MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1484 Kendo alone

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The first thousand four hundred and eighty-four chapters of the kendo

"Devil, let me be wild and will meet you."

The sky moves to the stars, and a huge star moves toward the sun represented by the demon god. The **** that was degraded is the true **** of the **** of the sword. The sword is not there. No one can block the demon. The **** is in the **** of swords. It is the top **** in the rankings and thinks it can resist one or two.


The sun and the stars collide, and the dusk plains are even darker. The sun and the stars of the sky have already been intercepted by the broken time and space to somewhere.

Card wipe!

In the sky, one foot suddenly fell down, and the plains of the evening fell down for tens of thousands of miles. When I stepped on the dead, I didn’t know how many wars and saints. Soon, the knees of this foot were bent and suddenly disappeared.

"Devil, come again."

It turned out that one foot had fallen down. It was a **** of despair. After all, he was not the main god. He took up the power of the gods and dared to fight with the devil. However, after a few strokes, he was hit by the demon **** on the dusk plain.

The true gods fought in the sky, and the demigods fought on the plains of the dusk. The heavens and the people were angry, and the law of dusk became more and more intense, and the atmosphere of the evening was swaying.

"Sword tour is too virtual!"

The leaf dust used to display the sword tour over and over again.

At the beginning, Ye Chen is not a six-in-one magic sword holy opponent. No matter how sharp the swordsman is, he will be flying out by the magic sword and a sword.

However, hundreds of times, Ye Chen’s swordsmanship is becoming more and more perfect, and even he himself does not know why it is so quick to comprehend and perfect the swordsmanship. Is it because he has learned all the basic kendo skills and Intermediate kendo magical skills, hòu accumulation bó hair, but no sword saint and only heart sword saint in the long time to comprehend all the primary kendo magical skills and intermediate kendo magical skills, did not see them in a short time to master the sword tour too Virtual.

"Maybe my understanding is unique in this heaven."

Ye Chen naturally knows that his greatest advantage is savvy, weak hours, Ye Chen cultivation talent is not particularly excellent, but the savvy is extremely high, easy to practice the practice to the highest level, the realm of the practice is high, and the cultivation speed naturally rises. Therefore, it seems that the cultivation talent is not particularly excellent, but it is faster than the cultivation of talented people.

Ye Chen can go to this step today, relying on understanding, no understanding of the sky, he is far from being alone. Perhaps many years ago, he was already dead in the real world, and he would never want to go out and have a look. .


After thousands of cross-attacks, Ye Chen actually barely blocked the attack of the Demon Sword.

This is not entirely the credit of the sword tour, but also the merits of the sword.

The sword heart can enhance the power of any magical skill. The sword tour is too virtual. The sword tour is too high. It is the second high-level kendo magical skill. The power can be terrible enough. After the increase of the sword heart, Wei It is not an exaggeration to continue to enlarge and block the magical sword of the near-precious god.


The Sword of the Sword increased the attack, and the horrible power of the horror made the time and space twist and tremble. He thought that in addition to the true **** and the dragon scale demon, which also has the quasi-god strength, no one should be his opponent, but Ye Chen can actually block him, and The strength of this guy has skyrocketed too fast, and he has been stunned by thoughts. In a short period of time, he has realized two advanced martial arts skills and made people not live.

Fortunately, the dragon scales demon sanctuary is very smooth, the only heart Juggernaut is pressed and beaten, on the magical skills, the only heart sword is better than the leaf dust, on the power of God, the only swordsmanship is worse than the leaf dust, the only heart Juggernaut Comprehension is chaotic swordsmanship and dark swordsmanship. Ye Chen comprehends the four swords of the highest, only chaotic swordsmanship, even though the chaos sword is the head of the five highest swords, but most of the two swords that offset the leaf dust I have no intention, but it is still a high sword.

"Imperial Juggernaut, I did not expect that the name of the first sword samura of the Sword God Palace is completely easy to change, but it does not matter, after killing you, I will kill him with Demon Sword."

In the situation of the magic sword, the dragon scales are also in the eyes. The strength of Ye Chen makes the dragon scales holy, and the sword is so powerful. This guy is more powerful than the ideal sword, and the sword palace is really A group of enchanting, but from now on, there is no sword shrine again, their demon palace will dominate the heavens.

"The name is nothing, I don't care."

The only sword of the sword is against the attack of the dragon scale demon, while barely opening the way.

"You don't care if it doesn't matter, die!"

Incarnation is the dragon's scales of the **** battle, the strength is slightly stronger than the magic sword of the incarnation of the **** battle. The magic sword is good at kendo, but the devil is not good at kendo, and the martial arts dominates the battle of blood and war. The way, it is somewhat contradictory, not as thorough as the dragon scales.

