MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 151 growing president

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Lu Xian took Jing Pearl's shoulder: "Ms. Pearl, the wedding plan you invited is very good. You have ideas, opinions and action."

Jing Zhenzhu: "..." seems to be comforted a little.

The planner wore a goatee, and at first glance, he was quite manly, but after this series of operations, everyone at the scene had a layer of goose bumps.

The goatee male planner gave Fu Qiyu a shy smile: "Darling, you can start performing, people will cheer for you, ah ah~"

Fu Qiyu closed his eyes and shook his head.

As a professional idol, Fu Qiyu quickly entered the state, his fingertips danced on the piano, and his voice was magnetic and ethereal.

Jing You held Jiang Shengyan's waist with one hand, and shook the other hand with the other.

Jing You danced at his feet, and put his lips to Jiang Shengyan's ear: "I think the piano music you play is the best."

"Why is your mouth so sweet now?" Jiang Sheng said.

Jing You: "Because I ate honey in the morning."

Jiang Shengyan raised his eyebrows: "What honey?"

Jing You: "It's in your mouth."

Jiang Shengyan wrinkled his nose at Jingyou, and said angrily, "You are a little villain now!"

"Don't you like it?" Jing You said, "But when I see you now, love words will automatically form in my mind."

Jiang Shengyan curled her lips, a smile overflowing her face.

The two talents danced two eight beats, and the voice of the goatee plan sounded again: "Very good, press this tomorrow, let's go to the next link."

Goatee plan to toss the people who participated in the session at double speed, and the audience here yawned when there were not many people watching, one by one.

Ying Jian covered her mouth, her eyes filled with tears from yawning.

"Little beauty, isn't it boring, why don't we chat for a while?" The female assistant in the cap came over again.

Ying Jian whispered: "Why are you here?"

She already knew that this was the person from the detective agency that Jingyou was looking for, but she didn't know what the other party's intention was this time.

Female assistant in peaked cap: "Earning part-time jobs and earning extra money! It is difficult for modern women to have a refined life. If you don't earn a little money, you can't use lady-level skin care products, and you can't make big bubbles in beauty spas. Nor can you buy luxury shoes and bags.”


Ying Jian said coldly, "I will definitely settle the account of the lip print you left on my face."

The female assistant in the cap replied generously: "It's a big deal, let you keep one on my face."

As he spoke, he pointed to his face.

Ying Jian just wanted to let her go, but after thinking about it, he gave her a coquettish smile.

"I'm really bored right now, you can try to see if you have the charm to make me fall in love with you before the rehearsal is over."

The female assistant hooked her lips: "You won't like me."

Ying Jian sneered: "You are quite self-aware."

Female assistant: "You will love me."

Ying Jian cast a contemptuous look: "You are quite confident."

"Because confident women are the most beautiful." The female assistant put one hand on Ying Jian's right shoulder and her chin on Ying Jian's left shoulder, "If you want to quickly gain a love, you must start with intimate contact If you want to conquer a person's heart, you must first conquer her body."

Ying Jian said lightly: "That will disappoint you, but I don't feel it at all."

The female assistant's hand on Ying Jian's shoulder slowly moved down, down her arm to her waist.

"It's my fault. If you want to conquer a person's body, you must take enough medicine. I'm curious, where do you feel when I meet you?"

"Is it here?" The female assistant held Ying Jian's slim waist with both hands.

Ying Jian wanted to use her elbow to directly stab the chin of the man behind her, but she didn't want to admit it like that, so she held her ground first.

"Still here?" The female assistant's hand was very dishonest.


The back of the hand of the female assistant in the peaked cap was slapped hard and immediately turned red.

"Sorry, I can't control the hands of the hero." Lu Xian's voice did not fluctuate, like an emotionless artificial intelligence.

The female assistant rubbed her hand: "I don't see that we are flirting, is it mutual love?"

Lu Xian shook his head: "I only see you being a jerk."

Ying Jian's heart is out of order.

