MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1485 Kendo is the only one (the finale)

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"Crazy God, you are shameless!"

An angry drink came from outside the sky.

The demon gods and the sword gods are originally evenly matched. The sword gods are even slightly stronger, but the main **** sword is not there. At the beginning, a **** of the gods is degraded, leading to the gods and gods. Taking this opportunity, I want to get rid of Ye Chen, he feels that Ye Chen has the opportunity to become a true god.

The evil spirit is the true **** in the top of the demon **** system. Even if it is a finger, it is not a half **** can resist it. Even if it is a quasi-god, it will be easily crushed to death, and it is no different from crushing an ant.

The huge fingers are like a thunder, and a blink of an eye falls to the top of the leaf dust. The card rubs, the kendo has a crack, and the kendo law begins to smash. This martial law is not a true god, and it wants to block one. The attack of a true **** is impossible.

The next moment, the law of kendo broke, and the kendo was destroyed.

Seeing the leaf dust and some of the ultimate Juggernaut will be crushed to death, a sword appears endless, against the fingers.

"I said why the Excalibur chose me. It was only passed by my hand and handed over to Qinglian Juggernaut."

This sword is flying from the storage ring of the swordless saint. It is a real sword. It has the power of quasi-god. Before the end of the ultimate war, this sword chose the swordless I was so happy that I was not happy with the sword. I thought that the Excalibur chose him. I didn’t expect him to take the sword from the storage ring anyway. Now, he knows that the Excalibur is not choosing him. I chose Ye Chen, or chose the last person.

"Not holding me soon."

The Excalibur has a spirit, and it is transmitted to Ye Chen.

Although the power of the Excalibur is only a quasi-god level. But it is very tough. The true God can't destroy it with a single blow. Only the Lord God can destroy, the evil spirit is not a full force, and the evil spirit is not the main god, so the Excalibur has completely withstood it, but the subsequent weakness is weak, temporarily holding the finger, does not mean that it can always resist, and quickly transit .


The leaf dust reacted. Quickly hold the Excalibur, a vast and unparalleled power poured into the Excalibur.


The Excalibur broke out with an amazing sword, and it was able to withstand the fingers.

How strong is the dust of Ye Chen at this time, Ye Chen himself does not know, after the integration of the dark and dark swordsmanship and the full chaos of the sword, Ye Chen’s divine power is constantly rising, compared to before, the strength is thousands of times more. Dust has a feeling, his own power. It seems to be stronger than the true God, knowing that he is not the true God.


The evil spirits did not crush the leaf dust. Some were surprised, although he did not use all his strength, just a blow, even the gods did not show, but he is a evil spirit, there are several true gods under the Lord God.


The power of the gods, the fingers of the evil gods pressed, the power can increase madly, the card wipes, the earth under the leaves of the dust collapses, and a trace of fire is produced between the fingers and the sword.

"The top can't stand!"

Ye Chen held the Excalibur in both hands and tried his best to resist the pressure of the finger. However, he still heard the body collapsed and heard the sound of the martial arts gods wear, but the fusion of the five supreme swordsmanship With the attitude of more and more frustration, with the increase of the evil spirits, the power of the gods is more and more pure and more prosperous. If the leaf dust is a volcano, the power of the **** is the magma that will be ejected from the volcano, and the finger of the evil **** is a piece. The boulder blocked the crater and prevented the magma from erupting, but when the magma's eruption force reached a certain level, no one could stop it.

"I don't believe it."

The fingers are put away, the evil spirits hold the fist, and a boxing goes down.

This boxing is a magical skill that contains the divine power of the evil spirits and also contains the laws of the gods of evil spirits.


The plains of the dusk trembled, and the place where the leaves were located was directly sunk, sinking deep into the ground, and looking at it, I didn’t know how deep it was.

In the emptiness of the black scorpion, Ye Chen has been sinking, and the evil spirit's full force hit, as if smashing his consciousness.

It has been sinking and has been drifting.

Time seems to have passed hundreds of millions of years, or eternity.

"who am I?"

The memory fragments flashed and the consciousness of Ye Chen fluctuated.

The fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger, and Ye Chen is struggling to get out of this place, but unfortunately he can't even feel his body.

Finally, Ye Chen remembered who he was. When he remembered who he was, Ye Chen saw his body and saw the vastness of heaven and saw chaos.

In the body, the martial arts gods and the divine power began to merge, the perception of leaf dust, infinite rise, never this moment, he knows the world so much, this chaos, a feeling of controlling the world is full of hearts.

"I am Ye Chen, I am me."

