flowers, the land is extremely fertile, the wind blows, the seeds on the trees are floating around, falling on the surrounding land...

Finally, a jungle was born, the jungle grew bigger and bigger, turned into a forest, the forest expanded, there was water, there were bugs, and animals.

Unknowingly, the forest has changed the surrounding world, making the air more fresh, making the land extremely fertile, full of vitality, cheerful and relaxed.

Silent and uninteresting, in the soul of the leaf dust, a very tiny seed is gradually born, with a hint of green.

The law of wood is a success.

Open your eyes, the dust of the leaf dust turned into a green color, but soon, the green color receded and returned to normal.

"This is the law of wood?"

Leaf dust retracted his right hand and spread it out.

The green mantle flashed, and a small tree grew on the palm of the leaf dust. The small tree grew up rapidly and became a towering tree. The branches of the towering tree could be hard and soft. When it was hard, it was like steel. When it was soft, it was like a vine. It is possible to arbitrarily beat the void, and the destructive power seems to be superior to the law of water. Of course, it is the initial law of water. The current law of water is too high, and it is comparable to the law of light and supreme.

The small tree on the palm of the hand was disillusioned, and the body of Ye Chen suddenly turned green and became a green shadow.

The green shadow contains infinite vitality, and Ye Chen has the feeling that even if he has been hit countless times, he can recover instantly, and will not consume the martial arts gods, but only consume the power of the wood.

"On the viability, the law of wood is definitely not inferior to the powerful law, only a little worse than the top rule."

I have been in the chaos battlefield for more than 10,000 years. Ye Chen has seen many rules. For each of the characteristics of the law, there is more or less understanding. From the perspective of viability, the law of wood is very good.


The ancient hoof warfare was awakened by the power of the law of the wood that was spread out. When you saw the change of leaf dust, you could not help but look at the dementia. The other party really understood the law of wood? So simple?

"Asshole, it's too unfair."

The ancient hoof war is very embarrassing, he is a high-level demigod, a rule has not realized, the other party actually realized two, but also let people not live, it is true.

"First let you be arrogant."

The other side has realized the law of wood, and has not yet broken through, which makes the ancient hoof war has a urgency.

Comprehend the law of wood, leaf dust can formally absorb the debris of wood.

The law of the wood in the leaves of the dust is only the size of the sesame, and the rule of the wood in the void is full of the size of the thumb.

a hundred years.

Two hundred years.

Five hundred years.

In the past five hundred years, the law of the wood in the leaves of the sea has been the size of the little finger, and the rule of the wood in the void is also the size of the little finger, which is absorbed by about half.

"Can't absorb it."

Spit out a smoldering gas, and the light in the eye of the leaf dust flashes. Since the water is wood, you can understand the law of wood. Then why can't you make a fire and understand the law of fire?

Thinking of it, Ye Chen began to get close to the law of fire.

The law of fire in the void is a cluster of flames, swaying and turbulent.

Perceived the closeness of the leaf dust, the flame suddenly soared, turning into a raging fire, and the heat wave was pressing.

The law of urging wood, there is a world of wood around Ye Chen, dense and prosperous. When the fire waves touch the world of wood, the world of wood burns up, but when it burns to the dust 10 meters away , blocked by a group of green radiance, with green radiance, leaf dust slowly approaching the flame.

"So hot!"

The dust that the leaf dust feels exhaled is hot, hot and hot, but it also deepens the communication with the law of fire. If you want to comprehend, you must understand it.

The power of the law of fire, violent, burning, swelling, very wild.

And the law of restrained water, the law of calm wood is completely different.

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