Is Lu Xian jealous? Even if you're not jealous, you should be protecting yourself, right?

The female assistant leaned forward and said with her lips straight to Ying Jian's ear: "Miss Ying, you say, we are your love and I am right."

Ying Jian said: "It's not yet to the point where you love me, but if you behave well, it's not that you can't consider it."

After speaking, pay close attention to Lu Xian's expression.

Unfortunately... Lu Xian didn't show any expression.

"Then you wait a moment before continuing. I will send blessings to Xiao Jingyou as a friend later. I have process questions to ask her." Lu Xian directly grabbed the female assistant's vest pocket and dragged him Walk.

Ying Jian looked at the back of the two people, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she couldn't guess what Lu Xian's attitude was.

Lu Xian dragged the female assistant to a corner with a gloomy expression: "Do you want to see the sun in Huangquan?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" The female assistant was surprised.

Lu Xian: "Don't try to deceive the simple little sister's feelings."

Female assistant: "When did I cheat on my feelings? Can you see if I'm tempted?"

Lu Xian: "You are short and slender. People with such a face are full of peach blossoms. When you see one loves the other, when you get tired of playing, throw it away. Isn't this cheating?"


Female assistant: "Miss, feudal superstition is not acceptable, please get out of the way quickly, so as not to affect my work."

Lu Xian bent two fingers, pointed to his own eyes, and turned his fingertips towards the other side.

"I'll be watching you," she said.

"Nervous disease!" The female assistant gave Lu Xian a roll of eyes, held the brim of her hat, and returned to the rehearsal scene.

Ying Jian came over and said casually: "What did you say to that person? She seems very angry."

Lu Xian: "I helped her to see her face, she was probably too sad."

Ying Jian: "I don't know if you can read your face?"

Lu Xian: "It is an interesting knowledge to learn from the heart."

Ying Jian: "Then help me see what I look like."

Lu Xian patted Ying Jian's face: "The face of a lonely old age."

After all, it is necessary to bypass Yingjian and move forward.

How could Ying Jian immediately lift one foot and stumble in front of her as she wished.

Lu Xian almost fell into a dog and chewed shit.

"What are you doing?" Lu Xian frowned, "How many times have I told you to respect the elders."

Ying Jian snorted coldly: "You curse me to die alone, can't I vent?"

Lu Xian raised her index finger and waved: "I didn't curse you, you asked me to help you see."

Ying Jian took a step forward: "Why am I dying alone? As long as I don't hang on a tree like you that doesn't bloom, I won't die alone! There are many people who like me, For example, the lady in the vest just now!"

Lu Xian snorted: "I am your elder, and it is my responsibility to prevent you from going astray."

"What's wrong? I'm going to fall in love? Do you think I'll tolerate you being unreasonable?" Ying Jian raised her chin, "I've given up on you, what you're saying now is I'm nothing here like a fart."

Lu Xian: "How rude."

Ying Jian: "How about I'm rude? Can you control it?"

Lu Xian spreads his hands: "Then I don't care."

Ying Jian hated Lu Xian so much that he didn't take anything seriously, so on impulse, he took a bite on Lu Xian's mouth.

"Hi~" Lu Xian gasped in pain.

Lu Xian took out a tissue and wiped the blood from his mouth, then stretched out a thumb: "I know how to bite at the softest place, you are great."

Ying Jian was so angry that his brain was deprived of oxygen, he turned his head and left.

Lu Xian Nunuzui: "I don't apologize if I bite someone, I bleed a lot!"

Ying Jian now feels like he has become a puffer fish.

As soon as Ying Jian returned to the crowd, the female assistant came over again.

"Little beauty, you think I'm better." The female assistant smiled and raised her eyebrows.

Ying Jian smiled back: "You haven't made me fall in love with you."

"It must be the lack of physical contact." The female assistant used her index finger to lift Ying Jian's chin, posing for a kiss.

Ying Jian's muscles were stiff and his eyes were slanted towards Lu Xian.

If he sees himself entangled with others, will that mad **** react?

