MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 152 growing president

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"It's so cold outside, what are you doing standing here?" Jiang Shengyan took a furry blanket and draped it over Jing You.

Jing You pointed to the sky, "Jiang Shengyan, you see the stars are very bright today."

In the dark blue night sky, the stars are like fine silver sand spread on the canvas, forming a beautiful sand painting.

Some of them converge into a galaxy, some are tightly clustered into clusters of light, and some have a moon with a luster of cold jade.


Jing You stood on the edge of the glass fence of the viewing balcony, holding the handrail, like a beautiful scenery in the sand painting.

Jiang Shengyan wrapped around Jing You's waist from behind, and asked, "The stars are good-looking or am I good-looking?"

Jing You tilted his head back, resting his head on Jiang Shengyan's shoulder.

"You are not in the same category, there is no way to compare."

Jiang Shengyan: "You mean I'm not as good-looking as the stars."

Jing You: "I didn't say that."

Jiang Shengyan: "Then why don't you want to say I'm good-looking?"

Jing You sighed: "Sheng Yan is getting more and more childish, I really can't help you."

Jiang Shengyan took a bite of the soft meat on Jing You's neck, "You are acting like an adult now, so you look like a rebellious child in adolescence."

Jing You suddenly turned around and put his arms around Jiang Shengyan's neck.

"In fact, the engagement ceremony is a pre-marriage procedure, and it is not important."

Jiang Shengyan raised his eyebrows: "You didn't say that a few days ago."

Jing You: "Haven't you heard that saying? A woman's heart is needled at the bottom of the sea."

Jiang Shengyan chuckled: "I have heard this saying, but I have never heard of myself."

Jing You leaned over and kissed Jiang Shengyan's lips twice in a row, with a smile: "I still look forward to our wedding."

Jiang Sheng couldn't help but take a step forward, holding the fence with both hands, and kissing the seductive lips in front of him.

Jing You pushed Jiang Shengyan into the room, and after a while, the two returned to the warm bedroom with coolness.

Double slumped into the queen bed.

"Jiang Shengyan, can you let me score today?" Jing You kissed Jiang Shengyan's chin with a soft voice.

Jiang Shengyan was embarrassed to respond directly, and shook his head awkwardly.

There was a trace of disappointment in Jing You's eyes, and he whispered: "Then you must give me a score on our wedding day."

Hearing the word "wedding", Jiang Shengyan snorted.

Is it necessary to make an appointment that long?

Jiang Shengyan was about to say directly: "If you persist, I will let you score!"

But Jiang Shengyan couldn't hold back his face and said that he was duplicitous just now, so he can do it now.

Jing You put ten fingers through Jiang Shengyan's fingers, and the warm and delicate fingers intertwined and snuggled together tightly.

"Jiang Shengyan, I love you." Jing You rarely said those three words himself.

Two eyes full of peach blossoms stared at the person in front of them intently, and there was nothing else in them.

Jiang Shengyan raised his head and kissed, twice.

The lights in the room were turned off, leaving only a small night light by the bed that was dimly lit.

Jing You had already fallen asleep, she was exhausted.

Jiang Shengyan was not at all sleepy. Although she is not as excited as Jing You, but her excitement is no less than Jing You.

Why are you so lucky to be honest with your loved one for a few months, and to formally sign a lifetime marriage contract with the person you love?

Jiang Shengyan still remembers the feeling of fear, confusion and panic when he realized that he had an abnormal possessiveness towards Xiaoyou more than two years ago.

She once hesitated and doubted whether she liked Xiaoyou, or just because she put too much energy into Xiaoyou, and regarded that possessiveness as a love.

She had hoped it was the latter.

But liking is liking, no matter how much I deny it, I can't restrain my more and more restless heart.

Jiang Shengyan couldn't help but think back to when Jingyou had been attracting peach blossoms.

The first time I helped Xiaoyou break the peach blossom, it seems that Xiaoyou was 15 years old.

At that time, Jiang Shengyan had just graduated and officially entered Jingteng to work.

