MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 153 ·?

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Shen Guo's voice just fell, Huazhi sat up straight, she and Jing Huai looked at each other and grabbed Jing Huai's hand.

Jing Huai held her with his backhand and looked at each other. The two instantly knew what the other was thinking.

Huazhi's mind was like fireworks exploded, she looked at Shen Guo's face in the bracelet, and the strange feeling she had always felt finally found the reason.

Shen Guo knew everything, and he also knew that once they said it in public, they would die, but he specially **** Huang Long and a few people and asked Zeng Yu to ask them in public. In this way, he can't ask anything, and can show his uprightness.

On the day of the interrogation, Gu Su was upstairs watching. As long as Gu Su wanted to, he could shoot an arrow at Shen Guo, but he didn't either. If Gu Su didn't agree with this matter, how could Shen Guo say these things out today.

There are also those photos, Huanglong's bracelet, Little Gray Rabbit, has been checked, and there are no such photos at all. Huang Long also said that before entering, all the bracelets will be confiscated. Those photos were indeed taken by the bracelet, but they were definitely not taken from a hidden angle.

Their purpose is to encircle them!

Jing Huai's eyes also darkened, Shen Guo put this matter on the bright side, and told everyone that there was a zombie emperor there, then there will only be one solution to this matter The result - the power users collectively went to kill the zombie.

The elimination of high-level zombies can only be done as soon as possible.

Qi Chaoyang also realized this, and the hearts of the three sank.

The surrounding researchers also heatedly discussed, "How many people do you need to send to kill such a powerful zombie emperor?"

"Tier six, I've only heard of one power user who has reached the rank six level in the whole country."

"Why on earth would Huanglong help Zhou to do such a thing?!"

Some people on the Internet are indignant, some people are angry, and some people are extremely pessimistic because of the appearance of this zombie emperor. All kinds of remarks drifted out like snowflakes, and there were more remarks that human beings would eventually be wiped out.

Huazhi accurately captured those words and asked the little gray rabbit, "Can you block those words and prevent them from finding out?"

Little Gray Rabbit nodded and set up a temporary block word for the Internet. This kind of speech soon began to limit traffic, and then disappeared on the Internet without a sound.

Jing Huai turned to look at the officer, "Get ready to leave."

Everyone was still discussing fiercely, but they didn't respond. At this moment, when I heard Jing Huai say to leave, I was a little confused, "Are we leaving now?"

Qi Chaoyang stood up, "Go, go back immediately." He must report this matter to the base quickly.

The officer commanded the soldiers to act without saying a word.

Everyone packed up early in the morning. They were going to leave yesterday, but now they say they want to leave immediately, which is also very fast. In half an hour, they can go out.

During the period, Qi Chaoyang kept looking at the photos, feeling inexplicably irritable, his hand kept sliding on the bracelet, "Is that zombie emperor really that high level? We can really Kill it?"

After his power level has increased, his sense of danger is also better. Unexpectedly, just looking at the photos can make him feel full of danger and bipolar.

Huazhi looked at Qi Chaoyang in surprise, as if something was wrong with him. Although he usually looks out of tune, he is quite resistant when encountering things. It is the first time that Huazhi has seen him so anxious.

Xing Huai also noticed something was wrong, he patted Qi Chaoyang on the shoulder, "Don't look at it."

The cold voice like spring water rang in Qi Chaoyang's ears, instantly taking away a lot of manic depression. Qi Chaoyang was refreshing, and the mood that was so irritable just now improved immediately. After that feeling disappeared, Qi Chaoyang's eyes flashed with confusion.

He looked at the scenery Huai, frowned slightly, "Just now something was wrong."

Qi Chaoyang recalled, "It started from looking at those photos." He immediately turned over what he was looking at and handed it to Jing Huai to see.

Huazhi also leaned over, "Is there anything on it?" Huazhi looked at it for a long time, and only thought that these photos were ordinary photos. Although the picture was a little depressing, there was nothing special about it.

As the officer was passing by, Qi Chaoyang pulled him over, "Look at these photos."

The officer looked at it, looked up at the three, Qi Chaoyang looked at him expectantly, "How are you feeling now?"

The officer thought about it, "How should I feel?"

"These photos are only useful for those with abilities above Tier 3." On the photos, there are extremely weak abilities.

Fragmented information is inherently distracting. The things covered on it will penetrate into people's brains little by little, which can easily make people feel irritable and pessimistic.