Lu Xian grabbed the collar of Ying Jian's neck and pulled it back.

The female assistant gave her a kiss.

"What are you doing in public?" Lu Xian asked.

Female assistant: "I'm flirting, can't you see it?"

Lu Xian: "Indecent."

Female assistant: "Auntie, in the 21st century, are you living in the Jurassic era? No, the species at that time should be very unrestrained."

Lu Xian: "Let me correct you, there was no one in the Jurassic era."

Female assistant: "Who cares?"

The two of you were happy with each other, but I didn't find that everyone's eyes were focused on them.

The female assistant in the cap immediately walked up to the planner and asked, "Master, what do I need to do?"

The goatee planner looked at Fu Qiyu, took an orchid finger, pointed to the past: "Go and fan the little handsome guy, you can see that he is sweating so hot."

"..." The audience was silent.

Fu Qiyu heard more sweat on his forehead.

"No, no." Fu Qiyu waved his hand, "My part is over, just sit here by yourself."

Female assistant: "Master, he said no."

Goatee: "If he says no, then he won't? Men don't want to say it, but their body is very honest!"

Saying so, she twisted her hips intentionally or unintentionally.

Fu Qiyu moved back silently: "I really don't need it."

Goatee: "Since he doesn't need it, then you can stand on the side and study. Take a good look at how Master holds the audience."

The female assistant clenched her fists with both hands, folded her elbows up to ninety degrees, and made a cheering gesture: "You are the best!"

Jing Zhenzhu silently took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the marriage planning company to curse.

Lu Xian supported Jing Zhenzhu's shoulders and said with a smile, "Are you tired, Ms. Pearl? I'll kill a chicken for you."

Jing Zhenzhu thought for a while, "Alright." Put the phone back and sat on a chair far away from the scene.

Under the urging coordination of the goatee, the rehearsal task originally scheduled to be completed in two hours took only one hour.

Ying Jian entered the role of secretary, folded his hands in front of him, and smiled: "Thank you for taking the time to participate in the rehearsal, do you have time to have a meal together at noon?"

"Sorry, I already have an appointment." Host Yin spoke first.

"I have something to do, I'm sorry." Fu Qiyu bowed politely.

Several other guests also declined, otherwise it would be embarrassing to have dinner alone with the family.

So after the rehearsal, the group went directly to the Jingzhai for lunch.

At the dinner table, Jing Zhenzhu explained: "The original wedding planner broke his arm and was inconvenient to move, so he sent another planner today. It was not like this before."

Jing You: "The new plan is good and the efficiency is very high."

Jing Zhenzhu: "I think you think it's easy!"

In the words of today's young people, today's rehearsal is clearly paddling.

"I'm in a good mood today, I don't want to argue with grandma." Jing You said, and put a piece of sweet and sour steak in Jiang Shengyan's bowl.

Jing Zhenzhu stared straight at the meat in Jiang Shengyan's bowl, full of jealousy: "Isn't grandma worthy of eating your meat?"

Jing You glanced at her grandma and put a piece in her bowl.

"Why is my piece so small?" Jing Zhenzhu insisted.

Jing You: "Grandma is getting older, so she eats more vegetables and less meat."

Jing Zhenzhu: "You think I'm old, so let me not waste meat?"

Jing You: "It's obviously for your health."

Jing Zhenzhu: "You just don't want me to waste meat, so I can keep it for my daughter-in-law!"

Jing You: "Does grandma want to make trouble again?"

Others are used to such scenes, they should eat and drink.

However, thinking that their daughter will be engaged tomorrow, the faces of the Jiang family can't hide their smiles. There is nothing that makes them happier than seeing their daughter happy.

When the grandfather and grandson of the Jing family stopped, Dad Jiang asked his daughter, "Is your rehearsal today the whole content of tomorrow?"

Jiang Shengyan nodded.

Dad Jiang cleared his throat: "Is there no link between the parents of both parties? For example, Dad will appear on stage holding the bride's hand, or give a touching speech?"

