MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 153 growing president

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Tonight's host is holding a headset and holding a card, as if he is hosting a show.

Host Yin said with a smile: "The couple who just danced together are as graceful as phoenixes and phoenixes. Reminds me of what a young man said on the Internet, 'I'm too embarrassed to hold a wedding without any talent now. '."

Jing You and Jiang Shengyan joined hands and bowed slightly to express their gratitude to today's guests.

Every gesture exudes elegance and dignity.

"It is said that Miss Jing and Miss Jiang have known each other for ten years. You must have had many unforgettable experiences between you. I wonder if you can share one or two with you?" Host Yin threw out question.

"There are indeed many unforgettable experiences." Jiang Sheng said with frowning eyes, "Everyone knows that I have always been the secretary of Mr. Jing before, and one of my jobs is to help Mr. Jing keep the peach blossoms out." Looking at Jing Jing You, "Mr. Jing, you are so charming, do you know that?"

Jing You's face was serious: "No need to block in the future, everyone knows that I am yours."

Host Yin: "Sprinkling dog food at a disagreement will cause public anger. What do you say? 'Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree.' Isn't it? My middle-aged aunt is also quite up to date with the trend of the times!"

The guests were amused.

Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother secretly wiped away tears, and in the blink of an eye, the little girl with the big slap was so charming, standing in the middle of the crowd like a queen, parents are really full of thoughts Haunting, mixed feelings.

Jing Zhenzhu suddenly showed a relieved smile, the granddaughter who had been irritating since childhood has really grown up.

Like her mother, don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

But in the smile, she couldn't help but worry and forbear.

Fu Qiyu completed his task of playing and singing, and just about to get up, he showed a look at the **** of plague.

Fu Qiyu had a shit-eating expression on his face.

Goatee plan took a deep breath and moved her nose: "Ah, fresh hormones!"

"Get up!" Fu Qiyu's voice was low, and he was completely different from the cute and well-behaved image in front of the public.

"You are so fierce to others!"

Goatee plan to beat each other's chest with small fists.


Fu Qiyu's face was completely black, and there was a cold feeling between his eyebrows.

"It turns out that you are like this in private." The goatee plan duduzui, "It all means that there are two faces of the stars before and after. I don't believe it, but it seems to be true now. Really blind!"

"If you don't harass me, I won't be angry." Fu Qiyu changed his expression in a second, with a bright smile, "Be good and don't talk nonsense."

"Can the handsome guy have a drink with me?" The goatee planner hooked Fu Qiyu's collar with his hand, "People like yours!"

Fu Qiyu stood up abruptly, the man leaning on his lap fell to the ground, the cup took off his hand, and two glass splashes were thrown.

"I'm a star, what should I do if someone can secretly take pictures?" Fu Qiyu put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the person sitting on the ground, "If you know the face, stay away from me, don't pick the wrong person."

The goatee plan has two legs side to side, one hand on the ground, and the posture is enchanting.

To Fu Qiyu's eyes, she bit her hand and shivered.

Fu Qiyu put out a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth and turned to leave.

At this time, the female assistant came over and said, "Master, you are so showy!"

The goatee planner gave the assistant a blank look and stretched out a hand: "Quickly pull people up."

The female assistant hugged her arms and shook a few times: "If you do this again, I'll have to apply for a work-related injury."

The goatee plan wriggled up from the ground, with two hands on his sides, one foot stomped on the ground, "Humph!" to the assistant, and walked away.

The female assistant's teeth trembled, turned her face away, and caught a familiar figure not far away.

"Miss interesting." The female assistant, Chong Yingjian, brushed her hair, her eyes discharged.

Ying Jian said indifferently: "Don't give me a nickname, I don't like it."

"You are so sad!" The female assistant poked Ying Jian's shoulder with her fingertips, "I can't possibly be your food?"

Ying Jian: "Popular languages ​​have been updated many times, so what's not good is really dirty."

The female assistant squinted her eyes: "Little sister is young and has a good temper."

Ying Jian said coldly, "Don't call me little sister."

Even if she wanted to give up, she couldn't forget every word Lu Xian said.

Especially when I just witnessed the happiness of Jing You and Jiang Shengyan, my heart was surging even more intensely.

She also wanted, really wanted, to be able to hug the person she dreamed of.

The female assistant was about to speak, when she tightened her neck and was dragged away from Ying Jian.