In the darkness of nothingness, a ray of light was born, and this ray of light became more and more prosperous, and finally turned into a huge incomparable sun, emitting eternal light.

"This breath?"

Above the sky at dusk plains, the true gods of the demon gods and the goddess of the gods reveal a suspicious color and look down.

In the deep pit, a dazzling ray of light erupted, and the vast atmosphere made the twilight law of the dusk plains begin to retreat. This is the breath of the true God. No, this is the breath of the true God. This kind of breath, everyone is only in the chaos of God. I only experienced it, but when I compare it in detail, there are still some differences. This breath is full of aggressiveness. It is not as inclusive as the Chaos Lord God, and it is inclusive.

"It is chaotic power, chaotic kendo power."

The goddess of the gods is a surprise, and they can be sure that this is the chaos of the chaos, because it is so similar to the chaos of the chaos god.

Chaos God's chaotic divine power, including immortal will, destruction of will, bright will, dark will and chaotic will, Ye Chen's divine power, contains five kinds of supreme swordsmanship, in terms of attributes, is the same, more aggressive than chaotic **** Chaos power.

Flying from the deep pit, Ye Chen has been flying up and flew to the void in the dusk plain. There is the battlefield of the true God. The half **** cannot fly up, and there is an infinite time and space.

Ye Chen’s body at this moment is extremely large, and the martial arts gods are combined with divine power. Leaf dust broke through the realm of demigod. Formally become the true God. Has a god, and is a chaotic kendo god.

"The Law of God!"

The thoughts in the heart flashed, and the five elements of Ye Chen began to merge, and they merged into the law of God. Only the complementary laws can be merged into the law of God.

"Crazy gods, courtesy, you also pick me up."

Against the evil spirits, Ye Chen is a fist to the past.

The dazzling light flashed. The huge body of the evil spirits was directly evaporated by the majority, leaving a small half to fall down the plain of dusk, and the plain of the dusk was pulled out of a large pit.

"I have to try, how powerful Chaos is."

After all, the demon **** is the main god, and has not been scared by Ye Chen’s combat power. The magical law has expanded, and the demon **** has pounced on Ye Chen.

"Sword tour is too virtual!"

Body chaos swordsmanship, leaf dust greets the devil.

When it sounds.

Leaf dust was hit back.

There is a magical law to protect, and once the dust enters the magical law, it will be greatly reduced. It is because of this that the Lord God cannot kill.

"It turned out to be."

Ye Chenming is clear. I can't kill the devil, but I can seal the demon.

"The kendo is unique."

Taking the chaotic kendo power as the source, Ye Chen condensed the infinite kendo law, and the kendo law that the heart sword sanctified condensed, even one hundred millionth of the leaf dust could not keep up.

The kendo law is a sphere that seals the demon god. As long as the chaotic kendo is not scattered, this seal cannot be lifted. Even if the chaos **** is personally coming, it will not help.

"go with!"

When the palm is pushed, the sphere is banished into chaos.


Seeing that the Lord Gods were sealed, the true gods of the demon gods fled one by one, but unfortunately, they fled faster and faster than Ye Jian’s kendo rules.


One by one, the gods of God are fallen, and the body falls on the plain at dusk.

On this day, the true God who died in the dusk plains was unprecedented. The dusk plain seemed to be the twilight of the true God, full of unknown atmosphere.

"Welcome to the Lord God."

The goddess of the goddess of the gods and the true gods Qi Qi smashed a scorpion to the leaf dust, the sword **** is absent, the leaf dust will be the new main god, and is an unprecedented chaos sword god, the status is not under the chaos main god.

"Sword God went far away, you all return, I want to welcome a guest."

The leaves are faint.

"Then below?"

A true **** points to the battle on the plains of the evening.

"This is also tempering, don't care about them."

The demon gods have no real gods, and the **** war on the plains of the dusk has naturally become a temper, and the true God is high above, and will not manage these trivial things.

Waiting for the true God to leave, Ye Chen looks to the void, "The chaotic Lord God, since it is here, why not show up."

"Chaotic Sword God!"

An old man walks out of the void, it is the main **** of chaos.

Looking at Ye Chen, the chaos master said: "Occasionally, it is inevitable. Since you have become a chaotic sword god, your status is not under me. I hope that you can maintain chaotic order and not destroy it."

Ye Chen’s current strength is unfathomable. Although he can use the ubiquitous chaos law, he can’t restrict the other party. Even the seal can’t do it. The chaos law is not his, it’s chaotic, and the other’s kendo law. It is enough to make the chaotic law retreat, but the scope is not as big as the chaos law.