A fist burst, time and space broken, only the heart of the sword holy effort to break away from the shackles of broken time and space, the breath is getting weaker and weaker, apparently after a long battle, the martial arts gods are not damaged.

"Imperial Juggernaut, I heard that you have three advanced kendo gods in the Sword God Palace. You have already realized the first and the second. You may be able to kill me if you understand the third one. Why not try it out."

One and a half will also kill the only sword, the dragon scales, the holy sacred smile, he does not think that the only sword saint can comprehend the third advanced kendo magic, he also has two high-level magical skills, but he only comprehended the first Kind, legend, if you can comprehend the second high-level magical skills, you may become a true god. If you want to come to the sword shrine, the third advanced kendo magical skills should be similar. You can become a true **** when you comprehend.

"Since you want to try, I will fulfill you."

The only heart of the sword is falling on the ground, carrying both hands and looking calm.

"Jokes, you want to marry me, it's still very early."

The dragon scales demon face sneered and rushed over.

"The kendo is alone... respect!"

Amazingly, an amazing breath burst out, centered on the ideal sword, and within a few hundred miles, the twilight rule retreats, and then, a sword-like texture spreads out, overwhelming, everywhere, air For the sword, the grass is the sword, the sound is the sword, the spirit is the sword, within a few hundred miles, everything can be a sword, and even the time and space are turned into a sword.

The third high-level kendo magical martial art is the essence of the martial art. It is a martial law that uses the kendo law instead of the chaos law. Instead of the law of dusk, it is equal to changing the space in which it is, and the reason why the main **** is powerful. Because the law of the **** of the Lord God is powerful enough to let the law of chaos retreat, such as the magic law of the devil, the immortal law of the immortal god, the law of destruction of the destructive god, the sword **** of the main god, the law of kendo, the martial law alone can concise There are not many kendo rules, far less than the martial law of the sword god, but after all, it is not the dragon scales that can be countered.

Hundreds of miles were filled with the law of kendo, and the only sword of the sword was stabbed to the dragon scales.


The dragon sacred screams, he finds that he can't use the magical powers, and even the rules can't be used. The only thing that can be used is divine power, and it is only part of the power of divine power, the power of incompleteness, under the circumstance of kendo, in the power of God. The magical will is forbidden, and only the forces that do not contradict the kendo laws can exist.

A stunned world, the emergence of the martial art alone, let the ideal sword saint re-be the first sword saint of the Sword God Palace, the dragon scales of the Holy St. suddenly become the fish on the cutting board, let the killing.


However, at this time, the endless end of the sword pattern in the void has broken, like a deflated ball, the kendo law suddenly collapses, and can no longer bind the power of the dragon scale demon, and the only sword of the sword A sword, even the defense of the Dragon Scale Devil did not penetrate, was bounced, Mars.

The blood of the big mouth and big mouth spouted, and the whole man of the sword was so old that his face was wrinkled.

He only knows a few furs in the kendo. He can't show it nine times in ten times. This time he was lucky enough to play it out, and it was displayed at once. Unfortunately, the time for maintenance was too short and not enough. In addition to killing the dragon scales, the cost of displaying the martial arts alone is very large. In this short period of time, in order to maintain the law of the kendo, the gods and the martial arts gods were taken away by ten or nine. Life has also been taken away by nine or nine. In such a short period of time, so many sources have been taken away. The damage is terrible. Without the help of God, this life cannot be recovered.

If you don't become a true god, even if you comprehend the martial art alone, you can't display it a few times. This is the cognition of the ideal sword saint. You must have a powerful enough person to display it.

"Haha, hahahaha..."

The dragon scale demon laughed, and he almost died. He died under this terrible third advanced kendo magical skill. Unfortunately, fate stood on his side and abandoned the other side.

"Imperial Juggernaut, now you have something to say, even fate has abandoned you."

"So, you die for me!"

When you are sick and want your life, you will notice that the only Juggernaut is in an unprecedented state of weakness. The Dragon Scale Demon has launched his most powerful attack, and it has broken the time and space.


A sword intercepted the attack of the Dragon Scale Demon.

This sword is not a sword of the heart, but a leaf dust.

The only sword can not be killed, this is the premonition of Ye Chen, he has the feeling that the sword of the sword is dead, the **** of the gods is really powerless, he does not know where this feeling comes from, after all, the only sword Even if you don't die, it's just a Juggernaut. It's a demigod. It really determines the fate of everyone. It is the battle of the true God.

"I will show the martial arts alone, you kill them."