Jiang Shengyan: "What Dad said was when we got married."

Mother Jiang laughed and laughed: "No wonder you were in a low mood at the scene. It turned out that it was because you were not allowed to appear. It's not ashamed to be so old!"

"Don't talk nonsense! When did I feel down! I'll ask in advance, otherwise I'm not prepared to be embarrassed when I suddenly play." Daddy Jiang's expression is serious, but he looks a little bit Want to cover up.

Jiang Shengyan said with a smile: "If Dad wants to make a speech, he can add a special link for you."

Dad Jiang shook his head with a sullen face: "I don't want trouble, there is no best."

Mother Jiang asked suddenly, "There should be a lot of pretty girls tomorrow, right?"

Jing You nodded: "There are many young friends of grandma, and she used to find a group of little girls to surround her."

Jing Zhenzhu's eyebrows twitched, "Why do I like to find a group of little girls around me? I have a reason for that!"

Jing You: "If you don't like it, what else could be the reason?"

Jing Zhenzhu gritted her teeth: "Why don't you know why?"

Jing You shook his head: "It's just that grandma likes it."

Jing Zhenzhu took a deep breath and gave a "kind" smile: "Sheng Yan has been serving as a secretary to Xiao You for so many years, and you don't have time to win a Nobel Prize, right?"

Jiang Shengyan was suddenly called, stunned, and shook his head subconsciously.

Jing Zhenzhu: "Why do I remember that Xiaoyou said that he was going to marry someone who won the Nobel Prize?"

Jing You did not show weakness: "People's way of thinking must be changed according to the situation, otherwise they will be eliminated."

"That's right." Jing Zhenzhu raised her eyelids lightly, "Then my way of thinking should also change, your fiancee is still out of town, and you can't serve my old man. Still in no hurry to get engaged."

Jingyou frowned: "Grandma is threatening me?"

"Look, does this child look like this? He actually said that my own grandmother threatened her!" Jing Zhenzhu looked at the Jiang family, "You are from a scholarly family, how can you have such a daughter-in-law? Woolen cloth?"


Is this what a grandma should say? !

Jing You changed his face in a second, and said, "I'm very well-behaved."

Jing Zhenzhu was so shocked that she almost couldn't retract her chin shell.

Jiang Shengyan pinched Jing You's face and said to Jing Pearl: "Grandma don't bother with Xiao You, she just needs to clean up."

A mist of grievance rose in Jing You's eyes.

Jiang Shengyan quickly touched Jing You's head and coaxed: "It's not easy for grandma to raise you, let's let her go."

Jing You: "It's not easy to raise me? You think I'm difficult too, don't you?"

Jiang Shengyan: "I'll peel a shrimp for you."

Jing You: "I don't eat shrimp, I want to hear your explanation."

Ying Jian sat and looked at the scene in front of her with admiration.

When will I be able to step into the marriage hall hand in hand with the person I love?

Ying Jian glanced at Lu Xian, who was staring intently at a crab leg, not knowing what he was doing.

Ying Jian sighed, not to mention the marriage hall, now there is not even a love bubble.

Lu Xian heard the sigh next to her, and turned her head: "Why is the little sister sighing? It's not good to be young and not energetic."

Ying Jian said impatiently: "Eat your food!"

Lu Xian: "It's not good for you to disrespect your elders like this."

Ying Jian: "Then I can only say one word to you."

Lu Xian raised her eyebrows to signal the other party to continue.

Lu Xian lost her expression on her face, unbelievable.

After a long while, Lu Xian shook her head and said, "How did you become such a rebellious child? I didn't teach you well."

"You can't stop eating!" Ying Jian grabbed a piece of shortbread and stuffed it into Lu Xian's mouth.

Too full.

Lu Xian's eyes widened.

Lu Xian was standing in front of a red car in a thin white coat, "Little sister, as a neighbor, you should take me back."