"You can stop me from becoming a chaotic sword god."

Leaf dust road.

Chaos Lord God shook his head. "In the dusk plain, I can't stop you. The law of the evening is the end of the law of chaos. Once the law of the twilight is contaminated, the Lord God will be unknown. The evil spirits interfere with the war of the dusk plain, and the result is degraded. Although it is faster, But it is a cause and effect."

"It turned out to be."

The leaves are clear, it is no wonder that the dusk plain will become the place of the ultimate war. Here, the true God will not intervene, forcibly intervening, will only bring unknown to himself, the twilight rule is the end of the chaos law, since even the chaos has the end The true God also has a final stage. For the true God, as long as you don’t fall, everything has a chance to make a comeback.

"I can see that you are unwilling to be lonely, maybe I am more concerned."

The Chaos Lord God smiled, the sword **** swayed the chaos, never came back, the chaos sword **** in front of him, I am afraid that he will also embark on this road.

"probably is."

Ye Chen looks at the chaos outside the heavens. At the far end, Ye Chen seems to see something, and seems to have seen nothing.

Chaos Lord God left, Ye Chen reached out and moved, Xu Jing and Murong fell into the city.

"Ye Chen, have you become a chaotic sword god?"

Xu Jing hesitated.

"Not bad."

Ye Chen smiled.

"Then my mother?"

Xu Jing's mother is still in the **** of the Xuanhuang universe. The general true God cannot violate the law of chaos and go to the Xuanhuang universe. Ye Chen is a chaotic sword god.

"What is the problem?"

Ye Chen’s right hand waved, and the kendo law spread indefinitely, and soon spread to the Xuanhuang universe. In hell, the red lotus ghost was pulled out. At first, the red lotus ghost was still confused, but with the passage of time, Honglian At the same time, in the hell, Xu Jing’s father, the Golden Supreme, is now being dragged up by the ghosts, as well as Ye Chen’s parents, and Ye Chen’s younger siblings, disciples, Murong’s Parents, as well as some familiar people, these are dead people. Now Ye Chen is a chaotic sword god, and they are all resurrected.

Resurrection of the demigod below, leaf dust can do it, provided that these people have not left the universe, because only the universe has hell, there is no place for hell, dead is dead, and can no longer be resurrected.


In the void, the law of chaos is shrouded in all directions. It is a violation of the law of chaos to cut off the path of this kendo law and resurrect the dead.


Ye Chen left his hand and waved the law of chaos. Since he chose to resurrect, Ye Chen naturally would not compromise.

"This chaotic sword god?"

Inspired to the movement, the chaos main **** smiled a bit, but fortunately, only a few people were resurrected. If Ye Chen really wants to resurrect a lot of people, the movement will be big, the cause and effect will be big, and he has to intervene.

The dead man has reached the end of his life. Even if he is resurrected, he will die immediately. To this end, Ye Chen uses the chaos of kendo and the law of kendo to open up the space of the Lord God. Within the space of the Lord God, it is not disturbed by the cycle of life and death. Naturally, it doesn't make sense, but if you stay in the space of the Lord God, there is no possibility of progress, because it is isolated from the outside, and once you go out, you will die.

However, for Ye Chen, it is enough. There is no perfect thing in the world, and you can only try to be as perfect as possible.


The war of God has already ended. I don’t know how many years, and the heavens have once again returned to calm.

Above the sky, there are six rounds of the sun, two of which are high above the sun.

There is a stone table in front of it. There is a chess game on the stone table. The black and white chess pieces seem to have spirituality. They move and move away, and the killing can't be opened, and Ye Chen has already traveled too much, and his mind is not on the chess pieces.

After becoming a chaotic sword god, Ye Chen knew the past and present.

The reason why he has the understanding of the heavens is not because of the fusion of the soul, but because the soul crosses the way, and the sword **** has hit a different light into the soul, and is also thrown into a different light in the soul. That is when the ideal sword saint just entered the heavens, what is the different light, Ye Chen is not particularly clear, it should be a strange thing in chaos, this kind of light is originally a copy, divided into two by the sword **** One gave it to one and the other gave it to the ideal sword saint. When the two met, only one person could survive, so everything is the layout of the sword god.

"Sword God, don't know where you are?"

Taking back the mind, Ye Chen got up and left.

In the distance, two children are playing, seeing the leaf dust, flying over.

Ps: Let everyone wait a long time. Before uploading this chapter, it was too sinful and embarrassing. There were a thousand words, and I didn’t know what to say at the moment.

Forget it, finish the testimony during the day.

(To be continued...)