Before joining the job, Jiang Shengyan was temporarily called by Jing You to be a nanny for a period of time on the grounds that he needed a life assistant because of the heavy research tasks.

From then on, she found that Jing You was developing more and more in the direction of a giant baby. She couldn't wear clothes, and she couldn't eat food. .

One day, a beautiful black-haired girl came to Jing's house to deliver an experiment report to Jing You, and stayed for lunch.

That beautiful senior is Jing You, two years older than Jiang Shengyan.

At the dinner table, Jiang Shengyan found that when the black-haired girl looked at Jing You, her eyes were full of doting, and she spoke softly and very gently.

A woman's sixth sense came into play immediately, and Jiang Shengyan felt the black-haired senior sister's mind immediately.

But Jing You obviously didn't have that kind of radar. When the senior sister discussed the experiment with her, she even laughed at others.

What's even more annoying is that the astronomical observation room that never let anyone in is lent to that senior to see the stars.

How did that senior give up?

Jiang Shengyan remembered that the black-haired senior sister wrote a poem to Jing You, and the text was sour.

Jing You couldn't understand, so she ran to ask her.

"You also say that you are a genius brain, you can't understand this kind of poetry, can't you see if your sister likes you?" 22-year-old Jiang Shengyan is also a little girl, and her heart is full of evil fire There is nowhere to vent, and the attitude of talking to children is cold and thorny.

Jing You also added fuel to the fire and said, "I also like her very much. She has a great mind and speaks softly."

Jiang Shengyan said angrily: "She likes you, you like her, it's best for the two of you to get married now!"

Jing You asked, "Why do you want to get married?"

Jiang Shengyan: "It's quite romantic to marry your first love, isn't it?"

Jing You scratched his head and did not understand.

Jiang Shengyan got even more angry when he saw Jingyou's unresponsiveness, and warned: "Children are not allowed to fall in love early, otherwise I will ignore you again!"

Jing You blinked blankly: "But I don't have a puppy love."

Jiang Shengyan said with a cold face: "It's not okay for others to love you, you will keep your distance from those who like you in the future."

Jing You nodded in understanding.

She obviously didn't know where she had provoked Jiang Shengyan, so she took the sour poem and walked away aggrieved.

Jiang Shengyan was sulking for a while.

But later, that senior never really came back home.

What a bad line like "If you fall in love early, I'll ignore you again"...Are you speechless when you were young?

I can say this, and say it with confidence.

Jiang Shengyan wanted to cut out this memory, it was too shameful.

Jiang Shengyan unexpectedly found that she seemed to have become more and more gentle since then, as if she was against that senior.

"Sister Fairy, I will protect you...Sister Fairy..."

Jing You whispered in his sleep.

Jiang Shengyan hugged Jing You from behind and tightened her arms little by little.

Scenes of the past reel in my mind like film reels.

The first time I officially met Jing You, I was 18 years old and the little guy was 11 years old.

At that time, Jing You was like a little adult. He always kept his face straight, seldom smiled, and made some rude requests, such as asking him to take her temperature every three or five times, obviously everything was normal , but insisted that she was not feeling well, and let herself watch her fall asleep before leaving.

Actually, I just want to spend more time with her.

Jiang Shengyan closed his eyes, buried his face in Jingyou's neck, and felt the temperature there.

The memory continues to trace back.

Later, Xiaoyou graduated from undergraduate, master, and doctoral degrees early, and entered Jingteng before the age of 18. Every major decision was bold and correct.

In such a life that others see as hanging, Xiaoyou's efforts are actually several times that of ordinary people.

I haven't slept in a single sleep in more than ten years, and my schedule is dense from morning to night. Although I am still a child, I always have to face the pressure of the board of directors. Keep those old guys in the mouth.

Does Xiaoyou really like this kind of life?

Jiang Shengyan doesn't know.

Because she didn't know, Jiang Shengyan felt distressed and moved whenever she thought of what Jing You had done for herself.