"Why should I take you back?" Ying Jian crossed his arms and leaned against the door, "You can either ask Mr. Jing to send you a driver or go back by yourself, it has nothing to do with me. "

Lu Xian: "It's not good to ask the host to take me home after eating at someone else's house."

Ying Jian: "Is it okay to let someone who has been hurt by you send you home?"

Lu Xian thought for a while: "It's a big deal to give you money for gas."

"Lu Xian, you are a big bastard!" Ying Jian clenched her fist and hit Lu Xian on the shoulder.

Lu Xian's thin body swayed, as if it would break at any time.

Ying Jian was reluctant to fight again, and withdrew her hand, bowed her head and said, "Why do you have to take my car?"

Lu Xian answered quickly: "Let's drop by."

"Then what if we don't follow the road?" Ying Jian grabbed Lu Xian's waist and pushed the person to the car door, "I don't want to go home now, you let me do what I don't want to do Do you have to pay something?"

Lu Xian: "Are you talking about tongue twisters?"

Ying Jian approached: "You kiss me once, and I'll take you back."

Lu Xian shook his head: "This sacrifice is a bit big, I'd better find Xiao Jingyou."

Ying Jian held down the person who wanted to run away: "Why did you disturb me and others today?"

Lu Xian: "What good thing do you have today? Do you think scolding me is a good thing?"

Ying Jian: "I'm talking about the engagement scene. It's a good thing that I met Peach Blossom."

Lu Xian: "I'm protecting you, that person is covered in rotten peach blossoms at first sight, which is unlucky."

Ying Jian: "Do you think I will believe this nonsense?"

Lu Xian asked: "Then why else, tell me?"

Ying Jian raised her eyebrows: "For example, you like me."

Lu Fian thought for a moment, and said, "If you like someone, your heart beats faster, right? No matter how bad it is, there will always be an animal's primitive impulse."

Ying Jian was stumped by this question. Every time he saw Lu Xian, his heart seemed to beat faster, and indeed... he would be a little impulsive.

Lu Xian grabbed Ying Jian's hand and put it to her heart, "You can feel it yourself."

"I don't think I like you very much." Lu Xian said, "The heartbeat can testify."

Ying Jian grabbed Lu Xian's collar and pulled it towards herself.

The lips collided.

Lu Xian's pupils opened slightly, Xu was frightened and froze in place.

Ying Jian rushed into his teeth and hooked the little guy inside.

There was a hint of confusion in Lu Xian's eyes, she didn't resist, didn't cater, like a stone without thought.

Ying Jian was so fascinated by such a wonderful touch, she couldn't help but close her eyes, and the kiss deepened.

But after working hard for a long time, the person in front of me still has no response.

Ying Jian was slapped on the face, hot and burning.

She quietly retreated, the corners of her lips curved up: "I feel it, you really don't like me."

Lu Xian did not speak.

She was confused.

Ying Jian turned Lu Xian aside, lowered her eyes and said, "Get in the car, I'll take you home, Sister Lu Xian."

Lu Xian's heart was suddenly pricked by a needle, the pain traveled down the nerves to the head, and even the scalp was a little painful.

Lu Xian rubbed her head: "It would be nice to let me get in the car early, the wind blows me a little headache."

Ying Jian's voice sank: "If you want to go home alive, be quiet."

Lu Xian was so frightened that she shut her mouth and got into the car obediently.

Ying Jian glanced at Lu Xian from the corner of his eye, there was no redness on his face, and his breathing didn't change at all, maybe he really didn't feel it.

I used to convince myself that Lu Xian's indifference was abstinence and sullenness. But now, it doesn't seem to be able to deceive.

Perhaps, the other party treats herself as a naughty little sister from beginning to end, and wants to wait until she is tired of giving up.

Fu Qiyu sat in the nanny car and looked at the phone fascinatedly.

The agent glanced out of the corner of the eye, and the artist was watching the video. The two women in the video looked quite old.

The agent was relieved, and when he turned his head and saw Fu Qiyu's expression, he thought it was a relationship.

On the screen, is Horch's previous talk shows.

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