Jing Huai looked at the flowers and asked her in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Can you replace these photos?"

Huazhi asked the little gray rabbit and nodded.

Not all pictures have this kind of thing on it, only the pictures on the official account of Wei'an Base have this effect. Jing Huai directly crushed the ability originally covered on it, and passed the photo to Huazhi.

"Change this."

Little Gray Rabbit also realized the seriousness of the photo, and immediately replaced it as soon as it received it.

] Anyway, the photos given to it by Jinghuai can be used, and they will be discovered by it as soon as they change it, and it will just change it back immediately.

Flower Branch rubbed it and praised it.

Xiang Huai looked at the photo that was replaced almost immediately, his black eyes moved slightly, "Okay, let's go."

Qi Chaoyang heard what he said and felt that the matter should be resolved, "Then can we still see these photos?"

Huazhi nodded, "Don't worry, it won't be affected in the future."

Their car is parked in a fixed place, the Wei'an base is still closed these days, although Shen Guo gave them a pass yesterday, but when their car was about to go out, they still received blocked.

"Are you going out now?"

"This is the pass." The officer showed them the pass, and the gatekeeper looked at them suspiciously, then looked at the car, "We have to check it first."

The officer nodded, jumped out of the car, and opened the door.

There was nothing else in the car besides them. But the gatekeeper was extremely slow and looked absent-minded.

Didling like this for a long time, Qi Chaoyang saw that they were not in the car, he deliberately asked impatiently, "Is it alright?"


Qi Chaoyang looked at them, "It's almost done, with your work efficiency, you won't be able to check until tomorrow. Why are there so many things in your Wei'an base, you are bombing the house again, Catch the power user and feed the zombies, if we don’t leave, we will have to explain our lives here.”

"And we're going out, not coming in, we've been inside for almost a month, what's there to check!" Qi Chaoyang's impatience seemed to be unable to hold back, and he even Puff puff lit up the flames.

The coercion of the high-level ability user exuded, and finally, Zhou Cheng rushed over with someone.

Shen Guo's prestige in the base is increasing day by day, and there is no one who can compete with him in Wei'an base. Zhou Cheng, as Shen Guo's second-in-command, is also under one person and more than ten thousand people at the base.

The gatekeeper saw Zhou Cheng coming, his eyes lit up immediately, he nodded and greeted him.

In the winter, Zhou Cheng had sweat on his forehead, "Are you going now?"

Huazhi nodded, "We've been here too long, it's time to go back."

Zhou Cheng looked at them sincerely, "You should also watch today's live broadcast, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"Brother Shen wants to assemble a group of supernatural powers to kill the zombie emperor together. The two are so powerful. Brother Shen hopes they can stay and kill those zombies with us. !"

Qi Chaoyang glanced at Zhou Cheng and raised his eyebrows, "How sure are you that you can kill that zombie? Do you know how many zombies are there? It's amazing, what will you do when you die?"

His series of questions successfully made Zhou Cheng stunned, but Zhou Cheng quickly reacted, "The specific data still needs to be investigated, but if you let that zombie continue to grow, in the future The situation for mankind is bound to be much more difficult.”

For zombies, there is nothing more delicious than fresh human flesh. Even those who have black energy in their bodies that can't be seen normally can't resist the temptation of fresh flesh, let alone zombies.

Huazhi looked at him, "When are you going to strangle that zombie?"

Zhou Cheng said sternly: "These all take time to prepare, within two weeks at the latest, we will definitely prepare the weapons and assemble the abilities to set off together. Brother Shen is already working with the major bases. contacted the person in charge.”

Flower Branch: "Then we'll meet again when we go back."

Zhou Cheng hurriedly said: "You two might as well stay at the Wei'an base first, and then set off with us. If you two are worried about them, we can arrange for someone to **** them back."

Qi Chaoyang wondered, "You don't want them to go back with us?"

Zhou Cheng smiled and said directly: "Then I will tell the truth, this time the corpse emperor is very important, the strength of the corpse emperor cannot be predicted, the two are outstanding, if you can join us If we go, we can feel more at ease with you by our side."

"If the two of you are not willing to let them, you can also let them stay with you, and we will definitely entertain you."

This is interesting, Qi Chaoyang rested his chin on the car window, "You mean that if the two of them don't stay, we won't be able to leave today, right?"

Zhou Cheng shook his head quickly, "No, no, it's mainly because Big Brother Shen is recovering from his injury, and he is the backbone of our base. We are really worried about him."