In the past, I always thought that Xiaoyou was a child who did not grow up, but in retrospect, Xiaoyou never stopped running, and always tried her best to become stronger.

So much so that others forget that she is only 21 years old, the age when many college students have just graduated and entered the society.

Jiang Shengyan whispered softly in Jingyou's ear: "Sister wants you to grow up slowly, be a child forever, and always let your elder sister spoil you."

In fact, those days when she seemed to be "tortured" by Jing You, she was happy.

Early morning.

The light golden light spilled into the bedroom, and the light patterns on the floor were reflected very clearly.

The two people on the bed woke up early tomorrow, but neither of them wanted to get up.

"Jiang Shengyan, I don't want to get up, let's lie down until night." Jing You hummed like a difficult child.

Jiang Shengyan: "I want to hear you call me sister."

Jing You: "You always want to take advantage of me."

Jiang Shengyan: "I've been calling for so many years, why not now?"

Jing You: "I used to be my sister, but now I am my wife."

Jiang Shengyan's face instantly burned.

"How many times have I said, we are not married yet." She said stubbornly.

Jing You: "I've said it many times, getting married or not is just a procedure. Anyway, I want to call your name."

Jiang Shengyan hooked his lips: "You don't think you can turn over like this?"

Jing You: "Turn over what?"

Jiang Shengyan whispered a few words to Jing You's ear.

Jing You frowned: "I'm still a child, why do you think about me so much. It turns out that you think about these things every day in your heart."

! !

Jiang Shengyan wanted to bite this little **** to death.

Jiang Shengyan closed her eyes and said she didn't want to talk to her.

Jing You quickly kissed Jiang Shengyan's nose.

Jiang Shengyan didn't open his eyes.

Jing You kissed Jiang Shengyan's ear again.

Jiang Shengyan still didn't open his eyes.

Jing You bit Jiang Shengyan's mouth this time.

Jiang Shengyan squinted his eyes and said, "Are you a dog?"

Jing You raised his eyebrows lightly: "I'm a little wolf dog."

Jiang Shengyan asked: "What is the allusion to the little wolf dog?"

Jing You: "Mr. Jiang has no time to watch TV dramas every day. The little wolf dog is a dog who specially eats and wipes his sister."

Jiang Sheng said sullenly: "Children's words are not allowed to contain oil and gas!"

The original pure and pure little white flower now flirts with people when she opens her mouth, and she needs to educate her when she has time!

Jing You tilted her head, her peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, showing her feminine charm.

"Don't you know if I'm a child? Do you think I'm so charming?"

"Why are you so annoying today?" Jiang Shengyan's voice softened a little.

It's a shame to be hooked by a little brat.

Jing You's hand caressed Jiang Shengyan's side cheek, his eyes filled with unprecedented tenderness: "I want to be with you forever, to be the best lover, to love me all my life, Love me more and more."

a few times.

"Jiang Shengyan, you are so beautiful, I will never get tired of seeing you all my life." The love in Jing You's eyes overflowed, and the eyelashes trembled, like the thin wings of a cicada fluttering in the wind.

Jiang Shengyan always felt that Jingyou today was very different from before, and took the initiative too much.

"Good morning, Auntie." When Lu Xian went out, he happened to meet the neighbor who was going to the engagement site.

"Xiao Lu looks so good today!" Ying's mother said in amazement.

Lu Xian wore a formal suit today, with a black V-neck thin shirt inside, sharp edges and corners of the collarbone, and a white trench coat on the outside. Anyone who sees it can't bear to look away.

Ying Jian's eyes stopped on Lu Xian for only a second, then moved away and greeted politely, "Sister Lu Xian good morning."

"Good morning, little sister." Lu Xian raised her hand to touch Ying Jian's head, but was avoided by the other party.

"Mom, let's go." Ying Jian walked towards the elevator first.

Lu Xian retracted his hand angrily and put it in his pocket.

Lu Xian shook her head: "I perspire when I wear it more, which is the most comfortable."

Ying mother asked: "Then how did you get there?"

Lu Xian: "Take a taxi."

