MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 154 ·?

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The coal mine at the Wei'an base is no secret.

Huazhi and Jinghuai quickly found the coal mine according to the address Qi Chaoyang had inquired about earlier. However, it is not easy to bring people out. The coal mine is more than ten meters deep underground. The underground is dark and narrow, and there is dust everywhere. Everyone is working like a machine.

For the first time, Huazhi knew that the resources they used were taken out in this way.

When they found the Korean name, there was only half of the Korean name left. There were quite a few people lying with him in that small room, some of whom had turned into corpses.

It has only been two or three days, and Han Ming has been tortured into a human form. If it wasn't for the confirmation from Little Gray Rabbit and Jing Huai, Huazhi almost didn't recognize it.

Hua Zhi looked at Han Ming's appearance and sighed: "If we arrive a day or two late, he should also be dead."

Jing Huai found a scalpel from the space, and skillfully cut off the rotten flesh on Han Ming's body, "He killed so many people, he deserves to die."

This is true, Huazhi nodded. A very important point in whether a monster can cultivate into an immortal is that it cannot do bad things. People who have done so many bad things like they do will definitely not have good results.

Jiang Huai didn't use anything like anesthesia, nor did he numb Han Ming's brain, so every time he cut, Han Ming could clearly feel it.

Huazhi watched him wake up suddenly, and quickly asked him, "Are you okay, can you hear me?"

Han Ming's eyeballs are bulging, and you can see terrifying red blood and cloudy whites. He stared at Huazhi, trying to say something, but couldn't say a word. The pain irritated him, and sweat soon wet his hair. When Jing Huai cut the last knife, Han Ming finally couldn't hold it anymore and fainted in pain.

Jing Huai wiped the scalpel clean, took back the space, "Okay."

Huazhi nodded, "Then let's go to the Dawning Base!"

It took them nearly a day to save Han Ming, and when they came out of the bell, it was already dark.

The two decided to rush to the Dawning Base overnight. But not long after the car drove, their wristbands rang frantically, and it was Qi Chaoyang who called.

Huazhi picked up the phone quickly.

As soon as the phone was picked up, Qi Chaoyang's voice came out, "Something happened to the Dawning Base."

"What?" Huazhi's heart skipped a beat.

Jiang Huai immediately asked: "What happened?"

Qi Chaoyang: "The Dawning Base was besieged by the zombie tide, where are you, don't get close!"

Little Gray Rabbit searched the Internet for news, [Look at the flower branch. 】

It shows Huazhi the photos and videos on the Internet. In the video, the dense zombies are pouring into the dawn base like a tide.

The continuous wave of zombies seemed to have no end in sight. At first glance, it was very impactful. Huazhi asked Qi Chaoyang: "Why are there so many zombies suddenly attacking them?"

Qi Chaoyang shook his head, "I don't know, all of a sudden it came from all directions."

Jing Huai glanced at the video Huazhi found: "They are all low-level zombies, they haven't found it before?"

"No, but everyone is saying that it is a zombie sent by the Zombie King." It's not that there has never been a zombie wave attacking the base in the past, but this time, it happened that they discovered the Zombie King. After that, and this time, the attack was clearly organized and disciplined.

This is also what makes them strange. You must know that low-level zombies only have instincts. If they can’t eat fresh flesh for a long time, they will automatically sleep in their bodies. Most of the low-level zombies are scattered in the city. . It is definitely not an overnight thing to be able to gather so many low-level zombies together.

In addition, for the safety of major bases, the surrounding area of ​​the bases will be cleaned for several kilometers, and there are no plant cover such as shrubs, and even weeds are burned once a year.

"You guys don't go, wait until this wave of zombies is over and then see the situation-"


"Zila-" is the sound of the car's emergency braking!


The camera on Qi Chaoyang's side shook rapidly, the car shook, and it stopped after a few laps.

"This is, is this a zombie?!"

"Fourth-order zombies, don't move." Qi Chaoyang took out his weapon and wrapped Huazhi's whip around him, "Good guy, luck is so good in the middle of the night."