At this time, what Ying Jian saw was Lu Xian walking from the crowd, holding the person in front of him and walking away.

It was like a gust of wind blowing, leaving no trace.

The door to a guest room upstairs was locked from the inside.

"Hey! Dude! Do you want to strangle me?" The female assistant coughed violently and gave Lu Xian an elbow.

Lu Xian quickly dodged and threw the person in his hand out.

"I told you, don't molest little sister." Lu Xian frowned, very unhappy.


Lu Xian took out a scalpel from his pocket and made a gesture on the neck of the woman opposite: "Where do you think I will start cutting and the blood will be less?"

"How did you pass the security check like this?" The female assistant shook her head, "There is something wrong with the security work attitude this year!"

Lu Xian said impatiently: "Be quiet, the noise is giving me a headache."

The female assistant made a "cut" and sat down to the side, took out her mobile phone and played a fight with the landlord.

The next room.

Jing You dragged Jiang Shengyan into the room, locked the door with her backhand, and pushed the person behind the door.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shengyan held Jing You's face and saw strong desire in the other's eyes.

Jing You replied bluntly: "You are so beautiful, I want to get close to you."

Jiang Shengyan leaned into Jingyou's ear and threatened, "You don't want to wait to go out to meet people in a wrinkled dress, right?"

Playfully draw a red mark on it with lip lipstick.

"Xiaoyou, you are very different today." Jiang Shengyan moved his hands down, clasping Jingyou's waist, and anxiety appeared in his eyes.

Jing You hooked Jiang Shengyan's neck, "I didn't mean to make you angry, you have to forgive me like before, okay?"

Jiang Shengyan didn't have time to open his mouth to speak, but his lips were blocked by a forceful kiss, and he lost consciousness in the next second.

A man in a black dress came out of the room on the second floor, his hair half covering his face, so he couldn't see the real face.

In an instant, the lights are all off.

From the rest room on the second floor to the venue on the first floor, it was pitch black.

Jing You stopped in place with cold hands and feet. When the eyes can't see anything, the other senses become especially sensitive.

Jing You heard the rustling footsteps approaching slowly, and there was a faint scent of men's perfume in the air, pine wood, which she had smelled on a person.

Immediately afterwards, there was a severe tingling pain in the neck, and the smell of **** came from the tip of the nose.

The guests at the venue on the first floor thought that some repertoire was about to appear, and there was not much panic.

But two full minutes passed, and still no lights came on.

Some of the guests couldn't hold back and started calling for the waiter.

The lights came back on before the crowd rioted.

The staff explained that there was something wrong with the circuit just now, and it has now been repaired.

In the venue, there was another scene of wearing fragrant temples and changing cups.

At the main entrance of the mansion, a man who looked like a makeup artist pulled a large suitcase out and greeted the security guard at the door with a smile.

"Awake?" Lu Xian sat beside the bed, playing with a lizard-like animal in his hand.

Jiang Shengyan rubbed his head, unable to remember how he fell asleep.

"Is there any discomfort?" Lu Xian asked again.

Jiang Sheng suddenly remembered something, got up suddenly, looked around, and said nervously, "Where's Xiaoyou?"

Lu Xian put the "little pet" in his pocket and answered frankly: "Wait for someone to rescue."

Jiang Shengyan's head exploded, and the echoes of "buzz" were endless.

"You are playing tricks, right?" Jiang Shengyan said with hope, "It must be Xiaoyou who wants me to have an unforgettable engagement ceremony. Where did she hide?"

Lu Xian raised his wrist and looked at the time, and said, "Let's go, let's go to Horch."

"Where is Xiaoyou?!" Jiang Shengyan couldn't control his emotions, his eyes were red.

Let a normal person suddenly accept that the fiancée who was just in front of her needs someone to rescue, and anyone will suddenly collapse. Jiang Shengyan has tried his best to restrain it.

Lu Xian said lightly: "Probably got caught and performed a horrific experiment."

Jiang Shengyan lost the gentleness of the past, got up and grabbed Lu Xian's collar: "Tell me clearly, where did she go, why do you need to watch it when you know this, you are not hers Friends?!"

Lu Xian grabbed Jiang Shengyan's wrist and said calmly, "Calm down, this kind of emotionality won't save her."

