MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1449 Only the law of gold

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Time passed by, Ye Chen felt like a fire, no specific shape, where the wind blows, where he ran, saw trees, burned, saw the mountains, burned, saw the stars It was also incinerated. At first it was just a small fire. It became a super flame that annihilated the entire galaxy and became a world.

Visible to the naked eye, the body of the leaf dust ignited Mars, but there was no smoke.


The leaf dust suddenly burned up, and the eyes were burning and turned into a pure flame.

The law of fire, into!

In the sea of ​​souls, a cluster of weak little flames is born, releasing heat that cannot be ignored.

"It's faster!"

It took about two hundred years for the leaf dust to move and comprehend the law of wood. It took only one hundred and fifty years to understand the law of fire.

However, there are three ** forces in the soul sea, which also adds a lot of pressure.

At the beginning of comprehending the law of water, Ye Chen felt that it could not be eaten, and the soul sea could not accommodate it. Now it can accommodate three **.

Ye Chen understands that this is because he has repeatedly made breakthroughs in the chaotic battlefield. The martial arts gods have reached the quasi-gold level, and the sword and heart swords have also improved. All aspects have improved a lot, especially the understanding of the law of wood. Not only did it not add pressure, but it made Ye Chen more energetic, no longer nourishing the soul sea.

The law of urging fire, leaf dust has become a fire person, oh, fire people flicker back and forth, explosive power is extremely strong, the situation is the same, the speed is more than water.


A fireball was condensed in the hand, and the leaf dust was thrown out, causing a big bang.

"Damn. The law of fire has also become."

The ancient hoof war is very unsatisfactory. He made him a strong killer. I can't wait to kill the leaf dust immediately.

"No, now I still can't kill him. I have to wait for the martial arts will break through to the late 9th stage. It is better to break through in other areas."

Shaking his head secretly, the ancient hoof warfare is strong and resists killing.

"Quickly, the martial arts will break through at any time, and the foundation of the senior demigod is also stabilized."


Comprehend the law of fire, Ye Chen began to absorb the law of fire debris. Enhance the realm of fire law.

It took four hundred years, and the law of fire reached its limit, and it could no longer be upgraded. The remaining law of fire was still a small part.

Naturally, Ye Chen turned his gaze to the law of the earth.

Jin Shengshui, aquatic wood, wood fire, fire soil, native gold.

The five elements are in harmony and are a cycle.

"Gravity is great."

The closer to the law of the earth, the debris. Ye Chen feels as if he is heavier, every step. It takes a lot of effort and energy.


The world of fire is surging and burning in the void.

The void of the leaf dust became a melting pot, and the heat wave forced people to offset a lot of gravity.

Step by step close to the law of the soil, Ye Chen gradually realized the essence of the law of the earth.

The law of the earth carries all things and collects everything.

The fire is earthy, but the wood is also grown on the soil. There is water in the soil and there is water on the surface of the soil.

Five elements, the soil is in the middle.

Standing in a world of nothingness, Ye Chen was unaware and became a stone man.

The dust on the stone man has become more and more, and it has become a hill. The hill has become a mountain. The mountain has been baptized by the years, and the weather has collapsed and turned into a land, flat and thick.

Finally, a land has been formed, vicissitudes of life, carrying everything, creating everything.

In the sea of ​​souls, a yellow gravel is formed.

The law of the earth, into!

The law of absorbing the soil is fragmented, the gravel is getting bigger and bigger, it is softer and more resilient, and it becomes a yellow soil.

When the four **s reached the limit that leaf dust can withstand, the leaf dust clearly noticed that the blood in the body quickly turned into nutrition, and the refining speed was a hundred times faster than before, and the four ** The force is 'sweeping' in the leaf dust body, nourishing the soul sea of ​​the leaf dust, and nourishing the body of the leaf dust.


The soul of the sea was turbulent, and the golden light was released.

If it is said that Ye Chen’s original soul sea, which is the soul, is the golden soul of the primary demigod, then the present soul is the golden soul of the intermediate demigod.

The soul is promoted, and the martial arts **** of Ye Chen has a burst of turmoil, and seems to break through at any time.

In addition, the four ** will no longer be under pressure, even if there is no blood in the body, Ye Chen can also force the law for a long time.

The spirit body has reached the ninth-order peak at once, and the immortal sword body has reached the eighteenth floor, and it can resist the attack of the intermediate-level god.

"The quantitative change of the law actually caused a qualitative change."

Leaf dust eyebrows pick one, this is what he can't think of anyway.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that the two ** sects of the sacred sacredness are already very against the sky. He has realized the four **, which is a miracle. Although it is not entirely based on its own efforts, it depends on the opportunity.

"The law of gold!"

Now the rule of the Five Elements is only one rule of gold. There is no understanding of it. Ye Chen can't wait to know and understand what happens to the Golden Law.

Promote the primary demigod?

The spirit body reaches the nine-order perfection?

Is the soul promoted to the golden soul of the senior demigod?

Everything is possible.

"Haha, the martial arts will finally break through to the late 9th stage, and the field has reached the ninth late stage. Qinglian swords, you and me fight again."

Just then, a big laugh came, it was the ancient hoof war.

Without any warning, waves of black viscous gas spread around the ancient hoof and sank, and suddenly covered the leaf dust.

This is the black horn field of the ancient hoof war.

With the cultivation of the high-level demigods as the nurturing field of the ninth heavy realm, the power is too strong, and Ye Chen, who is caught off guard, has no ability to act.

"Qing Lian Jian Yu, give me up!"

The body of the leaf dust blooms a green lotus, but this green lotus has just wilted, and the strength of the two fields is too different, not in a series.

"The world of water, the world of wood, the world of fire, the world of earth, the green lotus sword field!"

The first is the ripples, followed by the jungle, then the flames swept, and then the ash fell to form a land, and finally a green lotus bloomed.

Relying on the four ** world and the Qinglian sword field, Ye Chen finally opened the black horn field of the ancient hoof war.

Not only that, but the four worlds and the Qinglian sword field cooperated with each other, but suppressed the ancient hoof warfare in the field of St. Mark's Point, so that the other party's momentum suddenly stagnate, and there is no beginning of flying.

"Take me a punch!"

The ancient hoof wars a glimpse of the eyes, and a fist bangs over. This fist contains an incomparably strong will, as if it can run through time and space.

The ninth-order late martial arts will.

"It’s just right."

Leaf dust pulled out the sword of the sky, and a sword greeted it. This sword is not a wave sword. There is water, light, green, and yellow, which contains the power of four.

Although the power of the four ** can't be combined, this is what the true God can do, but the power is not as simple as one plus one. (To be continued...)

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