"I won't talk to you, be careful!"

As soon as the call ends. Huazhi couldn't help but get nervous, "Fourth-order zombies, I don't know if they can handle it, but they can only rely on themselves."

It is really bad luck, they are driving on the highway, those roads are built in uninhabited places, so that you can also encounter high-level zombies, you can buy lottery tickets.

Thinking of the densely packed low-level zombies, Huazhi said: "Let's go to the Dawning Base now, just to support them!"

Before she set off, she told Han Meng that they would go there, but because they wanted to save Han Ming, they said they would arrive tomorrow or the day after.

Jing Huai looked at her, "You don't have a whip."

"It doesn't matter, I'm better than a whip." Now she absorbs the black energy of low-level zombies, and she can absorb it almost when she touches it, without any delay.

King Huai glanced at the car's navigation, "There are still more than 600 kilometers."

"Stop driving and let Ying Er fly us over."

Huazhi held Jinghuai's finger, and after a while, "Okay, so they won't find out that we have suddenly arrived at Dawning Base."

Huazhi asked Little Gray Rabbit to help change the positioning of the chip. She rubbed Jing Huai's fingers, "You better get it out, what if it has other side effects?"

She always felt that things were not so simple.

King Huai was really worried when he saw the flower branches, he stretched out that finger, and slowly, his hand suddenly broke, and blood beads flowed out.

An extremely tiny thing appeared on his finger, if it weren't for the spiritual power wrapped around it, Huazhi wouldn't be able to see that there was something here.

"That's it."

Flower Branch hurriedly got closer and looked at it carefully, "Is it really just a simple positioning?"

The fact that all the villains in the unsecured base have made her feel that her brain is not enough. No matter what Huazhi thinks about it, if it's just positioning, it's too simple to bother so much.

"Well, it's that simple." Jing Huai put the things back and rubbed Huazhi's head.

He stopped the car, "Let's go, let's go to Dawning Base quickly."

Huazhi nodded, she had wanted to try this for a long time, and now she has the opportunity. They got out of the car, Jing Huai put the car into the space, and in an instant, only them and Ying Er were left on the road.

Flower Branch hung the bell on Ying Er's neck, and then put herself and Jing Huai into the bell. "Ying Er doesn't know the way, which way are we going?"

"Northeast direction." In an instant, there was a golden light in front of Ying Er's eyes, "Fly with the light."

With a sharp chirp, the eagle flew into the sky like two arrows!

The fastest speed of an ordinary eagle can reach 80 kilometers per hour, and the second eagle is a mutant eagle. No matter it is speed or endurance, it is not comparable to ordinary eagles. However, Huazhi has not calculated how far it can fly the fastest.

They rose all the way, and soon reached a very terrifying height. Huazhi looked down and immediately felt dizzy, and the mutant rabbit shivered and shrank into a ball beside her.

Ying Er seemed to have taken a stimulant, and followed the instructions of Jing Huai with all his strength and flew nearly 200 kilometers in an hour without taking a break. It is rare to have such an opportunity, and it is also a good time to exercise.

Qi Chaoyang's side should not be over yet, but the whip absorbed a lot of energy intermittently. Suddenly, the whip began to quickly absorb the black gas—

King Huai looked at the map, "We're almost there."

Flower Branch: "It's really fast! Can we go back to the base so fast?"

"Driving requires a detour, and flying is a straight-line distance." Jing Huai closed the map on the wristband, "I saw a zombie."

Flower branch quickly opened the field of vision below, and the dense zombies were still approaching in one direction.

In the farther direction, the outermost sparks were splashing, and all kinds of abilities exploded in the air, especially in the dark.

Huazhi frowned slightly, "This is too much. If we want to clean up, it will take a lot of time, and I don't know how long the Dawning Base will last."

King Huai: "Kill the high-level zombies who control them, and they will automatically disperse."

Flower Branch: "Isn't the Corpse Emperor controlling them?"

King Huai: "Then kill the corpse emperor."