Mother Ying: "What kind of car are you taking? I happened to be leaving with us. You didn't say it earlier, but luckily we ran into it when we went out."

Lu Xian was not polite and said, "Trouble auntie."

Yingjian turned his head in front, and said in a cold voice, "I'm the one driving."

Mother Ying said with a smile: "Little Lu, don't pay attention to that girl, she's been eating dynamite these days, maybe the work pressure is too much."

Ying Jian glanced at Lu Xian and didn't speak.

Lu Xian smiled and shook her head: "I won't care about children."

Today was not a chance encounter at all. Lu Xian had been standing at the door with her ears pricked for a long time. She heard the door on the opposite side rattle, and deliberately opened it and came out to rub the car.

Driving on the road, Ying mother sat in the co-pilot, Ying Jane was holding the steering wheel, and her eyes always drifted to the rearview mirror involuntarily.

The white figure in the mirror is like a flower on a cliff, growing in the cliff, beautiful and not to be desecrated.

"Watch the road, watch the road!" Mother Ying anxiously reminded.

Ying Jian hurriedly turned the steering wheel to avoid hitting the daoya.

Mother Ying didn't dare to make the driver angry now, so she could only say in a soft voice: "Be careful when driving, and be careful to drive for thousands of years."

Ying Jian joked: "When an accident occurs, I will definitely turn the steering wheel towards myself and hit me first."

Ying mother groaned: "What nonsense are you talking about! Hurry up blah blah blah!"

Ying Jian stuck out her tongue: "Don't be so superstitious."

Lu Xian in the back row said, "Children want to listen to their mother, hurry up blah blah blah."


When these words came out of Lu Xian's mouth, they always felt extremely strange.

Ying Jian ignored the two older passengers and continued to drive her own car.

Lu Xian did not insist, closed her eyes and leaned her head against the window.

Ying Jian couldn't help but look up at the face in the rearview mirror, but after a long memory, after just one glance, she turned her eyes out of the car again, always paying attention to the surrounding road conditions.

Dragon Water Mansion.

In the circular space, the crystal pendants are clearly layered to form a curtain wall.

A few chasing lights came down, and on a round stage, the quartet played the soft "Canon" tune.

The guests entered the venue wearing luxurious dresses one after another. In addition to the lights, there were also walking diamonds shining on the scene.

An engagement banquet is not like a wedding where most people are held at noon.

This time, it is like a cocktail party. It officially starts at 5:20 in the afternoon. After that, guests can invite dance and drink happily.

"Mr. Lu, long time no see."

"Mr. Han, stay safe."


"Mr. Mu, your daughter is getting more and more beautiful."

"Hahaha, Mr. Li's boy is so big, he is a talent like you!"

"Are you interested in being a family with me?"


Before the engagement ceremony, the guests on site did not waste time. They shuttled back and forth in the staggered venue, greeting acquaintances and meeting new people. They were no less busy than the protagonist.

5:00 PM.

The lights are all off.

There was a brief disturbance in the crowd.

The violin played, and a white chase light lit up above the wooden stairs.

Two figures, one red and one black, appeared at the end of the stairs.

Jing You is wearing a long red satin dress with a cheongsam and a high fork on one side, combining fashion and national style.

Jiang Shengyan wears a low-key black like in countless dinners. But this time, it was grand and flamboyant, with a pearl crown on his head, a shell flower on his shoulders, and a fishtail arc on the skirt.

Like a mermaid floating ashore, today is her coronation ceremony.

—Since then, she has been crowned as the queen who will hold Jing You for the rest of her life.

The lights reflected on the faces of the two, and every detail was infinitely magnified.

Jing You's face is only the size of a palm, her chin is full and slightly raised, her eyebrows and eyes are deep and affectionate, her eyelashes are curled, the bridge of her nose is high, and her red lips are like red flames.

Jiang Shengyan's face is soft and contoured, his eyebrows and eyes are warm and beautiful, his eyelashes are thick and long, the tip of his nose is slightly curved, and his red lips are like fairy fruit.