"Weian base revealed the truth this time, which is equivalent to putting itself at the forefront of the storm. No one knows whether those zombies will suddenly take revenge, and whether the base has similar Huanglong's people exist, and our strength is too poor, if there are two people, we can feel more at ease."

Shen Guo really doesn't seem to want them to leave.

Huazhi and Jinghuai glanced at each other, "But we have already agreed with Dawning Base, we have to go to Dawning Base first."


"Okay, okay, our base is not dangerous, doesn't the person in charge of our base need someone to take care of it?" Qi Chaoyang looked at Zhou Cheng, "Because our people saved your person in charge, You are going to keep people, you know that for our base, it is a kind of revenge?"

"Zhou Cheng, let them go!" Shen Guo strode over.

As soon as he appeared, the people around were shocked. Zhou Cheng watched Shen Guo come over and quickly walked over, "Brother Shen—"

"They are our guests and Xu Lao's right-hand man. Since they are ready to leave, you can't stop people for me."

"It was my fault." Zhou Cheng immediately admitted his mistake.

"I know you are doing it for my own good, but I am very grateful that they can save me." Shen Guo walked in front of Huazhi and Jing Huai, "I am here to see you off."

Shen Guo's eyes moved back and forth on them twice, he stepped forward and stretched out his right hand towards Jing Huai.

Jing Huai looked at his outstretched hand and shook hands with Qi Chaoyang in disbelief.

Sensing what he wanted to sense, the smile on Shen Guo's face suddenly became more sincere.

"Thank you very much during this time. If you want to come to Wei'an base in the future, the door of Wei'an base is always open for you."

He said something that sounded sincere, but Qi Chaoyang interrupted him lightly, "Can we go now?"

"Of course." Shen Guo took a step back and signaled that they could leave. The door that had been closed for a while was also opened as he took a step back.

The mutant rabbit rubbed her feet when she came back, and the flower branch immediately took it into the space.

Ying Er also stood on the top of the car, but it didn't look at Shen Guo from the beginning to the end, and there was no interest at all.

So, there aren't those Gu worms in Shen Guo's body?

The car drove out quickly.

In the rearview mirror, Shen Guo and Zhou Cheng are still standing in their place.

Zhou Cheng stepped forward and asked softly in Shen Guo's ear, "Brother, just let them go?"

"It's okay, we'll meet again soon." Shen Guo turned around, "Let's go, there are still many things we need to deal with."

"Yes." Zhou Cheng followed behind him, "If there is no big brother, I'm afraid it will be a few years before we find the trace of the zombie, thanks to big brother you..."

The gate of Wei'an Base was completely closed, and everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

The officer looked at the flower branches and the scenery, thinking about the ability user in the space, and only felt that the Wei'an base was in danger.

Qi Chaoyang turned to look at them, "Are you going to the Dawning Base?"

Flower Branch: "Han Meng asked us to go there."

Dawning Base is the strongest, and many people eat that special crystal nucleus. I promised Han Meng before, so I just took this opportunity to take a look.

Qi Chaoyang, "If we want to strangle the Zombie Emperor together, the base will definitely send someone there, and I'll go with me at that time, and we will meet again."

Flower Branch nodded, and the bell was distributed to them before. However, Huazhi was still a little worried. She handed the whip to Qi Chaoyang, instructed him again and again, and gave Yingyi and Yingsan to them.

Yingyi and Yingsan are very reluctant to leave the flower branch. Huazhi hugged them vigorously, smoothed them out, and instructed them again, and then they reluctantly stood on the roof of Qi Chaoyang and the others.

"We will meet soon, in a few days. Help me protect everyone."

Ying Er can sense whether there are Gu worms in other people's bodies, so Huazhi keeps it. It doesn't matter if the whip is given to Qi Chaoyang, as long as she needs it, she can take it back no matter where it is. If they don't waste time and travel day and night, they will be able to return to the base by tomorrow morning.

King Huai also left a spiritual protection on everyone.

The officer directly left the storage space they brought with them. "This is what we have left, you keep it, there are points and crystal cores in it, just in case."

Flower Branch shook her head, "No, you keep it."

The officer's tone was a little tough, "These are specially prepared for you, take it."

"Yeah, we're going back, you guys take it."

They are not short of these things, but in order to reassure everyone, the flower branch is still taken.

Huazhi and Jinghuai drove another car and turned towards the Dawning Base.

But before going to the Dawning Base, they have to rescue Han Ming—

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