Jiang Shengyan's chest heaved and his breath was low: "How can I be calm, how can I be calm! She is more important than my life, how can I be calm!"

Her voice grew hoarse and almost lost her voice.

Jiang Shengyan bit her index finger and knuckles, forcing herself to calm down, she knew that Lu Xian was right, she couldn't do anything at all.

Xiaoyou is very different these two days from before, she clearly found out.

But she never thought that Xiaoyou would be in danger.

Lu Xian murmured: "This is the reaction of a normal person, fear, panic, hysteria."

Jiang Shengyan grabbed Lu Xian's arm: "You know where Xiaoyou is, right? You know what she wants to do."

Lu Xian shook his head: "I don't know, maybe someone knows."

Jiang Shengyan thought of what the other party said just now that he was going to find Huo Xi, so he grabbed Lu Xian's sleeve and walked out quickly.

"We'll talk more on the way."

Jiang Shengyan couldn't think of the intersection between Huo Xi and Jing You, let alone why Jing You knew there was danger and didn't run away, that child obviously cherished his life the most.

After getting in the car, Lu Xian asked, "Does Sheng Yan know that people have many masks?"

Jiang Shengyan asked in turn, "What do you need me to do?"

"Under Sheng Yan's gentle and simple appearance, there is actually a femme fatale." Lu Xian raised her eyebrows, "Jing You's wealth is a wealth that many people can't get for a few lifetimes, Jing You The kind of self-righteous person who doesn't know the right and wrong of human relationships, you marry her, don't you want her to be a person? Now there is just one person to help you get rid of this obstacle, what do you think? "

Jiang Sheng understood and said, "Should I thank Miss Huo for helping me get everything from Jingyou?"

Lu Xian: "I like to chat with a clever little ghost like Sheng Yan."

Jiang Shengyan stared at Lu Xian for a moment: "Why did I change my clothes?"

Lu Xian immediately waved his hand to clarify: "I didn't take advantage of you, I didn't do it."

Jiang Shengyan recalled whether anything unusual happened to him during this time, only Miss Huo asked her to discuss cooperation, and Xiaoyou kept herself away from her.

Jiang Shengyan's eyes were sharp: "Why did Xiaoyou change my clothes and go? Because it was me who was in danger, right?"

Lu Xian did not deny it.

Lu Xian rationally analyzed: "If it was her, Horch might have a look, so that we would have a chance to find out where people were taken. This is the best solution."

Jiang Shengyan's brain was in chaos, even if she tried hard to make the parts in her head perform their duties, she couldn't do it.

The car was silent for a long time.

"Why did Horch do this?" Jiang Shengyan asked.

Lu Xian said softly: "Probably because she's a pervert, or maybe she just can't see others, who knows?"

Jiang Shengyan grabbed Lu Xian's wrist and forced a smile: "Xiaoyou is most afraid of danger, you must be fully prepared, right?"

Lu Xian smiled back: "Don't worry, you are well prepared."

Jiang Shengyan couldn't tell whether what Lu Xian said was true or not, so she could only pray in her heart that what she said was true.

On the way, Lu Xian said a lot, but Jiang Shengyan was unable to respond.

Horsch received a call from a visitor in the security room, glanced at the surveillance screen at the door, and frowned.

Jiang Shengyan was in the security room downstairs of his house.

She shouldn't be here.

Horch asked the security to let him up.

The door opened, and Jiang Shengyan's heel stepped on the industrial-style hard stone floor inside, making a "da-da-da" percussion.

Before she came, she had changed into neat clothes, and also wore a pair of high-heeled red high-heeled shoes, domineering.

"It's so late, how did Mr. Jiang find his home?" Huo Xi smiled, gentle and kind.

Jiang Shengyan hooked her lips: "Of course I came to thank Miss Huo."

"How do you say this?" Huo Xi shook his head regretfully, "Didn't President Jiang refuse to cooperate in the end?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Of course I want to thank Miss Huo for helping me get rid of the biggest stumbling block on the road to success."

Horch: "Although it's rude to say this, but I don't quite understand what Mr. Jiang is talking about."

Jiang Shengyan: "I am the fiancée that Jing You loves to the core. Jing You disappeared, and everything in the Jing family is not in my pocket."

Horch: "I remember that today is like the engagement ceremony of the two of you. Why do you say such things when you are engaged? It's not good for others to hear."