The two figures are so beautiful that they seem to emerge from the painting, and the stairs are the way out of the painting.

All the guests at the venue held their breath, without exception.

Jing You raised his hand, palm up.

Jiang Shengyan put his hand up and held Jing You's hand.

Jingyou Bone and Flesh stopped with red ribbons on his ankles, walking down the first step, the red high heels fell on the silver carpet, like a red flower blooming in the snow .

"I once thought, why do people waste time on dating? There are obviously many more challenging things to do, right? But there is one person who let me know, Falling in love is also a difficult thing, even with a smart brain, it may be a mess."

Jing You looked ahead and said while walking.

That unqualified fiancée wants to get a few extra points every day, from 0 to 60, from 60 to 100."

Jiang Shengyan looked sideways at Jing You, his eyes flashing.

Jing You continued: "Once a sister told me that no woman would refuse sweet words and the ceremony of declaring to the world that she is very happy, no matter how strong a woman looks, there will be a soft and romantic heart in her heart. In one corner, because women are all made of the water of Tianchi, they are born to yearn for beauty and holiness.”

That is what Jiang Shengyan said casually before, and Jing You remembers every sentence.

Jiang Shengyan used a lot of strength to hold back her tears, otherwise the makeup would have been spent.

"I used to think that what my sister said was wrong, because I never thought of that, I just want to do my own thing quietly." Jing You clenched Jiang Shengyan's hand and bent out a Laughs, "But I've changed my mind now, I want everyone to know more than my sister who said these words, we're in love. Someone like me who always messes up in love has the best fiancee in the world, I want to hold Hold her hand, love her and protect her for the rest of your life, and don't let anyone take her away."

Jing You raised the hands of the two and showed the rings on their hands, "Such an excellent person belongs to me, no one can covet." Domineering and somewhat childish.

Jiang Shengyan's best friend Lin Ying was standing in the best guest seat. At this time, it was raining with pear blossoms.

Lin Ying came with her little puppy, and said to herself as she gasped: "As expected of a close friend, they all have the same preferences."

When the little milk dog boyfriend heard this, he subconsciously covered his key parts and felt uneasy.

Lin Ying said age, but her boyfriend thought it was gender.

Best friends can harvest happiness, Lin Ying is probably the happiest person besides Jiang Shengyan's parents. She has always felt sorry for Jiang Shengyan, she is such a good person, but she always encounters bad things.

Fortunately, there are people who have discerning eyes.

In the eyes of Lin Ying's best friend, Jing You is not the president of a big group, but a little girl who only sees Jiang Shengyan. I felt that way since the first time we met, and it still is.

Out of courtesy, Jiang Shengyan symbolically sent invitations to former classmates, and many people came.

She didn't know, those were all "invited" by Secretary Qi under Jing You's instruction.

Although Jiang Shengyan didn't mention the matter of junior high school, but Jing You's heart was blocked, she wanted to let those people see that Jiang Shengyan was the pearl in the sky, the pearl in her hand.

Other students are placed farther away.

Those classmates who ridiculed or pitied Jiang Shengyan, are now deeply aware that the person on the ladder is something they can't reach.

The memory of my classmates is distant and vague, like a vague dream.

If I had shown more kindness to Jiang Shengyan at that time, would life be any different now? Will it be possible to become close friends with the president of the top group?

No one knows, and they never have the chance to know.

Jing You and Jiang Shengyan stepped down the last floor of the stairs, the piano sound seamlessly connected, and the clear singing flowed.

Jing You hugged Jiang Shengyan's waist and danced to the music, graceful and graceful.

Smile at a camera while spinning.

What is dumping sentient beings.

This laugh deserves the word.

The engagement ceremony was broadcast live on the web, and many young netizens sat at home and watched it.

One of the audience is the heir of Huo's Medical Group - Huo Xi.

She received an invitation, but did not attend.

Fu Qiyu sat in front of the piano, fingertips nimble, closed his eyes and immersed in the music.

At the end of the first song, he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were dark and unclear.

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