The voice of the heart of the sword is passed to the leaves of the ear.

"You are like this?"

Ye Chen is a little hesitant, and the only swordsman is to display the martial arts alone, and he will die.

"I can't be killed, I can only use the kendo to die alone. Maybe, it is to let you comprehend the martial art. I believe that you already know that there is a deep connection between us. I would like to know where our cause is." Wei Xinjian smiled lightly. At this moment, he did not have any regrets for his death. Instead, he had a kind of relief.

The magic sword saint and the dragon scale magic holy confluence, the two intend to join hands to kill the leaf dust, as for the ideal sword saint, in their eyes is already a waste.

However, when the waste man gives up his life, miracles happen from time to time.

"The kendo is unique!"

The low-pitched sound rang, and a pattern of swords spread from the heart of the sword, almost blinking for a moment, the sword pattern has spread hundreds of miles, shrouded the magic sword holy and the dragon scales.

"Oh! Useless, you only understand the fur, this move will soon collapse."

The dragon scales are not scared.

"This may not be the case."

The figure of the ideal sword saint is illusory, as if this sword pattern is his flesh and blood structure. At the end, the figure of the ideal sword saint is almost invisible, and even the life smell is almost disappeared. Instead, the overwhelming kendo law is replaced. At the cost of life, the ideal sword saint successfully displayed the martial art.

"I understand, it turns out."

In the void, the voice of the ideal sword saint came out and kept echoing.

"What does he understand?"

The face of the leaf dust is dignified, and the only heart of the sword knows the answer with the price of life, and he is still in the bones.

"First kill them."

No matter what, Ye Chen can't waste the opportunity that the ideal sword saint created at the expense of life. The figure is flashing, and Ye Chen kills the dragon scale demon and the magic sword saint.

"Do not!"

The strength of the two people was bound by countless times. How was the opponent of Ye Chen, who was directly smashed by the martial arts gods, and the soul flies away, and he can no longer die.

After killing two people, the martial art alone still did not disperse. The kendo law covered hundreds of miles. Some Juggernauts who came in were found here, their strength increased sharply, and the enemy's strength was sharply weakened.

Suddenly, in the void, two swords and shadows are shot at Ye Chen.

It is a sword soul.

A black sword soul, a gray sword soul.

These two swords souls seem to have consciousness, and they directly hit the sea of ​​leaves and dust, so that Ye Chen has no time to react.

"Is the Dark Sword Soul and the Chaotic Sword Soul of the Sword of the Heart?"

Ye Chenxin has doubts, and he is busy looking inside and looking at the soul sea.

In the sea of ​​souls, the waves are surging, and the five swords and souls echo each other.

The sword spirit is the will of a swordsman, the will is uncapable, others are always others, can not become their own, Ye Chen does not know why the swordsman of the sword of the heart will run into his own soul sea, this is very incredible The sword soul that can't be a sword of the heart can become a sword soul?

The thought flashed over and let Ye Chen’s surprised scene happen. The swordsman of the sword of the heart is still slowly connecting with his soul.

The first is the Dark Sword Soul.

The dark sword spirit of Ye Chen is the late 9th stage. At this moment, the dark sword spirit of the late 9th stage is absorbing the dark sword spirit of the ideal sword saint. After a while, the dark sword spirit of Ye Chen is full, and the dark sword soul of the sword saint is Disappeared.

Followed by the chaotic sword soul, there is no chaotic sword spirit in the sea dust soul, first a trace of chaotic swordsmanship, and then chaotic swordsmanship absorbs the sword meaning of the chaotic sword spirit, gradually forming, turned into a first-order chaotic sword soul, Second, third, fourth...

I don't know how long it has been in the past. In the sea of ​​leaves and dust, there is a fifth soul sword chaos in the sea, and the chaotic sword spirit of the heart of the sword is gone.

"At the same time, there are five great swordsmen, and they are all perfect."

Ye Chen feels like a dream.

"Who is the ideal sword saint? Who am I?"

No matter how determined Ye Chen’s will is, I am lost at the moment.

He can be sure that he and the idealistic Juggernaut have never seen each other, and they have never been involved. On the cause and effect, they can’t talk about the two people. It is impossible to have any cause and effect in this life.

this life?


Suddenly, Ye Chen thought of something. He thought of his soul passing through. Did his soul pass through, causing something to happen?

Above the sky at dusk plains, the true gods can't play, the stars are shining, I don't know if it is an illusion. Some people find that the sky seems to be torn open, followed by a finger, which is a huge python. The big finger is the finger of the true god.

The direction in which the finger is pressed is not the other place, it is the orientation of the kendo.

Ps: There is a final chapter, to be late.