Jiang Shengyan approached slowly, and the heels of his feet made a "tap" and "tap" sound.

"Do you know that when people do bad things, the pleasure is not the moment they do bad things, but the moment they show off to their opponents after doing bad things." Jiang Shengyan raised red lips, "That's the moment A moment of great satisfaction.”

"Oh? It sounds like Jiang always has something to share." Horch's expression did not change.

Jiang Shengyan raised her feet, walked around Horch, and settled in front of her, leaning forward.

"Ms. Huo has sent someone to monitor me for a long time? From the time I go out to the company every day, and then from the company, I know exactly where I went."

Huo Xi laughed: "Mr. Jiang's imagination is too rich, I really want to study your psychology, maybe there will be academic discoveries."

Jiang Shengyan continued: "The two women on the overpass who spoke ill of us, Fu Qiyu's accidental appearance, were all calculated by you. Based on your understanding of Jingyou, it is predicted that Jingyou will give It's not difficult for those two to get off the horse. Even if Jing You doesn't do that, Fu Qiyu will still find a chance to get an invitation to our engagement banquet later, won't he?"

Horch said: "I think I should call the police now."

"I know you want to get rid of me, from the first time I saw you. You are also interested in Jingyou." Jiang Shengyan shrugged, "But Jingyou She loves me so much, how could she allow others to do harm to me? My fiancée is willing to die for me, and it would be too impersonal for me to stop her."

Huo Xi clapped a few times: "Mr. Jiang is indeed a film and television actor, and has a strong ability to write stories. This story is very interesting."

Jiang Shengyan put one hand behind Huo Xi's neck, and suddenly approached: "If these achievements can only be known by myself and no one will share, I will suffocate. I guess you must be very annoyed now. , you should find a more reliable person to do this, even people can make mistakes, do you think he did it on purpose?"

There was no change of expression on Huo Xi's face, but he couldn't help but wonder if Fu Qiyu betrayed her. Or, Fu Qiyu and Jiang Shengyan reached an agreement and wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Jing You.

No, no, this is Jiang Shengyan's trick, she wants to catch her own flaws.

Jiang Shengyan grabbed Huo Xi's wrist, his fingertips stroked up along the pulse, and stopped at the forearm near the joint.

"Fu Qiyu has a red mole here. It's small and cute. Guess what story he told me?"

This sentence is a big gamble.

Lu Xian didn't know if Fu Qiyu had the same red spot as her.

If you bet wrong…

…You can only change to PlanB.

Hoshi smiled politely: "Mr. Jiang, I don't know why you came to my house to say some strange things at night, but I'm going to bed, please leave."

Jiang Shengyan was not in a hurry at all, walked to the bar in the living room and sat down: "Miss Huo, am I lucky enough to drink the coffee you made?"

Horsch walked over and said, "If you drink coffee so late, you won't be able to fall asleep. If a woman wants to look beautiful forever, no amount of skin care products can compare to ensuring enough sleep."

Jiang Shengyan put one hand on his chin and looked at Huo Xi carefully: "Miss Huo's skin is really good, she doesn't look like a 40-year-old at all, no wonder Qi Yu only has you in his heart. I still I like him very much, but unfortunately he is ignorant."

Jiang Shengyan's lips curled up, "You said that if Jing Zhenzhu knew that her precious granddaughter was killed by Fu Qiyu, what would happen to Fu Qiyu? He is a star, and things are a bit difficult to handle, but It doesn't matter to me."

Huo Xi chuckled: "Mr. Jiang may have forgotten what I do. Your pediatric acting skills will be laughed at in the film and television circle."

Jiang Shengyan's eyes were innocent: "I didn't understand what I said just now, and now I say I'm acting with you, Miss Huo is revealing!"

Huo Xi bent a smile: "Since Jiang always wants to drink the coffee I made, then I will be ugly."

Jiang Shengyan's hand hidden behind the bar clenched his fist tightly, and the first knuckle turned blue and purple.

But she couldn't let Horch see any anxiety.

This is not filming, she has no chance to do it all over again.

Horsch grinds powder, adjusts the scale, boils water, filters...

Two cups of coffee are in, ten minutes later.

Jiang Shengyan picked up the delicate bone china cup on the table, "I don't know much about coffee, I only know that the water temperature is very important." He raised his eyes, "Miss Huo, is that true?"

