MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 3 Lonely Peak 13 Sword

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Chapter III Lonely Peak 13 Sword

The rapid transit of the past three months.

The sea of ​​clouds outside the cliff is still rolling, on the cliff, the teenager is wearing a standard hard coat, holding a steel sword to move, the sword is shining.

Perhaps it is an illusion, maybe it is the relationship of the environment. The juvenile's swordsmanship reveals that it will be on the verge of extinction. It looks at the small arrogance of the mountains. It stands in front of your eyes, but it seems to be on a lonely peak far away. The distance is a bit vomiting.

In the past, when the twelve swords were in the past, the youngsters looked like electricity and wore the void. The figure suddenly leaped, as if they were smashed from the volcano at the peak. Only the Jianguang flashed, and the opposite boulder was drawn a deep three inches long. Three-foot scary sword marks, clean and ruthless.

When the sword is taken into the sheath, the young man said to himself: "It is no wonder that the elders of the squad want me to choose other swords. It turns out that this singular thirteen sword is not a simple human-level middle-level martial art, which actually contains a profound artistic conception. Beyond the original range."

The young man is Ye Chen. In the past three months, he has completed the cultivation of the Lonely Thirteen Sword with his superb comprehension. However, he recently discovered that the Lonely Peak Thirteen Sword is far from simple and seems to lack some Things, that is to say, the 13th sword of the Lonely Peak is a remnant. The real cheats should have been lost, so the grade has fallen to the middle of the human level.

Fortunately, the person who cultivated it was Ye Chen. After painstaking research, he not only realized the artistic concept that the Liaofeng Thirteen Sword originally had, but also greatly improved the method of luck. I believe that it will take a long time to cultivate its own lonely peak. Thirteen swords.

In addition, because of the three months of not paying attention to the reasons for the cultivation of the world, the internal air of Ye Chen has entered the sixth stage of the practice of the atmosphere, and it is really progressing.

"It's time to go to cheats." Thinking of the rules of the Yunyun sect, Ye Chen did not dare to neglect.

On the way back, Ye Chen’s ears moved slightly. He heard a voice coming from afar. There was a place here, but it was still clear and audible, as if the whole voice was condensed together and broke out instantly.

"It's so powerful, how strong the body can be, and it sounds like a woman." Can't help but be curious, Ye Chen carefully approached the past.

After a few thorny grasses, Ye Chen came behind a huge stone.

Looking over the head, there is a small forest in the eye. There is a wooden house next to the grove. There is a small pool in front of the wooden house. There are a few lotus leaves floating on it, which is very artistic.

On the edge of the grove, a year-old girl who is about sixteen years old, wearing a snow-white dress is practicing boxing, and her mouth is filled with breathtaking sounds.

She is thin and looks like a weak wind, but every punch and every foot is domineering, with a sharp hole.

"It’s Xu Jing’s Xu Jing, is this a forbidden place?”

Seeing each other, Ye Chen finally understood.

In addition to the lords and the inner door elders, Liu Yunzong has his own hills. Others who want to practice martial arts must find suitable places. However, although the Qingfeng Mountain is large, there are limited places for cultivation. Usually, the elders of the outer door and The core disciples will take the lead in occupying the treasures of the feng shui, and list them as forbidden places. If ordinary people want to be hard-pressed, they will not be able to pass them, but they will be scolded for punishment and then severely punished.

Xu Shijie in Ye Chen’s eyes is one of the core disciples of Liu Yunzong. He ranks twenty-three and is cultivated in the middle of the real world. His talent is excellent.

Xu Jing stepped on the footwork, his fists and feet came and went, his tongue covered his teeth, his abdomen was lucky, and he even sipped his voice to increase his boxing power.

After several consecutive punches, Xu Jing's momentum accumulated to the peak, only to see her whole person leaping volley, shot like electricity, such as tiger and leopard culling, a fist in the bucket of thick trees.


An astonishing scene took place, Xu Jing’s palms burst into a dazzling golden light, and then converged to the essence, destroying the raging three trees in a row, and screaming.

It’s really out! Ye dust eyes picked up.

When practicing the martial arts to convert the internal gas into the true gas, it means officially stepping into the condensed reality. In addition to the great increase in combat power, the qi can also be separated from the body and wounded.

"Not yet." Xu Jing had already noticed the arrival of Ye Chen. At this time, his eyes were sharp and he was staring at the location where Ye Chen was.

The leaf dust swallowed the swallow, and the body appeared.

"You are a foreign disciple."


"Why do you peek at me and practice boxing?"

"Your voice is too far away. Come and see if you are curious."

Xu Jing carefully looked at Ye Chen. The attitude of the other party was not too humble, which made her curious. She wanted to know that she would be replaced by other foreign disciples. She was usually stuttering in front of her, and she could not speak, and he spoke in a reasonable way. , people can not give birth to disgust.

I didn't plan to find Ye Chen trouble, Xu Jing said faintly: "Let's go! Don't come next time."


Leaving this place, Ye Chen spit out a breath.

Although Xu Jing’s attitude is calm, the kind of wind and rain is so amazing that he is willing to bet that even if he encounters the core disciples ranked in front of her, there will be no such pressure. It seems that the ranking of the core disciples this year will change.

Suddenly, Ye Chen smiled.

If you change to the past, I can't say a word in front of Xu Jing, but now I can calmly answer, this should be the reason for the growth of the soul.

However, the most attention to the attention of Ye Chen is Xu Jing's character. It is really indifferent and uncomfortable. It is difficult for ordinary people to get close. Plus the martial arts that is overbearing, it is not impressive.

Come to Wuji Pavilion.

The elders of the sergeant looked up and recognized the leaf dust at a glance, which means profoundly: "How, the Lonely Peak 13 sword should not be practiced! Now choose other swordsmanship to get it."

Ye Chen smiled lightly. "No, I am still a cheat."

"Okay, register here."

After signing the name, Ye Chen turned and left.

Upon seeing it, the elders of the sergeant said strangely: "There are two months to be in the woods. Do you not continue to work hard?"

Murenxiang is a traditional trial project of Liuyunzong. It is open once every six months. Participants are generally foreign disciples. If they can squat in the past, they will show that they have high practical ability. If they can’t, they will continue to work hard. Remember the leaf dust six months ago. Just three times of breathing, he was vomiting blood, and it was the laughing stock of everyone.

"I think the 13th sword of the Lonely Peak should be enough to cope with the trial." Ye Chen thought that he could raise the internal gas to the sixth stage of the training atmosphere in two months. Even if he could not enter the top ten, the ranking would not be too Later, of course, he has not gone through actual combat, and it is not clear where his strength is.

The elders of the squad nodded subconsciously, followed by stunned. "You mean, you practiced the 13th sword of the Lonely Peak. How is it possible?"

"more or less!"

If the other party knows that he has not only practiced the 13th sword of the Lonely Peak, but also realized the artistic conception and the deeper way of luck, I don’t know what to think!

Do not want to expose too much, Ye Chen stepped out.

Waiting for the other party to leave, the elders of the squad still can't believe that the Lonely Thirteen Sword is a ruin. He is clear. This sword is the third sect of the sect of Yunyun, and the grade is up to the top of the human level, but I don't know what. The reason, the real book was lost for no reason, leaving only a handwritten copy of the residual.

Despite this, the Lonely Peak 13 sword is still difficult to cultivate. After all, its foundation is to reach the top level of the human level, and it is a foreign disciple who can understand.

"Now the foreign disciples are too exaggerated." The elders of the squad shook their heads and apparently did not believe in the words of Ye Chen.

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