Huazhi nodded, she liked this simple and rude way, she rolled up her sleeves, "Chongchongchong!"

Accompanied by a sharp chirping sound, Ying Er plunged into the zombies head-on!

“Ouch—” The mutant tiger kept jumping in the zombie group, and each jump could trample or shoot several zombies to death.

Its claws have been completely released, and the sharp tiger claws are shining with cold light.

"Damn, where are the high-level zombies?!" Bether looked around irritably. Underneath them were zombies with their brains bursting, piled up into hills of low-level zombies, even picking crystals. Nuclear power is not available.

"Don't worry, there should be more than one who can lead so many low-level zombies here."

"No matter how many, their nuclei are mine, I must kill them all!"

Dawning Base is the first base in the country in terms of military force. They dare to come to their base first. If these zombies are not cleaned up, what face will their base have!

Suddenly, a dangerous aura rushed towards them. The two immediately took up their weapons, and even the mutant tiger bowed its back.


Several huge abilities smashed towards them, and the two quickly avoided, but the ground was dusty, and in the blink of an eye, there was a big pit five or six meters deep where they were standing !

Besser's pupils shrank slightly, and the fingers clenching the weapon were slightly white. Behind the dust, a huge figure could vaguely be seen.

Si Hao's face was also very ugly, "Level five zombies."

As soon as he finished speaking, Besser rushed up with his weapon, "I just need a fifth-grade crystal nucleus."

"Zila-bang-" A gorgeous yellow firework exploded in the sky.

At the same time, everyone saw the fireworks.

The mechanical female voice rang in everyone's headset:

"A fifth-order zombie is found in the northwest, please go to support quickly."

"A fifth-order zombie is found in the northwest, please go to support quickly."

"A fifth-order zombie is found in the northwest, please go to support quickly."

"Pfft—" The zombie kicked lightly, and Si Hao spat out a mouthful of blood.

"It's just that you're useless, and you have to follow me!" Besser threw him to the mutant tiger's side, and quickly jumped in another direction.

An ability with full strength slashed at the fifth-order zombie, but left no trace.

Besser shouted arrogantly: "Come on, kill me if you can!"

It was pitch black all around, the zombie was extremely fast, and appeared behind Beth almost instantly, "Bang—"

Besser slammed on the ground, forcibly smashing a big hole three or four meters deep.

"Pfft—" The blood instantly stained his clothes, and as soon as the smell of blood came out, the surrounding zombies immediately became more excited.

"You are a waste, I will show you some color today!" Beth got up from the ground, but the next second, he was trampled by the zombie and broke his ribs!

The sound of the broken bones was very clear, the zombie seemed to be tired, it raised its claws towards Besser's heart—


come down!

Si Hao looked at the two people who fell from the sky, and his heart was relieved, because he lost his strength and completely fainted.

Huazhi hurriedly ran over to check on Besser's condition, "Are you all right?"

While asking Besser, she touched the head of the zombie. A steady stream of energy hit Huazhi, and Huazhi felt it a little, then took out a dagger and dug out the crystal nucleus in its brain.

She looked at Besser while digging, "Can you still get up?"

"Of course I—" He softened as soon as he got up.

Huazhi looked at his **** and wounded face, "Don't move." She looked back at Jing Huai, and Jing Huai nodded.

Besser watched helplessly as the flower branch took off his headset, and the flower branch said, "Give me the headset, you guys have a good rest first."

The next moment, Huazhi took him and Si Hao into the space.

When Ying Er saw the mutant tiger, he couldn't help stepping on it. One eagle and one tiger jumped up and down, but the mutant tiger was no match for Ying Er because of the injury. After Ying Er discovered it, he instantly lost interest in it, and ran to pick up the heads of those zombies.

Huazhi looked at the mutant tiger, "Go and rest too."

The mutant tiger seems to know that they are here to save them, and is very well-behaved, and even rubbed the flower branches.

Flower Branch also put it into the bell, "Let's go, let's go catch other zombies!"

Read The Duke's Passion