Horsch replied: "Not only is the temperature of the water at the moment it comes out of the pot important, but the timing of drinking it also cannot be ignored. A few seconds later, the original aroma change may be lost, and only the The sour taste."

Jiang Shengyan took the coffee cup in her hand and shook it gently, "Aren't you just sour?" she said.

Huo Xi smiled and shook his head: "I just said that there is a generation gap with you young people. In my impression, I am not familiar with President Jiang. You come to visit so late at night and say some strange things, I really Pretty scary."

Jiang Sheng said indifferently: "Then let's talk about your fiance without a generation gap."

Horch's eyes flashed a trace of restlessness, and he put away his smile: "My fiancé passed away unexpectedly more than ten years ago, we have a deep relationship, I don't want to bring up this topic."

, "It's because he's doing prohibited experiments and doesn't deserve to wear that white coat."

Horch growled: "You are not allowed to insult him! You disrespect the deceased, and I don't need to respect you, please leave my house."

Jiang Shengyan stared straight into Horch's eyes and said aggressively: "The deceased? Is he really dead? I think Miss Huo's acting skills are perfect. Oscar owes you a golden statue."

"But it's disappointing that you're only going to deceive ignorant people with such a low-level method. I'm a little regretful to show you off, it's boring. I'd better finish my coffee and go home Go to sleep and get some good sleep." Jiang Sheng spoke in a hurry, as if he didn't want to waste any more time.

She drank the half-cold coffee in the cup, her facial features wrinkled, "It's sour and unpleasant to drink." The nails glowed a little under the light, and it could be seen from the length that at least It was a manicure done ten days ago.

Huo Xi saw the nails on Jiang Shengyan's hand, his eyes moved slightly, the anger on his face dissipated instantly, and he put on a calm expression: "I seem to appreciate you a little."

Jiang Shengyan put down the cup, got up and left.

Jiang Shengyan got into the car, his tense nerves immediately loosened, and the whole person began to tremble.

The entire performance just now was a gamble.

What I have to do now is to wait quietly for Horch to reveal his flaws.

As Horch often says, people are creatures easily dominated by emotions.

Hoshi seems to have many masks, but it is true that she shows interest in Jing You.

Jiang Shengyan had a lot of foreshadowing ahead, causing Horch to fall into constant doubts and swings. In fact, what played a decisive role was the nails that ordinary people would ignore.

On the way, the female assistant in the cap gave her special fake nails.

A careful person like Huo Xi would never have thought that if Jiang Shengyan really treasured Jing You, she would never have wronged her like that in bed.

It is also in the face of a person like Horch who is suspicious and can analyze all the details, such details are very important.

Some time ago, Mr. Jia, a private detective hired by Jingyou, found that someone was following Jiang Shengyan, so he followed him for a long time, and finally found Fu Qiyu's head.

The coquettish goatee planner at the engagement banquet was Detective Jia, making it impossible to guess whether it was because of his acting skills, or because his original nature was suppressed for so long that he caught the opportunity to act in his true colors.

Detective Jia stuck to Fu Qiyu several times and found that he had a tattoo of "HX" letters on his body. He also secretly gave him medicine, so that he succeeded in hiding from the sky, so that he didn't realize that he took the wrong person out.

Many of Jiang Sheng's swear words just now were speculations, but judging from Horch's reaction, he probably guessed right.

Fu Qiyu's feelings for Horch are very different.

As for why Huo Xi wanted to attack Jiang Shengyan, she had to wait for her to say it herself.

And the reason why Jingyou must go with the flow is also because the hidden danger is Horch, a person who is friendly and perfect among all people is thousands of times more terrifying than a person who seems to be sullen.

In the eyes of the public, she is an intellectual and generous psychologist; in the eyes of colleagues, she is a gentle and patient confidant; in the eyes of some people, she is an obsessive muse.

If Lu Xian hadn't been persistently digging three feet in the ground and found out that Horch had had a marriage contract with a gene experiment fanatic, he wouldn't have found Horch like a terrible iceberg. There is no danger, but there is a huge danger hidden under the calm sea, and if you hit it, you will be shattered.

There is danger lurking around Jiang Shengyan, Jingyou will not pray to the **** of luck to let the ship avoid the iceberg.

She will only fill the sea and keep that iceberg buried forever.

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